Will they ever acknowledge this or just plain leave us in the dark?
Acknowledge what?
how many sisters does erika secretly have?
I don't get it.
Why do people think they're sisters again?
a couple throwaway lines in the movie?
>INB4 someone will post about the true 'Red Star' conspiracy theory
Is that the one where what's her face is a Pravda plant?
a what?
>the most responsible for Kuro loss against Pravda, was it an "accident"? I wonder
>Akaboshi, literally means Red Star
ugly pits
They're not likely related to each other as their style is obviously different.
Delete this, comrade.
Why is her meat so firm?
not that user but what throwaway lines?
I want to gently bully Anchovy.
Worst girl and obese
So Miho and Maho are not related to each other because their style is different?
The whole idea of this was that Mika was the disowned sister of the Shimada family.
You're just jealous of her special relationship
are they sisters or lovers
They have the same style, except for the fact that Miho DOESN'T like to abandon her comrades.
I want to steal her wig
t. Erdogan
Kaydar best dar
Is there anything in the world that is more attractive than this body? I don't think so.
They will never acknowledge Mika's sexual harassment, it's a large cover up by the Senshado industry.
>panties doesn't have a camo paint scheme
Missed opportunity
I really like that hairstyle on Anchovy
>We learned Anchovy's real name
>We never learned Katyusha's or Darjeeling's real names
What did Actas mean by this?
Nice pic of my wife
Chiyomi is more important
We only have a handful of real names other than the Oarai and Chihatan girls which simply don't use nicknames
>The girls from Little Army and Shizuka &Rin from RW and Leila from Phase Erika
This stupid sisters theory is as likely as Nonna being Katyusha's mother masquerading as a high schooler
They are not mutually exclusive, I'm with this user on this
The Nishizumi style is to be bold and up front. When a child dishonors the family, the child is publicly shamed but free to redeem themselves on their own. The Shimada style is dishonorable and cowardly in themselves. The disowned child is hidden, has no path to redemption, and they cover the eyes of the public, erasing any proof of her existence. Is that the kind of senshadou we want to run the tournament? Is that the kind of senshadou we want to represent Japan? Cowards and propagandists? I think not!
>Is that the kind of senshadou we want to represent Japan?
No, that would be Totsugeki.
Alice's Boko panties!
Wir sind das deutsche Afrikakorps!
Des Führers verwegene Truppe!
>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't believe Kay is a total hack
if i remember correctly, it was something about Alice asking her mother something about her sister and the thieving finn saying something like she just want to be free or something like that and a bunch of art showing them together
Saunders is the worst team. Naomi is the only burgerboo with any kills throughout the whole series.
Totsugeki might be an idiot, but she is a honorable idiot.
Saunders First!
Pits are always nice.
Kay looks like a pig. A fat yankee pig.
It's more of her spine looks fucked up for me
Reminder that Eclair-sama scored at Nishizumi-dono before Fluffy did.
Those tits look nonsensical
Yes, but unfortunately you don't have many pics of Eclair to choose from.
My theory is that Mika is Shimada's purist and think that Shimamada abandoned the Shimada style in favour of bland superior firepower doctrine. If you take a look on the university tank tactic, you will realize not a single speck of Shimada style in their tactic. And Miho and friends tank tactic especially Mika ironically are more closer to Shimada's style than Shimada Alice herself.
I want to give Rin some carrots and headpats!
Can someone post the Duce 'haa~' webm, I need it in my life
>half the team is comprise of garbage with 2pdrs
>still somehow is competitive
What about Commies?
>for Mudder Russiaa :DDDD
Cute commie mommie
how many days
I agree with that assessment. The Shimada (both mother and daughter) look and act similar to the Nishizumi. Even Shimada's home looks fairly fancy and Western. It doesn't mesh well with Shimada tactics as we've heard them described. But it meshes very well with the orderly, autistic, germanesque style of Senshado the Nishizumi practice. Mika on the other hand is very free-spirited and it shows. Everything from the informal atmosphere of her team (they just call her "Mika") to their tracksuits and the hobo meme reinforces the free-spirited vagabond feel.
It's like in politics you have the cynical types that talk the right talk at the beginning and then moderate and start wearing suits and talking to bankers once they're in power, and then you have the true believers.
BC/Freedom and Maginot are playing in the national league with FT17 tanks.
