You're coming with us to New Testament, whether you like it or not, user.
Index III
Other urls found in this thread:
I completely forgot that Silvia has maid-style clothes.
But she's a royal maid, isn't she?
Ending with the NT2 cover pose pretty much confirms it.
>says Misaka as Misaka
>Such misfortune
>Fortune or misfortune
>I first need to destroy that illusion of yours
>spiritual item
>Number 4
>pic related
>One Who Purifies God
>Board Chairman Aleister
>had that position stolen
Strap me in for the ride. Moving this franchise on past OT, Idol was cancelled to make way for a NT spinoff I just know it.
anyone has that Kamisato greentext about him trying to crack his neck?
Yeah, she used to work with the royal family before leaving to go travel with Ollerus
>NT confirmed
Incoming angry assbabbies frantically trying to deny it in 3, 2, 1....
if there's people don't know yet othinus VA sounds like, here from virtual on
>cracks back
>deep sigh
>waves hands to make them loose
>crack knuckles
>fail to crack neck
>sigh deeply
>bend over and crack toes
>massage ears
>re-crack knuckles
>massage neck
>attempt to crack neck again
>fail again
>20 pushups
>60 second squat
>swig of freshly squeezed orange juice
>have a normal bath that you can find anywhere
>massage everywhere in bath
>massage prostate
>check for testicular cancer
>tell girl to fuck off
>try to crack neck again
>fail again
>deep sigh
>apply deodorant
>do homework
>banish magic gods to another realm
>sip tea
>beat up a dog
>try to crack neck again
>still no crack
>crack knuckles again
>a few more squats
>walk in the thread
I had fun with Index 3 despite it's flaws. Also Index NT soon, and theres nothing you can do about it
Just how bad are they going to fuck up Othi-chan's show?
Sounds great but I hope she doesn't keep the emotionally dead voice after NT9 once she starts the banter.
She sounds great, but I want to hear her in a non serious manner before I totally sign off on calling her perfect.
How do the feelings we had back in 2014 during the Kamachi 10th anniversary, or in each of the subsequent Dengeki festivals, where we had no hope for a season 3 compare to the feelings we have now that the adaption is over?
>Aleister got the best scene of the season
Seriously that was one of the best sequences of the entire series
Less than one month away in timeline.
>NTbabs still grasping at straws
They aren't.
They purposely fucked OT so they could get to NT.
If they actually fuck NT after this then we're going to get Miki's dead body on a spike dancing on stage.
Really bad, like, JC staff bad.
LO thighs, and some sneaky Accelerator service.
I really need to learn moon. That, or someone with the game needs to do one of those subbed playthroughs. Even if it's like 80 some odd YT videos long I'd watch.
>Show Touma is still alive
The fuck
Bonus LO in Accel's coat.
NT9 is going to be a single episode
t. shitposter.
What collab is this?
Right, I think js06 even said that he liked the story quite a bit
>2014: Anger
>subsequent Dengeki festivals: Despair, eventually looped back to hope
>now: Mix of disappointment and hope
Things could be better, but we're making progress.
>Idol was cancelled to make way for a NT spinoff
Accel Idol one of the best spinoffs already.
Editors confirmed shit taste
It take me a while to find kamisato in this pic
It literally says right there, Last Period.
I really like the small movements and animations in this. Gives a lot of life to the characters with not a lot of effort.
I agree, but if the franchise as a whole is moving into NT, it would make a certain amount of sense to start trimming the spinoffs down a bit. I wouldnt be surprised if Railgun and Accelerator get announced as having only one more arc in 'em as something else gets pushed up.
Never underestimate JC. They WILL fuck up NT. Mark my words.
>Touma looks as if he was not the part of the hero cast
>rather the big bad that is going after them
Who's the redhead guy under Accel and next to Shiage?
>NT7 Tsuchimikado
You don't see fanart of him often.
