Used to enjoy hxh

>used to enjoy hxh
>saw rabid hxh fans on Yea Forums
>now i don't even want to read it

anyone else have similar stories?

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>letting a fanbase influence your enjoyment of content
Imagine being this weak willed

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I used to, but then I remembered that fucking over an artist and their art because of the people associated with it is stupid.

It's hard to enjoy something people like them enjoy.

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sometimes you just want to have normal discussion and it's hard to do so when people act like massive faggots.

>when people act like massive faggots.
That's almost every fanbase on Yea Forums, so it shouldn't affect you.

Its just a little bit of banter between hiatuses, lad.

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>He can't disasociate a fanbase from the actual work itself
People like you shouldn't even watch anime or read manga if you're that weak.
>I-I was enjoying this series! B-But some guys on a taiwanese paper drawing form said some memes and i didn't find them funny, i-is it bad that this led me to stop enjoying this series?...
Fuck off

Autism. Get the fuck over yourselves.

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>reee i can't enjoy a series based off its own merits because other people enjoy it!!!
Annoying people also find breathing oxygen to be amazing, you should stop doing that. That'll show them!


>watch HxH because hunterfags constantly spam every single media board with shit about how good it is
>it sucks

Your loss, I'm glad a large amount of the "XD MANLY POSING!!" fags fucked off after part 4 though. Part 4 and 5 have been the comfiest shows to watch

I hated hxh before it was even popular

What a legend, how can anyone compete with this madlad right here?

JoJo's fanbase is fucking godawful (just look at any comment section for a song even tangentially related to JoJo.) but the Yea Forums threads are okay beyond the occasional "lol me fuck doppio" shitposter.

jojo has an excellent pleb filter

Sam raimi’s Spider-Man and Rick and Morty fan bases annoyed the fuck out of me

The only good jojo threads are the ones without partshitters arguing to death about what part of the same series is the best and why the others are all trash. Obnoxious mangafags are as bad as obnoxious animefags, but the chill people from both groups are great.

Yeah, I used to be a hipster, but it has become too mainstream for my tastes.

What sucked about it?

>The only good jojo threads are the ones without partshitters arguing to death about what part of the same series is the best and why the others are all trash
I'm not even necessarily opposed to this so long as it's actual discussion instead of "lol manime" "lol homo" "lol Mary Sue"

Based. I always drop series if the fanbase starts to suck.

>lacking this much in self awareness
If something attracts nothing but retarded people then there has to be a reason for that.

I fucking hate i sometimes fall for this.
I can't watch mob because of the moralfags ruining it for me. I get that it's stupid be i simply can't enjoy watching it right now.

People in the threads are incapable of discussing the series and the parts they favor without relentlessly shitting on everything else as if it's total trash. You genuinely get better discussion of the series in youtube comments of all places.

Retarded people are also attracted to food, user, you should go on a hunger strike to put your foot down against those mentally-deranged fucks.
What a waste, you're missing out on one of the best new shows in ages for dumb reason. Give it a shot, it's a damn nice and comfy show

>comparing necessities to entertainment
This is your average hxh fan. A complete drolling fuckwit whose rhetoric ability boils down to shitty food analogies. This is the kind of mind that hxh appeals to.

too many training arcs, too many characters that only exist to job, too much shit happening that doesn't actually matter

I don't even like HxH, you're genuinely retarded and incapable of critical thought if you're affected by a fanbase instead of the work itself

>too many training arcs
There are only 2 training arcs. One of them is used to introduce the power system and the other is a fun card game.
>too many characters that only exist to job
Like who?
>too much shit happening that doesn't actually matter
Like what?

>What a waste, you're missing out on one of the best new shows in ages for dumb reason. Give it a shot, it's a damn nice and comfy show
I've filtered mob theads. I'll wait for the BD. I loved the first season so i'm sure it's good.

I read the entire thing because people kept talking about it as if it were the second coming of Christ and I wanted to have actual arguments to tell them how Hunter x Hunter is actual garbage. Little did I know people don't use arguments, specially not hxhfags. They're completely brandead fanboys, ironically the kind you would find on other fabdoms of shounenshit like Naruto or One Shit.
So yeah, I read the entire thing upto the ending of the Chimera arc and a little past it, and guess what? It's not as good as people claim it is, it's just another shounenshit that sometimes gets edgy and so people think it's supposed to be "deep" when in reality it's all surface level, Yu Yu Hakusho had more so-called "depth" than this shitshow. hxhfags are shoune shitter that confuse the lack of originality in hxh, using shounen tropes but getting bored half way and going unto another thing, as a sign of subvertion when in reality it undermines the experience by having literally nothing happen. There really is only one "good" arc and that's the Chimera arc, but you have to read tons of shit to get there or not! You could go straight to Chinera arc and you would lose absolutely nothing. The interesting characters of that arc are all new and specific to that arc, the rest are all the same tropes you all know about. Hell, that old dude doesn't do anything upnuntil that point other ghan a scene in which you realize he's actually really strong even though he's old!!! and Killua is an edgy faggot (and his edgy faggotness gets cured off-screen just by being with Gon). Some people call that character development, I guess. The way the arc ends though, you'll have to be genuinely retarded to call that smart writting in any way, shape or form (deus ex girl).
EVEN IF you genuinely enjoy the Chimera Arc, Togashi is a fucking hack that writes walls of text and expects you to eat that garbage. And let's not even get into his rushed drawings, holy shit.

