What went wrong?
What went wrong?
became too shounen
wouldve been better if it was just mob coming to terms with himself and not LMFAO BROCCOLI AND ANGRY DAD MAN
X-Men was better
it became popular
Nothing, it was good.
AOTY, bitch
theme music became repetitive, it needed some permutations. major weak point of anime in general.
This board
It turned into Yea Forums
>mob coming to terms with himself
Wait for seaon 3 if it ever happens that is.
good SoL parts, trash shounen ones, even though the action scenes were animated well
Also the main villain is horrible and introducing him after 20 episodes was a terrible idea
I love Reigen.
We know, Bones.
This I wish we could go back to the comfy threads when the series was still more unknown. Also this
Broccoli was cool
You can watch AnPanMan right now so shut up
>the picklerick of anime
This board was already horrible and could use a little Yea Forums flair instead of these general type of threads
I want to suck on his weenie.
That is a no go if you are a man
Nothing really wrong. Its just another shounen show that has a little better writing that most and people are slowly figuring out it still is rather plain because it is shounen.
>Shigeo! I turned your religion into a broccoli!
Don't expect anyone to watch that when everything we've seen from the new season looks mediocre.
Inferior to OPM and moral faggotry
Unfair since it's only the second season
Nothing much. The last few episodes felt a bit too much like a generic battle shonen but they were still decent.
I am an OL with big boobs.
The last episode kinda render null any positive argument anyone had towards the show.
>going to mob threads every day just to post the same low effort comment
truly the intelligence and taste of those who think mob is trash is magnificent
Went full shonen. Never go full shonen. When the first season did it at the end it was skirting the line of parody. Second season jumped over the line and was completely serious about it. Firefag's dad was an awful character that had zero place in this series. His half-assed sob story attempting to make him tragic was also hilariously shallow.
nothing it was fine
Nothing it was great. Certainly the best show of the season. is the only criticism I kind of agree with.
yep, the final """fight""" was terribly generic, it became what it mocked, same as OPM.
Sisho, I turned myself into a broccoli, I'M MOBCCOLI!
It doesn't just mock it. It jokes about how silly it is but it's a celebration.
Mob was never a parody/gag/deconstruction whatever. It's not OPM.
100% Mob lost to 100% Toichiro in a straight fight though, it was his inability to control his power that ended the fight. It was always about reaching him. That's not really that shounen.
There was a comfy Mob thread on Yea Forums earlier. Mods fucked it
>What went wrong?
shitty ending
character arcs that go nowhere
Anyone have the webms for the Demon Rush and when the Taichou of the Body Improvement club protected Mob with his body?
Nothing, everything went very right.
funny enough Yea Forums is a better place to discuss anime than Yea Forums
Yea Forums sings
Yea Forums sings
>the virgin anime whisper vs the chad video game mosh pit
that season 3 isn't airing right now
All boards are better at discussing off-topic threads than on-topic threads. No exceptions.
He had like 5 personalities in one episode.
>not posting Yea Forums's magnum opus
Being this retarded and thinking he had personalities instead of shifts in his psych.
>shift in his psych
The fuck does that even mean. Face it, Mob has been an inconsistent character since day 1.
He was overpowered by different emotions.
In the comic you see that he gets several different 100% status, each explaining his behaviour. While in the anime they skipped all of them except his initial fit of rage.
But Mob is a boring MC and the personal drama in the series is awful.
Serious answer?
They really dropped the ball on the last episode. The fight with Suzuki had one of the worst choreographies in the series, full of flat shots and downtimes, and the music was too sparse and lacking in scenes that desperately needed it. The manga looked better most of the time.
Then they killed the pacing with the body improvement club skit that really needed to be cut.
Saitama is boring and ONE note
It works/worked cause OPM is/was a parody.
lads, please.
A boring ONE
Funnier than Mob(oring)
Mob has character development. Saitama has 0 so saitama is boring
Where can I listen to the new OST for free
Yea Forums has a lot better ones. A sub group from Yea Forums called /v4c/ even has a lot better ones.
man, animeonly fags are truly subhuman scum
The climax ripped off Akira. Lmao
You missed the point of the final fight. He lost the entire time he was spewing friendship and I can save you shit. Then as soon as he said fuck it I give up on trying to reach out to you and started twisting and distorting the guy, it was one sided. He literally fought stronger with malice.
In the manga he goes through different "100%" like "100% courage" "100% euphoria" and shit. Anime didn't show that and thought narration would get the point across, but clearly it didn't to everyone.
Point of his character was that he supresses emotion greatly then bursts all of one emotion out at once, then you learn why he does that at the end with the ??? arc
What chapter did the anime end so I can read from the manga the next arc
Was I seriously not supposed to interpret this scene as Mob acknowledging the fact that he knew Reigen had no powers?
Be honest, how many of you understood it that way until you read the penultimate chapter?
No. Tetsuo is a bad boy unlike mob
What? But it was a scene about Mob acknowledging that he knew Reigen had no powers. In the final chapter the surprise from Shigeo comes from the fact that Reigen himself finally confessed, not from discovering he has no powers. It's the honesty.
Fight was too fast, Mob was going through emotions faster than me on dmt
Other than that the show is a masterpiece
To answer that would be to spoil the ending.
it's just Mob, but the repressed parts of himself. It calls itself the "true" Mob, and thinks of our Mob as a fake. It's the darkest more repressed parts of Mob that wants to cut loose and unleash his full powers against the world, knowing there is literally nothing that could stop him. It's the part of Mob that he is most afraid of, and it was cultivated from the repression of his physcial emotions.
tl;dr it's just Mob's repressed emotions that have caused a split personality
It became the type of generic Shounen that OPM rips on.