Shingeki no Kyojin 116

What's next for Gabi now that she's been redpilled?

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Eren a shit.

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best girl

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>"One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny..."

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Mikasa will...

she has friends

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Why was Jean so god damn smart this chapter? It's like he's the only non-retard among the prisoners.

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Eren confirmed for evil villain.

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Only Falco now, and soon 0.

>Historia's child will still be a slave to his/her bloodline
>Last panel is a man telling a child that he/she is free
Uhh, bros?

I just want to see how powerful Eren is now that he has the Warhammer. Probably not powerful enough to go 1v3 so they'll inevitably have to set Armin loose to help (and so we can get an inevitable Colossal vs Armored fight)

Pii was lying all along and later said that they might as well stick with Marley because all their comrades fight for it.



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Last eldian child born. Kino.

Leave marleycucks to me

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Can't wait to see how Reiner will escape death this time

>Armin helping Eren
that shit is over

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Armin can't transform without nuking a huge portion of the town so it's probably Eren holding his own until Zeke arrives.

since we are all human and not eldians, shouldn't we root for the marleyns?

if you lived in that world, yes


>getting outskilled by a newbie shifter with shittier titan

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Are we still missing pages?

Every chapter is just me being sad because i know that Eren will inevitably lose regardless of how much i want him to win. I think he doesn't buy the euthanasia shit at all, and since apparently everyone in his faction is ok with it this chapter revealed that he's truly alone in his convictions


He'll be fine.

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post yfw

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Pieck chose the only way to peace. Eren wants to genocide all non-Eldians and slaughter any Eldian who opposes him, and Zeke wants to genocide Eldians. Only the warriors want everyone to live together peacefully and avoid killing millions of people and wiping out whole races of people

Don't fret Eren bro. I still trust that brotherly love and a cute waifu will allow Eren to overcome everything else.
Heil Eren and may Paradis remain triumphant.

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I rabu Piku.

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All Jaegerists have all been shown as nationalists driven by hatred for their enemies. I'm pretty sure that none of them are in favor of Zeke's plan.

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>I...No. *touches belly* We will always be your allies.

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>Pieck chose the only way to peace
>Marley is peace

>Hey kids, come with me to the rooftop. I'll show you something interesting.

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Based and Magattsu pilled.

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>Only the warriors want everyone to live together peacefully and avoid killing millions of people
But their way of peace would mean that Eldians will be forever shackled and discriminated against by the rest of the world.

how does it feel when the narrative is against you?

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imo reiner is indubitably the protagonist of snk now. i just hope we properly return to the warriors' pov.

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Maybe they shouldn't have spent a hundred years using Eldians as weapons in their retarded wars to expand their empire.

the child will be free of Ymir's curse
there's no other interpretation unless you unironically believe Eren will destroy the entire fucking world through rumbling which seems unlikely (would be kino tho)

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She has just learned value friendship, unlike edgeren

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>Armin and Boyega will side with Eren
>Yelena and Pieck will side with Zeke
>Historia will still be irrelevant
>Neil will teach Mikasa how to limit break
>Detective Nile has been defeated and will likely become a pure Titan
>Zeke will play defeat Marley's blimps with rocks.
>Annie will be thrown by accident.
>Confirmed Sasha fucked Piccolo on a regular basis. Killed on pregnancy still pending on confirmation.

So in the end Pieck endgame is just friendship magic?

>shittier titan
idk, eren's weaponised autism seems pretty powerful to me

I bet next cliffhanger will be Zeke joining the battle.

>Pieck chose the only way to peace.
She wants to continue Marley's regime. It won;t solve anything. Her stanc for Gabi is that peace is with your comrades regardless of their intention. There really is no good or bad guy here since everyone is just in it for their own safety.

Eren Nationalism is the only reasonable philosophy a poster in these threads should have. Protect your own and keep moving forward.

>Pieck chose the only way to peace.
Is not peace, neither a perfect plan. But is the best choice she and other non-paradis eldians have at the moment.

What about Neil though?

>I still trust that brotherly love and a cute waifu will allow Eren to overcome everything else.
user thinks he's watching Frozen

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This is the face of a lovely woman dying off cancer.

>there are people who still think eren is the good guy in this story

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I honestly rather see him lose sticking to his current guns than win by crawling back to Armong.

But we all know that ain't going to happen.

I don't think the narrative is necessarely for or against any of the character's viewpoints, which is the greatest narrative strength that this manga has. Eren is on a doomed path but i respect him because its the path that would be the best for his people, and because he holds true to that conviction. So i'll stay on his side to the very end.

He's actually peak retard, he's just accepting euthanasia the faggot, he's just worried about enemies attacking them in their last days, absolute cuck

no, but it works

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Based Pock protecting his wife.

>Neil will teach Mikasa how to limit break


Eren values blood over friendship.

t. John Lennon

Honestly, I don't think there are any good guys at this point.

Reiner and Pieck have friendship power but Eren got the power of love. He will create a future for his wife and child.

Pieck's endgame is staying in the gutter with all the other Eldians living "peacefully" while getting kicked around by Marley.


>Protect your own
Tell that to everyone with red armbands

All he's doing is being rational. Connie is angry at Eren, Armong is faking crocodile tears to fool Yelena and Mikasa is blending mostly into the background.



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Living enslaved is not peace user.

>ywn hold hands with Pieck.
God I wish that was me.

There's no good guy or bad guy in this story, everyone has a different goal.

Man, chapters 98-103 is easily one of the if not the best chapters I have ever read in a manga. Chadsayama truly is a great storyteller, his art also improved a lot since uprising.

>The Marleyen is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shitposter, incel, cringelord, speedreader, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a self-hating cuckold and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out."

Is Gabi Olaf?

You don't get to play the power of love card without a cheesy flashback and we know there won't be any of those until like 2 years from now when Hisu's child is finally born.

which is why he'll lose

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That's not Eren's own, those are the mainlanders who chose to stay as slaves.

>>Armin and Boyega will side with Eren
I was going to ask you how the nigger is even useful and then I remembered that he can pilot a airship. I guess this will be important in the future?

>Extinguishing evil for the sake of Justice.
I like how Isayama is trying to establish Eren as the "bad guy" without giving his POV and the railroad event flashback. It won't work Isayama. I still see Reiner and his Marley crew as the asshole who have come to oppress the Walldians.

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joke's on you, i need to actually be in a relationship to be a cuck!
self-hating's right though

He's the only character that makes sense at this point. There's no real chance at peace with Marley and the world straight up wants to exploit /eliminate Paradis so regardless of anything they're fucked.