Holy shit that Kamisato is hidden but nice
>Part of the glass that's shattered by IB
Abe-shi is crying
Such devotion to thighs and legs. Not bad.
But why no Misaki?
Railgun is big enough to get its own NT just to milk the title more, although it might shift the focus away from Mikoto as she becomes more active in the main novels.
We are trapped in a cycle of hope and despair.
Though, I unironically have hope that the NT9 adaptation will be as good as the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Tsuchimikado undercover when he goes absolutely nuclear
Some hero
Crying about how shit Index 3 is?
Disguised Tsuchimikado from NT7.
I'm gonna cry if he is
I can't wait until we get more animated Birdway.
Don't get me wrong, I really want NT to be a good adaptation but after Index 3, I've given up on that dream.
Can't wait to see best robutt.
Have you been under a rock or are you having a bit?
Eh, Index 3 was purposefully flawed to get to NT.
Railgun 3 will probably show that JC staff will still bother allocating budget to raildex.
>that Aleister phasing around Fiamma
smoll Fran
>I unironically have hope that the NT9 adaptation will be as good as the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
You better hope for a new studio then.
Not what I was expecting, she has a bit of an older woman voice. Still nice though. I wonder if she's gonna have a higher pitched voice once she's fairy mode?
I want to sniff the inside of her leggings.
A lot of the higher ups know user. And they've already said they're going to fix that.
My thoughts exactly.
The fragments, right?
More importantly, why isn't Tsuchimikado blonde and who is that right to Worst?
>Abe-shi is a samurai showdown fan
Truly /ourguy/.
>ollerus is FGO protagonist
>silvia is Enkidu
>Ollerus is Eugeo and Ritsuka
I guess you'd know who they were if they had adapted SS2 eh?
JC staff can do it when they want to user, just look at Railgun S episode 14.
The entire episode is the bridge scene done fantastically well.
Is the entities that resides within touma kamijou is Abraxas ?
>She has a mature voice
Being that she's a war goddess from millennia ago that only makes sense really. She wouldnt be a particularly intimidating antagonist if she was squeaking the whole time.
Please don't lose hope user. Maybe a miracle will finally fall upon us and bless us with a very decent NT adaptation.
Index III needed Gunha to save it.
Thor is gonna be Romani for the fujobux when he calls Touma baby
These wikiniggers are fast
Yes, let us have one good episode in a mess of mediocre ones.
>entire profile is NT stuff
That'd bring back memories of episode 6 of the Tenchi Muyo OVA3.
>ollerus is Gudao
>touma is Hakuno
There's not really much of an option when he's only in S3 for less than a minute
>training arc with Gunha
based Nogi
Wew he looks perfectly dead inside
And then the spray that miracle causes will fuck us over.
But all the episodes before that were still good?
I'm talking about 14 in specific because the entire episode is just an emotional scene/speech that is very important for the arc.
Which is what NT9 is mostly about in it's scenes.
That is one way to boost sales. I'd rather him have Astolfo's VA though.
I'm glad that S3 has at least managed to bring with it lots of lewds. Waiting on comiket to see if we get lucky with scans.
I'm just saying user. They could have left it vague as absolute fuck, but it makes it more obvious.
>A too kind man who failed to become a "Genie"
You can be too kind to become a Magic God? But Magic Gods are kind.
>But all the episodes before that were still good?
Counting those two filler episodes?
Amazing way to show that something fucky is going on with his presence there despite skipping that part of the dialogue. Shame about the Anna mention, but it seems I've grown so desensitized to the anime's foreshadowing allergy that I no longer mind.
That was this season already user. We're containing the sparks within us already just like Aleister taught us. Next comes the magic spell.
What is this?
It's because he literally decided to save a cat when he had the chance
>>>>hires top tier VAs just to speak for less than a minute
He lost his chance to become a magic god because he was busy saving a cat. That's what it means.
He knows that he got to JC STAFF. HE KNOWS.
