
Crashing this plane, with SIX survivors!

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Other urls found in this thread:

God this part is absolutely amazing


So there are basically no more good moments left in this season

Metallica, green day and oasis, diavolo reveal, and i got nothing else

>polnareff pops up for a second to die.

>sex pistols getting decapitated in the helicopter by zombo doctor man

>secco bouncing his arms off the ground to beat the shit out of zombo bruno extra fast

>bruno exploding his and secco's ears with a car tire to fuck him over and then secco getting run over by a car partially before bruno zippers through doppio's chest to beat secco.

>secco shooting up the ground and then it solidifying to pierce bruno

>7 page muda

come on mangg, there are a few cool bits before the soul switch fight

also, posting my shitty edit again for the sake of this thread's theme


I like the brain bug and body switch scenes.

The secco fight is really dynamic hope DP can pull it off decently

yes, if you exclude the many good moments left in this season

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Seven if you count the turtle.

Trish is cute! CUTE!

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4 U

Was getting shot part of your plan?


I really liked walking corpse Bruno having to take on a guy that can swim through concrete like it's water. He was completely physically outmatched but still managed to pull out a win.


Trish was extra cute and cool this episode!

And barefoot

Looks like one of those DO IT FOR HER collages

Spice-chan too!

oh my today has been terrible for me I was only just now able to sit down and watch and god I fucking love spice girl I forgot how cool this fight was and I don't even like part 5 that much
and did you all see baby trish cute

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The lighting for this episode was god tier

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Waiting for more naked Trish edits.

>polnareff pops up for a second to die
Why did he bring him back just to cut off his limbs and ruin his life in a turtle forever? Why bully?

mhmhm yes trish armpit mmmh yes

>didn't even translate the fucking italian
the state of crunchyroll

To punish him for his idiocy form part 3
He should have died during that time

is there anyone that can kill notorius chase?

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>send it to another dimension

the hand wouldn't work because it needs to get in close


It would though. Anything that touches The Hand gets erased.

is there anyone that could defeat Harvest without going for Shigechi himself?

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could you burn it? seems to be affected by non-stand attacks

Vanilla Ice, Okuyasu if he wasn't retarded.

post your favorite pages, panels, screenshots about jojo

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You first


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Killer Queen?

We cutting hands off willy-nilly now.
Riddled with bullets? A mere flesh wound. A gaping wound in my neck? Hey, its all good bro.

what if it just jumped on the back of the hand-- or wrapped around it? wouldn't it just be game over for okuyasu at that point

I didn't like diego that much, but I felt for him in this one scene.

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I dunno why the "Kiled indirectly" always makes me laugh.

Why Sticky Finger didn't make a portal in the wall like he usually do with his zipper then throw things to it so Notorious Chase can follow it into the portal?

Has anyone played the VA PS2 game?
How is it?

Will they show B.I.G complete eyecatch next week?

Actually, the best moments are now coming up. The first half or so of Vento Aureo blows dick.

based hairposter

There's too many to choose from. These two immediately come to mind though.

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Super comfy if you are into games from that time, actually.

colored only btw

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Notorious B.I.G?
More like Notorious C.U.T.E!

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stands would be creepy as fuck in real life
for some reason Spice Girl's ability is really unsettling to me

"Your daughter's tied up in a Brooklyn basement."


best fight with best couple

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Daily reminder that a fucking volcano stopped the most intimidating JoJo villain.

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Volcanos can be like 10000 times as strong as a nuke, what are you on about?

Was worried they'd cut babby Trish, glad they didn't. I think they fixed the messed up dates too.

Jojo's core inspiration is horror after all. Jojolion really upped the creep factor with stands by making them look like broken, malformed puppet abominations.

A volcano would stop every villain in the series

some hetshippers are really delusional

Doesn't KC only skip 10 seconds?
Is Diavolo secretly the greatest maid on earth?

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shut your tranny-normalizing faggot ass up you stupid bitch
fujos need to be nuked out of existence

Having a punchghost probably helps

he and his stando both picking things up within the skipped time

Are you okay user?

>the boss had to escape from the cleaning lady
Why not just kill her?

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A murder would probably attract an investigation to who was staying at the room etc so he did it to avoid that.

that would cause way too many unnecessary issues for him

How the fuck did he move almost the whole room in 10 seconds?


Because he's not a sick freak who kills innocent people

kek maybe he just shove everything out into the window, even girno pic still stuck on it

is the next episode gonna end with doppio playing soccer?

