Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai

We are less than 24 hours from the premiere of the anime. Are you guys excited to see your favorite characters animated?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not with the anime QUALITY. I don't wanna taint my memories of this masterpiece with a bunch of dishonest animation.

Uruka > Rizu = Mafuyu > Sawako > Asumi >>> Fumino

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Unfortunately Asumi probably won't appear til the end of the season.

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Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

The other dekinai anime looks better desu

Anime looks bad so it’s hard to care about it.

Doomposter out.

Don't worry user I'm still reading the manga.
Anime announcement when?

I love Rizu

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I love Mafuyu

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I love Fumino

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Just let this thread die. There's nothing new until new chapter or episode in 15 hours.

Was there korean dump already?

Yeah there was a korean dump last thread

Nah, they'll find a way to introduce her early.

Is this a trap?


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Mafuyu's husband is so moe

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Couldn't care less but as long as it leads to more Uruka lewds I like it.

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>Are you guys excited to see your favorite characters animated?

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How QUALITY is the anime gonna be?

very, everything about this adaptation screams disaster, it's like they see the iceberg and they increased the speed
>literal who studio
>literal who VA's
>lackluster anime designs
>terrible color palette
for a WSJ series this seems severely subpar
I really like the manga but it's hard to have any optimism on the anime

I miss Manyuki

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The only literal who VAs are Uruka's and Asumi's, the others are moderately well-known at worst.

The only literal who is Uruka's VA, because iirc this is literally her very first role

Doomposter is a fucking pleb.

>OP's pic
Since senpai's chapter will be adapted either way, could there be a .5 anime episode?

No, her VA was also Kylie in Kotobuki last season, as well as the main girl in Hi Score Girl.

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dont read the manga , but sensei best girl

New chapter when?

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Tonight, probably.

Thinking about the early parts of the story, I remember common opinion initially being Fumino being boring as shit, and everyone hating Uruka. I wonder if anime-onlys will have the same opinion.

>and everyone hating Uruka
Yeah, that was common, but there was also a lot of lamenting over how perfect she was and what an injustice it was that she wouldn't win.

Funny how in retrospect I vastly prefer Blackmino to Bluemino.

For some reason when I first read the manga I assumed that Asumi had brown or orange hair and Uruka had black or blue hair.

>everyone hating Uruka
Not really, everyone loves her during the early chapters, up until that chapter

A lot of people thought that Fumino was not in the race at first.

Yeah, people thought it's Rizu vs Uruka, while Fumino become totally irrelevant to everyone

Tell me about Uruka: why does she wink more than the other girls combined? The only other girl that winks often is Asumi, and even then, not as much as Uruka.

what chapter

and then chapter 24 surprised them.

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I'm hyped hope subs come out in 10 hours like Kaguya's time. Maybe I'll watch the stream with you guys too

Genki archetype

Not all genkis wink though, I can think of several genki characters that don't wink very often.

They better keep her hairstyles.

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What a hack

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If they adapt this gif, the anime will be a 10/10 for me.

That's because they're fucking stupid or have never read a romcom before, especially one in Jump.

I've never realized how popular this gif is.

Yeah Yamero Nakadashit archetype is always in the race.

I remember bokuben getting real attention at this part.

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It's a perfect reaction image.

Those bangs look terrible

I'm just going to ignore the QUALITY and be glad our favorite study group got animated

A bad adaptation is always worse than no adaptation. Look at Jitsu Wa and 5Toubun

its not fair

5toubun was fine. If you cannot live without fapping at sakuga I'm sad for you.

>could there be a .5 anime episode
It's far more difficult to do for .5guy

>Jitsu Wa
Ah, now I remember that there was an anime and that I did watch it. The last episode was the only passable one.

>Bokuben anime
I hope all animefags shitposter in our thread migrated in here now.

>5toubun was fine
No, it wasn't.

can't wait for more uruka fanarts and doujins

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Smells like piss in here all of a sudden

It was cute at least

What is it with with Bokuben and piss? Was there something that I missed?

>Mafuyu in the middle

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Senpai > Fumino = Rizu > Nariyuki > Uruka > Sensei

i love your ass Sensei

There was a piss chapter, and it was awful

Awful? Please explain.

