Love Live! Sunshine!!

Center song never
Popularity never

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love Mari!

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Greatest shipping mistake ever.


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I'm getting married to Dia next month!

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did a toaster really fall on her head?

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she's so cute

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Can we get a thread were we don't lewd the Chuuni?


Attached: b37201d0aef3a5bdc8a0ead2bd6572e1.jpg (1000x1460, 175K)

choose one

>dia's ass

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theres no way these two aren't pure

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>Disgusting cancerous growth on her face
>Still best girl
How does she do it?

Attached: Love Live! Sunshine!! 02 (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_04.38_[2019.04.05_07.50.42] (1891x2146, 358K)

Yes! She's a baka toaster head!
But I love her
>Bonus nyaa

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She will sing for the Shadowverse event

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I miss Dia being the antagonist and an asshole onii-chan to Ruby.

Dia's asshole

>There will never be a Love Live song about making love in bed and smoking Marijuana

Drugs are banned in Japan.

Most asian countries give the death penalty or life in jail for drugs, which is one of the few things they do better than the rest of the world

>Most asian countries give the death penalty or life in jail for drugs
>Putting a harmless person behind bars for smoking weed
I bet the reason Aqours love to come out to Los Angeles for the past few years was to get some of that icky green stuff.


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No contest

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there is no way pure nip girls like the ones in aqours would ever engage in such degenerate behavior

plz dont let bikinifag see this

Aqwhores literally dance on stage naked.

I can't imagine the levels of baka from a Chika on drugs

Attached: 1525506929735.png (500x689, 134K)

Only RKK because she lived in Cali. She tried to get the other Aqours to smoke weeds with her but they got scared and said no

using the term aqwhores is so ironic because muse literally has a pornstar in their cast

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All idols are sluts anyway.

some lewd ones

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i choose Dia. what do i win.

>caring about bikinis when they literally have a BRIDE set

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My wife

Attached: 1552105439210.png (1024x1024, 136K)

maybe muse but not aqours

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>Who is Nanaka Suwa?
With a cute girl like her, no way she didn't do JAVs prior to Aqours.

if she did JAV the hagfags would've found out by now

>muse literally has a pornstar in their cast
You make it sound like it's a bad thing there Yoshitko.

That brings me back actually. I remember hagfags were desperately looking for Anchan's non-existent JAV for months back when Aqours started. That was cute.

Do we really have to bring up that washed up hag again? Let's keep this thread Aqours.

Attached: 1529150377646.webm (1280x720, 741K)

Not a good ship.

I'm pretty sure Lantis did their homework and double checked to sure the girls they picked for aqours weren't pornstars

You asked the same thing in the last thread. What are you? A bot?

Suwawa did JAV?
Is this a meme or real or just a look alike? If it's the latter two then link please.

Fake antagonist. She was secretly supporting Chika and co.

I'm sure anyone can easily lie about being in JAVs prior to joining an idol anime group.

Stop bringing that up, moron.

I just really like You and her VA

Attached: Dm6MY5lX0AEz1eN.jpg (1200x846, 274K)

Hags are living proof of that.
It was literally just a shitty edit not worth of being posted.

"JAV" means shitpost. Remember it.

Lick, lick and lick.

Attached: D3OONSGUEAAR_CX.jpg (1428x2048, 335K)

Go to /jp/ for the VA stuff. This is a 2D board.

Hey, no lewding the Mikan.

>going to /jp/

>You will never get to sit and chill with Anchan and Arisha in a smoke break after a long day of doing Aqours voice overs.

She does it herself.

Attached: 1524990343500.jpg (472x359, 43K)

Genwarfags/JAVfags are cancerous.

This image literally screams "They arr rook da same".

What part of "2D" don't you understand?

>I deliberately go to Aqours only thread and get mad!

Those faggots are cancerous in general. They pop up in every Love Live thread to shitpost be it an Aqours only thread or a Muse only thread.

PDP will redeem this fanchrise

I hope so, I love Rina more than all of Aqours put together.


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PDP already dead before it even start.

Attached: Deadinside.jpg (1941x1538, 379K)

They literally hosted a small ass event where only iRis fans came just to see Miyu.

Does the group even have an official group name? Everyone just calls them PDP or Nijigasaki Girls.

They don't because they aren't relevant outside of the game.

Why are Aqours so angry at both Muse and PDP anyway?

They make fun of Muse for being old and they feel threatened by PDP of taking their spot light.

It's like that middle son that never achieved as much as the first born and is not receiving attention from mommy anymore since the new kid was born. Of course they are going to be mad and pouty.

Ah, insecurity

>They'll never record Aqours working out at a gym prior to a huge Live event.

She's loved by those who matter

Attached: 72384859_p4.jpg (768x768, 389K)

the ll thread at /jp/ consists of 20 IPs and I'm pretty sure half of those IPs are the same guy

Muse just shitposts every aqours threads, they are still seething because they will never ever come back

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Lick and lick.

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the agugu/agupon poster(s)

>oh no, I literally can't post muh anchan with pictures of another girl there

imagine the smell

Attached: sniiiiiffffff.jpg (1200x672, 180K)

At least we know hag/pdp shitposters are definitely here

Attached: 73892731_p0.jpg (773x1227, 339K)

I'm a shuukafag it's just that so many of the agugu/agupon posts are similar in writing style

And? does that stop you?