Fuck Gabi for siding with Pieck.

She’s a fucking war criminal and deserves no sympathy.

Also this chapter proves another reason Erwin should have lived.....if Erwin had the Collosal Titan he wouldn't have gave two fucks about who was in jail with him and would've transformed killing everybody including those shitty Yeagarists.


Man are you guys new to reading manga or something? Those blurbs are added by the editor, not Isayama himself. Its there mostly to sound cool.

He isn't accepting it he's poking holes in her plan. Of course Armong weeping with joy is probably smarter.

Eren a best

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power of friendship

No, it's cuckoldry

kek okay

are you really implying that he values zeke over his friends ?


crushed by power of love

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Shoo, shoo Erwinfag.

That much is obvious. You think the bad guys are the ones who simply want to protect their families and that the good guys are the ones who want to rally the entire world against a tiny island of superior people who did nothing to you.
It sounds a lot like how the real world hates white people.

People who support Marley/the self-hating "warrior" slaves = spics, ethnics

People who support Eren(Aryan) = Whites

of course there's no chance of peace with marley. because the marleyans are right.


Who cares about Gabi

yup, reporting in

Eren isn't correct, but he's right.

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If you believe in your friends everything will work out :)

He values his child and the Paradisians who are blood related to him, yes.

>Fuck Gabi for siding with Pieck.
who wouldn't?

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Arts a little off this chapter.

>"I believe in my colleauges together with whom I fought"
>Zeke already betrayed her
For all her high intelligence, Pieck is acting like an idiot.

I thought that Reiner's kids were his power

based nazi Yea Forumsnon

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If one of your friends is the ultimate leader of your country, then yes.

Zeke will eat Porco to power him up for the final fight when Eren betrays him

sorry to disappoint you, but i'm as white as can be i.e. english.

What if Magath dies here?

All death flags point to Piku and it’s devastating me, anons...

Tell that to Eren when he chose to believe on team manlet


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Magath managed to survive the entirety of Liberio despite being in the thickest fighting. He'll be fine.

Then Eldians go back to the concentration camps

Eren is a husband and a father. He has got responsibilities unlike that suicidal cuck Reiner. He has got no time to be playing the good guy.

Kiyomi's flying boat.

Eren looks like a spic or muslim.

Armin has been testing Yelena's levels of retardation.

c'mon guys. This is Yea Forums.

Better to die as a fleshed out character than live in irrelevance.

That was when Isayama was edgy. Now friendship and trusting in your comrades is the right thing to do.

>levi incapacitated
>colossal titan is jailed
>half of the army consists of marlian "defectors"
>zeke is far away
how easy is it to overthrow eldia right now? Its all up to Eren alone to defeat three warriors and incoming troops. It is possible marleyans who defected to turn against a crippled eldia right now. My boy eren depended too much on marley defectors and it will be his downfall

>pale with green eyes
>spic or a muslim

>actually thinking this
perhaps it's best you return to /pol/, hm?

Chadmin will fuck Piku.

>Now friendship and trusting in your comrades is the right thing to do.
It is as long as the friends are relevant characters. Just look at the entirety of RTS.

Eren deliberately didn't tell Pieck the secret behind Zeke's powers, his royal blood, so they won't know to target Historia.

They're cooperating for sure.

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stop replying to him

>ugh, I can't believe you don't hate white people and people who want to protect their own against invaders! Back to /pol/!

user, an age of the ultimate leaders ended a couple centuries ago. Governing a country is all about balancing the interests of a different groups. Hitler was a slave to the German capitalists, for example, despite his hyperpopularity.


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>Eren's only backup is a bunch of untrained recruits.
How long until he goes crawling back to Armin?

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i want to but it's kind of addicting

They're 56% mutts user, just like their ringleader Muttlena.

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ohnono porcobros....

>1,83 cm
>weak jaw
>dark hair

The only literal mutts in this series are Reiner and Mikasa, user.

So wbere does Gabi go from here? Looks like she's simply back on marley's side.


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>all of them were squashed by Pock.

>air assault soon
this chapter was all i ever wanted

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Eren's side.

183cm is pretty good considering that he was likely malnourished and lived in poverty, and his jaw isn't weak, he just has gracile high class features, compared to the robust and ethnic reiner who is essentially born to be a muscular slave.

lol, that was fast

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I want /pol/ to leave

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>zeke is far away
Zeke is near and he has scores of ready-to-cook titans in Shiganshina.

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>falco is there
>Zeke is coming
Oh nononono Reinerbros. He won't die to save falco right?

The Yeagerists are literally the ugliest group of characters in this story

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Pieck is a race traitor and probably the barracks slut as well. All mainland Eldians deserve to be turned into titan bombardment fodder. Day of the Syringe when?

they look completely average to me

Is this I dare say the ultimate сuсk manga?
>characters who want to get castrated
>characters who want to get euthanized
>characters who want to continue getting mistreated as jews

Seriously what the hell is going on?

>there is a pattern with the Jaegers
>ugly losers.

The only one who is against it all is Eren.
Very telling about people who hate him.

Literature is a reflection of the society .

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pay those reparations to China, Abe

>183cm is pretty good
It isn't for white standars.
>his jaw isn't weak
Mikasa has manlier jaw than him.

Erwin was white not Eren.

so... marley thinks they’re going to be able to take eren out on his territory when they couldn’t

-Fight back against him at Liberio even though the whole army minus Zeke and Pieck were present and still lost the Warhammer
-Beat Eren 1v4 in RtS (I know manlet and co did a lot too)
-Succesfully come up with a plan to take coordinate despite almost 10 years of planning
-Beat the Mid-East Army and jobbed for months against them despite having 4 fucking shifters

Yeah with the WHT Eren is stomping marley especially if the Yegarists help out.

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it's unfortunate, but it's a fitting end for him

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Pic related: your average Jeagerist

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That is why this MAN is the protagonist

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>183 is bad for a malnourished white person from a few hundred years ago
considered that the average height for modern whites is 178cm, i think you're coping hard.

Pieck says flat out that she wants to liberate Eldians. Just because she isn't jumping on board with genocidal psychopaths doesn't mean she wants to be mistreated. She just sees that there's a better path to her goal

As long as he destroys Eren before it happens.

I'm finding it rather irritating, all this talk of Eren being battered, my guy can literally create anything he wants out of thin air, Porco is fucked.

Cart Titan ain't gonna do shit and Reiners armor is essentially useless at this point, all it'll take is one big ol' whip thing and he'll be a large pork crackling.

