Would you be her friend user?

Would you be her friend user?

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She wouldnt want anything to do with me. I have nothing to offer.

Why would she want to be friends with (you)?

I want to take her umbrella

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Only if she befriended me first.

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I would but I'm not a cute girl with a pun for a name

I don't think befriending a 12/13 year old girl is a good idea for an old man like me.

She can be my sex friend

I'd be anyone's friend if they want to be my friend

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I'd be her friend and then gradually overtime fuck her in the ass

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>Hitori Bocchi
>Has more friends than me


Tell me you guys are just joking about not having any friends. That makes me sad

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Of course we are!
We are all charismatic people with ton of friends who are always center of attention on social gatherings!

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She can join the Saothers and get side lined after her arc is done.

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haha yeah i have a ton of friends...

For me, its Sleep x Sheep

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Where do you think we are?

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No she retarded and autistic

Personally, for me it's Boo Boo x Pig Hip.

fucking normie, she made a friend on the fucking second day

I didn't from the age of 12 to 27. Now I've moved up the social ladder and officially have one friend.

I don't. I have few associates from work, but they aren't just friends I can call to meet up and such. They would help me if asked, but just that.
Our interactions end just when work ends.
Plus they all have families and kids while I have my PC and anime girls.
So that's rather not really compatible environment, and it would be too embarrassing to come out as anime fan and actually look for friends my age (over 30 years old) who would be also into anime in my country.
Or even finding a gf who would be accepting of such hobby. No chance.
Destiny of real anime fans is to be alone.

pretty sure FBI would arrest me for that

Literally just go to a weeb con

Unironically go to an anime convention

I don't have friends on purpose. It's much more trouble than it's worth. Same with romantic relationships.

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No, they are too weird for my taste.
I wish I would get a cute shy quiet girl who loves to read manga and books and who just loves to sit in home or just take walks and so on than doing crazy aprty things or being loud center of attention.

>and it would be too embarrassing to come out as anime fan and actually look for friends my age
>wwaaaah I'm such a snowflake
leave your room you autist

Is friends of internet count?

You're weird too.
Making friends is all about finding people who are weird in the same ways as you.

I've been to a weeb con twice.
Never went there again.
In my country 97% of weebs are newfags who only watched like Evangelion, BnHA and Attack on Titan.
And what also distanses the true weeb from newfags is your experience and your powerlevel.
You can't enjoy 95% of new shows because you've already seen it in anime of last 4 decades.
You have no interest in this shows and in people who are watching this shows.

Not him.
27 years, over 700+ titles user with no friends and like 3 comrades who I can call sometimes and we see eachother from time to time but none of them are weebs at all.

And yes, in my country anime is also looked down at.
Greetings from postsoviet space.

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This was me, sort of, only it was from 12 to 23, but the one friend I had at 23 raped me after a month and I haven't had any more friends since.

We are all wierd here in our own ways, my friend.
The only friends who can somehow understand me are you, guys.
And I understand the previous guy because I'm the same in that way.

Same thing here, except that the people I work with are all in the 70+ age range.
My life switches from 3D old to 2D young every single day.

In other news, why is this school so lackluster when it comes to enforcing uniform rules and the use of cellphones in class?

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I have one person I vaguely consider a friend who isn't a direct coworker and I'm hitting 30 in four months

>not having at least one friend from work who's an unironic fan of edgy anime and cosplay whores
You need to lower your standards if you're gonna connect with someone on a level as basic as liking the same shit you do

How do I make friends that won't be weirded out by my interest in CGDCT and large collection of bishoujo scale figures? For reference, I'm 28 and in the UK.

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be a woman.


Go to a smaller anime convention (as in a con that's not attended mosty by normalfag teens who watched AoT) and talk to people about CGDCT stuff.

you are my friends.

>in my country anime is also looked down at.
Is there a country where is not?, I am asking for a friend.

>as in a con that's not attended mosty by normalfag teens who watched AoT
Which ones are those?

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based fren bro

>being a closet yurifag
>you want to make your gf have sex with another girl so you could watch both going at it but not participate at all and just jack off to it
>you get denied every time cause your gf want you to fuck her from behind while she goes down on another girl
Life as a yurifag in rl is hard man.

Are you me??

If you're in the UK the closest thing are dogging sessions

No thanks. I don't want any STDs, or sex with uggos.

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>Greetings from postsoviet space.
Hello fellow past comrade!

I need an Yea Forums friend.

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I thought we were already friends

The west midlands party scene has a bunch of hippy DUDE WEED closet weebs.

Oh shit. Bocchi's anime out already? Fuck. Sorry, my precious daughter daddy's comin.

You have a point, but I want more than this.
Sounds awful.


>Sounds awful.
Now that I think about it, you're absolutely right.

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I haven't had a real life friend in 11 years.

Obvious right?

