He is gonna save JC Staff after the fuck up that Index 3 was and the fuck up that OPM2 will be

He is gonna save JC Staff after the fuck up that Index 3 was and the fuck up that OPM2 will be

Attached: images(14).jpg (270x406, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty much.

Honey and Clover II (2006)

Toradora! (2008)

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun (2009)

Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (2011)

Ano Natsu de Matteru (2012)

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S (2013)

Attached: 0C9B7CC2-717D-4B8A-A974-BC12447124AA.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Nagai asked in interview.

>Do you have a favorite character? an easy to write character, or a hard to write character?

>My favorites are Tsuchimikado and Stiyl. I like how they have different ways of manipulating Kamijou. The easiest to write is Misaka Mikoto. She can fit into any scene, be it serious or comedic, without feeling out of place. The hardest to write are the “behind the scenes” characters like Aleister.

Attached: 85166324-7751-497D-9E01-5391D0B4EA27.png (1280x720, 942K)

>Which is easier to write, the science side or the magic side?

>The science side. However, this is because I had to create a foundation for the magic side from the beginning and the science side is written to be the opposite of the magic side. You could say the science side just charges down the road I already created for the magic side.

>What characters from Index would you want as a lover, as a wife, as a friend, and to avoid altogether?

>Index for the lover, Orsola for the wife, Misaka Mikoto as the friend, and Oriana to avoid altogether.

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>MP thread
Ignore and sage

Attached: 1552001798209.jpg (680x680, 85K)

One of the most fun interviews ever with Kamachi answering questions from the perspective of characters.


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I’m not hurting anybody. Just let me have fun in this thread and go have fun in the other one. You don’t have to go out of the way to tell people to ignore the thread. It’s not even mine.

Nice one MP


Miracle Poster

This. Fuck MP

Mobile Poster, a boogeyman created by Raildexfags whenever someone disagrees with them and breaks their safe space. Originally it was a name given to a very autistic Railgunfag that posts on a mobile phone, and as usual since a general is a circlejerk, they created imagined stories that he is from Utah and is cute Mormon girl, but MP just plays along knowing that they can't get rid of him since they have given him an identity to cling to.

>Whenever anyone disagrees
There's like 12 different names to choose from for boogeymans of people disagreeing with you. MP is specifically for the brand of autistic retard that is constantly shilling Nagai filler as the peak of the franchise and constantly shitposting about the series without having actually read it or knowing the first thing about it

Sorry, it’s not working but if you search it up by the same In the link you can find it. It’s really good.


You’re the same person you responded at.

>How many languages do you speak?

>French, English, Italian, Russian...oh, and Japanese of course. I think I could manage a few others too.

Attached: 3CDA4372-0655-439B-9914-FAACC1C86A12.jpg (908x1000, 375K)

How much is your monthly allowance?
> It isn't really an allowance, but I get paid for helping with research. I don't know the exact amount though.

How much do you have saved up?
>I've never really paid attention. I just take out as much as I need to use.

Nagai directed AnoHana?

>How old were you when you reached Level 5? It was after I entered Tokiwadai at age 12.
>What kind of work did you do to reach Level 5? The basic method is practicing over and over again.
>† Are there any advantages and disadvantages becoming a Level 5? Becoming a Level 5 didn’t really change me, I’m still the way I used to be!

She claims she just did normal training exercises over and over so the possibility for Dolly ( 1:1 clone ) to get Level 5 isn't far off, right? With sufficient training that is...

>not Saten
What a fucking liar

Is there one with touma or the index cast

I don’t think so.


Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - Misaka Mikoto Maniax/A Certain Maiden's Bag Contents

A little folding hair brush: 25,500 yen
Lip balm: 20,000 yen
Girly mirror: 50,000 yen
Handkerchief: 35,000 yen
Little purse thing full of candies and gekota treats: 70,000 yen and 500 yen for the candies
Gekota tissue packet: 980 yen
Gekota bandages: 0 yen
Gekota coin purse: 1,500 yen
Gekota phone: 50,000 yen
Hairclip: 20,000 yen
Railgun coins (from arcade)
PDA: 45,000 yen
Mikoto's belonging data

Total weight: 1000 g
Degree of childishness: 69%
Degree of girlishness: 41%
Degree of Gekota-Mania: 80%
Also, the rate of greenishness: 54%
Rate of Polka Dots: 27%
Rate of Lucky Items possessed: 7%

Attached: CAB185C2-E3DA-482D-810F-BA099683943F.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

would you look at that.