For an uncultured swine like you, maybe.

Nothing happened.jpg
Senpai and moeman were locked in the bathroom because shenanigans
Senpai needed to go to the toilet and was about to do it until someone unlocked the door
It was the epitome of Tsutsui not knowing what to do with her

>Are you guys excited to see your favorite characters animated?
After what the preview looked like, I don't expect anything.

Is it true that Uruka was created because the editor said so? What about Sensei then?

>her VA was also Kylie in Kotobuki last season
She did a great job there

>Uruka was created because the editor said so
Speculation because the manga was supposedly gonna be axed but it was strange cause it was like chapter 4
who knows? She was part of the 2 incapable's backstory until she got fleshed out in her own chapter, who knows if it was influenced by the editor or by Abe

Sensei was supposed to be antagonist.

>Is it true that Uruka was created because the editor said so? What about Sensei then?
Literally the first time hearing this and also "Nobody cares"

It was way back in the first 10 or so threads when urukafags were high and mighty about getting so many chapters

No, stop believing everything that Yea Forums tells you

Ok, so this piece of information is just a stupid rumor or is there an actual source?

It's handbook tier information

Look at the character design of the two main heroines and first three chapters of the manga. Bokuben was supposed to be a love triangle.

I commend you for making it to the last episode, I tried I just couldn't do it

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All the previews look like it was animated with Macromedia Flash. It's going to suck and we know it.

Just like Nisekoi?

Flawless list.

They really fucked up her design.

This is one of the most retarded things I have read in these threads. Good job user

There's nothing much to watch on this season, user
Might as well watch this shit and complain about it on every week

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Nah, Nisekoi is clearly Raku and Chitoge's love story.

Doomposter get out.

Literally made up by Uruka haters to further justify their needless hatred towards this cutie.

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Senpai is the worst looking in pic related but somehow become the cutest there. Sensei's hair is still bad.

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Probably least awful design.

Episode 11 was fine. Just pray that Shaft will take over for Bokuben too.

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Senpai is emo

>Senpai is the worst looking in pic related
The list is incorrect as well

Happened the moment you posted.

Maid senpai with helmet is also the best character design.

Attached: img_chara_asumi_1.png (750x850, 51K)

Post your list for those new images.

This is not supporting your point thougb

Rizu > Uruka > Fumino > Nariyuki > Sensei > Senpai

Even if Senpai is not the best, there's no way she is the worst.

I think someone mentioned jump requiring 3 full chapters of every new series to be made before getting the go or something. Uruka shows up right after. Early Bokuben has that very strong feel of a manga that doesn't have a strong sense of identity or personality beyond its initial premise and simply tries to figure ways to keep readers invested.

It even got 13 episodes instead of the regular 12.

This is actually an awesome design.

Same. Given that doujin makers were already active we're gonna get a rain of those after the anime.

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>Episode 11 was fine
More like it was miles better than the rest of the show

Next week chapter spoiler.

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After catching up with the manga I can say that my tierlist is: Uruka > Rizu >= Senpai > Sensei > Fumino
I have to say that they're all cute tho

God I fucking wish
Excellent taste if not bait

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Not bait, I love her

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>Negi retweeted this

Them being acquaintances may not be just shitposting material

So 22i named his kid after his mc right? Does he want Nariyuki-chan to turn into a yuri manwhore in the future?

The anime designs look too colorful.

Because it's not

They go on drinking sessions a lot, I join up with them sometimes and get some neat details on future plot points

>I see that you got a cheap and shitty adaptation as well

and this is them congratulating each other for getting serialization

They're drinking buddies. I bet they copy each from time to time.

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Even though some hate her beyond reason, Uruka still has a considerable fanbase.

>Bro, let's make our main heroine a glutton.

> Hey bro, let's create an ambiguous event that foreshadows the OTP. Something something binding something. That's a neat trick!

Haven't kept up with the chapter count in a while, but will it end in the Fireworks arc also?

It will end with the piss chapter

Foomfags will push it to end by 39, people who have a brain will say itll end by fireworks

That's a lot of skipping they have to do tho. Also the first 12 chapters are all adapted so no skipping from those.