It's for important characters so it's a good choice??
Yes, it was filler but they were still good.
The quality of the episodes didn't fall off at all even if they were irrelevant to the arc. T
hough I daresay episode 7 filler was good to set a slowe pace and give time for the watcher to breathe a little.
And two certainly doesn't make episode 14 be in the middle of a mess, does it?
>It's because he literally decided to save a cat
Well that's what happens in To Aru
Fanmade video spoofing a NT announcement looks like
I hope it will be a movie like Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Actually, make NT8-10 all movies.
>Railgun 3 will show that JC will still bother allocating budget to Railgun*
Ftfy. They just don't care about Index.
>Yes, it was filler but they were still good.
No it wasn't, episode 1 was garbage.
>not wanting good seiyuus
Thor and Kagun are the main ones that need good ones for the Gremlin arc now, then it's set.
Fake news
>He forgot
Explain further on why it was garbage.
Episode 1 production wise was better than the entire season here user
>Not Toma Kamijo
>several years of meme magic make Index III happen
>it ends up being a complete mess
Holy shit it really was sparks.
It's not a budget problem. It's a shit planing + director problem.
If Nagai were to direct Index it would probably still feel rushed, but it would look a hundred times better.
Don't worry, they'll milk the hell out of them in games.
>Princess to Onii-chan
>Spank to ride
And it’s perfect.
That thicckoto is truly delicious
NT8 is too much for a movie.
Though, didn't Miki say he wanted these last four episodes from OT to be a movie?
Shit story for shit characters nobody cares about. Episode one was downright boring.
I can see it for accel. I like #1 as a character, but the manga doesn't seem as viable or easily successful/marketable as Railgun anime or manga.
Does that automatically save it from being trash?
>he forgot
That's not how you make an argument user.
I wanna sniff those thights
Scheduling, connections and vision. All important over any budget.
Literally who
I wonder if older Misaka will look like Worst
This isn't a death flag, it's a fucking death monument.
I really don't care anymore. Haven't even seen the recent episodes.
It's possible either Accel or Railgun or both could move on to become a NT continuation series. But I've got a strong feeling that Miki is going to go for an aeon shift in the fanbase here. Not to mention Railgun has been slowing down so much, and Mikoto doesnt have much else she could be doing but filler. Astral Buddy was always said to be about the dream ranker cards and not much else, the real question is if poor Chuuya is getting left in the dust or not.
At least he got two episodes.
Why is it trash? JC Still showed they are capable of putting out a quality production. Whether I like it or not matters none to me.
I just want to breed
Who is this semen demon?
Man, I really can't unsee Knight Leader here.
The golden demon goddess above all semen demons. Semen Satan, if you will.
We all do.
"Misaka want up"
Is Index Isis, Railgun Osiris and Accel Horus?
Is that why the adaptation is so shit? Are we finally moving onto ma'at with NT?
You know the first season of NT is going to adapt the first 10 volumes in 24 episodes.
Looks like your fish was smaller than mine.
>death flag
Too many green eyed people
No dumbass, OT is Isis and NT is Osiris. Railgun Astral Buddy and Accel are all still OT.
>nips are joking how pitiful it is to be Ollerus
How about adapting the first 8 volumes in 29 episodes with the last two being movies?
Not enough blonde lolis.
Lies and Slander, Astral buddy is Horus and Idol is ma'at.
t. Kamachi
Why is he so fucking hot I want to fuck him!
>JC staff can do it when they want to user
Old JC Staff is dead user, your favorite staff when they all left years ago.
To be fair Mark was literally always a KL clone
>Accelerator gets angel wings
>Flies up
>Next time we see him he's captured by Academy City
What the fuck did he even do? Why is the directing so bad?
>NT8 is too much for a movie.
It's... fine.