If Armin can buss' outta prison he can just nuke all the enemy soldiers too, this is a one sided battle.

On a more serious note, it's pretty obvious Eren will eat at least one of them, most likely suffer boi as it's been a long time coming.


>better path to her goal
>invading Paradis where they are inevitably going to slaughter civillians and detain them into jewish zones like they do in marley

For me, its Pieck.

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I don't fucking know. I keep expecting her to do literally anything but she just keeps getting saved by her friends and nearly all of her enemies refuse to kill her because she is just a kid.

If Pii wanted to pretend to join the Erenfags then why did she shank that guard guy that entered the cell with Eren?

Peace built on top of the corpses of fellow Eldians from Paradis. Some fine fucking peace that is.

Any Eldian working for the Marleyians at this point are fucking retarded. After Eren is dead they will exterminate all the Eldians so something like that won’t be pulled again. They have no use for the Titans anyway because of technology so they will just get rid of the shifters too.

That's how shifters say hello.

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Which ones are the jews again?

The only reason they even have a shot is because Paradis spent two months shooting themselves in the foot

it's jews vs jews vs nazis vs the rest of the world

>considered that the average height for modern whites is 178cm
>i think you're coping hard
sure, manlet.

Those greedy fucks deserve to be wiped out.

>again with this shit
Magath is the best option they have, helping Eren makes zero sense for the mainland Eldians

>Jean tells Yelena that her plan is fucking retarded and won’t solve anything (which is true)
>don’t worry just use the Founding Titan until you all die out peacefully lol

Zeke and his cronies are literally 80 IQ if they think that anybody who isn’t mentally handicapped would agree to this

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you were the jew all along

>Why don't the mainland Eldians help Eren wipe them out?

Yelena is a legit psycho it's almost scaring me, wouldn't want her beside me at any point

It will be Porco. He's the least relevant and Reimer still has a purpose and it's plot-relevant.

dunno, either eldians or marlyians


I'm taller than that, but it's the average. Do you just deny statistics or something?

Why the fuck did Yelena even reveal the plan to Eren's buddies? She would have been better off pretending that the old plan was still the real plan.

Fuck Marley man, Fuck Reiner. Fuck them hard Eren.

it's weird, it's almost like they want to live or something

Why does everyone think armong is faking being a cuck? He looks like a cuck to me.

If they want to live, why don't they join the guy who is fighting the people who decided to genocide Eldians?

Eren is the only one who doesn't have a cucked plan

>the child will be free of Ymir's curse
It's easy to think the series will end with the ability to titanize being removed from Eldians.
But imagine if it went the other way and instead, all human races gained the ability to become monsters.

Do we even know if SnK is on Earth?

Why do you think he's genuinely that stupid?

Magath? they are doing that

Ackermans, i mean, look at the names, parallels are quite obvious.
Eldians - generally white people, ackermans special people among white people that differentiate, in fact Ackerman itself is a common Ashkenazi Jewish surname.

Armin el cuck

t. Eldian

>Magath is fighting Marley
Sure seems like it would be hard to do that as their top military officer.

She treats Zeke of all people as her God, that should say enough about her intellect.

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their earth, yeah

>Marleycucks attack an island that was peacefully isolationist for over 100 years
>Kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people
>Marley explicitly wants to genocide Paradis mostly because they want the island's resources
>Magath and Willy want to use the eldians on paradis as a scapegoat so that the world can direct their hate on them instead of the eldians on the mainland
>Even though the Eldians on Marley are ones who've been used by Marley to conquer the rest of the world and Paradis has nothing to do with it
>Eren is the evil one

Isayama is trying to write this as some super grey conflict, and indeed it isn't completely black and white. However the only justification the Marleyan Eldians have is that they think fighting for Marley gives them a better chance of survival than just rebelling against their oppressors. When you think about it though, Paradis is a much, much lighter shade of grey. They were 100 years removed from any wrongdoing before Marley decided to take founding so they could continue their imperialism. Marley is just as bad as the supposed Eldian Empire they keep talking about.

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Armin or Yelena, pick one.

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Porco is going to job no matter who 'wins' this fight.
He did eat Moron after all.

She managed to fool Paradis into drinking Zeke's cum for 4 years, she just needed to keep pretending to be on their side.

They are, and fighting against Eren, whose goal is to genocide them.

Magath is actually prettty sympathetic to Eldians. I'm pretty sure it would be on a path to changing.

>>don’t worry just use the Founding Titan until you all die out peacefully
but where is the flaw in this ?

Marley is not their immediate enemy

That’s more on Paradisians being understandably naive

The 104th are a lighter shade of gray. Eren is a genocidal maniac that is literally planning to murder billions.

The walldians are shit though

Eren has no intention of genocidjng anyone but the people trying to kill Paradisians for no reason.

They don't want to die out peacefully because they aren't crybaby losers with daddy issues.

Because Magath and WIlly decided to let Eren do their dirty work for them.

I don't get it, the only person in this pick is Yelena

who is ?

See You self hating cuckold/spic.

Armin's boipussy

>Marley is just as bad as the supposed Eldian Empire
Yes, but Marley is going through administration changes for the better, while Paradis is trying to revive that genocidal empire.

If you’re going to go through all that trouble why not just use the Founding Titan to protect your own livelihood as your people continue to live normally? How do you even guarantee that the FT holder won’t just reverse the effects?

You have Reiner and two placeholders for Eren's future meals Marleycuck

Tbh I'm one of the biggest "Eren is the strongest character in the series currently, including pre-injured Levi" advocate, but I don't see him winning against three titan shifters, one of which is the Jaw Titan. My argument for being the sole strongest character in the series is that no one has the tools to literally beat him/kill him when he goes into the crystal nutcase of the WHT while he has the ability to catch/beat everyone else. The only one that has the ability to actually kill him when he's in the crystal is Porco, but because Porco is there right now he could absolutely actually kill Eren with the other two titan shifters. People say, Eren has three titan shifters. True, but in a fight 3v1 is very hard to do, especially if the team coordinates well. AoT is pretty realistic with that kind of thing. The way that I can see Eren winning against all of them is if he somehow takes out Porco and if he does the best that Pieck and Reiner can hope for is a stalemate, if they don't get their asses kicked by WHT's OP abilities. However, Pieck is apparently a genius and the warriors probably coordinate well together. I can see a real scenario in which Eren loses (but doesn't die).

so was mikasa parting ways with her scarf foreshadowed in the first anime ending?

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>There are people ITT who don't see Zeke's arrival coming

The one with WMD's about to destroy the world alongside them.