>Let's adapt ALL the useless filler
Uh huh

Nothing but JAV materials

Make a list of skippables from 1 to 69 then. Actually from 13 because we know for a fact that 1-12 is adapted from the trailer. Well except 5 I guess, that's not actually in the trailer since they moved the boob squeeze scene elsewhere.

I'm going to check it out for my Uruka dose, but the preview looked really low budget.

t. Retard
It does it what intended to which was ads for the manga.

I already made an episode list way back when and I can't be assed to find it again. What's your preferred end for the anime, then?

My preferred end is fireworks but I just cannot see it. Would like to see that list but whatever.

>people who have a brain will say itll end by fireworks

It won't even reach that arc.

Asumi with this hairstyle is great.

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Why does Asumi keep wearing bad clothes? Especially that dress she wears in the key art.

So her usual hairstyle?

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That's her debut attire but her usual clothes are fine. Her festival outfit is God Tier.

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I prefer the wilder other one.

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Sex with Sawako!

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This is her usual hairstyle though.

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I want to lick and smell those pits.

To celebrate the upcoming anime, I went to Gamers today and got these.

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I guess the first one you posted is her worktime hairstyle. Now to argue what's the most frequent one do we have more chapters of her being maid or casual?


That's nice. Please scan them if you can.

>Senpai has a seminar card
>Sensei has a teacher card
>Rest have student cards
Nice detail attention

Interesting that they still haven't revealed the birthdays of anyone other than Asumi. Considering this is a Jump manga you would have probably expected something by now.

The fruit cover ones are cut anyways, of they were whole it would be another story.

Yeah but the background is cute.

Fireworks arc is too far, they'd better off ending it on the onsen chapter even if they skip the fillers

>ending with a fanservice chapter
But that's so boring and dull.

>boring and dull
Fits with the manga itself, so yeah that'd be perfect

They won't. Too much work for the sweatshop animation team.

Do you read the manga too or are you just a professional shitposter?

we know that Fumino's birthday is in October, but that's about it

He is an otter.

what are you willing to bet Nariyuki was born in april or may?

April. On Graduation day exactly.

But that means Fumino is not his nee-chan?

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Nee-chan doesn't mean twin user

He could have jumped a year, like I did. Doesn't that happen in Japan?

I know nothing about this series, who's best girl?

Is this airing in 2 hours?

inb4 it's christmas

impossible he's been the same year as Uruka

Whoever suits your liking and not the one any user will tell you. For me it's her.

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Ah, here we go
>Episode 1 - Chapters before Uruka
>Episode 2 - Uruka Introduction
>Episode 3 - Slight Uruka Filler and overall studying between the groups, can have Sensei
>Episode 4 - The field trip where Sensei looks for Rizu and Rizu kisses nariyuki
>Episode 5 - Fumino guesses that they like Nariyuki, sleep over maybe?
>Episode 6 - Studying and then Sensei house, Ibara club chapter
>Episode 7 - Exams and summer school, senpai shows up
>Episode 8 - Senpai filler or first half of festival
>Episode 9 - chapter 39, then some other things
>Episode 10 - Group fillers, set up for cultural festival
>Episode 11 - Cultural Festival part 1
>Episode 12 - Cultural Festival part 2
The episode leaks mess that up but this was made back in February

I know user. If Nariyuki is indeed older than her, Fumino is about to steal Mizuki's imouto spot.

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I can't explain why, but I want to eat anime senpai's hair.

Only if you're gay.

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Anime will probably only run one cour so that means it'll cover up to chapter 30 right?

Anime will have 13 episodes.

and according to a guy who went to the pre-screening, anime adapted three chapters in episode two.

They will have to move on some things because Asumi appears in chapter 33.

It's romcom, of course it'll only got one cour. When was the last time we got more?


If they believe that it'll never get a second season, they might go nuts and adapt whatever the hell they want. That's not likely since it's such a popular manga (unless the adaptation turns out to be a low-budget shitshow, which probably won't happen), so the usual rule of 2-3 chapters per episode works out to 26-39 chapters adapted. I recall that people who attended the pre-screening event in Japan said they heavily rearranged and compressed the opening chapters to speed things up though.

It's going to either shorten some stuff or skip some stuff because Asumi doesn't appear until after chapter 30.