I love how μ'spurists are trying to force PDP into their genwarfaggotry thinking PDP will replace Aqours like how they think Aqours did to μ's. Your seiyuu's couldn't continue doing lives, get over it.

Aqoursfags need to get laid atleast once for Christ sake

Holy shit this.

>couldn't continue doing lives
why? did honk have scheduling issues between AVs and practice?

Probably. Don't forget that cripple too.

>hag/pdp shitposters
Those are just bitter hag shitposters pretending to like PDP because they hope it means Aqours will disband. I'm enjoying the Nijigasaki girls so far.

Still doesn't explain their faggotry on /jp/. Still, just keep this thread Aqours. Your time will come soon.

Who are these so-called "hag/pdp" shitposters?

Lurk more, stop derailing thread.

>Lurk more
You mean, lurking autism?

stop making aqours-only threads

Attached: 1554060152192.jpg (314x314, 15K)

Hey you, fuck off, this is Aqours-only thread


Subject says Sunshine. Saint Snow is in Sunshine, try again, hag.

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The μ's seiyuu were more experienced, but also a little older. A good amount of them were already in their 30s by final live. There was a reason they went with a younger group in both Aqours and PDP. Aqours is on its fifth live and the oldest girl is I think only 26.
There was also
>exploding knees.jpg

Babies here say otherwise

>just keep this thread Aqours
>Let's keep this thread Aqours.
>I deliberately go to Aqours only thread and get mad!
>Muse just shitposts every aqours threads

Post lewd and ignore the shitposting.

Attached: D0zuE57U8AEPiRa.jpg (729x1143, 121K)

Now, we all know you're just shitposting and trying to paint Aqoursfags as some sort of villains. How about you stop being bitter and tell us your favorite Sunshine?

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>these sentences style
Not even here in the Sunshine thread you can find hapiness, anturd

woah! sarah seiyuu looks like this!?

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It's just a phase

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>She's 31

Yoshiko told me she saw Ruby go on a date with Kotori.

You're fooling yourself if you think PDP won't get an anime eventually.

They're individual idols but they all belong to the Nijigasaki School Idol Club

Yea Forums here, are there any other Love Live girls going out with wrestlers?

Attached: 26803257_2030172186998458_500336006_n-1.jpg (492x414, 60K)

31 and cuter than you

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Why are Saint Snow Nesos so expensive than the rest of Aqours?

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This artist is gold.

His a character design but his never work for love live!

Attached: DQRJsWnV4AI1PeN.jpg (842x1221, 135K)

Druggies get the bullet

You don't drink booze and smoke weed while watching an Aqours Live?

How does I see the PDP live event? I want to harshly judge their performances

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Can someone explain to me the purpose of this official piece of art? Why exactly is Mari trying to undress one of her juniors?

Attached: YoshiMari.jpg (3219x4100, 1.82M)

Do you love big tits?

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more than a handful is a waste

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Marry Dia

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>Glorious leader confesses to you
wat do?

Attached: B3417E88-DB35-4541-9553-6DFE65A6594C.jpg (768x942, 86K)

Yes. Please.

Attached: 1554113822219.jpg (925x1340, 111K)

Top 3 will receive special stories.
Top pair will get UR pair based on that situation.
Choose the situation:
>1.Hot Spring
>2.Amusement park

Attached: DiaMawu.png (1280x720, 707K)

Ruby and You, subverting all your expectations

Hug the Mikan!

Attached: illust_72140266_20190405_132805.jpg (707x808, 325K)

Gomen, but I have feelings for your sister.

Attached: 346612.jpg (225x350, 33K)

>tfw last marifag alive

feels good to be ELITE

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made for anal

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wait until the 19th

>that gasping sound You makes when Chika and her sister throw stuff at Riko.

what kind of boring shit will the nips push through? NicoMaki and ChikaRiko?

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Eliumi for the muse side as far as i see

scratch that, there's a lot of nozoeli

Chika's delicious tits.

Attached: DyjslI6UcAAiuAx.jpg (628x1168, 148K)

Could be worse I guess. I know I'm going to be more disappointed by the Aqours pairs

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i'm actually okay with Nozomi raping some girls, Eli or not, now if only Aqours had an established ship besides Kanamari...

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Mari is better

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>no crossshipping option

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Attached: 1554196928731.png (1800x1524, 3.58M)

>hags at it again

ChikaRiko isn't popular. It will be either YoshiRiko, YouChika or if flips feel like prozyfagging then YoshiMaru.

one of the examples of inconsistent shipping
personally i voted for Chikayou

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Jimo Ai

Let this win

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>tfw last RubyMaru Übermensch

Attached: 1543663816865.jpg (950x800, 172K)

Just from non-shipper point of view,
I think all the shippers that are involving Hanamaru & Yohane (beside YohaMaru) should just give up completely because LLS Committee ships Yohamaru so fucking hard.

>personally i voted for Chikayou
The most boring option possible still, they are cute so I don't blame you

Attached: a9ecf7c25850cad671cddd4d9f3a47b5.jpg (800x1066, 527K)

nope, only Mezashigoons voted for yoshimaru, but they're still a force to be reckoned with, normalfags will usually vote for Yoshiriko, it's going to be a close fight between those two

Weekend Patrol.

Don't think I am not watching this thread like a Brave and Honourable US Marine standing at the gates of the White House. Guard your tongue, watch it and you may keep it.