Idk why but i find it harder to make friends in anime convention since most of them are just extroverts with the same hobby

I find Weebs disgusting in all honesty. When I say that a popular show is bad in my opinion, they act like I'm a psycho jock asshole. Same reason I like almost no one on this board. Most of you are Seasonal newbie drones.

what shows do you like
>inb4 >liking anime

Dropped, I can't stand watching some socially awkward fuck go about their day to day, I just get second hand embarrassment

I'll be your friend if you milk my snake, its what friends do

You can try finding some on the internet.
Like Facebook search by town and interests.
But by my experience it's not longlasting relationship at all.
All the people I thought were my friends and shared my interests are gone now.
Some have a family, some just stoped answering my calls and some became normalfags.

>Squad commands are unavailable when you're alone. No one can help you now.

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My favourite modern Anime is Kaiji Ultimate Survivor. I also like shows that have the feeling of Zeta Gundam which is hard because the real Mecha genre is dead and buried. People say "watch 3 Gatsu no Lion". It might be good but I can't stand that modern Japanese aesthetic that is in everything now. Violet Evergarden, Your Name, Blue bird and every Cgdct looks like that now. When people say Kaguya is a good comedy I have an aneurysm because it celebrates everything generic about anime now

I'd sooner die than start using facebook.

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Then the only friends we can have are here.

Then there is no salvation for you, my friend.

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>waaah I dont make any effort why dont I have friends

the lurkers and the retarded shitposters (normalfags) have friends
the vocal non-retarded shitposters usually don't

No one worth knowing uses facebook.

I take that back, your ego problem is why you dont have friends
like that guy

I'm generally a lurker and also have no friends.

you just posted

I had one friend who was neighbour when I was just a kid, and stuck with me when everyone else drifted away.
Then he got cancer and died, so now I have no friends.

Its honestly by choice for me
Relationships require so much effort to maintain. And friend groups come with all this drama and I dont care about that nor do I want to

I was somewhat popular/notorious in highschool, the only time I miss friends is for group activities or things you'd rather not do alone like a holiday

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>expected Bocchi thread
>got blogshit

Why must Bocchi threads be so terrible?

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This isn't the bocchi thread you dipshit.

Did you think I meant I want any old friends. Only good friends are worth having. Not the sort of people who actively use facebook. Having a bad friend is worse than having no friends at all.

It's Haganai all over again.

I just looked at Manchester and can only find 2 in total. One is Dragonball only and the other looks depressing.
I assumed at least half of the people here were already resigned to having no friends anyway.

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Im 29 and she is in middle school so I'd be her special adult friend and we would do adult stuff together.

In my country there are only a couple of anime conventions and they only appeal to the most generic normalfag things possible

I went once, tons of DBZ, tons of pokemon and a tiny bit of Naruto, Konesuba and a few other popular shows.

They sold a bunch of cheap gear and t shirts with prints I could make myself, overall, terrible experience

also it made me feel old as fuck
I think its better to go in germany where theres a larger anime audience

I do, actually. Several tiers:
About four close friends who actually live here. We hang out almost weekly, as a group. I'm also getting quite close to my cousin and her husband, they seem to really like me, and I enjoy their company too. I need to set up another time together.
There's several other people around town I'd happily have a beer with if I ran into them, and have done so before when I did run into them before.
I have more people who were my friends but due to distance we aren't as close anymore. But essentially, if we were in the same place again we'd be thick as thieves.
Also have several ex-girlfriends around, and while I'm actually still on good terms with most of them, it's a little awkward to do more than trade holiday greetings, you know?
Now, online people, I have more, but they don't usually count as being quite as close, you know?

The only friends i had were internet friends that now probably hate me

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Tried some mmo year back or so and realized i can't even make friends online anymore. As for real friends, last time maybe elementary? If you can count person that you don't really bother to contact once i fucked off from there and vice versa friend. Probably not.

>I work with are all in the 70+ age range.
That actually sound great, desu. I take that over working with people of my age any day of the week.

What country? Here in Poland you can still find some nice people among the ironic weebs and dumb teens. I haven't been to a con in a while, but the ones I went to I remember quite fondly.
>I assumed at least half of the people here were already resigned to having no friends anyway.
Yeah, it's hard to find people who are both really into the things you like, and also want to socialize.

I have one friend who I can absolutely trust with my life. He's someone I can say things like "I want to be a little girl" to him and not feel embarrassed at all. He watches anime, albeit less than me, and can recognize and make fun of overdone tropes and plotlines. He is the only person on Earth I've cherished and actively sought time with. I used to believe that no two humans could ever truly know if they understand one another until I met him. He is nothing special and neither am I.

With benefits

I'd be your friend user, we could compare figures, as long as you're not one of those southern fags.

Shit show

It's unfair and discriminating that society somehow deems this socially unacceptable. I mean, for all we know, we might want to genuinely and platonically become their friends.

>walk in
>see this
What do?

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I had no friends in high school, bht I made.some in uni

haven't had a friend in 3 years. 3 years ago I asked my 'friends' them to hang out and they said they were never really my friends. They talked to me only because I talked to them. If they don't count then I haven't had a friend since I was 13.