Reminder that a better girl doesn't exist

Reminder that a better girl doesn't exist

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Don't talk down about Mari, Hikari or Mana.
>Set sail for ONEPIECE!

Not even the best girl named Asuka tbqh,.

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Go back to work, moot.

I beg your pardon?

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I want her to cheat on me and bully me in the literal worst ways possible.

this but unironically

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>can't cook
>doesn't want kids
>garbage personality
>prone to violent outbursts
>craves superficiality
>best girl
It's not april fools anymore

That's not a girl, that's a cow.

on the catalog it looks like she has a lazy eye


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This dude wtf?
What's the point of a woman if she isn't stable and family oriented?
Those should be the only purposes a woman has.

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You sound upset on the truth.

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not even the cutest ginger in anime
not even the best girl in her own show cause that's yui but I'll forgive

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Fuck everyone in this series. What a bunch of whiny shitters.

don't mind me, just posting the superior tsun child genius

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>Fem!Shinji fingering herself in the hospital room to a comatose male!Asuka
This is a weird boner I have right now.

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This guy knows what he's talking about.

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Asukafags can't recover from this.

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split open the head with an axe

>inferior girl from an inferior series

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are you talking about her penis?

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Pls user ...

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shut up retard

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search within your heart, you know that Shinji is unironically best girl

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Fuck off Mana

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make me

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You wish.

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more like fuck on
as in fuck her face lmao

god dammit I want to watch her piss herself in that plugsuit so much.

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I came here to post this.

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There were better tsunderes since.

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this but the opposite

Fuck off Assucka

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Rei is the closes thing we have to yui... besides that thing.

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Are you cunts really *still* doing that shit ?

It's been 24 years already.

24. Fucking. Years.

Don't worry user, the fellows at -gainax- trigger now brought us 2 new girls to fight over.

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Oh boy, I can see the shitstorms from here

I think you mean shittier

You don't have to imagine
just go to fireden and look for
or just post this pic saying" why is she so perfect" or "yuuta is a lucky man"

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Fat, ugly lesbian

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Yep, 24 years and, to this day, not a single girl in anime can compete. Really makes you think doesn't it?

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