And some people say I don't need to be here. WRONG. So long as the OrcTakus lurk, I will be here. Closing in to destroy them in close-quarter combat like the Marine wiping out the Enemy at Guadacanal.

Once I am done with you you will have a lot of issues. Broken legs, broken arms, broken nose.

You choose the fight, you choose the battlefield. I respond. The Crusade begins.

Attached: IMG_20190406_061013.jpg (1450x2048, 330K)

Don't worry. I am here.

My sword is yours. My shield is ready. On a horseback I arrive. Like the Lion of West Transvaal.

Raibu are better with big tits.

Attached: DpS-67GVsAAcDQa.jpg (1159x2047, 223K)

You took it cause you're a faggot OrcTaku and like other faggot OrcTakus the early grave is coming to you.

Attached: IMG_20190406_061357.jpg (1350x1800, 373K)

>Weekend potrol

Attached: 1533426588316.png (819x457, 463K)

Please just report.

>acknowledging him
you fucked up

Lick and lick.

The OrcTakus, as you can see above, want to start shit and insult Our Leader. They need to get their asses kicked in. For Justice.

max cringe my dudes.
Let's brighten things up with a genki You!

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Will we ever get cry baby Mari again bros?

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I don't want her to ever cry!

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stupid bitch Kanan got a center out of making Mari cry

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I Love CYRon!

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Wife Riko!

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Best sub-unit, best girls, best seiyuus.

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Attached: 1525428238773.jpg (1823x1328, 484K)

oh yeah, when is the deadline i wonder?

Attached: m.png (140x129, 46K)

I wish I were the guy who gets to direct and produce Anchan JAVs.

Attached: __kunikida_hanamaru_tsushima_yoshiko_sakurauchi_riko_matsuura_kanan_kurosawa_ruby_and_etc_love_live_ (2048x1448, 288K)


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Wub Nozosofties

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so... What are the chances SIF All Stars is a massive piece of shit?
With all the delays I don't have my hopes up.
I want it to be good, but klab is a bunch of dumbasses sometimes.
Oh and you think it will release as a world wide app or will that separate Japan and the English version again like idiots?

Attached: Interface_(Chika).jpg (1000x462, 146K)

The fact that they are throwing entire Aqours backstory out of the window makes it shitty already.

Attached: 1551739188187.jpg (3217x4112, 1.98M)

Sounds like it's going to be a story reset not unlike im@s CG/SS and ML/TD.

I mean SIF was always it's own storyline/alternative universe. I don't mind all three groups interacting, but really is that how it's story will be or will each group have it's own storyline?

It's 3D SIF.

>you think it will release as a world wide app

All signs point to yes. KLab EN is rushing through events in SIF because SIFAS and SIF has cross promotions.

>ruby steals a takoyaki
devilish woob

>story reset
No, it's another timeline just like with manga, drama cds, regular sif etc.
As long as they don't pander to hags way too excessively I'm fine.

Why is You carrying so much food anyway

She's a growing, athletic girl.

Attached: __watanabe_you_love_live_sunshine_and_etc_drawn_by_ckst__f7ac4db12d952da6e61a9f834988e6ad.png (1500x2300, 2.13M)

Delicious tummy


Attached: Yohane Likes Em Big.jpg (757x617, 97K)

The only issue here are faggots like you who even dare to use that against her. I support Our Leader no matter what.

OrcTakus are shitposting cancer. Remove them.

Isn't it the same thing?

Love Live fighting game when?

I need this too

Attached: 1552252334091.png (500x468, 287K)

Doesn't matter what she did. I stand with EMTN. That is what it means to be a True Fan.

Who cares what she did? I stand with EMTN.

Why is You so popular? Shuka gets the largest pop at Lives during the character intros and calls?

What’s so bad about Japanese Animal Videos?

>Why is You so popular?

Attached: the_only_reason_why_you_is_popular.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Long hair You!

Attached: __watanabe_you_love_live_sunshine_and_etc_drawn_by_makura_makura0128__f45b5faac15c180299c4dd2882bc23 (1516x2048, 249K)

sad sad haters so very sad!!

Attached: DuKj_kTXQAA9TiE.jpg (540x960, 62K)

>his shitposts doesn't get deleted second time
Sasuga janny! I always knew you were a faggot.

You is pretty popular on her own. Chika is the example who is popular mainly thanks to Anchan.

I want to make Mari cry like the plump crybaby that she is

Attached: lls09 mari trips.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

She's bullied in the game and in official illustrations.

Attached: crying mari.jpg (1200x1475, 1.42M)

pls no bulli marichan

Attached: IMG_20190107_134222.jpg (1000x560, 59K)

Attached: 1553742137667.jpg (2048x1536, 909K)

Would look better if tied into a super fluffy ponytail.

Attached: mari cries after fat thighs get stuck in slide.jpg (1280x3116, 2.21M)

Dia is going to marry Mari in Italy?

Post Maru's marus

Attached: IMG_54BDC798D7E7-1.jpg (700x800, 352K)

What did KLab mean by this?

Attached: 0A67A726-81EA-4AAF-A485-5621EDF45E60.jpg (678x455, 218K)

They were event exclusives

Why are they so lewd together?

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big juicy marus

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She got the best fucking body-type.