Are you guys going to watch the livestream?

you mean live slideshow?

No, livestream.

>unless the adaptation turns out to be a low-budget shitshow, which probably won't happen
It looks even worse than 5toubun already

Do the usual place stream it? Haven't watched one in a while.


Yeah, I just checked it and Bokuben is there.

Oh boy, can't wait until Bokuben got a live-action adaptation too

>pink hair mafuyu sensei

As a Rizu friend I always love seeing little bits of compatibility with Yuiga no matter how superficial. Such was both of them in their uniforms proper and actually trying to study.

Does anybody legitimately know when this airs?

In one hour.

1 hour and 10 minutes left.

I hope the subs are released shortly after

Well, if the VA's are popular then it'll succeed.

>Popular VAs
user, I...

Thanks, will it be on dsgstng or will I have to look for some obschre stream?

what episode will sensei appears?

She already appears in the first one

Either that one or search the Tokyo mx stream.

Several streaming sites have Bokuben so HS will probably out one hour after it aired like Kaguya.

Yep, livestream in one hour and HS in two and a half hours.

Furuhashi Fumino commands you, watch the anime.

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>One hour until the Bokuben anime broadcast starts!
>That's funny, Somehow the manuscript does not advance at all!
No chapter next week bros.

Damn ex-yakuza, stop watching cartoons.

suck dick

I betcha he'll have the sensei one on his watch list.

Anyone got a link to the stream, please?

the usual place

there's one already here in the thread, alternatively just wait an extra hour for the HS rips

Sawako is only for hand-holding user!

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I want her to hold my hand-dick with her vagina-hand!

Senpai is so hot too. This manga is full of semen demons

If the anime gets popular, will we see Fumino vs Mafuyu shitshow everywhere?

this implies Fumino is anything of a match for Sensei

>If the anime gets popular
Good thing it will be instantly forgotten when the next season comes by

Just to confirm I found it, the characters are in a snowfield right now?

You are watching Kimetsu no Yaiba. Bokuben will air in 30 minutes.

Shit looks cash.

What’s coming next?

Only 30 min!!!

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ok ok, i thought customer is the king.

Do your work, Tsutsui.

Aaaa which is it the one with people doing a talk show or the Monogatari one aaaaaaaaaaaa

The monogatari one.

The anime called Boku is about to start

Wow, I didn't expect a shadowverse commercial



Uhhh bros? Mafuyu is the first girl????????? I thought Fumino was the firsT??????????????????


fisrt girl best grl

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Tecnically, Rizu was the first.

Wait a minute
Are they using CG for the opening

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Really? It doesn't look like CG to me.

stupid hair

Gotta save dem budget

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Part of it looked too shiny, must be how they colored it

uruka best

Just for the OP?

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Lot of hair service in the OP.

It's a bit QUALITY, not that koalatea

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That swimming Uruka was totally CG.

Also, Sensei first girl!


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It's done a bit cheaply, kind of like Kaguya.

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We truly never learn

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The color palette is too bright imo. Gotoubun was the same.

Kobayashi voice a cute.

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>CG in the OP

>fumino, rizu and uruka are the only one who gets focus in the OP

Is Naruyuki’s VA fucking Araragi?

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Rizu has a fitting voice actually, it's pretty cute.

No because I hope animefags won't fall for the yamato nadeshiko meme

Is Maou-sama

Why would anyone care about a inferior Go-Toubun with no character development or story direction and progression?



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the girls are cute.

Why are you trying to push that, user? She is not one at all.

every bokuben character has more depth than toubunshit

Because it's fun, unlike Go-Toubun.


>nariyuki uses electricity
>instead of using a candle when he can

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Anime fixed that. Sorry Yea Forumssci/fags

I do think palette should be bright as manga artist does have some glow to it, but it does seem a bit much

It's not bad desu. I like how they rearrange the story.

fumino VA is awful

>they even include extra pages
There's the obligatory Mizuki screentime

Yeah, but the anime director called her one and it might influence animefags

Nice oppai joke

Fumino bullying!

Yet you're here.

>fuminofag director
>makes mafuyu show up first
I guess even he understands

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>sensei first girl

Wait. Do people actually read and like this? isn't this just an extremely inferior Nisekoi's replacement?