Just like real Erenfags. Based Isayama.

Yes, Eren will job like always and be saved at the last minute by his bro.

You mean three of Eren's future meals?

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all of them ?

I just realized that this is Yelena, i unironically thought it was Armin all along.

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Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, turning the tables on Porco Galliard and devouring him, and turning his attention to Pieck and Reiner. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

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I'll at least credit Reiner with a name

Eldians and the power of titans is a blight to the world. It will be remedied at the end when Ymir reverses the curse.

Eren is a savage lmao.
Nah but for real I don't see how the warriors can win, Eren has the WHT, Zeke is coming, Armin might get out, I wonder what their plan is.
Anyway nice try Pieck and Porco.

But Zeke is the biggest jobber in the series

It depends on the characters point of view
>Eren thinks Berts a bad guy for killing his mom
>Gabi thinks Erens a bad guy for killing her friends in retaliation
>Kaya thinks Gabi's a bad guy for killing her sister in retaliation


Gabi is going to eat Eren at the end.

>Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager?
Literally any character. The only problem is Eren always gets saved at the end by someone.

Armin was not only trying to manipulate Yellena. His tears might have been genuine as well as he figured out Eren would never agree to Zeke’s master plan. Jean was also very intuitive.

I can’t wait to see what the SC faction will devise once the broader picture is unveiled to them.

All of them

Fuck off chinese subhuman.

Zeke has an impressive record against non-ackermans.

We are many Abe and growing stronger every day.


They look the same.


I just want Gabi to smile again bros.

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A ching chong to you too dog eaters.

I think Armin is crying because he realized what Eren's plan was. How Eren is fighting for a future for his child. He's crying because he feels like an asshole for doubting him and attacking him.

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Then save her husbando Falco

I hope Eren wont die until the end, i can't stand anyone else.

I hope Pieck doesn't get eaten out by Erin

After Paradis wins

tfw some retards think Ereh can actually use WH powers full swing

tfw people don’t realize Armintolt is siding with Warriors

tfw some still don’t see Ereh’s the final boss

mein sides

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I could actually see them doing this, especially if they wanted to do a "bad ending" where it's implied that the cycle of violence never ended and continues in a long chain of retaliation attacks

Eren will obviously be slapped around like a bitch and then Zeke shows up to save his pathetic ass.

If Eren was the final boss, wouldn't that mean he should win until the final fight?

Warriors will gain the upper hand and push Eren to the brink.
Then Zeke will come in at the eleventh hour and transform all the spiked soldiers.
Warriors will be forced to retreat, but they'll kidnap the 104th to lead them to Annie.

Sorry, you must have meant to post this on
Wrong site.

>tfw people don’t realize Armintolt is siding with Warriors
If Armong were that much of a cuck he would have agreed with Zeke's plan instead of just pretending to

I actually thought he was crying out of relief, since listening to that stupid plan, he must have figured out Eren doesn't agree with it.

That has already happened, just not in the literal sense.

And so the month begins.

Post yfw Armin ignores the warriors and attacks Eren.

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LM soon.

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They're in a situation where the "genocidal maniac" makes the most sense, the rest of the world wants to kill you and believe that you're a bunch of devils that can turn into giant zombies (which is true)

You don't like the manga then.
Sure, but the irony is that Eren will be eaten by a Marleykek.

Why do we think Arin is faking it again?

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No, I think the one who did the original wrongdoing is in the wrong. Paradis were ignorant and completely innocent by the time Marley attacked them. In an ideal world, the Marleyan leadership would have been brought to justice for all the people of Paradis they've killed and that would've been the end of it. Of course both in the story and in real life, something like that happening is way too optimistic.

If Eren just attacked Marley and killed Gabi's friends out of a pure desire for revenge, then maybe Marley would have had some moral standing. However, Marley weren't satisfied, they were training kids like Gabi to go back to Paradis to finish genociding the "Eldian Devils." So Eren didn't just attack to retaliate, but for the survival of his nation.

The only thing I think Eren did wrong was dismissing Armin's idea to attempt to create peace with Marley too fast. It was a long shot, and they should have operated on the assumption that peace was impossible. But even if it was a 1 in a million shot they still should have tried breaking the cycle of hatred.

>Eren's only backup are a bunch of fodder.
Maybe betraying, imprisoning, or murdering all your comrades was a bad idea.

what has been doing lately?

As if Chadriors agree with Zecuck’s shitty plan


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We all know Eren has been ejaculating warhammer titan material so they can use it to fight against Marley since clearly he's expecting them to attack.


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>I know marley is evil
>i want to save eldians
>but i'll fight for marley!
the absolute logic of marleycucks


It's exactly what's happening in Europe right now.

>the absolute state of brainlets

>*Marley WAS evil, before based Magath took the reins

>No Flocke
>no manlet
And its a 10/10 chapter. Really makes you think.

from the point of view of an oversimplifying retard

Repeatedly jobbing to make the Ackermen and Armong look good.

All the evil Marleyan leaders are dead now. Magath will pave the way towards the light.

Magath wouldn't change shit at all, He's gonna die some day and the rest of the world will still hate Eldians.

is Jean the only person among the 104 to realize that Eren has hidden intentions

Soon is relative, we must have patience.

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jean is too dead inside to have his buttons easily pushed like the others

still winning, Liberio and the Coup in Paradis is the best example.

The warriors' plan involves killing off everyone in Paradis, Armong as a walldian doesn't have any fucking reason to side with them.

nah, armin is playing stupid, he and eren are in on it

>Isabel wouldn't change shit at all, He's gonna die some day and the rest of the world will still slave Blacks.
>Abraham wouldn't change shit at all, He's gonna die some day and the rest of the world will still slave Blacks.

Why hasn't anyone try visiting the queen yet?

among may not but he's not armong, he's bertmong

cuckest of the world

Floch did nothing wrong

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I don't think Eren let Armin know but Armin could have figured out Eren has different intentions than Zekes plan during the conversation

How is Eren's hairstyle called?

Armin probably figured it out


Nile's taking the scenic route


Blacks were never a race that used to be a evil empire and can turn into titans.


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I made a diagram to make it less confusing


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>How is Eren's hairstyle called?
"please kick me"

Wait until the warriors come back with Eren's corpse.

is it cries ?

Reminder that the first chapter and the original one-shot draft confirm that Gabi will eventually be the one to eat Eren, but not as an act of violence.

you forgot the ugly pig nose

>When the person you were clashing with the most in childhood is the only one who is giving shits about your own situation

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The faggot hair style. I miss his hobo look so much.