Attached: 67431300_p0.png (1203x1558, 1.18M)

Absolutely disgusting


Attached: CHUUNIBUTT.jpg (1356x2701, 286K)

/r/ing Aqours images that make your pp go hard.

>152 cm

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Sunshine!! - 10 [720p]-00h06m31s183t.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

My only problem with PDP is that they skimped out and only voiced 3 Ns.

Attached: 1529854465103.jpg (508x946, 49K)

Though those were pregnancy tests from the thumbnail

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Only at the right places

Do you like her solos?

Attached: Takami.jpg (500x630, 294K)

I like her everything.

Attached: 1530117595751.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

i don't get it

>that part of the song where she starts giggling
being this cute ought to be a crime

Anchan can really do funny giggles.

Literally who?
It's Chika.

I like to think that all the girls use Yoshiko to relieve their sexual frustrations and Yoshiko thinks they're being serious and she gets all confused because she thought one girl liked her then another started kissing her another day but it turns out they don't really like her and just use her

Attached: 1553787774234.png (1000x1375, 1.18M)

>I only read manga the post

Dia is for futa-dicking Ruby

How should I pyramid stack my aqours nesoberi?

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Speaking of Mari, why do the best couples always have the fewest doujins?

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Mari's so charged up on Dia her eyes turned blue

First years on top of second years on top of third years

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Attached: D3buIX2UwAIAgiI.jpg (1200x856, 213K)

I pick You because I want a cheerful useless raibu.

Attached: DwnmS2dUUAAaGru.jpg (992x1403, 173K)

Do you think they've ever made out with each other?

No, because they live in Japan not America.

sad sad haters so very sad!!

Attached: DuKj_kTXQAA9TiE.jpg (540x960, 62K)

Does Yea Forumsnon attend their live concerts?

Attached: 015.png (2104x3041, 1.42M)

Is that a rugby ball? Will they have a Rugby World Cup tie-in?

I went to the one in LA last year. It was awesome and I loved it

Attached: IMG_20190406_103911.jpg (640x427, 74K)

has to be 432 or else it won't stand

I went to both in LA. I have a feeling they'll be back for the fouth time at Anime Expo.

Went to 4th and potentially 5th.

>You'll never take them on a LA hood tour

Attached: 13001110_1713600852184944_1441838059161760247_n.jpg (960x713, 107K)

Attached: IMG_20181030_091323.jpg (1966x2048, 627K)

omg i love your blog +1 ^:^

t.jealous hag

Kin-chan makes me what to do lewd thing.

Do you think they stopped by a Cannabis Dispensary to get the real "California experience"?

All of them since 2nd Saitama D2.

Chika should be paired with Dia more

Attached: 1529366278692.jpg (1024x727, 131K)

I can't because I'm poor and they won't come to France.

Sunshine Softball spinoff with Chika as the hot blooded protagonist when?

Attached: 18F35C4B-0989-47A8-B600-110B3B813271.jpg (442x855, 152K)

Would you guys be willing to support a progressive version of Love Live?

Attached: WHAT THE FUCK.jpg (580x937, 98K)



the heck is this crap?

Love Live needs to get on-board the mecha train.

Attached: GETTER Teams.jpg (1000x1414, 257K)

Nice outfit. Would've liked to see more of Aqours daily life outside the idol stuff.

Attached: Love live+Gundam.jpg (600x857, 131K)

Why bother? Pic related will win anyway.

Attached: D2eV1HlVYAA5msK.jpg (750x430, 54K)

Socially correct idols.

Attached: better μ's.png (1280x586, 468K)


Attached: A776066E-A438-4878-A7FC-6532316D0973.png (728x1079, 981K)

so this is the power of hags...

Look, it 's that artist that knows how Japan work but never went there.

Aqours mecha/space opera with this as the theme

Not even Aqours is safe.

Attached: better Aqours.png (1280x514, 447K)

I'm a Democrat, but these SJW Progressives are the joke of my party. Don't take them seriously.

Attached: CYaRon!10.jpg (765x1080, 637K)

You suck at drawing.

Where's CYaRon! 1-9?

That’s the cutest Ruby smile I’ve seen.

> democrats painting themselves as progressive, and funding killing of foreign civilians at the same time

Kill with fire

Yes, I wanna fuck them.

Attached: 59079327_p0.png (1000x777, 465K)

>Yoshko and Kanan are black
>Mari looks like a spic
>Dia is Chinese

Be gentle.

Attached: CYaRon!2.jpg (2308x2413, 994K)


Attached: tenor.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

I can't wait for the PDP version.

Put Ruby next to her sister

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Movie rips never

Would this be acceptable?

For You and Chika but Ruby, she will do what she wants.

Attached: DFJVjlCUAAAS01h.jpg (1912x2953, 610K)

Not to me, but you're the one who has to like it. The fewest changes I'd make would lead to

Attached: 1553470440910.png (1200x852, 1.52M)

That's pretty close how the official management stack them.

2nd years
3rd years+ruby

It's also in line with the usual pairing pattern.

Someday I’ll either find a way to make her real or go to a world where she is.

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We have Rikako.

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Attached: arisha_roasts_rikako.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Rikako went solo.

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Riko for hugs
Rikako for fugs

Because Aqours will be over soon.

Attached: 69808508_p0.jpg (1150x2048, 394K)

You hags never give up, right?

>senryu shoujo
>she voices another slutty girl
what did the producers mean by this?