>nearly 2 years later and autistic Mikafags still think she's related to Alice
Are we gonna see Alice in Finale?
The truth is out there!
And with the fact that both Shiho and Shimamada seem to know each other, we can assume that something happened to them. Maybe Shimamada lost to Nishizumi before and Shimamada decide to copy Nishizumi style to the letter and taught it to Alice because victory is everything and surely Nishizumi have the winning formula. They won after all. Mika saw this as betrayal to their family traditions and decide to abandon them.
so how canon is ribbon warriors now?
did Asparagus command BC Freedom during the events of the original TV series or was it Marie already?
I guess that's up to your own taste.
Same as Tokou was in Keizoku before Mika, Eclair is commanding Maginot and so on.
>And with the fact that both Shiho and Shimamada seem to know each other, we can assume that something happened to them
I think that's a stretch. Both presumably had a very successful Senshado career so they're bound to have met many times.
lucky shibster
I guess they will work together nicely.
Erika tried too hard to be a second Maho, while Maho essentially needed someone with social skills to be the link to the team. Guess Koume will fill that role very well for Erika.
> 150cm
> 150kg
Would a combined french GuP team work?
like a dysfunctional family
It would work at killing the other teams from the smell.
>150 kg
The size of this absolute unit.
BC Freedom is already a combined french GuP team between BC High and Freedom High.
Imagine Alice
only 70 more days until das finale 2!
None of them smells, user. We are not talking about french cheese here.
Based, fluffpilled, and panzerpilled
Gay tonks
So is this image implying that Kay and Darjeeling are futa and grinding on each other but Kay is firing her cannon prematurely?
I too would like to know the integrity of her hymen
Mika is the one who does the plundering. And she never has anything stolen from her. As for Alisu, she's a college girl, so the answer is obvious.
Yeah, Saunders team got the worst design.
They have the most boring captain since Kay can't compete against the likes of Anchovy, Darjeeling, and the Slav Dwarf. They also get the most dull uniforms.
Alisa is the only interesting Saunders member. It would have been better if she was Captain.
>implying that GuP threads aren't filled with autistic fags who loves every guppie
Step up, user
>Socks with high heels shoes
This is more disgusting that these people who wears crocs with socks
I'd be willing to be the first daring thief
You are not the first daring thief, nor the last, for daring is not enough to attain this prize.
Shut up it's cool.
sure thing, kiddo
Is the Garupan tank game good? The one from PS4 and recently Switch too.
Tracksuits and hobo free-spirits are just the finnish way. It's their mongolian blood speaking.
The continuation war was just a big meme anyway
Surprisingly it is if you can stand the typical VN style type of story telling.
uuhh woops. anyways, NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER.
Erika is a fucking retard.
She's a tank commander, not a painter!
I prefer that over stiff af "cutscenes" like in Jump Force, actually. Can you create a team with only best girls like Anchovy, Arisu or regular teams only?
You can.
> if you can stand the typical VN style type of story telling.
VNs are fun. I know that Mika's in it. Does she play a prominent role in the main story? Are there side-stories that revolve around Jatkosota?
having an angry incel as the team captain doesn't sound like a good idea
All the schools have an arc but the main story only revolves around Ooarai.
>Chihatan and KMM are the only ones who actually get something useful in their stories.
It would definitely be ore entertaining than Kay.
I want Alisa to be the Captain of Saunders. Then I want it so that literally EVERY one of her team mates in Saunders goes on dates and fucks Takashi, while she's pressured by them into staying in the base to fulfil her duties as Captain and clean all the Shermans with her tears.
My mind drifts off so often I would probably make the same exact mistake.
Well I don't love every Guppy. Especially don't like Erika.
>Yukari would have basically invisible panties
Too lewd user
>Everyone in that team would literally look down on Marie. Especially Madeleine.
Point is that every autistic fag at least love one/have one favorite guppie, some have more than one
That seems correct. I'm certain that at this point I'm usually responsible for all the Mikaposting in GuP threads - not this time though.
If Mika's mother is who we think she is, the cover-up goes to the very top of the Senshado hierarchy. Don't expect such a conspiracy to unravel so easily.
You don't deserve her if you don't have her figures
That's a very smol Maho.
I don't need a physical idol. My love is enough.