That’s after metallica fight

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This, Kakyoin and Avdol should have been the ones to survive

Even the explosion of Mt Tambora, the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history with a force of 800 megatons, barely reached a plume of 44 kilometers
For comparison, that's 16 times the force of the Tsar Bomba or 53333 Hiroshimas
And that only includes fine ash, not fist sized rocks
Considering Kars got launched straight into fucking space, the explosion on that island must have been considerably stronger than that
And Joseph survived that shit while sitting on the god damn volcano itself

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is giorno supposed to be like christ?

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Who had a worse fate, Kars or Diavolo?


This. Considering kars was not sent into proper orbit. The speed which he would need to escape earth's gravity field is ludicrious. Only logical explanation would be that the was overtaken by another planets gravity field.

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Diavolo getting GOOSH GOOSH'd by Polpo.

Based based hairposter

>Why didn't boss just attract attention to himself and risked giving his identety away by killing this maid?

They didn't, the photo is still dated to June 1985 meaning Trish wouldn't have been born until 86

Was Trish losing her boot as good as everyone hoped it would be?

It was better

The rubberiness of Spice Girl's softening was much better conveyed in the anime, it looked liquid in the manga like Vitamin C

Post screenshots

>Doppio vs Risotto

T'was good. The footfags were able to BTFO

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How many times are you gonna post this


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>Imagine being Bruno seeing Trish missing her boot.

>The military's s first successful endeavor, SHARP (Super High Altitude Research Project), ignited pressurized methane to drive a 1-ton piston. This compressed hydrogen gas in the other end of the firing tube to 60,000 psi, launching an 11-pound projectile at Mach 8.8—that's 6,700 mph. Even more impressive was Project HARP. It shot a 400-pound slug 110 miles at 8,050 mph, using a 100-caliber (16-inch) naval gun.

>But for as impressive as these feats are, neither HARP, nor SHARP, nor any other DoD ballistic space launch project has ever successfully put an item into orbit.

I think Kars got fucked pretty thoroughly

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Please tell me that Trish stays in one boot for the rest of series.

Exclusive footage of Bruno's dick

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Holy shit i just looked into it.
>The escape velocity from Earth is about 11.186 km/s (6.951 mi/s; 40,270 km/h; 36,700 ft/s; 25,020 mph; 21,744 kn) at the surface.
>~33 times the sound of speed
Kars is the ultimate lifeform for a reason.

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>those spread legs
Was she asking for it?

Talking stands are stupid

Her feminine instincts took over in preparation for being bred

on a scale of 1-10 how smooth are Trish's feet? How tender does it feel when you massage it?

I say a solid 8

It's pretty good for a ps2 game like the part 1 game

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Lobsterman would be proud

>Joseph survived a cataclysmic super volcano at point blank
is this the greatest asspull in history?

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Props to the animators, she was extra cute during that scene.

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>Trish still has both her boots

Wtf is this bullshit?

White Album, I believe it can freeze Notorious B.I.G. to trap and keep it immobile

Did you even read the posts he replied to? Joseph somehow surviving that event is textbook asspull. Don't get me wrong i still like jojo but this oversight by Araki is just amusing.

Plot armor is not an asspull

spice girl is cuter

Come up with a time-based stand for the main villain that hasn't been used yet

I thought that was nip but it was Nip

His stand saved him

Joseph got stand only after Dio pierced Jonathan body with arrow.

Right it should be known that the ps2 game isn't always 1:1 with the manga but some scenes are fine not being in the game like mista getting hooked by beach boy is cut out and he gets touched by fra

Why did her memory also get erased?


It wasn't erased. The maid was just an idiot

>punching with both your fists AND your stand fists

no he's always had his stand. he uses it to predict what people are going to say

But Hermit Purple doesn't have the power to predict things

it's a secret abulity

do you guys think abbachio sneaks into the girls restroom and makes moody blues rewind anyone that went in there so he can watch girls pee

because i would

Wonder if he has moody blues rewind as Trish so he can fuck her haha

might not be directly time-based and more stupid interpretation of quantum mechanic.

The villain can split himself and only one of them is real, but nobody not even the villain can tell. They only way to find out is to kill one of them. If it was a fake one none of the actions actually happened because there wasn't anyone there. Sounds like enough mindfuck to me.

because he's not dumb like kira?

Abbachio could make million with this. He can rewind celebrities for highest bidder.

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no because he's gay. but he probably does that with Bucci

abbachio should have become a historian. he could rewind famous historical figures or watch famous battles.

If they give the next fight the same amazing treatment I'm going to cum buckets

>Bruno, you forgot to wash your hands.
>I was watching you take a shit earlier using Moody Blues and I noticed you forgot to wash your hands. That's disgusting, Bruno, go wash them please.

