I made a meme
I made a meme
>an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
But later on they lost to a bunch of tropical rice farmers
haha it is a verry funny meme i shared it on my discord group thank you user
It was though
only us guys who watch anime would get this lol
Good thread, but check my digits
this made me laugh, thank you kind redditor.
Upvoting this lmao
Go back
I liked it. Congratulations, user.
"forchan is the place to make memes right?"
based and dare i say, upvoted
This would be perfect for that Guy Jean comic. God, that was a great thread.
Wow great meme OP, do you mind if I download and share it with my Facebook followers?
Question for the anons here who are more familiar with japanese culture; do average Japanese people understand that their entire country would have been brutally destroyed by a Russian land invasion if it wasn't for the atomic bombs making it politically possible for the Emperor of Japan to surrender without his generals murdering him?
It was justified.
Simply epic, my fellow redditor. You sir are a man of wealth and taste. Someone give this man ALL of the internets.
probably not
user, maybe this would've done better on reddit? They love that "When X does Y" shit over there.
You didn't make a meme, it won't be passed on to future generations.
based and redpilled
So this is the power of nu/a/.....
Well it was
>apple notes
Should've had kanye direct it
>I made
at least put some effort into your bait.
Too late, nigger.