Photoshop thread

Taking simple Photoshop request like creating transparent pngs and whatever seems good

Attached: photofag that I'm.png (500x500, 733K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Put (you) in the middle as if it’s being tear apart because phonefag here pls pls

Attached: 22902A1C-F17C-4232-AE9F-3C9CBE0A9AAB.png (500x280, 118K)

Why the fuck are the scanlantion threads getting deleted?

Like this user?

Attached: (You) apart.png (500x280, 411K)

Perfect and surprised that OP actually delivered

There is a permanent thread on for that if you are interested.

I have never gone too before but I go will there then after this thread get archive or deleted

Attached: thank you.png (854x480, 1.56M)

kill yourself

Can you color her eye/pupils so that it looks greenish like this character?

Attached: ded.jpg (1280x720, 398K)

Like this?

Attached: Green eyes girl.png (1280x720, 2.64M)

exactly, thanks!

Attached: 1448012487174.jpg (640x800, 106K)

This is a weird thread to me, because when I fist started lurking Yea Forums, I feel like one of the unspoken prerequisites was being able to use photoshop proficiently.

well all of the newfags are phoneposters so I guess it can't be helped

Kids are fucking lazy these days.

I seem to remember photoshop threads 10 years ago, where people asked for images to be blued so they could be used as reaction images.

Can you make this Uzaki into a transparent PNG

Attached: 863B2C78-D0DD-490D-9D0B-EBA976D3E680.jpg (477x278, 61K)

Given the filename, I bet it's a downscale too.

Next time, please make sure to prepare the original image when making such a request.
This is an exception, since I had the source readily available and because I'm feeling nice.

Attached: variant 1.png (162x355, 26K)

Attached: variant 2.png (179x355, 27K)

This wasn't me OP I just got back and was working on it

Is there an imposter among us?

No but thanks to the other guy that did this while I was eating

Attached: Uzaki's mom.jpg (250x390, 36K)

Could u make background transparent?

Attached: 1548031900985.gif (507x762, 409K)

idk too complicated

Attached: Untitled1.gif (507x774, 567K)

Good thread.