Gonna watch the episode now!!

Both are equally cute to me

i like King Crimson's anime design better

His features and more squared and it makes him look more intimidating

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is it safe to assume that EVERYONE itt was rooting for Notorious B.I.G. at the 8th minute mark?


??? sticky fingers doesnt make portals, it just makes holes in an object so you can pass through that object lol. and they clearly tried to throw it off the plane with sticky fingers but it came back because it followed the plane's movement and matched/surpassed its velocity

Did you forget about the time he put a phone inside of his face

That's not the same room user. She would have left and gone to the next room in 10 seconds, and it was already clean. Giorno's picture was on the windowsill because Diavolo ran in and put it there because he has a flair for the dramatic.

Diavolo really likes jumping out windows.

Wait a damn second. Why didn't Epitaph foresee the maid coming?

So do I

you know if you think about it

diavolo can rape women but do it in under 10 seconds and have KC wipe away the time he was fucking them

i know in reality he doesn't want to have offspring, but if he wanted he could edge himself and then go cum inside a girl but erase the time that he ejaculated into her. he could soon impregnate every fertile woman in his city. scientists would be baffled as to why every woman suddenly became pregnant from the same man.

He can make pockets in space, not portals. And I'm pretty sure only he can put stuff inside the pockets

There's like a million pages from JoJolion I could post. Read it if you haven't yet, plebs.

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He didn't have it activated

i think epitaph only sees into the future when he's activated. like, he wasn't looking into the future at that moment. is that correct?

>le rape obsession

>instead of erasing your offspring to hide your identity, you make E V E R Y O N E your descendant, therefore meaning it's useless to track you down
now THAT'd be some fucking plan.

Based normie.


Why does Part 6 Jotaro looks so off?

Are there any model rips?

Part 6 style

Dr. Carne, i'm Passione.


my african american


Timeline shifting combined with seeing other timelines, basically D4C for everyone or Yhawch from Bleach

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>or watch famous battles
Do you mean the perspective of only one of the soldiers?


fucking kek

What does Trish's thumbtoe taste like?

Reminder that Abbacchio doesn't wash his hands after touching his cock.

Sour cream and herbs

>yfw you could just use your stand to wipe your ass or hold your penis when you go to the bathroom
>yfw you'd never have to wash your hands


The tea scene

He would feel every penis inside of him

>implying that isn't exactly what he wants

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>touch your dick without washing your hands
>touch a girl
>now that girl will smell like your dick until she washes herself
>keep doing this as often as you can
>eventually her brain will make a connection between your smell and the smell on her
>she slowly starts falling for you
Abbacchio is a smart man.

>touch a girl
Abbacchio has never done this

Somebody make this a template.

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Trish w/ Spice Girl vs. La Squadra

how can Trish win?

eventually Abbacchio stops thinking

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Diavolo's files show he has folders that date back to when he was 11 years old. Was that when his personality split?

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>Hey dad, if you kill these guys for me i'll give myself up

Open legs

>la squadra retreats
good move

Is Spice Girl even mentioned again after B.I.G.? I don't remember her appearing in another fight.

The final battle


Has anyone done the "it just works" edit but on the anime scene?


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which is better
>Trish rubbing her foot onto your face, albeit she has foot fungus


>being tied up and being forced to watch Trish do a gangbang with La Squadra. Your dick is softened, shrunk, sent to the mirror world, is also aging, is being bodyguarded by Baby Face Juniors, penis hole has an ice cube in it and is also excreting razors

That's sexist

why did I think of haiji

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>boss destroyed his laptop and all his reaction images are gone

The second one obviously



Lips literally made for blowjobs

C-can I have both?

what's his name again?

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He didn't jump out of the window. He walked out the door around her. Dumb fuck.
Are you reatarded? No way it would take 10s only

Using King Crimson's super-speed and the determination of a cocaine addict.

never post again

Why are 90% of the replies posted in these threads Trish worship?

Kill yourself, you unfunny retard.

Fujos falseflagging

>He walked out the door around her.
>With all his fucking stuff
>In 10 seconds

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No, you faggot.

because it's a trish episode

what a qt

Get to editing boys.


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he's a fast boy


That's a 4D chess play right there

>He doesn't remember in the manga where joseph would punch a polaroid camera from the future to tell him what the person would say before they said it
fucking secondaries

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D4C - Filthy Acts Done at a Reasonable Price

I wish I was a bead of her sweat

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You footfags are worse than paedophiles.