Attached: 69CD64BC-DED3-4461-8DE8-D933155A52FA.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

To this day Mikoto still belongs to the friendzone.
Why her ship does even exist? Just because she's from 00's when tsundere meant them winning the MCbowl?
45 volumes(manga, spin offs, side stories and crossovers) later and it's still fucking nothing. Why people do still bother with it?

Don’t say anything till you see the end. You never know what will happen.

The entirety of NT has spanned around 1 month, there's not even been enough time for anything in regards to romantic development , not matter what ship we're talking about, it quite evidently isn't a focus as of right now in Index. The reason why it still exists is because the author still panders to it, almost every volume, and given the timeline it makes sense that nothing has happened.

That’s kind of bad because a lot of us want romance in this series. I know it’s funny to make fun of it but romance would be a nice touch.

Literally took 4 days for Touma to fall for Index pre memory loss tho.

If Kamachi even bothered he would have done at least something in these 10 years.
Fact is he didn't and likely won't at this point of the story so far.

If a miracle happens and Touma recovers his lost memories.
The only one reaping the benefits will be the headcrab.
I wonder why Misaka and Misaki contemplate the possibility that Touma having his memories back would give them a chance when in fact it will hinder them.

Maybe he’ll remember that he’s attracted to girls?

The only character that seems to care about girls at all so far has been the Spanish guy.

That’s why he’s one of the only two canon non virgin characters in the series.

>Fact is he didn't and likely won't at this point of the story so far.
Bingo, but he's keeping 3(4 if you count on Misaki getting a miracle) routes open, but yes. It really isn't a focus right now, maybe it won't ever be.

He lost his memories not his libido.
Like when he got hot from seeing Index legs when she slept or her ass at the pool, Oriana at the festival and Kanzaki/Issues cut off clothes.

Index, Mikoto, Misaki and Kuroko?

I could actually see the Kuroko Touma thing happening.

Mi Misaka solo tiene una opción y esa onions yo. El señor Kamijo nisiquiera le interesa como yo la amo.

>I wonder why Misaka and Misaki contemplate the possibility that Touma having his memories back would give them a chance when in fact it will hinder them.
They don't. Mikoto doesn't care that he lost his memories because he still remembers what he did for her, and Misaki just wants to be able to form new memories, not get his memories back.

Index, Othinus, Misaki and Kuroko.

OT17 says otherwise.


Post the passage. OT16 narration says that she wipes away her own worries about his memories, meaning that the things that mattered the most to her was him remembering saving the clones. Sure she cares, but what took precedence is that he still remembers the events of OT3.

>It was surprise that things he had been hiding had been exposed. This meant he still had his memories of Accelerator and the Sisters

>The entirety of NT has spanned around 1 month
I really hate this shit that Kamachi does. Spread out the events a little more for fucks sake

You sound silly in a way but in another way you’re kind of right. The fact that everything we’ve ever read has happened in such a short timespan makes this series seem ridiculous at times not to mention the billion year timeskip with Othinus. You’ve just got to take it for what it is.

>there's not even been enough time for anything in regards to romantic development
Not so fast
>Autistically mating dances for eons

Attached: 1457287955837.png (164x184, 42K)

>all these filtered posts
What the fuck is this shit? Is the entire thread simply MP talking to himself?

90% of it yes

Jesus Christ.

Cant you just have fun? If you don’t like it go to the other one.

I don't think autistically talking to yourself over an entire thread counts as "having fun" by that point you belong in a psych ward.

Because Misaki was Touma's original heroine.

Touma told Misaki his type of girl and Misaki became exactly that. Sadly, Touma can't have any memories of Misaki past, present, or future even though she's become his ideal woman (at least physically).

>Pre memory loss touma had never saved a single girl before Misaki

MC getting his ideal girl is a weird trope.
Has it ever happened?

He was too busy living like a normal teenager. Why is that so hard to believe?

>Touma was a normal teenager

Actually most do. Most romance ones. Bleach. Toradora. Zero no Tsukaima. Fate. etc

Touma just has bad luck.
Most of the girls he saves either aren't his type, their relationship is platonic both ways or one way, the girl is too beta to confess, stupidly acts slutty and touma passes it off as a joke/manipulation, etc etc.

Misaki also included in that list. She's his ideal type and willing to confess honestly, but he can't form memories of her.

>normal teenager
>bumps into girl
>drops eggs
I don't think so. No little bitch would have knocked over my eggs.