Character animation in the opening was pretty good.

They skipped Fumino being sleepy all the time in her introduction?
The opening
>senpai only shows up once

fucl off

Here comes the toubun invasion I suppose

They fixed the QUALITY from the PV I see

People are desperate for Nisekoi replacement, whether it's better or worse

It looks pretty good imo. Better than the actual show.

Oh boy, here comes the deep reasoning behind Fumino wanting to pursue astronomy

Yes to both.

They can't even show a decent starry sky.

Visuals were pretty nice.

Attached: D3dHlhWV4AIVPVj.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

And here is this faggot.

Fumino a shit

Now there will two parties at the same time.

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i want to rape Fumino under the starry night


Attached: PARTY.jpg (236x332, 22K)


It's Kou Yoshinari a.k.a Aninari
He's the big brother of Yoh Yoshinari, you should know his name already .
And no, it's not CG. Aninari has his own style of doing things, from painting style animation to composite he did all of it by himself so it looks different from the other parts. He's a god of animation basically.


She shouldn't have even been in the first place. They need to change too much to reach ch 31.

Was Mizuki actually that creepy? I don't remember her outright sniffing moeman

They probably made her creepier.


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>Was Mizuki actually that creepy?


Moe mom!

WTF guys, it's actually good.

Reiji's future wife is cute.

Oh look what do we have here

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Now that the dust has settled, how did you find the anime?
It was kinda not bad/10 for me, it got a few chuckles here and there

I really enjoy this episode. ED > OP.
Also, did they add a bit about sensei gave up on Fumino and Rizu at the start?

There's a lot of skippable Uruka chapters early on. No biggie.

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I was promised extra Sensei sceentime. This is false advertising.


Unironically pretty comfy.

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that low budget ending

This was a good episode

I like it.

keep seething

That was the best part, honestly. Really cute.


Attached: THE LEGENDARY CHAPTER.jpg (1366x768, 72K)

Animeonlies calling this a Toubun rip off in 3... 2... 1...

Why so many background girls in the ED? Sawako was enough.


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>forgetting when the manga almost got axed because 22i wouldn't stop with the Uruka pushing
It's like you are a newfag.
The ED
Pic related really make me wish we'll get group chapters more

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How long till subs?

This was better than 5toubun's first episode
Based on how fast they were going I thought they were aiming for the festival with some skips but this actually confirms it ending at 39 right?


One hour.

I can't believe Uruka replaced Rizu.

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Sensei driving was only really relevant by chapter 41, so we'll reach maybe chapter 50, maybe cultural festival

Attached: chapter 41.png (599x336, 419K)

>Everyone saying its going to be shit
>It turns out to be good
Why does this always happen?

nice meme

more like inferior toubun + inferior nisekoi


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one hour

hentai OVA 

I don't get it. What's the problem?

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Bluemino's voice is SE...

muh chapter 39

did everyone how the chapter was shit and generic ahd flopped hard in the rankings?

It was not a great deal but is 100% comfy and fun. I'm so glad.

It's not a rip off but a poor man's 5toubun

Nariyuki and his harems

Attached: D3e1GN5UcAA4SwV.jpg (1199x525, 147K)

It was trash though


Where is Ibara club? REEEE

Go back.

>ending at 39
sorry, user, see

Nah, cultural festival is still too far, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did reach it

>even bokuben got a better adaptation

They will make it to chapter 39 and throw in an anime original ending with all the girls to make it look a bit more balanced.

Cultural festival is too far. If anything, they will move that sensei chapter forward to give her more screentime.

gotoubun wannabe

keep seething

I don't want it to end at 39 tho
It wasn't faggot. Too bad your shitty manga will never get an anime adaptation.

Is this series good? I got to the panel where this happened and couldn't force myself to continue. What a forced comparison.

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Man, I love the ed.

They can rearrange as much as they need, but it won't end at 39.


this was just the first episode. Let's see if they can keep this up

This isn't really a surprise, but Rizu's bait kissu chapter makes the cut too

Attached: 42r.jpg (495x273, 32K)

Nope. it's generic shit.