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I don't get this mindset at all even though I also hate hunterniggers. Can't you just enjoy something without thinking about other people?

subhuman brainlet

>There are only 2 training arcs. One of them is used to introduce the power system and the other is a fun card game.
three of the first four arcs are training arcs and Greed Island is boring as shit
>Like who?
every character in the Yorknew arc that's not a spider or Kurapika
>Like what?
the Zoldycks hunting Chrollo, every time someone other than Bisky teaches Gon gyo, Killua not getting his Hunter licence

Case in point, everybody.

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>I read the entire thing because I wanted to have actual arguments to tell them how Hunter x Hunter is actual garbage.
Good mindset.

>three of the first four arcs are training arcs and Greed Island is boring as shit
Hunter Exam is an exam arc.
Killua Rescue is a retrival arc
Yorknew is a revange arc
Only Heaven's Arena and Greed Island can be considered training arcs.
>every character in the Yorknew arc that's not a spider or Kurapika
The Mafia wasn't build up to be strong or dangerous, they didn't even know nen, so they can't be jobbers. The Shadow beasts were obviously going to get beaten to show how strong The Spiders were, so they didn't job. I don't think you know what jobbing means. It is when someone gets hyped a lot but then he loses to a weak character.
>Zoldycks hunting Chrollo
Its literally one episode. But its not like this didn't matter. After this fight, the whole arc was concluded and the mafia stopped going for the Spiders because Illumi killed the 10 Dons. So this sub plot was very important
>every time someone other than Bisky teaches Gon gyo
Only Wing does that and this happens before Bisky is even introduced. Why is this useless? They were learning about nen
>Killua not getting his Hunter licence
Because he broke the only rule during the last phase of the exam.

itt: people who play on their 3DS in public without shame and defiantly claim they don't care

To be fair, I didn't set up to hate HxH, I just ended up not liking it. I was about to throw the towel at the Island Arc, but I enjoyed the final confrontation.

>Not playing your Vita instead
Absolute plebs.

And by final confrontation I mean the buff dudes, not the faggot bitch.

HxH just isn't for you.

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I don't give a shit about hxh but you have to be a massive faggot to let a fanbase influence your enjoyment of a show/manga

>He said while posting a 2deep4you pic
You're absolutely right, I'm too intelligent to tolerate this garbage.

Can you only talk in memes and buzzwords? That pic isn't pretending to be deep, its just to foreshadow Gon's hypocrisy and how his morality can easily change depending on the situation.

wow. very deep.

What a huge faggot you are, OP. Just read it and decide for yourself if you enjoy it or not.

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I never even liked HxH to begin with. It is soulless.

Yes, wan piss, shingeki no kyojin, list goes on.

I haven't read HxH in years because I was waiting for chapters to come out before completing it all in one go. Fucking Togashi hasn't even finished the dark continent arc yet. It's been so long that I can't even remember why I liked HxH.

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Imagine this but with Yea Forums

So why do you still watch anime then?

>remember this line that showed the character's innocent heart earlier? Now the MC is doing the opposite and omg it's soooooooooo deep
Huntervirgins should be banned until they watch more than 300 anime.

>visited Yea Forums
>continue to view anime as vastly inferior to manga.

This The new arc is not very good and I suddenly realized that 90% of our threads can't take ANY criticism of the series. Apparently, Aka(the mangaka) is a god and can't do no wrong. And if you dare to criticize or even question anything, then you're a hater, shitposter, troll, retard, falseflagger, X romcom fag, redditor, anime only newfag.

Fuck off

One episode of HxH is worth 100 anime.

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Now you know how annoying Pariston is.

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Just ignore the "fanbase" and watch/read the shit you like, you massive faggot.


>anyone else have similar stories?
Black Clover and the fanbase is comfy


>he thinks all these shitposters are doing in unironically
>he thinks all these shitposters are HxHfags

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user, everyone is a gigantic faggot piece of shit in Yea Forums, myself included.
But this massive faggot will at least advise you to ignore the idiocy in this site when it comes to choosing what entertains you.

I usually don't have much problem to watch or like popular seasonal shows, but I feel like the airing threads are a important part for me, so I might end up having a less good time because I wanted to die every time I saw a Kaguya-sama or Mob Psycho thread.