That scene is anime original pretty sure. But he didn't even bump into her, he just fell.

Touma just CAN'T get a fucking break.

It's kinda like Conan, where literally everything happened in less than a year.

I'm ok with him as long as he stops shilling Saten

You have no idea what are you talking about.
Fated girl =/= ideal girl

What’s wrong with Saten?

>Implying based animator wont save OPM2

I am amused that Nagai actually cut a shitload of content from Toradora.

The anime was good.

Nagai IS a good director, memes aside. He knows how to work with pacing, composition and angles.

I think so too.

A shame he couldn't cover Railgun SS.

A normal person would have noticed her feelings with that speech at the end of NT3, and from that try to build an outcome (whatever is) to this shit and use it to develop the characters, specially Mikoto, but instead the writer keep pandering shippers ad infinitum, which is very frustrating

Ironically, it is the consumer's fault.
The reason anime QUALITY happens? Because otaku buy it anyway.
The reason bad writing happens? Because otaku buy it anyway.
The reason shipping must never be resolved? Because Otaku will stop buying it if their girl does not win. Can't have that.

>The reason shipping must never be resolved? Because Otaku will stop buying it if their girl does not win. Can't have that.

Then why is Disney so successful?

Those are [mostly] children; not the same as manchildren.

>the fuck up that Index 3
In the novels there wasn't a part where accelerator cuts Russia in a half? They skipped that?

More Mandela Effect. Never happened at all.
Would have been pretty cool though. It is amusing that one of Accelerator's most impressive feat in OT never happened. (At least he has that time he shifted the entire Earth's rotation though)

That wasnt mandela effect it was pure meme

Attached: lolazon battle.png (1200x1900, 3.31M)

That was just a fake spoiler that people spread for fun

Attached: oops.png (2200x1500, 3.94M)

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Attached: demon slag.jpg (2400x1500, 1.02M)

>file name

Attached: 1446921817726.jpg (500x500, 54K)

Attached: 74064074_p9.png (1500x2100, 2.71M)

I kept making that joke with Hamazura ever since NT19. Especially after he put on the fucking armor suit. And no one got it.

I guess a lot of people dont pay attention to filenames here. Or no metroidfags

I haven't played a metroid game since echoes. That baby stuff was from other M wasn't it?

And here I thought it was a joke about the thumbnail making lillith look like a blaster

>Oriana to avoid altogether.
Fuck you kamachi

S3 was so fucking bad holy shit

Was the shitty ending also his doing?

Attached: 99715027c77efd3e3c59ca546d3c904b97c7ad9dr1-2000-1500v2_hq.jpg (1024x768, 88K)

Accelkoto NEXT VOLUME!

Can't turn a whore into a house wife

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I get that some people get enjoyment from these for maybe one or two postings but can you start doing fun images people will repost and remember for years to come? Do one of Kongou pushing Touma up against a wall getting ready to punch him.

Might as well make her smoking a cigarette while you’re at it.



Man. Sometimes I just want to bop everybody who doubts this man in the nose with my fist. How is this bad?

Nagai isn't a bad director. Even his shitty filler is directed well, that doesn't mean it isn't shit plot-wise.

You like it!

>MP once again jealous as fuck over other people's talent
kek, eat your heart out you petty bitch

I like his art a lot. It’s spooky looking and I think it’s a great contribution to these threads. I wouldn’t want that user to go away in a million years. I just want to see some fun images. I’m not twisting any bodies arm but I’m allowed to ask aren’t I? That’s just my way of asking. I’m not even trying to be mean.

Yes, he's fine if he absolutely forced to do what he needs to do. The minute he goes into shit fanfiction territory, it plummets to hell. I'd rather have Index 3 10 times over then have another Silent party shitfest

It bothers me.

Nobody believes that any most people had fun during Silent Part believe it or not.

>still knows fuck all about magic
>can't beat saints
>too frightened to fight coronzon
>LPR and AAA didn't get her to that stage
>AAA is better when croweley takes over
>keeps getting hijacked
>AAA is more important than her
>the curse was nothing
>magic gods are interested in everyone except her
>almost disappeared from the volume without Misaki around
>not in on the tree that she more or less gave birth to
Can Mikoto redeem herself?

Attached: misakaaaaaaa.jpg (184x165, 18K)

I’m waiting for Railgun s3!!!

Attached: 4939C948-01EF-4F83-B9E3-EB161D8F7611.gif (367x321, 553K)

We all are.