I wish I was nail polish and that Trish would paint me on to her toe nails.


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i wish i was narancia so i could get shrunken by little feet and then crawl into mista's wrinkly foreskin and live there as a NEET

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What are you gonna do when he fucks Trish?

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I regret nothing

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It's a passive ability.

This is the last thing I see before I die

how king crimson worksmind

And both dubs
Truly the abilty to control FATE

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Was that so hard now, Araki?

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now THIS is a colored scan

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Maybe he used a wet towel under the table.

Wet with piss

This image upsets me deeply. Please delet it.

Araki, hire this man.

pretty good episode, trish's VA absolutely killed it. only the wannabe was a bit weak but everything else was great.

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I like to think Joseph and Mista are actually linked

Ah yes, the famous Pieta scene where Giorno saves Mista with his breastmilk.



That's oddly specific

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>mfw had a gf that looked like Trish last year
>mfw I hit a big depression lasting several months after we broke up knowing i'd never do better than her
>finally got out and looking towards a brighter future without her
>mfw she dyed her hair pink-ish a few days ago
>mfw this episode


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What is the best fight in the series, and why is it a game of poker?

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>why is it a game of poker?
Because that fight it's the definition of pure kino.

>girls with unnatural hair colors

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yeah but where is the porn?

I love this scene for some reason

this whole episode was actually pretty annoying but the part where her hair turns green is fucking rad

You now remember Bruno looked like a chink in his first appearance.
also Giorno is the half-Japanese out of the two

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I know man, but god-damn were her tits the perfect shape and she was so cute. Than she said she only went out with me to spite her ex. I didn't mind that, I only minded that she didn't do it more.

Why can't my gay escapism not remind me of cute girls, lads?

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Remember when these characters had a semblance of a personality

gaijin genes too stronk

hey Bruno at least has an excuse of being fucking dead

Can someone explain to me why Valentine didn't pick up the pistol? And why would Johnny trust him more if he did, considering it was empty? I really don't get it.

Fuck the palette changes

Valentine had a pistol from another dimension on him and if he were to pick the other one then the 2 of them would have combined into one and Johnny would know that Valentine lied to him.

Yeah, I miss the cold, Dio-like part of Giorno he shows to his enemies
We had a little of that in Baby Face and will get a semblance in Green Day but other than that the last we see of it is with the banana
Then again it hardly matters in a part where all fights are to the death anyways

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>MHA had a Gorillaz reference before JoJo

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wtf i love mha now

More tbqh my senpai

Araki doesn't like apes, did you not see what happened to the only one that appeared in the show?

Dio was never actually like that though

t. incel

If Trish was already in Venezia when Polpo got to her, then why the fuck did Polpo bring her all the way to Capri instead of taking her to Diavolo?

shut up, Giorno

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Wait, if Notorious B.I.G. is invincible then how come the explosion destroyed it?

Does this mean that Mohammad (PBUH) Avdol would be able to destroy the invincible Notorious B.I.G.?

Also, how come fire can hurt a stand at all? Same with Babyface. I thought you could only damage a Stand with another Stand. What gives?

mha is trash anyway

We don't see that part of him too often since his interactions are limited to fighting Jonathan is PB and the Joestars in SC, but he very much had a cold side to dealing with others - Giorno is too much of a Joestar to do this shit to bystanders though

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didn't they have a physically manifested form? Like other people could actually see Babayface


2nd example

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What the fuck are you talking about, Trish lived in Calabria

What is a Calabria?

Why does this exist and where can I get bully abba’s for myself

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it wasn't destroyed, and we passed the 'only a Stand can defeat another Stand' thing long ago

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The toe of the boot

yeah remember when they were all equally wacky :)
that's what personality ought to be about :)
being wacky that is :)

Fuck, for some reason, I forgot that this can happen to items as well. Thanks.

I want a filler arc where Trish forces the guys to get her a new boot.

>where can I get bully abba’s for myself

Any Hot Topic

god i wish that were me

>deaths of half of the crew
>7 page muda
>requiem stands
sure thing man

I wonder what exactly they were doing on Sardinia for those few days
Turtle slumber parties?

Notorious BIG and Babyface are both created from assimilating real matter

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I can't believe I will see my husband in a week!

From the current part ? Only person that could defeat it but not kill it is Illuso. Not sure about fugo since I don't think the virus infects stands.

Other parts - Cream, The Hand, Superfly, Perhaps burining down the house if you could prevent it from coming out of the room forever, C-moon possibly by turning it into a black hole, Tusk act 4, D4C,

You forgot Killer Queen. Crazy Diamond could probably do some bullshit with reversal, too.

