Do teachers in japan really dress like hookers?

do teachers in japan really dress like hookers?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.38_[2019.04.0 (1280x720, 104K)

And hookers dress like teaches!

Yes, it's all part of Abe-san's plan to raise natality rates

Her outfit is much better in the original VN.
Still unlikely for a teacher to wear, but much more reasonable.

Attached: a5712e382cbbae731894d219d283a528c4d3ecdd_hq[1].jpg (515x402, 59K)

Nah nigga she looks like an 80's hooker there the modern hooker look she has going on is much better.

>ha ha every woman the MC comes across wants to bone him
Self insert fags are ultimatel cringe.

In English, doc

He's telling you VN sucks

Wrong. Her outfit is much better in OP's pic, the way her outfit is drawn in your pic is much better. Had OP's pic had such quality to detail it would have been the best.

about the only show I plan on picking up this season. everything else sounds meh.

also, thank jeebus for Tate no yuusha.... it's gonna be the main thing I watch this Spring.

yeah, there's plenty of hookers that dress up as schoolteachers.


The one is overdesigned trash and the other one is absurd trash.

Will this be the only pantyshot in the anime or will there be more?

I don't see why there won't be since game was full of them.

Eriko in the new one has fucking fishnets on her legs. FISHNETS, big flopping tits and a fucking corset like it's from some S&M play. It kinda makes sense given that she's from the future but she absolutely looks like a hooker here, or just a slut.

Eriko here has a one-piece on which I guess could be seen as sexy or slutty but it's much more classy than whatever the fuck the OP's image is wearing. She also has panty-hose on which is sexy as hell but fits with something a female teacher would wear. Face it, the older design is better. That said though, I watched the first episode of the new anime and I have to say that the designs look better in motion and I've really enjoyed myself.

Attached: 1537122523116.jpg (640x480, 41K)

Even the Yu-No girl, the tsundere, and the other main girls had pantyshots?

Yes. It's not even that hard to get a look at the CGs from the original if you know where to go. It was a porn game where you fucked the shit out of all the ladies, and it was from the 90s. It was nipples and panties and asses galore.

Have a link to the remake CGs? Sadpanda only has the original's.

nope, I also only use sadpanda

Based on the pacing of the anime, about what episode should be the next pantyshot?

>shitty adaptation of a shitty remake
Everything about this annoys me. I'm considering not browsing Yea Forums this season to avoid those threads so I can imagine it doesn't exist.

it's not that bad, and that's coming from someone who 100%ed the original and did all of the shitty puzzles to make Eriko strip

But it has an Asaka OP and a Konomi Suzuki ED

Learn to filer you newfaggot.


Attached: __kojima_kana_and_matsukaze_mayu_nande_koko_ni_sensei_ga_drawn_by_soborou__sample-e116e572c61031b59e (850x1202, 228K)

how do you go from this

Attached: download.jpg (256x300, 56K)

Oh, I recognize that artstyle. That's the VN with the coffee scene.

Yeah I was surprised that I didn't hate the redesigns in action. Even Yuuki wasn't as much of a fag as he had looked.

Top is sexier and therefore better, don't (You) me

>coffee scene
You didn't ask but you shall receive.

Attached: yu-no.gif (640x400, 204K)

So much fucking better holy shit.


Fuck off pleb, remake had no sex it it :^) haha glad you faggots get KEKED for your shittaste. AESTHETIC Chads win again!

Attached: 2019-04-06_PK5iaKMUZ3.png (528x555, 482K)

That OP was pure 'we want the steins;gate audience"

Steins;Gate was "We want the Yu-No audience"

>steins gate but bad

they should have just remixed the original op

>she's the only one you can't fuck, only get a handjob and some teases

Attached: 1540632388533.jpg (750x750, 81K)

>being an anime-only pleb
>probably never read Steins;Gate either

I can't believe this type of pathetic cucks exists

Chad class clown MC

Stay seething cuckboys. Chad MCs are the best.

I do have to wonder how are they going to adapt the clock jewel hints.

they might not given he started with 5 jewels

I searched all my folders for the file, but I couldn't find it.

After watching the first episode, I have to say they really rushed the plot and messed up the scene with him, Ryou, Ayumi, and the gun.

I hope the pacing normalizes in the next episode, because the first one honestly wasn't that great.

>rushed the plot
they rushed the prologue. it sucks but it's not the end of the world.