Mikoto actually can beat saints. Kanzaki could be done if she got hit by a Railgun and I don’t even know how she’d fight Mikoto’s electric transformer sand man.

Kamisato user doesn't take requests, he draws what he wants, and does do fun images, just nothing cancerous like Railgun filler.

Attached: 1549773407909.jpg (1500x2000, 668K)

Unfortunate that he restricts himself like that. It’s a good thing you speak for him.

And Index too!

Saten, Mikoto Mei, Kuroko and Uiharu aren’t filler characters. Neither is Kongou, Awaki, Misaki, Wannai, Tessou and on and on. There’s no reason to blindly hate the science side.

I feel Kanzaki could take a railgun. Not without injury of course. She was able to still fight after Acqua's moon pressure attack that took out a level of AC.


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The best type of ships and ends are with the two characters who you least expect would get together.

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It was going a lot slower and it’s a lot bigger so the weight was spread out instead of focused on a single point.


I doubt he was given the choice of only getting two cours to adapt ten(?) volumes.

He did the same thing with Mikoto’s mom. He’s such a horndog.

Don’t pay any mind to that user. He’s in blame Nagai for everything because Railgun is going to be fun mode.

I just dont like seeing cunts like you harassing good artists just because you're jealous that you'll never get the positive attention they do

In fairness there is no Esper that can resist the Number 1 cock.

I’m not. I like his art. Just because he makes good art doesn’t mean he’s a god. I can talk to anybody however I want. Why are you so defensive?

I'm not saying I enjoy Nagai's filler in Railgun. Just that he didn't exactly have a choice in having to cut stuff in the Toradora anime.

Saten can.

Nobody said you enjoy the filler in Railfun even though you probably did. I’m just saying that I agree with you.

Saten cant even resist back alley Skill Out cock because shes such a gutter slut

>imagine being this attracted to Saten

Attached: 3214926E-2246-426E-850C-501156717492.png (471x551, 316K)

Not even Saten can!

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I love these images. I like the one where they’re in the water together.

>being attracted to walking chlamydia
Fucking gross, keep that shit to yourself

Pretty much all of us do.

I wish there was more...

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I'm more offensive than defensive though. You've done the same thing before, let's not pretend

You gotta use smaller words user, MP is very dumb

>mfw you get to play AS Freckle Nun

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We know what this is! You’re trying to make her seem bad so you can have her all to yourself! We won’t fall for that you stupid hobgoblin bitch. You need to get in line like the rest of us LN, Railgun fans.

What, you have multiple personalities now?

Nobody thinks you’re cool because you’re “offensive” user. I think you need to just let me ask for the art I want to see and if your butt buddy doesn’t want to do it then he can decide himself. How do you like that because I bet you don’t like it very much?

I’m just saying what most of us think. I’m not MP.

Attached: 2E64000C-542D-43F5-A974-11E6E5E53EBE.jpg (868x1369, 101K)

Youn absolutely are MP, no one else would actually want a disgusting sack of disease like Saten


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We know you’re not. It’s just Saten hater poster.

Are you slow? Nobody want AIDS here beside you MP. You want to fuck the black plague, thats fine, but dont force your disgusting shit on other people

You like her! You like her! You like her!

Attached: 69C53F74-C5E6-4450-9658-9C8805C3E18C.jpg (755x1056, 440K)

No wonder, the disease rotted out your brain

Attached: 6S1DEHVl.jpg (597x640, 70K)

I dont understand why Saten became such a meme girl. She isnt even remarkable in her own setting and gets overshadowed by at least one other girl.
>I like Himecuts
Himegami is better and has a funnier shtick
>I like girls with flowers in their hair
Uiharu is better and has a much better personality and is actually useful at times
>I like the anime version with medium size boobs
There are plenty of girls in the series with B-C cups
>I like the manga DFC version
There are even more DFC/petite chest girls than medium sized girls
>I like the Genki personality
There are plenty of Genki girls that are more fun/interesting than her
>I like the fact that she's a middle schooler
The series is loaded with middle school girls
>I like smug girls
There are loads of girls that are smugger than her
>I like that she's a normal girl with no powers
Yomikawa, Tessou, Komoe, Fish eyes, etc are much better and actually useful

She's literally just a generic genki girl that had a conflict in the first arc and then nothing else. She hasn't grown since then, she has no conflict, she doesnt have any sort of interesting development, literally nothing. She's just there to be Mikoto's wingman for kamikoto moments, which we already know won't lead anywhere since its so far behind the main story. She contributes nothing else other than to look cute, but this is already accomplished by other girls. Other girls are written in and out of the narrative when they have their moment, like Kongou and her friends. But not Saten, she sticks around for no discernible reason. She's akin to the Index of the Railgun series: a character that should have been written out long ago because she has no purpose left to the story. Even down to the same style of one dimensional joke: Skirt flipping is just as tired and drawn out as head biting.The only reason she isnt viewed as such is because it's somehow less cuntish to embarrass your friend in public than to bite your caretaker. In conclusion: Saten a SHIT.