No fucking way

no u

are those the only words they teach in brazil

only desperate Fuminofags still cling to ending it in 39 when they probably want to end it as neutral as possible

As long as chapter 39 get adapted then I'm fine with it.

Only because the 5toubun anime was hot garbage.

I wonder how much they will cut if we go beyond chapter 39.

Attached: Meguspin.gif (256x256, 592K)

Sorry, I actually have standards.
Keep eating this cheap adaptation up.

>better adaptation
nah, it looks as bad as expected. Only the OP and ED look remotely good

Attached: D3e22L3U0AAK_yB.jpg (1071x757, 145K)

urukachads won again, same for the
>uruka is not a main heroine shitposter
the OP and the trio art with 22i BTFO them all

It's worth enduring for sensei alone.

Attached: 1553990489855.png (592x815, 413K)

Attached: D3e3PajU8AAIgi-.jpg (1064x752, 103K)

Only better relative to the manga. Both adaptations are low budget trash.

I don't get why it's supposed to be based.


>all these anime boost and sensei will still win the poll

Attached: D3e3eO3U0AAz-Yt.jpg (1046x739, 141K)

Subs when?

Attached: 1554293786776.gif (202x202, 34K)

The Rizu-mino in yukatas confirm that the summer festival or whatever will get adapted, but we'll see how far it'll go

Because it was the first real Fumino chapter in a long time and you know how Fuminofags react and act for every little thing related to her.

Attached: D3e3q-SUwAAG11A.jpg (1076x663, 82K)

Mizuki alert system

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.21.06_[201 (1280x720, 121K)

Are you saying it's based or why is it regarded to be such? It's pretty based if you're a Fuminofag otherwise it's pretty biased.

Attached: D3e35uWU4AEW2Wp.jpg (684x967, 86K)

What a slut.

These are gorgeous

Just watch it raw, you already read the manga anyways.


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.21.36_[201 (1280x720, 91K)

So who's her VA?
I'm happy for him lads. May he get enough money for his family.

What a terrible imouto.

The smell fetish runs in the familiy, I see.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[22.05.699-22.11.497].webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

I did. I want to watch it again with subs.

Attached: 1503988963158.png (661x406, 168K)


here, loved the first episode


based, the nips (who read the manga) like it a lot

I can't believe the anime spoiled the sensei ending. Blunder of the decade.

Do I have to watch Gotoubun first before this?

Hey, that's pretty good.

Yakuzaman is happy, no fingers will be cut off tonight.

Tsutsui-sensei wrote on twitter and then deleted it that the final episode will be an anime original Ikeda end

Attached: D3dHz7nU8AAoD0j.jpg (1200x675, 120K)

Fuck guys, I'm excited.

Silly, gotoubun is the sequel after Nariyuki marries Sensei and has 5 kids

My wife Sawako is so cute.

Will Fumino surpass Sensei in the polls thanks to the anime?

>These are gorgeous
They'll look fucking terrible when they get colored.

Attached: D3emB-3U8AAZ0LL.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

Even as a Yea Forumsfag, I doubt it.

No but you have to watch Nisekoi first. Both 5toubun and Bokuben spun off from it.

it's a shame that even Sensei couldn't prevent Nariyuki's manwhore genes from turning their daughters into sluts

Didn't the quints real father runs away?
Wow, didn't know Nariyuki is a total douchebag

If the manga can't help her win, how can the anime?


Attached: io3vec.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

>Will Fumino surpass Sensei in the polls thanks to the anime?
ah, that's funny

Attached: kek.png (641x419, 307K)

Probably had dies early syndrome like his actual dad

Anime sensei looks low IQ somehow.

Attached: 1551008243507.jpg (1280x720, 94K)


And here's some twitterlikefagging because this thread needs some shitpost.

Attached: 20190406_182232.png (512x500, 358K)

Oh, the first character came out wrong, no wonder I couldn't find her.

isn't sensei voiced by Lynn?
can the other girls compete at all?

>We'll be seeing middleschool Chitanda in her degenerate brocon days
Picked up.