Hwhat the fuck could D4C do? It would be useless against Notorious Pursuit.

>implying Dio cares about any of his spawn
Araki did say that both Dio and Jotaro's time stop would override King Crimson tho

No he didn't

dumb timestopfag

Yes he did.

No he didn't

>Araki did say that both Dio and Jotaro's time stop would override King Crimson tho
sauce me

baby face isn't pure stand energy, it's a homonculus and is part human, people can see it
Notorious B.I.G's red part is human flesh - at first Carne's flesh then giorno's hands, it can be hurt by fire.

Yes he did (last word, I win).

Get him to a different dimension. It will probably kill everything in that dimension but he can just not go in that dimension anymore.

>put it in another dimension
>hide in another demension for a while until Infamous R.U.S.H changes its target and goes away

Dio is dead so we'll never know how he would feel. I was surprised he was friends with Pucci so I could see him liking his kids, or at least Giorno for being a mafia lord. I feel like he'd like them only if they fed into his narcissism by being successful, so mostly Giorno.

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animeonly here, was it doppio or diavolo who was trish's father? which personality was present when the sex was happening?

Historians are still arguing on this subject.

>knows about diavolo and doppio



Diavolo. He himself said that she was his daughter. And she can only feel Diavolo presence.


>doppio turning into diavolo during the fortune teller scene
>doppio on the phone
>the whole king crimson vs metallica fight, espacially the final time erasure
>abacchio getting donuted
>abacchio and cop scene
>helicopter fight
>8 page muda
>dying buccierati vs secco
>silver chariot requiem appears
>trish mista
>turtle polnareff
>narrancia fucked
>GER pose
>diavolo infinite death
>rolling stone

The final fight vs diavolo is kind of a mess but there are actually lots of cool things to see animated.

Now that I think of it, during the scene right after Oasis and Green Day Bruno was seeing Doppio as just a random child but then when Diavolo released some of his soul into Doppio Bruno thought he is Trish.
So yes, after all it is Diavolo who is the father.

spice girl? more like advice girl amirite

>Trish will never spread her legs for you

Attached: x11(2)_1.jpg (446x716, 148K)

>Diavolo released some of his soul into Doppio


Manga trish is cute. In the anime looks like Giorno but with makeup

I want to fuck Giorno with makeup

He got better

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Not really, she has more delicate features. I know Jojo is a same face fest, but this is stretching it

N-not like that.. b-baka

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>been in jojo threads since 2012
i know most of the major spoilers user. lurking is a thing. i know most people don't anymore, but believe me.

Best girl of that anime desu

not really

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>>been in jojo threads since 2012
>still haven't read the manga
Fucking why?

I want to fuck pink haired Giorno

How does Narancia look more girly than Trish in this pic?

face is rounder and eyes are bigger

Because Narancia is more girly?

He and Doppio are cuter than her.

>undressing a girl, putting your dick in, coming and redressing a girl in 10 seconds
yeah he cleaned a room in 10 seconds but still

Somebody please post the WANABEEEEEEEE webm/gif

Amoral Acts Accomplished at an Agreeable Asking

>he needs more than 10 seconds for all of this

Attached: really pathetic.png (419x390, 166K)


Pull 2 Infamous Hounding into one dimension and turn them into cubes


Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.

Attached: Untitled.png (1596x868, 2.6M)

Who wears that on a date?

I do.

who dresses like this to kill a frenchman and a gang of homos?

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Doppio was the slut, not Diavolo

Still the best shirt ever

where does the shirt end and the tattooes begin

Arrivederci was weak. Mudamuda vs White Album was great. Volare Via was weak. How was Wannabe?

Attached: sweater.jpg (874x563, 136K)

Wannabe was the worst.

>they dressed him like how he was as a child even though he's an adult here and it was previously established he wore a suit

is David Pro OK

this scene made me realize I still don't know how King Crimson works.
when the fuck did he activate KC and remove all traces of him being there?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 25 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.36_[2019.04. (1920x1080, 233K)


We've never seen what he wore during the date

nobody said he wore a suit to the date though?

reverse time

>diavolo kept his baby clothes

Oh I'm a dumbass, I just realized the suit was in the modern period when he learned about Trish, not as Solido Naso.

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Bites the Dust and Mandom exists

now we know why he wants to erase his past

it was fated to be cleaned up by him in 10 seconds so he skipped it

Kino soon

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Why is it so hard to accept Diavolo can clean a room in 10 seconds but DIO doing all that shit in 3-5 seconds is ok.

baby boss is cute

Attached: Untitled.png (1584x882, 3.38M)

based retard

Stand is universal

Makes everyone always late by 10 minutes.