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>putting Chika and riko in the same group

why do you all hate mari:

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I feel like half the reason for these threads is just to lewd the LL girls...

Attached: 1532231089745.jpg (321x472, 49K)

I dont. In fact, I love Mari

Attached: 1532322521150.jpg (768x1058, 549K)

Calm down, ack.

rikako is literally riko irl

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how much ameriburger dick do you think they took while over there?

Attached: 1553535431993.png (953x1400, 621K)

Probably none. Risking one's career for for some sex is pretty dumb.

Uh oh.

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We got to see her T&A without asking.

Attached: RAPPB (2).jpg (1132x1600, 155K)

That can't be true

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Imagine doing lewd things with Dia

Attached: 1554180417921.jpg (1522x2048, 194K)

Her ass was made to be used in all kinds of ways

Attached: 481e2387347880b2e66b90c82e55c73d.jpg (1500x885, 887K)

What song?

I wonder who started lewding the raibu.

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her ass was made for rough sex

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What is Arisha allergic to? Chinamen?

Attached: 98aac01e3faa03c3f0fb62cf6f8fb853.png (587x601, 67K)

what do the aqours think of chinamen? I'm chinese and have thought about going to a live

Attached: IMG_20190216_020646.jpg (1821x1024, 138K)

>all this talk about 3D

Attached: 1525647087552.png (600x568, 235K)

for loving

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stay mad

Attached: 1553443976800.gif (448x252, 1.13M)

They like China dresses

They are the hags too.

Attached: 1534560181858.jpg (650x920, 72K)

Remember that time when everyone wanted to fuck Suwawa once they realize how much of a weeb she is.

Attached: Dm0TZNKU4AY_y71.jpg (1252x2047, 282K)

she still voices worst girl

she's too autistic for fuggin


Attached: super supreme retardation.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

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Eating the aqours cooking

Attached: 1539384107671.jpg (1280x809, 408K)

Post more 2D.

Attached: 1533250912872.jpg (2231x1480, 361K)

This. Post more You-chan in particular

Attached: 1554191614373.jpg (1509x1857, 418K)

I still don't understand why seiyuufags are allowed to post their shit here. Why can't it be like /vg/?

which aqours makes the best food?

Just report them until they are banned back to their containment board.

Eating with the aqours

Attached: 1551627066924.jpg (1229x1735, 318K)


Attached: 1538197420156.png (720x768, 597K)

Anime: You
Dengeki: probably Ruby since she's pretty much Nico 2.0 in terms of domestic skills

All of them can cook.

Attached: 1551288209225.jpg (1486x1099, 359K)

I want to marry Dia and have her cook me meals everyday

Attached: 1532409609075.jpg (2000x2300, 1.78M)

Dia can't cook

You will only get denied from eating her pudding

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that picture is a crime on dicks

Attached: 8020405i.jpg (600x600, 133K)

The question is, do you mind paying $1k for lunch?

Attached: 1553454016730.jpg (1252x1602, 940K)

what is dengeki?

I like Riko.

Attached: 1554505556293.png (408x473, 242K)

Dengeki G's magazine is a crime on dicks apparently

Attached: 1526752722219.jpg (3216x2240, 1.39M)

Dia is a pushover. The woob still got her pudding.

>apron says pear
>has picture of an apple


More importantly, why did Mari learn to cook when she didn't need to?

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Something that makes me wish I could read nip

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Riko and I would make a good pear

Ruby can't be denied

Attached: 1535461936085.jpg (647x574, 56K)

meant for

Try googling japanese pear, silly.


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Why don't they get translated anyways? Doesn't seem like a lot of work

Attached: Dengeki_G's_Mag_Mar_2017_Dia.jpg (3213x4096, 1.44M)

Attached: 1527318795700.png (899x599, 677K)

Some are translated by reddit

I know /u/ has translated a few of them but afaik there's nowhere the translations are being kept.

All the shitposters in the love live thread scared away all the translators.

Are this guys books worth it to buy? Do they include nudes or are they just the same that everyone has already through these threads?

Attached: CmRVd8aUcAAW__D.jpg (1258x2048, 352K)

I want to punch Riko on the face

I love them.

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That isn't very nice.

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(W-wait up― who's hiding here!?
There's a demon here―
If you look, your eyes will collapse and burn in the flames of hell―!!)

The Izu peninsula is a treasury of hot springs―.
In any case, there are springs welling up all over the place.
As for famous locations, there are Atami and Yugawara, and Nagaoka and Shimoda.
Of course in Numazu, and even here in Uchiura― there are a lot of bath houses.
Aqours' very own Chika's house is one too.
So we're pretty familiar with hot springs. And that is why―.
Today, we go to the seaside hot springs to relieve our exhaustion from our daily practice
Since Izu is surrounded by ocean―.
There are places where springs well up right next to the coast
It's so liberating―!!
―or, I wish I could feel that way.
But in the end I'm a little nervous.
Of course the men's bath and women's bath are separate.
But, just separated by a big rock, the opposite side is― comparatively.
Rather, it's fairly open.
Hey― Mari― aren't you nervous?
Shouldn't we go a little higher?
I know you said it's okay not to be nervous.
Maybe it's okay for you because you're confident in your body.
But I'm a little―.
You could say I have problems in multiple senses of the word―.
It just bothers me to be looked at!!
And, the fact that there's so much left over of this bath towel.
Wait― what!?
What's that sound!?!?
There was some kind of rustling noise from the cover over there―.
Don't tell me― a peep― ing― no, there's no way, right!?
Hey―!! Hold on―!! I don't know if you're a cat or a seagull―.
But the great demon Yohane is over here!
If you look over here, and see my original demonic form―
You'll suffer a divine punishment― no, you'll receive a demonic curse and your eyes will collapse in, so prepare yourself― hey!!
Get out right now!!

why is she making this face?