This is the sequel.
The other "can't study" anime airing this season is the spin-off.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[22.34.853-22.37.773].webm (1280x720, 610K)

doubtful, as I said before manga readers will hype her and she already showed up, way earlier than she should, so unless they completely butcher her character (which they won't do out fear of backlash) the anime won't change the order in the poll

Please no. I've had enough of that from 5toubun thread.

Attached: D3dKGuTUYAIpUsI.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

Wow did they blow the entire budget on the OP?

This is the editorial department, guess which of them are fans of which girls for shitposting material

Attached: D3evQw5UIAAnWWZ.jpg (1477x1108, 199K)

It was 3DCG tho, that's cheap.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[22.37.815-22.43.279].webm (1280x720, 975K)

The purple guy is a Asumifag, he is just there chillin watching everything burn.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[22.43.320-22.46.448].webm (1280x720, 630K)

>swim team featured
>ibara club nowhere to be seen

>pictures taken seconds before disaster

we never learn IS the official title, not fan-translated we can't study. rekt

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_01.52_[2019.0 (1280x720, 89K)

Nah, poll results usually never changes even with the presence of the anime

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[22.46.490-22.47.992].webm (1280x720, 758K)

I'm an Urukafag but I still laughed

Ibara club only appears in chapter 24 and I doubt they will adapt the festival.

Make no mistake Bokuben is a generic harem series but it makes up for it by having girls who are all good and a male MC who is more moe than any of the girls pursuing him

Kashima is worst girl.

For an unknown studio, that room doesn't look too bad for them

This is... a sad day.


>girls who are all good
except senpai, otherwise yes


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[22.51.120-23.13.225].webm (1280x720, 1.88M)

Her apron is lacking a brocon pun. 0/10.

They are from jumpu, not the studio. They also watched Kimetsu.


I think that's WSJ office.

We've already know about it long time ago, dummy

Attached: 197.jpg (764x1200, 47K)

It's the jump editorial studio

Why only Uruka gets colors?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)-[23.13.267-23.23.527].webm (1280x720, 2.19M)

That's Inomori and her gorilla cavewoman eyebrows

Because she's best girl.

Cute sleeping moeman.

I can't believe Nariyuki is dead.

Whoever animated from :45 - 1:10 is crazy good.

might be foreshadowing her appearance next episode

I can't believe Nariyuki is fucking dead

Inomori is the best out of the 3.

ED animator is an Urukafag maybe.

anime spoiled the ending

Oh, silly me,then

Attached: 1409114798643.png (680x383, 374K)

Nariyuki is fucking dead

Which toubun do senseifags like?

Chono is the best and it's not even close

Attached: ChonoBurger.png (290x282, 113K)

Ok the ED is super cute. First EP is better than i thought it would be.


Attached: uhhhhhh.jpg (573x669, 74K)

where is this taking place?

Fuck the OP and ED are so good that I was disappointed by the actual episode proper.


Man, Uruka's and Fumino's are top tier cuties but Rizu's is pretty ugly.

I take back my words. ED > OP > Ready Study Go!.
I'm glad they didn't use RSG for the OP.


>Asumi eating giant watermelon

Uruka end scene

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_00.23.35_[201 (1280x720, 105K)

Apologize to Arvo and Silver.

For when this thread dies

I don't read toubun



But both are great and lively.

It's just the first episode they still have plenty of time to fuck up. And it's nothing exceptional anyway.

When your expectations are set to rock bottom, nothing exceptional is kinda good

Miku and Yotsuba.

Waiting for an episode where Shaft pick up the job

A lot of people thought they are going to be worse than hentai anime studio.

Both of those are better than Nisekoi

I literally had to explain to a friend of mine when I first mentioned Gotoubun to him that it was the *other* series involving a guy tutoring a bunch of hot girls.


Attached: 1553989981567.png (430x826, 354K)


>And it's nothing exceptional anyway
It's more than enough for this godforsaken production.


First I was an Ichika fan
I'm now leaning towards Yotsuba based on the latest chapters.

>the anime helps uruka surpass fumino

No fucking way.

yes fucking way

Attached: uruka_chateada.png (328x364, 80K)

I'm sorry user, the chapters where Uruka somehow redeems herself, if there's any, won't be adapted just yet.
Pray they won't adapt ch 25-26

Yotsuba or bust

Rizu is still first where it counts.