Attached: 1454131683282.jpg (680x720, 426K)

Some people call love a disease upon the earth and you’re infected with the Saten flue. Don’t even try to deny it!

>Mobile Poster
>a boogeyman created by Raildexfags
I assure you, that shit isn't unique to or created by Raildex threads. Other parts of Yea Forums has been mocking mobile posters for ages as well.

Yep, rotted your brain

I don’t like that.


You do realize Saten Ruiko isn’t normal genki? She’s considered bubblegum genki in Japan which is a lot different.

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I’ll just leave this here.

But can she blow bubbles with my cum? I bet she can't even do that.

I’m not impressed. What’s your favorite arc, user?

Probably sisters.

The gangbang Saten arc was pretty good

Idol arc.

Mine is Silent Party but you already knew that.

It isnt

What did you think about level upper? Despite us being forced to hate it because of peer pressure I actually enjoyed it. There was a lot of ACTUAL character development in that arc which is kinda rare to come by in this series.

Daily reminder that Dream Ranker is top three regardless. It’s one of the most well done arcs in Raildex history story and pacing wise.

Saten didn't level up to Level 5 Cum bank so why should I care?

Daily reminder that Mie is more attractive than Saten.

Level five Saten would be unstoppable. It’s basically Kongou’s ability at level five which is already incredibly powerful plus Hamazura luck on steroids.


It’s so really cool when you see a silly anime character get serious. It’s probably the most legendary hype trope there is.

Tell us something we dont know

As much as I’d like to see level five Saten get serious and kick some magic ass Straight Cougar style I don’t know how she’d attain that kind of power at this point.

You've asked for the same shit at least 5 times. With the same stupid ass reasoning every time. It's time to face you're a jealous cancerous cuntbucket

But it still can't beat Accelerator changing the vector of love into her heart!

All I can say is Accel is lucky he hasn’t spent time around her because LO would be living in the streets by now. Saten would be his gf by now.


Saten would have to fight really hard to steal him from Qliphah.

Qliphah cant even fight for love. She’s too old, user. You must realize that she’s too old!



Don't ever underestimate a maiden in love!

Attached: D3ZCOHlUwAMoS6b.png (719x597, 158K)

But you just underestimated Saten you backstabber!

545 is like, days old.

For a demon that’s basically a couple lifetimes according to the book Aleister wrote irl.

She’s evolving so fast but her chest remains small as ever. She can’t compete against human girls.

All you had to say was shark teeth. She’s lost from the very moment she was summoned.

user, she wears literal trash. The only reason Accel keeps the thing around is because she knows about magic.

>She’s evolving so fast but her chest remains small as ever
545 has massive tiddies, the fuck are you talking about

You be quiet!

Like no seriously, I know you dont read, but all the fanart even depicts her with double D's

If they’re so big then how much do they weigh? Surely if they’re as MASSIVE if you say they are they must be pretty hefty in the hand. What do you reckon they weigh big boy?

Attached: 798D3A1A-F0DD-4F77-B6B0-4D5DCCFDBD41.jpg (500x281, 46K)

MP never, ever, ever knows what the fuck she's talking about. It's like a law of the universe. She's literally incapable of being right.

How much do they weigh?

>ummmm ummmm better come up with a good counter argument

This might be a minute guys. Here’s some music.

Attached: 5017829B-4B76-493E-9F9D-1CF64502E9DE.jpg (284x177, 8K)

I’m a LN reader and I’m attracted to Saten. I just want to make that clear after reading this thread.

We all are.

What kind of little girl has a thigh gap this wide? What in god's name is AC doing to their children?

Attached: 96D7EF6E-CBAB-4C84-8AD3-10722A7E9E1A.png (484x979, 605K)

Probably 15-20 pounds? I dont know, I dont have tits? What does this have to do with anything?
>counter argument
There is no argument, the narration literally talk about her having "overly large breasts" for her size and every illustration shows her being very large. By comparison, manga Saten is flat and anime saten is like a B or low C cup.