>used to enjoy posting on Yea Forums
>saw rabid retards posting on the board
>now i don't even want to read it

I love hxh but avoid the threads because it's full of people who worship it since it's their gateway anime. You can't actually discuss shit without the entire thread devolving to shitposting and Yea Forums tier levels of irony. I was there for the whispering and it's exactly as I expected.

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You know, I'd love to see this being done with literally any arc other than the chimera arc

For real though, why not just drop the nukes on the ants in the first place?
>make TV broad cast
>hey, fags, look at how these ants are killing everyone
>we need to drop this nuke on them

Same here, but I'm still reading HxH, I just don't browse those threads anymore

>when the hxh fags start shitposting in the watamote threads

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How is it 2deep4you?

>Why don't we just nuke ISIS?
The nuke was last resort and even then Netero had to take Meruem to a bomb testing site to nuke him. The ants existence alone wasn't enough to justify the nuke.

Also pic related.

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shit man I guess you gotta stop breathing then
Don't you know that's what all retards do?

>I know what this picture is from

What have I done with my life?

>food analogy

Well the manga sales thread died, that was pretty fun though

>>comparing necessities to entertainment
Entertainment is a necessity in normal life. What kind of life do you live unless you can experience some emotions from time to time? Unless you're literally brain dead, the average human needs some form of media to entertain themselves or they become either docile or reactionary. Similar principle to how babies will just lose the will to live if not exposed to human contact in the first 6-18 months of life.

It's really not. A lot of the time, threads for a particular series are really comfy for a while until they become so big that they attract the attention of the wider board, upon which they become cancer inevitably regardless of the quality of the series. I like HxH and Madoka, but I've given up on ever having a constructive discussion about either of them because there's a subset of fans for both of them that are delusional shitposting apologists incapable of seeing flaw or critical thinking. And don't even start on KyoAnusfags or shounenshitters.

Think of Kengan threads during the later stages of the tournament or pre-anime Kaguya. Accepting that the entirety of Yea Forums is a soulless shithole and having no expectations defeats the purpose of even coming here in the first place. I personally come for that 30% of good threads and to drop a shitpost or two in meme ones. It's not even worth touching cancer threads like I mentioned above

>That's almost every fanbase on Yea Forums
No, it's not.

>the average human needs some form of media to entertain themselves
Did you huff too much glue or were you born retarded?

So you just stare are the ceiling all day? Nice, nothing wrong with that, or feeding basic human needs to not bore yourself to death.

No, because I'm not an idiot who lets other people influence my enjoyment of things I like. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to like anything.

hxh threads are fine if there's a new chapter. Old farts coming out of woodwork to gatekeep'n shit, people post speculas, the shitposting is varied. Don't let the kids dictate you what to hate.

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Fun is necessity, I work with old sick people and they are all fucking miserable, because all fun they ever knew is basic socializing which is all gone, and they are too conservative to learn how to have another forms of fun.

The only good part of HxH is the palace invasion



Vita is the ultimate portable emulator


Nice post did your husband write that for you, you fucking faggot?

Based. HxH is a 7/10, and 8 at best.

Yeah, and you hxhtard can't even do food analogy properly. The correct conparison would be hxh and shit, hxhtards eat up that pile of shit like there's no tomorrow, and says that pile of shit is the shit from the butthole of Jesus Christ himself. Everybody else just stay far away from the retards eating shit, and the definitely not holy shit.

Do you have a scat fetish, you degenerate?

That's the best insult you can think of? Pathetic.

>implying you significantly contribute to said artist.
You haven't spilt a single penny have you?

100% agreed

I browse Yea Forums often, but every time I go to a JoJo thread I immediately regret my decision (although the new JJL chapter threads are usually better). Same goes for threads of most other overly popular series, they're filled with obnoxious faggots that can't discuss anything without just constantly nitpicking any negative aspect they can think of. I still prefer the messageboard format over others, but god damn it attracts such insufferable cunts.

Sometimes waiting for serialized releases isn't really worth it if you can't enjoy discussing it with others, the only reason I'm still caught up in One Piece is because I have friends that read it, but not much else, and ironically, even though I had been bored with the series for a while, I've found myself enjoying it a lot recently most likely because of those discussions. Another example, I caught up in the Detective Conan anime a long time ago, but I had no one to talk to about it, so I eventually just stopped watching it, but now all this time later I'm caught up again, and the comfy threads on Yea Forums are a huge part of the reason why.

OP isn't referring to a shitty fanbase ruining the manga for him, he's talking about losing interest in the series because the discussions are shitty.

Every thread that even mentions something tangentially related to something that could be related to hxh has those fuckers shitting them up nonstop, so yeah I've grown to hate Togashi, his shitty manga, and the fags that eat that shit up also.