What would be a good anime series to get my GF red pilled on anime? She likes Sopranos,mad men, lost...

What would be a good anime series to get my GF red pilled on anime? She likes Sopranos,mad men, lost, the wire and game of thrones for starters. She admits that she was biased when she was younger but now she wants to watch some.

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I suggested HxH to my GF, now she watches everything with me.

Start out easy, maybe something with a lot of episodes if she likes those series.

Have her watch Boku no Pico.

i have to add that she loves miyazakis movies. But shes never watched any anime series.

That looks gay

Normalfag anime until she loses shit taste

Evangelion, Boku no Pico, Pupa.

What do you mean by this? She mostly reads books so i don't think how she could like so called normalfag animes.

Death Note is a good entry level anime, follow it with FMA Brotherhood

If she's not open to it from the get go you're probably fucked

Devilman Crybaby

Fuck off spoonfeeder kikes.

Well she had a bad experience with annoying otakus in her school

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Think FMA brotherhood would be a good starter also, but what about tengen toppa gurren lagan? I just wanna watch it again


She doesnt like the cute shit. Less cute the better unless it's a miyazaki movie

It's not at all.

I told about great teacher onizuka and she really wants to watch that next.I really didnt think she would've liked the idea of that. It's pretty pedophily...

Black Lagoon.

Love that shit, bet she would like it after we watch great teacher onizuka. Remy is such a badass.

>having a gf with the absolute shittest of taste in anime and tv shows
I'd never date a thot that refused to watch anything but entry level speshul snowflake shit

GTO is mostly the japanese version of "To Sir, with Love"

Yea Forums is dead.

>anons actually spoonfeding

Group watching anything but comedy is a really bad idea, user.

these. dont request threads get deleted?

You're a fucking normalfag and should GTFO of Yea Forums
But since I'm a very good guy and you are dense as fuck, your girlfriend don't want to watch fucking anime, she's just trying to be nice with you. So stop searching for ideas about what anime she might like and start dicking her hard

>req thread, not even disguised
fuck off