Attached: cute trash demon.jpg (1443x2048, 1007K)

Lots of drugs and hypnosis.

How dare you steal my post

You don’t own it.


>15-20 pounds

And you say I don’t read the series. Are you sure you don’t want to try again?

>The series constantly talks about it
Here you go user

Attached: Kamachi discovers a love of cow tits.png (587x216, 21K)

>clonoth is a tree built by human hands as said in NT22
>accel got it by fighting neph a god whose divinity is said to be built up by human hands according to NT13

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Kamachi is some piece of work isn’t he? Did he have to go into THAT much detail about boobs? Don’t you think we read the series for something a little more deep than what the size of demon boobs are?

Attached: C47C3123-C1CA-4921-AB42-F189454AD4A5.jpg (704x400, 43K)


I estimated that shes a Double D cup, google tells me that it weighs between 15-23lbs. Regardless it still has nothing to do with the fact that you're simply wrong, both by narration and by simple size comparison. Try again.

Attached: Tiddie weight.png (659x343, 25K)

Kamachi's into both the occult and sexy girls.

She’s floating.

Rich coming from the person that brought up tiddie weight out of nowhere even though it has nothing to do with anything

> D-cup breasts
> equivalent to small turkeys
More like rotisserie chickens.

If he was into sexy girls then Tessou would be guiding Accel through the world of magic instead of a trash monster. Where do you think he’s going with this relationship?


Yes, he did. Now fuck off, this clearly isnt the series for you.

I don’t really care either way. I’m just trying to make conversation because I’m bored. I’m just saying whatever pops into my head.

How DARE you! I’m a Railgun fan.

He goes on about Fran's tiny butt whenever she shows up too.

Attached: ni_r63.jpg (950x720, 164K)

Get a hobby besides shitposting about a series you dont even watch maybe? What am I thinking, expecting MP to be anything but a cancerous spiteful cunt is pretty stupid of me.

>I’m just saying whatever pops into my head.
Yea, we know. It explains a lot.

Attached: 84A78A89-BC81-4742-9BE8-F08EA7D1DA39.jpg (950x720, 124K)

Worry not lad, based Utah user will find her soon, I can feel it in my bones

I’m bored and I do watch this series. It’s dark and I can’t leave right now so I can post here if I want.

Show me this butt

Why the color change?

How soon!

Better than the Terra edit, still dont like that green

Because MP needs to whore for attention somehow, and yet without a single shred of talent what else is she to do?

No reason. It’s just fun.

And Misaki's honey scent. Though Touma seems to enjoy the smell of girls in general.

Attached: DjJGjaqV4AEZnP4.jpg (640x640, 72K)

>It’s dark and I can’t leave right now
What a good little mormon trophy wife

I don't think Misaki's scent is really brought up any more than any other girl.

Why don’t you go out into the dark then?

Very soon

You say that every day. You said two days like a week ago.

I do all the time because I'm not a submissive housewife

Do it now then and fuck off.

That user said 2 days like a day ago

Go outside then. You’re too scared.

You said you walked around at night all the time before, what changed? Or were you just lying as usual?

>Expecting a shizo to be able to keep her stories straight
Better yet why are you even entertaining mobilebitch

Sure, why not?

Attached: cLK4uWYl.jpg (640x360, 55K)

So when? Tomorrow? What’s going to happen tomorrow?

This, people need to stop replying already

I dont know, youd have to ask that user. I think he said he was going to start looking for you on the weekend or something

Must suck being under the thumb of a mormon fuckboi

KEK She's just the newest girl to get saved. Give it a few volumes and she'll be in the back of the bus like Himegami and those other thots.

Reminder that you "cursed" me on two seperate occasions and I've since landed a great job and have generally been leading a happier life

>he thinks a relationship is a domination and not a partnership

No wonder why you’re an Index fan. I’m more into Railgun for a reason.

It's been 5 years

Brain tumors take a while to develop. You’re not that user though. You stay out of it.

With Anna as the new fun-sized hotness?

Really activates my biscuits

Attached: doubt.jpg (636x636, 76K)

Where ya working? Do you have time to keep up with the LN and the anime?

Its a domination in a mormon relationship, especially if hes forbidding you to leave your own house and forcing you to move.

>Do you have time to keep up with the LN and the anime?
What, like literally 2-3 free hours over the entire week? I should fucking hope so.

You forget she keeps getting BTFO by misaki in her own manga.