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>Ignoring the Imgur link containing the whole chapter already translated
>all because le pieck tits meme



That diagram only helped me to distinguish a retard.


Nice, they killed the big treat.
Why should they not be scared of a race that could still turn into titans and kills millions if one of them wants to do it?

>yet another shot of Eren's 10 pack
Was this shot really necessary Isayama?


i think i've managed to actually adopt the hobo eren look myself, right down to the shitty facial hair

This. EG is still on the table.

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Isayama has a muscle fetish, he must draw abs in every chapter.

Not that hard to pass the informatin on how they turn into titans.

He only has one person left who he has yet to betray

that would defeat the purpose of not burdening the next generation with your sins
what if Gabi is one of the ways peace is achieved between both countries after Ymir's curse is ended, she has seen what Walldians are like (just like anyone else) and Marleyans would trust her

are you still here with that? she isn't joining Eren side.

In this case Gabi would be talking to Reiner, not the cunt who murdered her friends.

>S-show us. Where's the faggot?

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Based cheeky Pieck.

>Warrior-led coup d’etat of Marley
>mainland Eldian ethnostate with access to shifters and WW2-tier tech
>Marleyshits in concentration camps
>alliance with Paradis Island
>Neo-Eldian Empire now has all shifters + Rumbling + tech
If only the Warriors weren’t such cucks

Gabi will stop the Marleyans from gunning down AMJC and Sasha's family

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So? If someone in Marley wants to use them for war in the future then they will be used as weapons again.
Even if they are "outdated", they're still an effective and cheap weapon.

So where was Porco hiding that nobody saw him coming? Inside the building?

>Was this shot really necessary

EG is dead, all she has seen is how he treats his friends like garbage, he doesn't give a shit about her and now her buddies and her cousin are in Paradis to save her and to tell her that they all might as well keep sucking Marley cock because it's their best option.

Seriously, is someone going to at least try to kill Eren or is Isayama just going to keep having him run the circus

we see him on the page with Pieck going up the stairs

Armin knows. He's either faking tears or started crying because he realized Eren isn't on Zeke's side.

>Porco was with Pieck in Marley this whole time.
They must have spent many lonely nights comforting each other.

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he has disguised as a member of the garrison, you can see him in this panel

If any country wanted to use very outdated weapons they could, but it would only be a good source of hilarity.

He was in the crowd scene when Pieck was going up the stairs, he realized what she was doing.

>These Yeagerishits are all dead.
Based sir Piggy.

I think I've finally understood Mikasa's purpose.

Since her introduction she's been foreshadowed to having children, from her mother instructing her to pass her tattoo onto her child. This was brought up again recently.

Zeke's plan is to sterilize Eldians. He might actually pull this off. Peace will reign for a short time. But then there's Mikasa Ackerman. Ackermans are connected to paths, yet at the same time, the coordinate cannot control them. The king was said to be afraid of them because he cannot control them, so he tried to kill them all. Even when Eren was mindless, he tried to kill Mikasa himself, twice.

We also have been teased on whether Ackermans can titanize. Manlet didn't drink the wine, teasing us. Jean said nobody knows what Ackermans are, teasing us. Kenny didn't inject himself, teasing us. We still don't have confirmation, I think it's all on purpose for this very plot point. After the sterilization, Mikasa will have a child and her descendants will inherit the titans, this time this bloodline can't be controlled by the coordinate.

without the typo

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If only Karl the cuck hadn't turned brainwashed everyone in his own Eldian ethnostate just so could larp in medieval land before getting everyone killed.

Nile was lampshaded.
Isayama is adamant about not showing us anything about Historia's current state.

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>not lusting after reiner

I have to acknowledge Isayama is pretty good at some points. I am curious to see his next work after Shingeki ends.

They were searching for Annie's whereabouts, she is an ace in the sleeve of the warriors against Eren.

>he king was said to be afraid of them because he cannot control them, so he tried to kill them all.
>Kenny and Uri

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honestly what the FUCK was karl fritz’s problem

Reiner wasn't there, they can have threesomes after the battle.

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Sorry user, that was a random mistake.

>pieck wants to believe in her comrades
they're about to get fucking pancaked just like the first levi squad aren't they

This man will lead us to freedom.

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do you want to get bullied here?

If only /pol/cucks didn't larp as Yea Forumsnons.


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They're fucking giants that can regenerate and only be killed by hitting their nape.
They're very hard and expensible to kill, dealing with hundreds of them sounds like a hard thing.

Was Armin actually moved or is it part of another keikaku?
Where is Pixis?
Did Eren know that the roof was a trap because he sliced his finger again?


Those are not Yeagerists. Those were actual Eldia's garrison units.

Keep in mind Marly doesn't have its entire force against Eldia right now. Its a rushed strike squad just like Eldia's was when they saved Eren. There goal will be to do as much damage in the counter attack and then peace out. They will then regroup with the other countires forces coming to aid them for the final battle.

I don't think they have enough forces to entirely overthrow eldia. at least they shouldn't if eldia improved its defenses.

i will just giver up

I really hope Yelena doesn't die.

>No one noticed the Blimps at all.
That's a big yikes.

this is actually kind of interesting, but i doubt making everyone barren will actually happen

>Nile is seated with Falco

Well, it serves no purpose for him that both him and Falco are poisoned anyway.

World war I warships dealt with two of the strongest easily. Pieck got BTFO by primitive powder bombs.

>Annie will be thrown by accident

>Did Eren know that the roof was a trap because he sliced his finger again?
He didn't trust her so he sliced his finger again

sorry but she is so dead, next chapter she dies in the chaos alongside Boyega.

I don't know, but all this white uniforms and grandstanding and over-the-top phrases about friendship and revenge are kinda setting the stage for Zeke and his titans to shit on their parade.
You know what would be absolutely wonderful?
Titanized Falco eating Colt.

What the everloving fuck was Nile even doing the past few chapters?

>Expecting Yeagerists to not be retarded.

As we approach the Netflix adaptation, the plot must be made easy to hype the normies.

eren said he didn’t trust her, but he didn’t expect porco to attack. armin is probably crying to fake sympathize with yelena.

>Titanized Falco eating Reiner*

Told you it's Hange who will find Historia first.

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Zeke was distracted and Pick's titan is shit.
You can see in that fight how they got destroyed by a horde of mindless titans, What can you use againts a bunch of giants near you that can regenerate and only die when you hit them in the nape?

