How can people enjoy this?

How can people enjoy this?

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Some people aren't homosexual

Some people know that women are just objects.

How can people not?

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I like this sort of thing between my bouts of crippling depression

The ending still pisses me off

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It's fun.

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thought this was token plain guy from gintama at first
testament to how lame all these self insert-ish character are now....


I hated that stupid cunt so much. Fucking betas ruining my anime. No real guy should be that oblivious.

How that beta archetype is prevalent in anime, holy shit, I want to strangle that cunt.


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YES. The only sane answer is yes.

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I'm not watching this shit, so just tl;dw this shit for me.
Alien/dimension walker girl falls out of the sky and meets beta MC, she ends up going to high school with him or staying at his apartment because his parents told him to fuck off, and the childhood friend introduced in episode 2 gets jealous. Also, airheaded bitch falls in love with beta faggot-kun because he's nice? Is there anything more or can I just look at the porn now?

Well, we're lonely bastards with no other hobbies or interests finding all our hearts desires in Japanese cart.... Wait you're asking about this show.
I don't know.


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I came here to post this.
Btw go jerk off to tsuda_nanafushi's stuff if you still haven't.

So, yes? Alright, hope Sankaku and Exhentai have some good material on this shit.

"No" as in not TL;DR it for you

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Only a few translated doujin, but they are all pretty good.
Also look up

>staying at his apartment because his parents told him to fuck off
His home is actually an alien embassy now iirc

>tsun bitch that beats up beta-kun and bullies him gets jealous of a girl who is nice to him
I hate this trope

I don't, they deserve to lose.

Imagine if your female cat took a human form, would you?

Maybe. Depends on the form.

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>old ecchi series so doujin are far and few between
>god-tier girls galore
>reboot never
I hate when that happens.

Ah, yes. I remember that faggot. I knew he wouldn't do anything to anybody ever. Impressive, considering it was my first ecchi harem anime.

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You didn't see anything.

You ok pal?

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Would engage in cultural fluids exchange with.

I actually dropped the show long before the end because the MC was fucking cancer. I can see that it was the right move.

Ah, yes. I remember that user. I knew he wouldn't delete any posts to any other OPs ever. Impressing considering it was his first reply.

Most people can enjoy anything that doesn't require any thinking.

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The OP for this anime is lowkey fire.

you don't like tits?

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Only if they're bouncy.

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I would fuck all of those cats but Durel is my favorite.

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It has something for everyone, user.

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Cute, smart, kitten making hips, and huge oral cravings. That's a keeper.

>Ecchi show about space catgirls
>Make the sexiest one a human
What did they mean by this

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good to see someone else actually had their eyes open while watching this atrocity.

I want to make kittens with this one.

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It's always the quiet ones that you have to watch out for.

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B & R

This is the only scene I remember from the show. I can't remember the MC doing anything in the show at all. They way the females just come to the conclusion that a harem is best without the MC having any input, say, or effort put into it make me glad I forgot the rest of the show.
Love the screen shots though.

I would ruin her if given the chance.

You anons have reached the pinnacle of human culture and achievement. All human interaction and creation beyond this point will be considered a downgrade, for you anons are the culmination and greatest product of the aggregate effort of mankind.

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This is peak anime.

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>leaving out 2/3 of the fun.

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so many potential filenames

I want to rub my dick all over her flatness.

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how can one user be so based?

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retrying to post this webm

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She was sexy, but a complete unlikable cunt.

CIA's filled with cunts, it mirrors reality

You have to appreciate the huge variety of body types to enjoy.

Can one of you translate this into brainlet terms, or else I'll have to go to /sci/

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Scientific notation is taught in fifth grade, user.

Check out the bottom of DFC thread on /e/.

How the fuck did you never learn scientific notation? Were you homeschooled?

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all true all true


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Public California schooled

sadly that ass was not consistent through the series, besides maybe that speed boat episode

>taking anything on Yea Forums at face value
literally a honeypot for (you)'s

Watch again. That ass is getting help from the closeup shot.

I often forget /e/ exists.

I'd like a chance to see if her mating season turns the good Doctor into a baaad Doctor.

she turns into a nyaaughty kitty\
excuse me while I go stab my eyes out

this is epic user moar

I often forget that Yea Forums and /po/ exist, despite being here since 2006
I actually don't even know if was pre or post moot

I'm stealing that.

That's my main board tho.

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I feel like /po/ is too innocent of a board and hobby for such a degenerate site

The regular /pol/ raids are obnoxious at this point.

it's like fighting an uphill battle, newfags will consistently disrespect native board cultures, and inject unnecessary racism and trolling
Such a shame, I'm not even saying racism is bad, but there's a separation of boards for a reason

I still remember that one doujin:
>mc joins forces with the dogs and capture catian ship
>dogs use the entire crew as breeding stock to run a genetic engineering program with the sole purpose of transform the catian race into the perfect housepet species
>offspring gets sold across the galaxy as slaves/food
>mc betrays dog leader and throws her into a test tube to be raped by tentacles
Asanagi used to be more fucked up.

>eternal hiatus

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That was my first Asanagi faps.

Surprised he didn't throw some bestiality as well.

He's basically dead and he already had wrote himself into a corner.

I liked it for the Star Trek references because I'm a nerd

This is unironically one of the most shit animu ever made, but at least the tits are large.

>tripnewfags are retarded and desperate for attention
wow, so surprised

>Check this out
>ALF shows up as a villain
>It makes perfect sense
Well shit

A Martian from Metal Slug is there too. That page is weird.

don't make me choose