You act like you know a lot but I can tell you’re sheltered. I’m not leaving because it’s dark and it’s very cold outside right now. Maybe where you live you don’t have to worry about freezing to death but I do.

Misaki is a sunshine girl?

What was her plan fighting accel? She barely did any actual attacks. Accel could not do any real damage to her prior to clonoth to the point where she didn't even bother defending against his attacks. She wasn't fighting hard like Niang Niang did with Aliester/lola and there was no way for Accel to actually beat her. His choker would have eventually ran out juice even if she did nothing. She even played up him being Academy City's #1 despite how they ignored the #3.

Attached: Nephthys.png (480x460, 256K)

Weird. But I can see how it might work. Both have some sort of quirk/insecurity/issue/drama with Touma. Both probably better off not overthinking about him.

I don't see how this would even be a thing.

This I can see. Esp if Misaka loses the Toumaowl. Accel gets with the original. Massive reaction from the sisters. Antics ensue. Accel becomes the older brother in law to the sisters.

This is just weird

What about Kuroko?

She’s a girl.

Kek ok MP, I'll be sure to get my brain checked out at my next visit and shit on you some more.
I'm an insurance agent, completely on commission. I make my own hours. It was sort of hard for the discipline aspect of it at first, but nothing a site blocker couldnt fix. And since I blocked a lot of porn sites at certain times, I'm spending a lot less time fapping, which means I have more free time to do other hobbies. Great money as long as you're good at talking to people and are active, also good benefits naturally. Like I said, my life is a hell of a lot better than what it was. I took every Friday off for Index 3.

Her plan was to dick around and have some fun

Poor little mormon girl cant handle a little bit of cold

No she's the breast girl and the best girl.

Attached: toaru mikoto misaka L5 breasts.png (900x1300, 863K)

>I'm an insurance agent, completely on commission
Sounds like a pyramid scheme if I'm honest with you, should probably invest some spare time into finding a more stable job to fall back to/swap to.

Chestlets can't beat the boobs

Can't beat the boobs

Attached: can't beat the cock.jpg (1307x528, 368K)

Why did you need to bring in the porn, fapping and your exercise leve into it? You took. Simple question and made it weird.

a simple*

Dumb hypocrite

If that's fun for her then Neph is a bully. At least Niang Niang balanced her end out by helping crowley on purpose.

I made 6 times the amount doing it this than I did at my last job the years before. Also its pretty reputable. I did my research. My only complaint is that they could have done better initial training.
I was explaining how my life has gotten objectively better. More money, less fapping, more time for hobbies, can take off when I want. Aka your "curse" is pretty shit. Give me another one, I might win the lottery next

You brought up something completely irrelevant though. MP was just joking obviously.

>Talking in the third person
Trying to not give away that you're ban evading?

Me? I was never banned in the first place.

You're talking to the wrong person, I'm the person who made the post, also see

How do you guys think Nagai will end up adapting the Kongou/Baba scene in the anime boys? Any ideas?

Probably add a bunch of shit filler that no one wants and ruin a perfectly good scene.

Why are you so hateful?

I think it will be fine, but Baba wasnt a fat fuck in Index 3 so I hope they fix that.

That's not hateful its realistic. Its what he did every other season.

You can’t seem to see the difference between your opinion and facts. Why do you think everybody hated it just because you do?

Thats rich coming from you. You act like your opinions are facts all the time.

NT23 will be her time to shine now that the Hamazura, Accel and Coronzon plotpoints are done

All I know is Kongou is cute in the LN as well as the manga and the anime too. There’s no stopping her.

That’s rich coming from you Thorposter. You once told me that Awaki could never be a level five even though in the anime it’s said that she has the potential to become a level five. That’s a fact.

But I'm not your boogyman and I never said such a thing.

Probably the best Tokiwadai girl if you ask me.

Sure Misaka and Misaki are great, but they have their own flaws and issues. Level 5s in particular are prone to mental instability and psychotic tendencies.

Level 4s in comparison are much more stable and thus overall superior GF material

Attached: kongo mitsuko.gif (500x281, 111K)

We all think it. Good for you to just say fuck it and tell it like it is.

Potential =! Ability to do so after becoming handicapped.

You’ve got to admit that Stiyl and Kongou could make a cute couple though. You’ve at least got to admit that.

I could support that crack ship, sure. Stiyl x Komoe is still patrician though

Komoe would be good with Terra I think. They could be a romantic comedy themselves. He’s pretty old but then again she’s not as young as she looks.

Terra is already taken with Frenda

They aren't done they are just moving in a new direction.