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>favorite jojo? For me, it has to be Jonathan

Attached: DOnKVr2.jpg (1080x1331, 135K)

thats baby trish retard

trolled softly

what should I draw

good dad Diavolo

me and u kissing

Sorry I called you a retard, no hard feelings.

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The gang posing while trish looks at them disgusted.

Why didn't Araki have Kakyoin stick around for Alessi. It would've made sense to set up his backstory then. Instead it was all just info dumped right before his death.

>Diavolo! You're Diavolo!
>Yes! I am Diavolo!
Bravo Araki

Trish making my dick soft.

great but you missed a bit of hair on her nose.

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perfect, good job.

Draw something related to my shitty meme

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The worst insult to Bruno I've ever seen on Yea Forums. Shitsuki is the worst girl of 2000s.

Yea Forumsermin. Best girl is Ryuko and Nonon

Basically all anime-onlies should already know that "the guy with pink hair in the OP" = the Mafia boss.

How did you find this picture of me?

What did Trish mean by saying Bruno's Arrivedercci?

How will they react when they find out that Doppio is just half of the boss?

Doppio is purple in the anime or are you talking about something else?

Reminder that that picture was shopped by some low T faggot's insane girlfriend. The guy doesn't look anywhere close to that.

Trish respects Bruno and all that he represents.

Damn, Spice Girl's tits are HUGE in the ending.

>giorno: wry
>jolyne: yare yare
>trish: arrivederci

It means Bruno is Trish's dad

The same as with "Yare Yare Dawa" of Jolyne.

Milky Lady

this pannel did to me what holy did for kakyoin

I figured it was shooped, but this sounds like an interesting story, got a link or something?

that's literally what he did tho

Notorious B.A.B.Y. when?

everybody knows that, not least by virtue of the fact it looks like a fucking cartoon

Trish should be the main character

So, if you actually took the Stand stats seriously, then in Bruno's gang:

>Top Power = A
Sticky Fingers, Spice Girl, Purple Haze
>Top Speed = A
Gold Experience, Sticky Fingers, Spice Girl
>Top Range = A
Moody Blues
>Top Durability = A
Moody Blues, Sex Pistols
>Top Precision = A
Sex Pistols
>Top Developmental Potential
Gold Experience

Spice Girl also has a B/D/C in Durability/Precision/Potential whereas Sticky Fingers has a D/C/D in the same stats (otherwise the two stands have the same stats and the highest all together), so purely stat wise, Spice Girl is the "best" Stand in the group.

Aerosmith, although not top in any regard, is still better on average than Purple Haze, which is pretty shit outside of its Destructive Potential.

It was in one of the meme reviews I think

Based Trish

>>Top Developmental Potential
Is also A for GE btw.

I think one of the animators in charge of the stand eyecatches and shit does some…questionable stuff as well.
(not sure if the official twitter retweets his WIP stuff for the anime, but at least the Brunofag animator does)

If he's the one working on the stand pillar then honestly I'm the least bit surprised about the boob size upgrade.

The guy who does the eyecatches is Araki's former assistant btw. That's why they look amazing.

she literally looks better with green hair you fucking dorks

Honestly, this is what Giorno's voice should be like. He's 15 , man
Never mind just found confirmation.

>So, if you actually took the Stand stats seriously

That's the fundamental problem: as physically strong as the close range stands are, none of them have the stopping power of a bullet, which is one of the big reasons Mista is on point all the goddamn time - he has precision, range, and power. His problem is that Sex Pistols doesn't have a lot of flexibility, it's very direct - if he's faced with something he can't shoot, there's not a lot he can do. But Power wise, he should be at the top.

Harvest was the strongest stand from Part 4 honestly. I think only Jotaro with timestop could fight Harvest. If Kira had Harvest instead Killer Queen, no one would able to beat him without a asspull.


kc range

not a member of Bruno's gang but
*blocks your path*

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That's a girly Narancia

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The Diavolo reveal can no longer be kino now that the same VA won't be transitioning between personalities

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That isnt confirmed yet, right?

I might have seen something involving shota Kira in that twitter account of his before, go figure.

I'm not digging that shit, find it yourself


i wanted him to have this slightly nasally voice he had in asb, it was cute

Oh, it's this guy

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1:30 best line btw

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Part 6 stats are about as accurate as Part 3 stats.

In the eyecatches, Spice Girl's tits looked average at bes, and similar to her size otherwise. It's the ending that is the odd one out.


