Favorite hair-color/eye-color combination?
Favorite hair-color/eye-color combination?
For yandere, you mean?
Based on this user's shitty doodle.
Most people here can't stand short hair though.
White/Green or Black/Yellow
Call me Lo Pan, because green eyes go with everything.
Reminds me of Rukia.
Black/red, hands down. If you disagree you're a massive faggot.
Black hair + any color eye but red
But there isn't long black hair in the list? It must be incomplete.
You put way too much time in this.
This isn't a good reference. All these colors look washed out as fuck.
Longer hair is also highly advised.
Would also choose purple hair\pale eyes if given the option.
Aryan girls are best girls
short black hair with blue eyes
White hair best hair
Purple Purple.
Black hair+Blue/Red Eyes>Black hair+Brown Eyes>All