How do I become unto Molestor Man? How do I become a harem protagonist instead of just a lonely university student?
How do I become unto Molestor Man? How do I become a harem protagonist instead of just a lonely university student?
there is only one way
channel his spirit in a seance and defeat him in a soul duel to obtain his power
It was a fake story some user brewed up over a couple of months. Don't believe everything you read on the internet
Prove it faggot.
Throw out pride, fear, and morals. Work out until ottermode. Get a decent haircut and outfit. Find a non-autistic hobby. Attempt to talk to women everyday.
I can't and do not need to
Yeah you do.
it's not real, how could it be real?
You do know it ended badly and they broke up a few months afterwards?
The story is way too realistic to be entirely made up. Especially his internal monologues.
>You do know it ended badly and they broke up a few months afterwards?
No, I didn't. Where did you get this info from.
I don't have the source but I'm sure someone will post it again if the thread stays up long enough.
It probably won't. Can you try real hard and remember it?
The guy who made the original greentext that the manga is based on went back a few months later and posted a final update. I don't remember if he got cucked or if they just had a fight and broke up but in the end they went their separate ways.
Who knew a otaku with no social experience would make a bad boyfriend
At least he had one hell of a ride into the normalfag life and back again.
I love how people keep repeating this retarded rumor but never show actual proof.
Show proof against it
*shows proof against it*
She fucks niggers now user, accept it.
there are no black people in japan
face it: it will never happen. You will never be chad like him. You will never have a boyfriend or girlfriend. It won't happen.
Isn't onani master kurosawa also based on a true story or something?
yeah, looks like we won't get it.
japanese women are scared of black man
Is this manga also like onani masterk kurosawa?