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I want be Trish...

I miss Ishida :(

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>this slightly nasally voice he had in asb
His name is Akira Ishida bro

Don't think he mentioned anything about working on Spice Girl's eyecatch so maybe he didn't work on hers?
If he did surely he's let his fetish slip much like in the ED

hice quads, and im sad they didnt pick him, he voiced so many good boys. The new voice just sounds so basic. Il leave my final judgement for after i hear his angry voice

>tomboy iggy
is this where the fart fetishes come from?

I don't know who else the voice at the end of 21 could be unless DP just wanted to troll the audience

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Why did they release this game so many years after the manga had concluded? Was some kind of milestone reached?

Anime only girl here. I predict that we are never gonna see Spicy Lady fight anyone significant again until the end of the anime!!


bold (retarded) of oyu to reveal you're a woman on a fucking anonymous anime board

>taking the bait

bold (retarded) of oyu to reveal you're a man on a fucking anonymous anime board

3/10, you might catch a few people with the girl part, with naive assumptions that girl fan likes the girl stand, but anyone with a modicum of knowledge of jojo fandom already knows that female fans are fujos.

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Gorillaz is trash anyway

It is

Well, she just softened some bullets twice

Why isn't David giving him his spooky eye slits?

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What does Permanence actually mean again

Durability or how many punches it can take without being put on the ground

God I miss FF and her stupid fucking overalls


send evidence that she looks like Trish

God I love FF and her sexy fucking overalls

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Oh yeah exactly, that's why Giorno's photo was in the "new room" too.
Fucking speedwatchers I swear to god

Can stands eat?

Overalls do something for me i didnt thought it was posible

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Sex Pistols

I used to like Jojo until around 2017, I discovered r*ddit also liked it so I quit. But I have just now discovered part 5 has an anime adaptation. How is it? Also how is Jojolion doing?

I kinda feel bad for Anasui but I feel worse for the alligator.

What a chad-girl.

>Implying Giorno isn’t the hottest Jojo husbando

>letting reddit influence what you like or don't like

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I love this scene

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anime is enjoyable, good extra content here and there, jojolion hot new meme is 89 years old, good standalone fights and some foreshadowing going on but its as confusing as always, and by that i mean Araki is just making shit up as he goes and i doubt that the plans he had when he began writing are still there

Anasui must take responsability!

Attached: anasui's true waifu.jpg (571x573, 51K)

Anime is okay
Jojolion feels stretched out but also feels like we’re almost at the end

Left half needs to be updated with the proper translation.

What is that line by the way?
Does it happen during the Metallica fight?

The butterfly effect as a stand ability. The ability to rewrite time.

The stand reaches back in time and alters a very small event to cause a chain reaction which snowballs into a drastic change that aids the stand user. The stand user is able to understand their power and is generally able to see the potential chain reaction of altering a small event, but their perception is not 100% accurate and thus the butterfly effect ability can have unforseen consequences.

For example, the stand makes a bus late, causing a couple to never meet and never get married, causing their child to never exist, which causes that person to disappear. From the perception of anyone viewing the stand work this process would be nigh instantaneous.
A example of the power having unintended consequences could be the stand user using this method to erase an attacking stand user from existence, but causing the couple they broke up to individually birth stand users in their new marriages, meaning that there is now 2 stand users attacking them.

Because the stand doesn't change timelines and instead directly writes over events people directly affected by the change know that something is wrong and can piece together or in drastic cases quickly tell what got changed.

Attached: x11.jpg (780x1200, 824K)

Oh shit I forgot

I'm surprised nobody has said it yet, but GER

I'm not a fujo, I only ship Bruno x Trish and Zipper Man x Spicy Lady.

I want Doppio to gouge my eye out

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Unfortunately she's not in the Joestar bloodline

Giorno will have a Jojo kid with her.

Bruno x Trish is a wholesome and pure ship

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>muh bloodline
>muh destiny
If I won the lottery I'd totally join up with some artist to make a sequel Trish comic

what are you talking about? She is the daughter of Bruno, the best jojo of the series

doppio's model is super sexy in all-star battle

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nice quads, and you are correct, adorable as fuck

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Will the anime settle the age old debate of braid or hairclip?

nice quads and also Doppio is perfect in all his incarnations

Disgusting. Giorno doesn't like women and Trish is for Mista.

I doubt we'll ever see Giorno again. Come up with some ideas and write them out.

shit taste

Look at it closely, it's a braid.