Attached: 1529304287034.jpg (541x621, 50K)

I hate him and his art.

just learn japanese and you will be able to

Attached: Dengeki_G's_Mag_Feb_2018_Dia_Yoshiko.jpg (3229x4098, 1.81M)

The Rhombus mouth serves many purposes for the wild Rikoppi. First and foremost, to intimidate and scare off natural predators. Secondly, its also a display designed to attract potential mates.

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was it necessary for Dia to present me her butt like this?

Attached: 1536970596925.jpg (850x1202, 144K)

(There's only one trick to pulling off a triangular bikini
To unashamedly have confidence in your body!)

Look here, Ruby.
Don't fidget so much, okay?
Didn't you come all this way to hear Marie's advice on wearing a bikini?
Now, to answer to your hopes― Let's start the "If it's a swimsuit, think bikini!" resort girl Marie's little triangle bikini lesson
First of all―
Open the center of the bust about 3 centimeters
It's a little childish to wear the triangle part perfectly fitted, and this will enhance the cleavage― wait, huh?
Cleavage, cleavage― where did the cleavage go―.
....Well, whatever
Ruby's still a first year, and this is cute, so let's say you can pull off a more lovely-type look
And, second― tie the string underneath close!
Because it looks sexier if it's kind of making a squishy indent!
In Ruby's case― you're pretty skinny, so we'll have to really tie it on tight so it doesn't come undone!
And, third― this is important
You absolutely have to have someone else put on the triangle bikini for you~
Look, see?
Come here― if we adjust the shirring, the bust is perfectly stable
If you do it yourself, it'll move with your chest and your bust might wiggle, and that won't do― yeah.
I'll absolutely put it on for you next time too, so whenever you wear a bikini we'll do it together― let's rock these swimsuits, Ruby

Attached: 0f725934-e216-43d3-86c1-1d0c34b05d76.jpg (1280x1618, 728K)

thanks user

no way omg

Wub Wooby

I reposted them from tumblr. Check hoshizoradestination blog or ll wikia if you want more.

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Chika about to napalm the competition

how will Bikininigger ever recover.

Based Mari

Attached: 1553337055895.jpg (3238x4102, 2.04M)

Oh no, a shitposter need to do actual work to shitpost again.

Lick Ruby tummy.

Lick Ruby "cleavage"

Must be hard being hagfags.

>Cleavage, cleavage― where did the cleavage go―.
>....Well, whatever

No wonder she's the way she is, getting bullied by this busty gaijin all the time

Attached: 1548725073108.png (492x368, 339K)

Mari cooks gourmet food from extremely high-quality ingredients.

Where's her pudding? All I see are three goldfishes.

Dia has issues

Already in Ruby's tummy

It worked! Good job, 2Dbros. Here's a 2D Hanamaru for your efforts.

Attached: ZuraYukata.jpg (500x630, 374K)

Remember when people were drawing TsukiYou and calling her You's girlfriend without knowing that they are blood related?

What does their familial relationship have to do with whether or not they're dating?

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post some

wakey wakey

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>You was too pure so they had to make a lewd version of her

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mari fans
riko fans

Riko is for intimate love making, a wholesome relationship and raising a family with.

Attached: 1869265E-1351-4AF7-94E8-564EF0BFB348.png (512x720, 160K)

If you can't admit that You is the perfect wife I don't even know what to tell you.

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I'm amazed how many anons Riko can trick.

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Wooby drive!

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This but Hanamaru

Good choice fellow Marubro

Attached: IMG_3447.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

Hanamaru looks and smells like a cheeseburger, what a gross fatty.

>looks and smells like a cheeseburger

Attached: 1535662210041.jpg (1003x1417, 162K)

Remember to vote.

Attached: 1537752794580.png (1191x1684, 747K)

Not THICC enough

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nonsense, she smells like fruit and fresh baked bread

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>Drawing Aqours in exotic lingerie
No way to actual nip high school girls wear that kind of underwear on a daily basis.

Sorry that I'm a Network Engineer that makes good money and spend half of my earnings on Yoshiko merch.

No tricks, only love at first sight.

Attached: 514A133F-10C1-421B-8F6C-A145DAC3B226.gif (480x270, 1.28M)

>There will never be a spin off OVA of Riko's life at Otonokizaka

The uniform looks so good on her.

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Fuck that, I'd rather have a spin-off of everyone wearing the black uniforms.

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There needs to be more Mari lewding

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Maru as yellow is way better than Iris ever was.

Where are the DiaRiko ship images?

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve rewinded this for the adorable Chika scream at the start.

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Attached: Dengeki_G's_Mag_Jan_2018_Dia_Riko.jpg (640x413, 77K)

I used to dislike long haired girls. Aqours changed that.

Riko mentioning how she saw Dia kissing Mari

Post best crack

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Imagin being retarded enough to make an autistic chart like this.

