Discussion: How many people watch anime worldwide?

The questions:
>how many people in the world know what anime is or at least seen any even the most generic stuff?
>How many people know what anime is at least by name?
>how many people watched more than a few shows?
>how many people actually seek out anime?
>how many people watch the average anime episode of a popular series? unpopular series?
>how many people actually finished a series?
>how many people know anime enough to talk about it on a wider margin?
>how many people watch the cult classics?
>how many people rummage through older works like cel for their anime?
>how many people read manga?
>how many people follow up their watch with the manga?

My personal estimations:
>7 Bil
>6 Bil
>5 Bil
>2 Bil
>100mil-2bil (up to 5 bil if it becomes a classic)/ 100k to 100 mil (average)
>1.5bil. Excluding people who watched it as kids, 1 bil

This is my personal estimation, I know it may seem like much, but consider the fact there are shows like dragon ball, pokemon, and sailor moon, that's been translated into every language and broadcast across the globe for 2 generations now. I think some media can barely hit 10k and some media can hit billions. I'm curious what others think of the matter.

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T L D R:
I think the viewership of anime is a lot bigger than some estimate, what do you think?

Apparently most of the planet.


What the fuck, 6 billion people don't know what "anime" is.

I'm from India and nobody knows what an "anime" is. They haven't even heard of that term, they don't even know adult animation series exist. The most they know of is superhero cartoon shit or Simpsons, but that is a "cartoon". Crayon Shin Chan, Doraemon, Kiteretsu are literally the most popular animation shows in India and even then people don't know that it's anime.

As far as Indian weebs go, who actively seek out anime, there might be a few hundred thousand people or at the very most 2-3 million. Anime is getting really popular nowadays and Indian teens are actively seeking it out but the number is still very, very low compared to the rest of the population.

I'll have to read that later

There are about 7.5 humans on earth
I a big part of the 1.5mil I didn't include would go to india and probably some African countries

It makes sense you'd think my estimation is optimistic, what is your estimation?

>First and foremost, the author would like to thank God, through whom all things are possible.
What the fuck. Do Americans really do this or is it supposed to be ironic?

No, I don't think even Europeans are this wet about god. It looks like it was written by some student. maybe she was going through a god and anime phase... maybe it was ironic. who knows.

>Let’s assume electricity limits anime access



.88 x 7.6 billion world population = 6.688 billion with electricity.

>Let’s eliminate boomers:

6.688 x 1/2 = 3.344 billion persons who should have heard of Pokemon.

user I think you had a good estimate but forgot old people don’t pay attention.

Can’t have God Given Rights without God pleb. Also important for scientists to remember they work with theory, and NEVER assume they know everything or “believe” that scientific methodology is limitless.

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Even in the US, many people have no idea what anime is. Nor should they.

>boomers don't know pokemon
I think you are underestimating how popular pokemon is. I can hardly imagine anyone on earth not even recognizing the name. Also besides it being so big and in the news every other month, remember that when millenials were kids and sat to watch TV their boomer parents and guardians would know about it too. grandparents would buy their kids pokemon presents when they would talk about it. I don't think we can cut off all the boomers so quickly.

Most people know what Japanese animation is and what it looks like, but they probably do not know it's marketed as "anime"

I think that's what a lot of otakus think, or at least want to believe, with some people who even go as far as to say that anime is underground, but I grow up in the middle of nowhere and still everyone watched db, played yugiho, knew what pokemon is, and dressed up as anime characters. almost everything that was on as Tv entertainment for kids was anime. I think you'd be supersized at how many people actually know anime.
This is why I included the second line
I think a lot of people seen or know what anime is, but don't know it by name. One time I talked with some person and brought up anime, he didn't know what it was, I said you know, like dragon ball, and he got it.

Good point. Maybe I should have eliminated only those baby boomers who didn’t have children as not knowing what anime is? Of course I’m assuming 50% of world electricity access population is boomers. Variables hard :(

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I think you highly underestimate the ignorance of the general public, OP. Not to mention the large majority of people in shithole countries don't even own a phone. They have bigger problems to deal with than worrying about Chinese cartoons.

i'd say about 8

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Your'e right
Good thread everyone
That's it for the global anime association meeting
Thanks for coming

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If we were talking abotu cult classic anime and hardchore stuff you'd be right. But pretty much every contry around the globe has anime programming, especially to kids. Instead of licensing just cartoons, a lot of countries licence animation from japan. I think for shows like pokemon or anime saying 7 billion people watched at least one episode or had some interaction with it's not an overestimation. if were talking modern stuff, I think the number plunges down heavily.
Still. I think there's a minimum to this stuff too. I think from almost every big currently airing show, between japan and the US you are promised at least 100mil viewers. I think even shows like ueno san have viewers in the 10s of millions or more.

Shitholers need an escape, media provides. Fansubbing removes paywalls and improves access. IMO anyone able to encounter anime will.


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Never stop dreaming you sweet sweet north african child.


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How hard is it to understand its a "niche medium" which appeals to a very niche audience? I'd say a good amount of people have heard of naruto or dragonball Z in passing in the last 20 or 30 years so maybe 1 in 5 people actually watch the pop anime. Maybe 1 in 20 or 1 in 30 actually seek the stuff out as a hobby because everyone has the right to not like anime like a good portion of Yea Forums for example.

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>every person on earth knows the name pokemon
>every kid grew up with either dragon ball, sailor moon, pokemon, or yugiho
>everybody from the darkest holes in the deepest slums to presidential figures and royalty watch anime


That's how you sound like when you call anime a nieche medium. that's like calling superheros neiche cause not everyone buys the comic, sees all the films, or even knows more than 3 names in the whole cast of characters.

>somewhere in africa, there is an african child doing a limp-arm's-behind-run in the sahara desert

how many?
let's count.
i do.

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Imagine seeing a kid try to Kamehameha a tiger
Might be a girl with that kind of drawings though.

same here

Thats fine if you take it that way. I'm not saying any of that in the slightest. Anime at its heart will always be niche and there will be people who enjoy most genres in anime and there will be people who only enjoy specific kinds of genres like action or slice of life and then there is the majority who get into "THE TOP RATED ANIME OF THE SEASON/YEAR" but at the end of the day the actual people who sit down and watch a ton of anime who are the backbone who buy the merch and DVDs will always be Niche.

Also super hero movies haven't been niche in ages thats a bad example. I could careless how popular something is, I've honestly been watching anime to care about trends and popularity I like what I like and thats it.

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Me Three

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>anime in it's heart will always be neiche.
but why?
that's stupid to say on a medium that most people 30 and under grew up on in one way or another.
It's like saying film is a niche medium cause people don't keep up with modern film.

Just because you don't watch a ton of anime doesn't mean you aren't a viewer for anime. it's the same with everything, for example most of the world likes and knows abot harry potter, but very few people have all the books, write fanfictions, discuss itonline, know the spells, dress up as characters etc.

You can suck your own dick on being a hardcore fan but in the end it's stupid to call it niche.

"Hentai" was the second most popular porn search term in 2018. So... a lot.

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>asa akira and two other girls from new york trying to figure out why the hell are traps and bowsette leading the charts

The 2018 pornhub recap video is pretty funny. worth a watch.

Fortnite is on that list!?

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a) sweet chart
b) yeah it dominated the searches every time a new character dropped.

Most people in spic countries watched anime as they grew up, for example most of our parents watched heidi, candy candy and gundam, the next generation watched dragon ball, sailor moon and other 90's shit, then yugi oh pokemon captain tsubasa and so on, anime has always been on national television in latin america and probably that's why it's mostly accepted to watch anime on these third world shitholes