Think about it, user. Uri became Kenny's host, and he knew it. Why would you need to kill someone who could be a threat when you've already made them your loyal slave?

>Titanized Falco eating Colt.
No. Colt has to do something first

>in the chaos
Maybe you forgot, but they both were/are soldiers. Fighting in chaos is their job.
It's kinda


Nope, they all have the white arm sigil. All Yeagerists. S

He saved Gabo during GR and he got diddled by Pieck in the train

Probably he decided to not visit his pregnant queen while being poisoned with a titanization wine.

A titan rumble is deadly and more when you are on foot.

If Acerkmans can turn into titans. Why isn't every Eldian an Ackerman?
Karl the cuck wanted to get rid of them, hated his race and shit but what about the one that created the titan experiment? Wouldn't it have been useful to give super streight to every Eldian when the Eldian empire was a thing?

Excuses, excuses. Even SL's low tier technology could deal with thousands of titans.

Well, it's only 2 options now: either LH will somehow appear at Historia's place, or we will learn the truth about her circumstances only before the end of the manga.

We still don't know their history, just a brief line about them being a science project and a happy accident. I'm sure if they could they would have made themselves just as strong and not being susceptible to being controlled.

Post that threesome edit.

I'm still mad why did based monkey man have to be a cuck?

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>Even SL's low tier technology could deal with thousands of titans.
You mean the thing that Hange made that can only be made with a titan shifter with hardering and can only work in a place that has these walls? Or the gear that need a special crystal that can only be found in Paradis? (and even with these is hard to kill a titan unless you're an ackerman)

Don't have the Reiner waking up nakey.

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>You mean the thing that Hange made that can only be made with a titan shifter
>Thunder spears
Face it, once Eren is dead, age of titans as effective weapons is over.

Eren grew up to be such a handsome young man.


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He has been one ever since he jobbed to manlet for the first time

>>Thunder spears
Good try hitting them in the nape without the gear.

Don't you have better things to do, Mikasa?

>the gear
Another thing not created by titans.

I hope it's the latter.

>Thankfully, Queen Historia has a heir
That's just another fucking ambigious phrase.
Not 'Queen Historia has a heir as it was agreed', not 'Queen Historia produced a heir for our plan', no.
"Thankfully" she has a heir.

Go back to tumblr.

What exactly about the euthanasia plan is supposed to stop Historia's baby from fucking everything up? Even if they manage to keep the titans away from the kid, he could just randomly die. What's to even stop the rest of the world from continuing to kill Eldians? The plot already states that Titans are going to not be as big of a deal in a few years. Letting humanity advance to the point where titanization isn't something they give a shit about seems like a better idea?
Are we supposed to believe that none of the future people with founder's titans are going to rebel?

>Isayama is trying to write this as some super grey conflict
Is he really?
Because the more I read SNK, the more I honestly believe this series is a war drumming calling for japanese nationalism. And that's a good thing!


Wait until better translations

I want to cum in Gabi's cunny

That's actually a good question. Would Karl leave them as they are or reverse the castration?

YZ are living in their own reality. Zeke is unironically mentally ill and Yelena thinks he is a god.

Can't wait.

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I don't fucking know do you think Armin was moved listening to Yelena's plan ?

Eren is gonna throw rocks at them and win.

But user I like buff old dudes and monkeys

I tend to believe they won't change a lot. Isayama tediously avoids telling anything specific about her.

Zeke just wants all Eldians dead. Doing that without any suffering is simply a bonus

Eren will job.

Like i said, the gear only works with a crysta that is only located in Paradis.
And even with gear and thunder spears is not that easy to kill a titan., The SLs guys only have like a a few kills (Eren/Historia have 1, Armong has 0) and they're best of the best.
Only ackerhax can easily kill hordes of titans.

And some good ol' bombs.

>Reiner, sit.

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>They have to waste expensive resources in the dumb zombies
You're proving his point.

Not rocks.

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Later translations unironically disappoint me often.

>Jean: Lady, your plan is bollocks.
>Yelena: Nobody is perfect, you know :^)

Wow, in 2 chapters Isayama turned YZ from dangerous villains into literal brainlets.

His brother, retard.

Zeke is only 29

He sure did

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Isayama finally took the Pii pill.

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The bombs are made for war, anyway. Just killing a bunch of three meters tall humans.
Eren dies = over. That's just it.

Zeke's spiral into memedom was gradual and climaxed at his backstory. Yelena went from yandere psycho fanatic last chapter to yandere psycho fanatical retard. Did no one ever tell Zeke that maybe, just maybe, not every Eldian wants to die off and would rather live peacefully in better living conditions instead?

Is it just me or did Pii call Yii a tranny?

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To be honest it's only Porco who's really dangerous for Eren. What are the marley troops supposed to do against a titan? And Reiner had trouble against Eren before he even got the WHT.

That's more a product of there not being anymore titans to kill for practice/training. Levi's squad only lost to Annie because they weren't trying to kill her and the veteran SL people were getting some decent scores. The problem is that almost everyone with any experience got wiped out by shifter bullshit. Most of the people that paradis has left are the garbage tiers.

What do you think, they worship a literal brainlet.

Armin is the biggest cuck the world has ever seen (other than Zecuck) so I wouldn't be surprised if he thought that was a noble plan.

Maybe some other countries lent Paradis their anti Titan tech? That shit demolished Reiner. and would've killed Zeke if he hadn't stepped in.

>The bombs are made for war, anyway. Just killing a bunch of three meters tall humans.
Which could be used for the actual enemies instead of the giant zombies, a waste of resourses.
Acept it: even if outdated, the titans are still a cheap and effecive weapon.

Gotta say this song fits perfectly if you start playing it at page 34 of the chapter.
Hype as fuck

>he didn't get it

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if eren is the father there is no reason to not believe that he created his own vow.


Good thing that we don't have you in the military.

What are you going on about? If the titans aren't the enemy, why would the throw bombs at them? Face it, titans are outdated.

He's right, you know.

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>Eren is willing to fight his friends for the greater good of the world and their future generations
>Pieck isn't willing to fight her friends even if it means a net loss for her people
I think it's clear who's right here.

I think Zeke does know that which is why it took so fucking long to find out his endgame.

But Yelena suddenly spilling the beans to Eren's buddies for no reason at all and expecting them to be happy about it downright retarded. I guess being near Armin does that for you.

holy shit, every chapter he gets more and more BASED. i regret hating eren long time ago

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Titans are just a weapon used by the ones that let go free to eat.

When was the last time we saw Historia speak not in flashbacks? Isayama the hack

Zeke will join soon

I really hope that Nicolo did get to fuck Sasha

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So not destroy the weapons, got it.