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>KLab EN is rushing through events
I knew I wasn't going crazy!
Glad the pace is picking up, it gets me more excited for AS!

Stop, too lewd

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Kiss Wooby

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Which raibu would make the cutest teen mommy?

But she's center in Hop Stop NoStop?


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why is You so popular and why do I like her so much?

Attached: tumblr_inline_oag0ayyKNH1u940g8_540.png (540x338, 244K)

Man, I love Mari, but why the fuck does she have to jam in random English words everywhere every time, even in more serious situations? It seriously destroys some moments. Does the staff hate her or something?

Attached: mari3.png (297x275, 143K)

Attached: Dz5sjWGUUAAcYtC.jpg (1051x1200, 213K)

What’s the most recent Aqours popularity ranking?

Attached: 52729400_2335788606433186_8287846186040164352_n.jpg (271x960, 59K)

That isn't a popularity ranking.

Then what else?

it was the same ol' same ol' You at the top and Chika at the bottom

It's not a popularity ranking because MY favorite girl isn't at the top :U

>Chika at the bottom
Greatest leader deserves more.

Attached: 0BFC3421-5F16-4334-83C2-A6DA4B6BCBEA.jpg (415x415, 43K)

It's a poll for 4th center girl. Previously a fucking Kanan won. Last serious poll was SIF anniversary where GK girls were Top 3.

She isn't at the bottom, that's the javslut. Chika is around 6th place.

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Attached: 9BD729E3-1B9B-44C9-8FE6-49B3E9E2AA8F.png (871x857, 743K)

I'm referring to Sora Sina, obviously.

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I thought Riko was popular. Do the nips not like home breakers?

Here’s your popularity poll from today
In before someone finds some excuse

Attached: 9DF6325C-C270-419B-A88E-1F8CAEF6075F.jpg (1477x1108, 205K)

>Mari in top 3
>serious poll
sure, retard

Attached: it_s_joke_requiem_by_endermortem-dbynafb.png (492x502, 225K)

>SIF center poll.

like i said
>Mari in top 3
>serious poll
it's only a poll that counts when your fav girl ranks high

Are you one of the retards who keeps spamming >muh nips hate her xd or did you actually believed it?
SIF election is as serious as you can get.

hehe because you like gk of course it's a serious poll. nuh uh the 4the center poll doesn't count

Why is it even important?

Attached: 28CA3A60-2BCC-46A7-A977-A45E03F4A330.jpg (2048x1362, 338K)

You will belong to the bottom too. The Bottom of the grave. Doesn't matter what she did. I will always support EMTN.

Must be jealously.

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Love chrk.

Attached: IMG_20190407_151347.jpg (2048x1536, 416K)

Tease Mari

Attached: 27983351_412355229194288_4739749411835064220_o.jpg (640x1440, 146K)

What the fuck is this irrelevant shit.

Looks like agutard is here. Anyone else?

It’s some sad autist with a group so unpopular it can’t sustain a thread even on a slow board like /jp/ so shits up LL threads with it.

Actually the logic is that because at least one LL seiyu is in it (Aguri), it is therefore related to LL.

The name is Agufag. I suspect he's also Rintard of the /vg thread before he got into Bang Dream and start spamming a new obsession being Sae Otsuka.

He also shows up to post his stuff in the main /jp/seiyu thread.

It's such a shame that none of us will ever experience genuine love.

I love them.

Attached: IMG_20190407_155211.jpg (702x2048, 315K)

Attached: IMG_20190407_155207.jpg (679x2048, 284K)

Go back to your board, we don't want your 3D metashit here.

Good. Mari is fucking ugly anyway

Why are you telling me to leave and not Agutard?

Because it’s that turd obviously

My uncle’s friend’s sister works at Love Live. A new LL Aqours project will be announced at the 5th live. The 3rd years will officially graduate from the group, the new Aqours will be the current 1st and 2nd years and 3 new girls. However, the new girls will still be voiced by the seiyuu of the current seiyuu of the 3rd years Aina Suzuki, Arisa Komiya and Suwa Nanaka. Basically same cast but different characters.

Attached: FFCA85AE-2E33-4271-A3DB-329A011948CA.jpg (966x1153, 104K)

I think I know what's up. Report system abusing /vg/tard is here and newfag janny is unaware of Yea Forums's rule 4.

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>Listen to Pops heart de odorun damon by Aqours

Popipa pipopa popipa pa pipopa?


Attached: super supreme retardation.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

Fun fact: the blue girl is actually a LLS seiyuu!

best Love Lives

So is Momo Asakura and others but nope, they never get to sing.

Not impossible, but fairly unlikely. Unless they want to kill PDP for good

Attached: 1553825649020.png (600x627, 486K)

I wish some of the costumes are buyable.

Attached: 1553425292027.jpg (1054x1600, 861K)
Remember to vote for the new subunits.

>pdp voting

That's the best part of it.

PDP is under the Sunshine umbrella
The Nijigasaki idol club will name their group Aqours

sad sad very sad haters gonna be sad sad very sad haters

I don't think they'd suit me desu

Attached: 1554191215815.jpg (6044x8599, 2.28M)

>composed nearly a hundred melodies in a span of a year
>does all the instrumentals and music production herself (confirmed in the movie)
>can draw and cook
>cute as a button
Rikoppi is my doki doki sunshine.