So many false statements in one comment.

Yeah but the only ones that felt like nothing was solved were Mikoto and Touma, Misaki's arc felt somewhat solved too

Neph helped him out earlier, the fun part came later.

The magic side is better than the science side because the girls are cuter and Touma Kamijou is the best MC in the world. Nobody gives a care about characters like Saiai and such when we’ve got girls like Sherry Cromwell to stare at. There’s a reason every Index season has been massively successful and highly praised around these threads while Railfail fans take themselves too seriously and are too far up their own ass to just have fun.

I really liked Mikoto here better. Honestly there are no moments where I liked Misaki except that Denki Kong joke.

He wasn't a fat fuck in the novel either. It's gonna be weird in Railgun if he shows up as fat as Fuyukawa made him, honestly. I don't think anyone will recognize him if they only watched Index 3.

Attached: ilp91.jpg (640x480, 86K)

Misaki is better suited to marry somebody like Baba but if he was cute anyway. I think Mikoto can do better.

Attached: 42D8D439-DBB7-4F35-A576-B641671F7850.jpg (640x480, 67K)

They mad him fat because his personality is ugly.

Why do you feel the need to inflict your shit recolors on us. Shitposting wasnt working so you're trying to give cancer visually?

Pretty much.

The red and yellow Xochitl doesn't work at all

I think it works better than full blood vampire academy red on red but that’s just me.

The AAA is a powerful weapon just not in her hands. In Aleister's hands it's a weapon that can even kill a nerfed magic god. In Mikoto's hands it's simply a bunch of fancy machinery.

The only thing that Mikoto has in her locker is the LPR but with Misaki she can't use that so it made her extremely pointless after Misaki was injured.

Is it really that surprising that she had nothing to do with the tree? She literally has had very little to do with the Sisters since the Sisters arc itself. Except the Daihasei festival in Railgun and apart from a couple of interactions here and there she hasn't been involved.

The more I look at it the more I’m coming around.

>He's fat because he's evil

That's not very nice.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.01_[2018.11.02_20.09.10].jpg (1280x720, 47K)

You should've made the skirt black or some darker colour, not this strange ketchup+mustard colour scheme.

Red and black looks gross and that brown I used with black is too Halloween and wouldn’t do well with her leggings because they’re already dark.

>Matching colors go worse than red and mustard
MP as usual being a moron

It’s just a quick fun color edit to look at once. It’s not like anybody is going to save and repost it so chill out. I didn’t want to do her coat black because it takes a lot longer. If you don’t like it you can hide the image.*

If you just want to play around with a coloring book do it at home. No need to shit all over the board just because you finished it when even you think it's shit.

Good, we will.

I thought it was cute. You’re the one getting mad.

after tackled got him away from Hamazura with the kick and tackle she stopped doing direct attacks for a while. She let him slice her up water attack and his hand without even attempting dodge or defend. The narration even says it didn't count as damage.

>after tackled got him
I mean after she got him

ESL please

Again that is false. Did you actually read it properly or was you too busy speedreading through it?

I’m attracted to Saten.

what is false about it?

She never stopped doing direct attacks.

I'm not going to spoon feed you when all you have to do is go and read the novel properly without speed reading through it.

Touma didn't seem to have a problem with potentially kissing Itsuwa in the hospital when their faces got close to each other.

The first thing she did was go the for the boost thing. The water attack was just used to bait accel in so he could block the sprinklers. Which allowed her go for the boost spell yet again.

I though we were a family in these threads. I guess that was a mistakeZ


That’s literally the strongest water attack ever shown in this series. You do know that right? You do know that?

Kamachi's go-to line about Misaki is that she has curves beyond her age.

Isn't that usually just Mikoto whining?

No, it's one if those descriptive lines that Kamachi abuses, like pointing out Index wears a nun outfit or Fran wearing an Alien hoodie etc.

And it was just to draw him in. Magic gods aren't good at doing small attacks, they explain this every time someone is about to ask them to fight.
>we can't stop HP we might sink japan
>we can't save england hamazura because we would destroy the landscape

>1 match in NT22
>0 matches in all the other volumes down to NT16
Are you sure?

You can't be serious here.To draw him in? lmfao!!!!

>that moment when your homosexuality awakens

Maybe I'm just a retarded animeonly but I can't see what makes Index S1 so great and S3 so shitty, sorry.

Attached: ind.jpg (640x640, 71K)

>and willing to confess honestly
Seriously, from where come this meme?