>not in flashbacks.
chapter 90. More than 2 years ago

These expensive bombs could be used in the civilians or the commanders, if you have to use them for the titans then you have to deal with normal armies (Tanks, fags with weapons)

Why didn't she shoot him?

He looks and acts like one but his role in the story is to be a perfect moralfag hero that always succeeds because he is so smart so he won't be one.

>sasha, time to spread butter on your hot buns

It's ironic. Don't forget Reiner is the fucker who killed off 20% of their population 9 years ago. There's no way Reiner represents any kind of true justice here.

Does Marley know that the coordinate needs royal blood?

>So not destroy the weapons
Congratz, you're being eaten.

I just don't understand why he is so fucking pissed at Eren but doesn't give a shit about Gabi, Grior, Zeke or Yelena

>shittalking Sasha in front of her family.
Based Grior.


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I'm actually curious what these scenes between Eren and Pieck will lead to down the line. Eren doesn't trust Zeke, but it seems like he learned something from the convo. What was it?

So the only reason Eren acts smug is because
"y-you can't kill me! I got the FT!
And not because he is actually a good and smart fighter

she needed him in the roof to commence the attack, not because she is not allowed to kill the founder titan, Magath is pretty ok with losing him.

He was just jealous that she stole Nicolo's boipussy from him

Not really, a outdated army will get obliterated by an advanced army. 10, 15 years from now, you use titans, you lose.

But he is pissed at Zeke and Yelena. But they were always enemies, Eren was once his friend.

If only Floch could have seen that.
He'd need a change of pants afterwards.

Armin just faking tears, this is obvious

Because Eren is legitimately correct here. Eren is actually smart now. Biggest twist of the manga.

If only I had used my weapons on the easy target

Because those others were never his friends, they were never not garbage to him.

Shit I didn't even notice Gallard right there.
You'd think they'd have pictures of them.

You don't gain neurons while growing

Marley= jews
rest of the world=rest of the world

Yes, she did. Dont you know? It has been confirmed that Yelena is actually a guy and got the queen impregnated.

>And not because he is actually a good and smart fighter
reiner, porco, zeke, piii, willy's sister and dozens of marleyan soldiers think otherwise but whatever, trannie, you gotta cope what you gotta cope

>not because he is actually a good and smart fighter
>Eren isn't smart or good at fighting
The fact that he knew why she wouldn't shoot him and dodged Porco's attack in human form is one of the best feats we've seen. Idk how he dodged it either. It's actually BS how good he is.

>You'd think they'd have pictures of them.

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The thing is that they would not only use titans, Marley will stop being behind in 10-14 years.
Titans are useful just for the fact that the enemy will be obligated to use expensive weapons to kill them.

He wants to fucking kill Seke, though.

That is true. They can't simply kill him because if they do, the Founding Titan will go to a random eldian child, which could cause trouble down the line. If they capture him or eat him, they gain control of it, and outside of the unforeseeable, that basically gives them control over Eldians for the forseeable future

But killing Eren is the main objective of the fucking attack

If that was the case why didn't she shoot him? She had the gun to his forehead. She was right, he would be instantly dead and wouldn't have time to shift. If she just shot him then commencing the attack wouldn't be necessary at all.

>Because Eren is legitimately correct here.

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No, Marley will not use titans, speedreader.

Well he certainly doesn't care about them, but they were always his enemy.

Eren was once his friend. That makes it much more personal.

He didn't dodge shit. Porco was going in blind.

Congratz, you used your expensive weapons in the titans and now you have to deal with the regular soldiers.

>and since apparently everyone in his faction is ok with it this chapter
Jean isn't. In fact, Jean is the only one in the cell who seems to still have faith in Eren. It's amazing.

>a fictional character is smarter than half of Yea Forums
truly depressing

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Cry more, tranny

>WH Eren is just regular Shingeki no Kyojin Eren
Shame, I was hoping for a new design

Depends, if Eren has learned to move his power to his ass like Reiner. It's the safest to get Porco to eat him.

You're missing the point.

Because it's too risky to believe she could kill him with a 9mm and as you see she wanted to get info from him.

so why didn't pieck just kill him? Just to save gabi and herself from certain death?

concession accepted

That's what bullets are for.
>expensive powder for the tenth time

Eren was hiding an bloody finger in his pockets, he would have shifted or sent his consciousness to his asshole just as soon as she pulled the trigger.

so after jean words we can asume eren beat armin because he knew he was going to regenerate right?

It would be dumb to not use them, Even if they're not an insta-win anymore they're still useful to make the enemy waste weaponry and as distraction.
You have not being able to refute this.

Isayama made a pretty thorough point titans are outdated and their age is soon over.


Why is Jean talking about Eren to Yelena?

>>expensive powder for the tenth time
Do you think that they´re free or infinite?

I don't think Eren can titanize faster than a pointblank shot to his frontal lobe

You finally admit you are a tranny, good for you. Eren is still a crappy fighter.

too effeminate to be yelena, needs more testosterone

lesbian. beard is slang for a fake boyfriend to appear straight


He was pretending to be extra edgy to protect them all or some shit like that

They aren't completely unstoppable anymore, but that hardly means they have no use.

yes yes my dear, you may not be a real woman but dont feel so sad about it

They will not use them, Magath said his final word. It's over, titans are as good as USA's independence war guns. You may use them, but you're gonna get automatic'd.

Which is weird because he said that Eren no longer gave a shit about any of them in 108

Except no. Otherwise she would've shot him. Eren was right.

>Magath said his final word.
The whole discussion was in a case where years after Magath death they go in war again and they decide to use them.

>titans are as good as USA's independence war guns. You may use them, but you're gonna get automatic'd.
Complete bullshit, Titans don't need to use used by soldiers, can only be killed by expensive weaponry and after dealing with them you have to deal with the regualr soldiers.

>Even if they're not an insta-win anymore they're still useful to make the enemy waste weaponry and as distraction.
You have not being able to refute this.

Technically you can still kill someone with a 1800s Colt. Objectively, this gun is now trash.

Look at , Porco clearly went for the exact spot where he was standing, Eren escaped and lost his legs in the process.

>Colt got diddled by Pieck in the train
Lucky. Half the cast wishes they were Colt.

Titans aren't outdated to that extreme though.
If they were, Armin wouldn't have been able to fucking annihilate their entire armada would he? And Erin would have gotten wrecked when he titan formed in the middle of Marley. The biggest threats he had to face were other titans like himself.