Absolutely based. Bruno was the TRUE JOJO of Part 5. He shared the JoJo spirit, which is more important than Giorno's "my dad cucked himself with a JoJo's penis".

makes more sense that its a thick basket braid, as diavolos hair is so long, a braid would be a plausible way to contain it

is this even a debate? its clearly just the way his hair is parted. you want a hairclip, look at jobin from part 8

This. Fuck BruTrishfags. Bruno could never have romantic feelings towards her.

In the coloured manga he has a hairclip

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facts, the way they teased each other during chariot requiem was flirtatious as fuck

I don't think the hair length is an issue given that he can transform the rest of his body

i agree but it would be nice to imagine araki thinking of that

I love Doppio when he's the rough and violent fucker he is. I absolutely hate when people 'uwu'-ify him.


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I want Trish to tease me

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neither of these make it look like a hairclip

How long does Bossu spend on his hair in the morning

based araki

Attached: 54256452_2290674887651550_7226569241896419328_o.jpg (1200x643, 106K)

he has king crimson braid it from behind to make it easier

that's the point

Sticking bossu's backstory at the start next week is going to make every anime only conclude Doppio has something to do with him the fucking frame he appears

Clearly we need to track down whatever 90s fashion magazine Araki copied Doppio's hairstyle from
Get on it boys and girls

Mistrish is objectively her best ship. They have the best chemistry. NaraTrish is fine too.

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bro doppio gets revealed as the boss almost immediatly, not like its supposed to be a mystery or anything.

naratrish would be incestuous, hes like her baby brother

So? The shtick fades off the moment he meets the fortune teller, which is like... immediatly.

They'd better do a slot machine effect for the first eye switch

Koichi and Doppio are part of the sailor mouth briggade

you right, koichi was surprisingly potty mouthed. Especially toward yukako

True. I prefer them as brothers. The most of Bruno's gang members are like brothers. I cant ship Mista and Narancia for this reason.

This is probably the exact moment the colourers realised it was a braid but figured it was too late to back out

Attached: RisottovsDoppio.jpg (493x929, 229K)

And how do people still baby Doppio

Cursed image

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Diavolo niggas be like

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what the FUCK were they thinking

>Ginger Doppio

It will never fail to amuse me how the subs emphasise fourth

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We know, Mista.

>has two souls

doule negative

i think we all know what the real best color scheme is

Attached: JoJoGoGoDiavolo.png (131x161, 59K)

Why is green so ugly

The pink hair is genetic. We know this because Trish inherited it from Diavolo. However, are the spots genetic? Is Trish just in a baby form, will she grow her spots one day? When Diavolo goes into his Doppio form, the spots disappear, implying that juveniles of his species do not have spots until adulthood. Perhaps the spots are an indication of the individual's readiness to mate. I will study this species further.

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Depends on the shade of the green. That green is very toxic so it looks ugly. Natural green are comforting to human eyes.

Green should be illegal

He adds them himself according to Araki because "he's a punk"

>Doppio wanted to be a sailor

I get what this picture is saying but who would drink orange juice with a donut

didnt he want to be a priest?

I've done it, it's okay

Its not fair, Kira got to become a hot sailor but Doppio didnt

Diavolo is a pedophile?

Bossu became a rock star

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to scatter his seed throughout the world? what a slut

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That's the exact outfit he had in the photo flashback

Jobs they'd have if their lives didn't end up fucked up:

Diavolo/Doppio: child diddling priest
Buccellati: Fisherman
Abbacchio: Cop
Fugo: Lawyer
Mista: ?
Giorno: ? (Probably something in biology)
Narancia: lets be real, he's destined to be a wagecuck

Mists: food critic

Mista would have stayed a NEET

What's your guys advice for the manga? Ive been reading the Jojoniums up through part 2 but I don't want to wait for Western physical releases of the entire series.

>Where to get them from
>What translation to use
>Which parts are actually in color (or is it all fan recolors?) and which parts are black and white

JoJo's colored adventure

wait, Diavolo is sailor, for some reason I too misremembered him wanting to be a priest

Ehhh not too keen on my first read being a fan altered version

Diavolo/Doppio: Sailor, assistant of Dr.Kira
Buccellati: Fisherman
Abbacchio: Cop
Fugo: Lawyer
Mista: Owner of a small gun's shop
Giorno: Founder of Italy's Petting Zoo
Narancia: Fugo's secretary

The colours are official

Are guns legal in Italy

>Fugo tolerating an absolute retard being his paralegal

You must be a fugonara shipper, you should have just said he'd be his housewife at that point, Fugo would flip his shit on Narancia every 3 seconds if they had to work together.