Name a more overrated hack

Name a more overrated hack.

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Hiro Mashima

Rumiko Takahashi.

>not liking mazinger
What are you, a faggot?

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Your favorite mangaka


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>people follow Miyazaki around with signs telling him to stop
>it's gotten so bad that Miyazaki started wearing signs telling them to fuck off
I feel sorry for him.

What do they want him to stop?


Miyazaki can draw
Nagai does not

Nagai can actually make something with substance

If by substance you mean (poorly drawn) tits and asses and toilet humor, than yes.

he's against nuclear power


And yet, he has more influence than “muh loli muh nature” film #5,293

>something with substance

>edgy shlock
>tasteless fanservice

Yes, Nagai's only merit is the fact that he was the first one to do certain things (and even then, they were derivative of things prior). But that doesn't necessarily mean those things were any good.

Violence Jack is a masterpiece.

Even Suda agrees.

overrated shit

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I like this Nagai can't draw meme, because it's so blatantly false and it's hilarious that pablo continues using it as an argument

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Anus Hideaki


This guy over here.

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>If by substance
great drawings, interesting themes, slick designs


nagai is all of these things. he has done historical manga (sengoku one-shots, black lion), poem manga (dante's divine comedy), mecha, fantasy, science fiction, erotica.

miyazaki is only interested in little girls and yamato nationalism. he's as predictable as your average japanese right winger

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If you think Nagai is a hack, I can't for you to flip through a manga by Leiji Matsumoto. It'll make you barf.

If you think Nagai is a hack, I can't wait for you to flip through a manga by Leiji Matsumoto. It'll make you barf.


Shouldn't you be on /m/, Matsumonger?

>is responsible for mecha, gar and ecchi
Absolutely BASED

Osamu Tezuka

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>Guido unironically considers Nagai a better artist than Miyazaki

Everyone who is popular.

>is responsible for juvenile trash loved by spic and manchildren

What is this page from?

Hello woman, nagai made manime along with it's ultra violence and sex.
Now fuck off to your moe, sports series.

Miyazaki has blurry backgrounds. and he has no sense of action, besides he's a pedo

One of Nagai's historical manga about a historical samurai. I can't remember, but you'll probably find it on the nagai manga batch

but he's right, leiji matsumoto can't draw at all. It's so bad.

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Damn, the subhuman third worlder sure is mad.

are you talking about america?

This. Press S on that faggot


But he’s right, Nagai is one of the most influential mangaka of all time

Calm your man tits, James.

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But also based as fuck. Pic related is the greatest finale in the history of comics.

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Nagai had bigger balls than the rest of the industry at the time.

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