>A giant that has regeneration, can only be killed if you hit at a certain point and you don't need to waste soldiers
>Same that an old gun that has to be used by one soldier that can easily be killed

Half the cast got diddled by Pii. She probably blew a shitload of Jaegerists to be allowed to join.

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>expensive weaponry
Assumptions, titans can be killed very easily. The whole discussion is over a retard that just can't deal with the fact titans are turning into a weapon not worth investing in. Don't change the fact that it was written, in big letters, that the titans age is over, and there was an entire arc making a very big deal over it. You have not been able to refute it.

>Think about it, user. Uri became Kenny's host, and he knew it.
And he knew that Kenny was against having kids.

Plus, you don't need to waste time and money to train someone with a titan, just inject them with the serum and they do the job.

>and you don't need to waste soldiers
You'd have to waste hundreds of soldiers for it to be effective, and pray hard to god this shitty weapon doesn't turn on it's allies.

As soon the world has Panzerfaust's, Bazookas or RPG's the Titans become obsolete. And considering they already saw the Thunderspear in action, they surely will have their scientist and engineers working overtime by now.

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Pii is pure. They were shocked at them even recieving a hug. Her husband, Chadco Galliard is the only man she has even had a sexual thought towards.

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>titans can be killed very easily.
With what? They destroyed the enemy in the Marley arc and a gun wouldn't work because they're 3 meters long and you need to destroy their nape.

>tfw I literally just realized that Eren will never lose against these 3
>Zeke survives getting blown to literal pieces but gets put back together by the goddess
>Eren will still survive against them because the Goddess is on Zeke and Eren's side.
They're all fucked.

Goddamn it feels like Eren is the only one with any connection to the warriors. BRA, ZP, Porco, Gabi, it feels like he's gonna kill them all at this point with Levi gone. Except Gabi, she has plot armor.

That and the only shifter that can hurt him is Jaws, and now Eren can dodge him while a human. The moment Eren shifted he basically won.

>With what?
A slighly bigger than average box cutter.

And what is essentially an urban jetpack. And hope they don't just flick you away in the process.

The goddess appear to any shifter. She never not heah Reiner, Annie or any warrior.

That's one thing only intelligent titans can do. And even them got BTFO humiliatingly.

Oh god, you just made me remember the Ackerman are bullet timers in the anime. Fuck this shit.

>You'd have to waste hundreds of soldiers for it to be effective
The mindless titans used by Marley were citzens, not soldiers

>and pray hard to god this shitty weapon doesn't turn on it's allies.
You have to be retarded to send your regular soldiers at the same time that the titans, you're supposed to be send the titans first to make the enemy waste resourses.

>A slighly bigger than average box cutter.
With can only be made with titan hardering and giant walls.
You're not proving your point.

Titans don't distinguish between who and who, they'll go after anyone. Also the marleyan titans were soldiers. And also where'd your muh other personel argument go?

t. Marleycuck

Obviously we mean titan shifters, not just mindless titans.

>With can only be made with titan hardering and giant walls.
Actually that's just titanium.

>Panzerfaust's, Bazookas or RPG's the Titans become obsolete.
You still need to hit them in the nape or they don't die.
Nice try hitting a fast dumb giant running at you in the nape.

Titan shifters got fucked by cannons, not a few chapters ago.

>Nice try hitting a 15 metters big target.

Again: you're supposed to send the titans firsts (What Marley did in the Marley arc), if they kill them all then you win. If they get killed then they made the enemy waste weaponry and you send the marleyan soldiers.

They can adapt, come up with new tactics. They just can't run headlong into everything anymore. That doesn't mean they are completely useless.

>In the nape

>Making your enemies waste money to make a giant wall with titanium
In war, that's a win.
Also, you can just send them from the sky just like in the Marley arc.

The marlyeans literally were at war with the attack on titan equivalent of Iraq for three years and the titans made no progress.

The only useful titans in war would probably be the Beast Titan, Collosithe War Hamme

Because they were not expecting it, Zeke was distracted and Reiner wasn't expecting it to be that effective.
Just dodge, pay more atention and any shot that the use to kill the titans is money wasted and beneficial to you.

They are designed to destroy armor and titans are just flesh, a hit could be devasting and an early panzerfaust has a range between 30/60m. A common soldier well positioned could kill a titan easly and its economical affordable.

How do you even kill the WHT and the CT? with a nuclear bomb? They're far from being useless.

Of course

You have to remember that you're dealing with a horde of them, you kill one and then you have to be fast enough to kill the hundrends coming behind.
Even if you kill them all, then you wasted a shitload of moeny in them and should prepare your ass to get destroyed to the incoming soldiers.

>make a giant wall with titanium
The wall isn't made of titanium, retard, the swords are. And the point is that they cut deep, which any other metal can do if done right.

Titans were Marley's last resort, they had to hid them until they dealt wit a far more superior weapon that the titans. And when the titans did came out, they ended up being crushed by a far superior weapon anyway. And that's just the start of it, they won by luck.

Soon enough they won't even have a upper body anymore, with a blast.

>Wasting titanium and money to make a sword

Nice projecting, tranny

Waste of a soldier you can only use once, high chances they will turn on you, have to find volunteers crazy enough to be turned, and soon to enough bringing titans down will be easy as fuck.

Didn't seem to be a problem for the SL.

>Waste of a soldier you can only use once
>have to find volunteers crazy enough to be turned
>Implying that the mindless titans used by marley are soldiers and that they volunter to turn into titans

Maybe talking like it is going to just a lone soldier, which this is not how to operate against a horde. And if a common soldier can take a couple of titans, that's already a win.
>you wasted a shitload
yeah and nations can put an absurd amount of money in war and Panzerfaust's are not the most expensive equipment for their buck.

Because they have the resources and the gear to make the swords effective can only be made with shit that can't be found outside of Paradis.

if anything its his fault for distracting Sasha preventing her from keeping watch over the entrance (I hope somebody brings that up)

>high chances they will turn on you
You're not supposed to send the regular soldiers near the titans.

>implying they didn't

God, when will the MC finally find the Shingeki No Kyojin and become the Titan King?

The only shit that can only be found on Paradis is meme stones.

I would bet that they didn't.
You don't need their concent anyway, They're marley's slaves.

That's why there's only need to kill the titans.

Yes and that's what makes the gear work.

Who was right about Eren? Punished Connie or Alcoholic Jean?

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comfy thread.

The thing i: you kill the titans, waste weaponry on them and you then will have less resources to deal with any incoming army of Marleyian soldiers.