Attached: C917BFB7-37B5-4F7D-9D75-6E3556215E9A.png (724x1023, 648K)

>does all the instrumentals and music production herself (confirmed in the movie)
So they finally explained how they get those songs with drums, guitars, etc?

why is chika dressed so provocatively?

Attached: 2W2lFEDPaSo.jpg (850x637, 90K)

I’m mad jealous, the film I got shows jack shit.

Lick and lick.

Attached: Dt50pzHU0AY-iOu.jpg (1500x2132, 262K)

It's a hot summer day

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Kanan is lewd, she makes me want to pull down in that dolphin.

>PDP is under the Sunshine umbrella
I believe Aqours & Muse has distinct committee structure.


Attached: 5A6165CD-BB79-4AB4-B718-53BB7D4CC027.png (960x640, 459K)

Same reason as zura, desu wa, yousoro, pigii, and yohane. It a unique tic.
Besides, knowing and using random English is considered cool in Japan. People wear t-shirts with completely random words on it and they don't know what it means

>nearly 3 day thread

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lewd chuuni

Any guess on what will be the theme for 4th single?


Attached: 1554049062456.png (690x750, 361K)

Hmmm it's Maru so who knows. Could be anything from nappo bread to love of history books.
I'm looking forward to it though, Kinchan has a great singing voice.

Attached: __kunikida_hanamaru_and_tsushima_yoshiko_love_live_sunshine_and_etc_drawn_by_tipii__674a857b053773e9 (715x1000, 406K)

or maybe a library

She need to lose some weight and train for her stamina though.
She still sounds good but she breath like crazy because of the dancing and the choreography.

The singles weren't exactly character songs so far, were they? I think at this point it's anyone's guess

Attached: yohane.png (1280x738, 1.3M)

>weren't exactly character songs
Most people wanted Kinchan to win exactly because of that, actually.

Attached: 1532988366109.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

True. She's just a grimmy otaku at heart.
Yeah, fair enough.

That what makes her cute though. She's Hanamaru's embodiment.

Imagine Anchan/King sweat play after the live shows.

God damn it, user, are you everywhere?

Attached: 1554218087762.webm (480x472, 385K)

Let's see
>Be Kanan
>Love diving & swimming
>Own & work at Scuba diving service
>Goes to school by Bus
>Center song is about a fucking train

>She's just a grimmy otaku at heart.
She is

It’s all that Sapporo ichiban.

Attached: 1B8E5066-A72E-42C8-958B-F119104EA7B0.jpg (2904x1132, 730K)

>Decided to watch Revue Starlight because of Leah's Seiyuu
Holy shit, why couldn't Love Live be as based as that?

Based and sweatpilled

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King deserves more roles.

Both are prominent imagery in Numazu/Uchiura, maybe that has something to do with it?

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>Pic related
Where can I find this full intermission?
You x Maru shenanigan looks funny.

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>Shuka is self-proclaimed Anchan's number one fan
>Anchan love everything about King and always talk about it
>King always fondling Shuka when it's possible
Weird love triangle.

>Both are prominent imagery in Numazu/Uchiura, maybe that has something to do with it?
So, what's next?

>This is the future of Love Live PDP threads on Yea Forums

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>agufag echo chamber
Real talk though, I'm looking forward to PDP content, hopefully animated.

>Both are prominent imagery in Numazu/Uchiura
They have a train station and an aquarium, does that really count as "prominent imagery"?

That’s just her asserting dominance so Shuka knows her place. She touches Anchan quite a lot as well.


What is there to look forward? Bland characters with already overused jokes and traits, likely some shitty story and probably music less good than what we have now.

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I would say it will be something CAFE or LIBRARY themed but honestly I don't know what to expect since I can't even associate Kanan with TRAINS.


Are there any Saint Snow buyfag merch besides Nesos?

you guys don't really listen to the lyrics huh?
the translations are out there it's about more then a train and aquarium.

Riko loves her classmate Chika.

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I just hope Maru's center has no food theme in it.

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May I add, and this is important for LL, the seiyuu cast is really bland.

I love both of them.

Go back to the seiyuu thread, agufag. No one likes you here.

yeah, it's really a shame.
Hopefully they will grow into their roles/characters. And they are really samefacey


I want all seiyuushitters to go back to /jp/. That includes you.

I don't understand this. You do realize the whole point of LL is the mix of seiyuu and anime right? Like it's literally the concept of the over arching multimedia project.

Don’t respond to rectal pain.

>I want
You sound like a kindergartener. Kindly, stop metaposting.

Dia loves her Ruby!

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Did she get bustier?

Seiyuus are part and parcel of the Love Live experience. The integration of 2D and 3D is one of its core concepts. Yea Forums frequently has non LL seiyuu discussion, news, and birthday threads.

Tell that to newfags who came to Yea Forums in 2016.

Do you think they practice on each other since no one in Love Live ever gets laid?

Welcome to eternal newfag summer, enjoy your stay.

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Gross and lewd.

The dimwit wouldn’t even be able to quote the rule serving as a basis for his actions.

I enjoy the seiyuu more than anything else but if deleting them can get rid of all the trash from /jp/ then I welcome it. You faggots are insufferable and no amount of whining will change that.

You entertain me.


it’s just a janny

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Damn she was hot in that outfit.

That's not even LL related anymore.

So desu.

Oh it is


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She copies King with this leather.

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kan kan