Being a hack implies that the person in question maintains a pretense of competence. I don't think Kay has ever actually done this.
>I don't need a physical idol.
That goes against Hobo's philosophy of 'bollowing'
Only one. And the S35 was arguably the best pre-war tank in the world. As for the ARL-44, it has a good gun if nothing else.
She only borrows what is needed. She's not materialistic, and prefers intangible things like friendship and song to material goods.
That's pretty great
And how many days until subs?
Making all the guppies into mommies
What's good about it?
But Alisa doesn't have them big American tiddies.
Top slag!
>possessing such powerful Finnish idols
Surely this is illegal?
Amaretto need more screentime
Commie Mommies?
I want to EAT pepperoni
>not Yuuki x Amaretto doujin yet
Tell me about Rosehip. Why does she attend St. Gloriana?
Them too
Because her parents find her unbearable and hoped that attending a posh school would make her more sensible.
We need a Andou, Oshida and Fondue chasing their commanders - doujin.
god I wish I was Oshida
Marie is the cutest.
I'm really enjoying the Pravda manga.
It is only good for Earl Grey and slag bullying.
I beg to differ.
Eclair is the sexiest.
Is just matter of time.
And she knows it, it seems.
She sure is cheeky
And we get back to another episode of:
'Today on History' with our host Saemonza & Oreo
On April 6th in history:
English King Richard I is killed by an arrow at the Siege of the Castle of Chalus in France.
Granted sovereignty in the island of Elba and a pension from the French government, Napoleon Bonaparte abdicates at Fontainebleau. He is allowed to keep the title of emperor.
Confederate forces attack General Ulysses S. Grant at Shiloh, Tennessee.
At the Battle of Sailer's Creek, a third of Lee's army is cut off by Union troops pursuing him to Appomattox.
The Modern Olympics begin in Athens with eight nations participating.
French Army Nationalists are revealed to have forged documents to guarantee a conviction for Alfred Dreyfus.
Americans Robert Peary and Matthew Henson become the first men to reach the North Pole.
The United States declares war on Germany and enters World War I on Allied side.
Four planes leave Seattle on the first successful flight around the world.
The United States recognizes Nazi Germany's conquest of Austria.
German forces invade Greece and Yugoslavia.
Born on April 6
Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio), Italian painter (Sistine Madonna).
Sacagawea (also Sacajawea), American explorer.
W. Warrick Cardozo, physician, researcher of Sickle Cell Anemia.
James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA.
No, go away. You smell.
Fondue surely has taste.
>Two normal girls and the teddy bear fraction
Is this how anchovy reacts when her feet are called stinky?
Cute Aki, scans never.
Stop that.
stinky fat pasta butt
Because she's going to turn the most traditional and boring school into a bunch of speed-addict crazies, and it'll be amazing
That's what the socks are for, silly.
Having shit aim and short temper doesn't make you unnormal, user.
At least Momo doesn't talk to stuffed bears or such things.
Being that dumb is not that normal.
Momo is CUTE
do no bully her
Damn, I want this game so goddamn much.
Mikko is so flat
Why is the thread on autosage?
Which one of you is STINKING up the game
Momo is only good for prostitution
Duck team can compete, don't worry.
The smellfag killed the thread.
Besides the boy, the are first years, Momo is a lost cause
Oh come on, Maho.
Did the Seiyuu who voiced your favourite Guppie voice some other characters you like? Mika's Seiyuu voiced Kotomi from Clanaad and pic related, both of whom are characters I liked from first glance. Noto's voice is magic. Fuck the jannies for autosaging this thread.
why is this allowed?
Hey, Momo never tried to move a tank with the power of guts.
Good night and until next GuP thread then.
Who is that?
Guts > dumbness
I want Shizuka to breed me and fuck me senseless!
What game is that?
Missing best duck.
>Saging thread
Come on
I would never forget her
Dumb femlet
Hey, someone used my OC!
the only sane woman in that team
So is Mika here
Nope, Mika is big in her manga.
The best
What's better than Aki?? Blue Aki
Is Rosehip actually an IRA mole in St. Gloriana?
Slender duck best duck
Fuck the jannies and fuck lollies
Fuck Mika
>he doesn't know what warthunder is
>The homo general is allowed but GuP is not
Fuck this site
>Expecting something from tasteless jannies