I don't remember much besides the beginning-to-airport section, Touma punching a preggo whose baby is a magician and everyone failing to stop Othinus
Either way, I really think that NT9-10 would benefit from movie format and I don't like the idea of NTS1 ending on the cliffhanger while the movie release date is way off..
Honestly this can go well. Like, no one would mind if they'll adapt NT2-3 in three episodes total or something.
>all breeds of lolis
>loli hags
>characters with pointy teeth
>(semen) demons
>sticcs put nex to big-titted characters
>big-titted sticcs
>funsized girls
Is Kamachi the most enlightened gentlemen of our era? What will come next?
Aleister has the same voice as he was in the tube. Nice
Gunha must be holding back hard if she dodged that.
It won't. NT volumes are longer than OT volumes on average. It'll be even more rushed that Index 3.
Nah, current JC staff can still put out some good shows.They just dropped the ball here.
that's how it was in the ln tho
>I don't like the idea of NTS1 ending on the cliffhanger while the movie release date is way off.
Well, I like it and I think it would pay off well. We have to make some sacrifices for the greater good user.
Accelerator is going to impregnate WORST, LO, and 545!
Well what the fuck did he do then? I thought the wings were going to be Accelerator's big power up/moment to shine but he just flies up, accomplishes nothing and gets captured
He's getting more enlightened the deeper he delves into Aleister's degeneracy, as shown by his taste improving the farther he gets into the series.
>Like, no one would mind if they'll adapt NT2-3 in three episodes total or something.
NT2 unironically needs a few good episodes for itself so animeonlies don't get any more confused by magic.
Not really. They are not as long as you think and it's the content within that matters nor would they attempt do adapt 9 volumes in one season.
Would NTS1 would be good if it ended on NT4 ?
>Leave saving Raildex to me
It won't though. There's no reason to think that when they've already talked about this as an issue.
I feel like that would be a tad too slow. NT6 is a good spot. And NT7 is still workable even if probably a bit fast.
He stopped the giant mass of thelesma that would've destroyed humanity.
When is next HO volume coming out?
This anime is very poor in animation. Index needs a lot of sakuga.
It's bad to adapt so many volumes with so little episodes though.
A lot of scenes need way more time than just being throw onto the screen and some can make an entire episode.
I mean, sure, you could just make something like the Mathers vs Aleister fight one or two minutes of a episode, but you can bet people would be mad.
It's not though.
No. Touma's little "character arc" or conflict was against Birdway so up to NT6.
Once in a blue moon maybe, not for LN adaptations.
Okay. Worse will not be.
In a perfect world the first season would adapt the first 4 volumes in 12 episodes, covering Birdway's detrayal plot and endind with Othinus breaking Touma's arm.
Then a second season would adapt the rest of the gremlin arc. Othinus' arc needs to at least be a cour, two movies is not enough time for Touma's suffering and boss rush.
But his manga is trash. Only thing that can save it is Railgun 3.
We don't know yet. In a few days they'll probably announce the next blood sign, so HO could come at July in the earliest.
Don't forget the tomboys.
No please, I want to get off this ride
Probably around May/June.
Looks like a cover for hentai game lmao
Two movies basically IS a cour user.
That's why they won't ever do it. This was an (unfortunate) exception. S1 will stop at NT6. Since there's more scenes, they can actually have less volumes to adapt in a season (plus it changes with new staff). I think a bigger issue for me was, even with the 9 volumes here, there was no respect or any apparent understanding/love for the source material.
I can see them updating Railgun.
As for Misaki. She's going to get more spotlight in NT, but she's been the one getting most if not the best spotlight in Railgun manga (and soon in R3 anime). Daihasei is actually a great arc for Misaki. Misaka just spends the entire arc playing catchup, falling into everyone's keikakus, getting wrecked left and right only to be saved by everyone else, and then having everyone in Tokiwadai think she had massive shits.
I really hope they don't fuck up NT like they did OT anime though. The worst part is that Railgun anime has the scrap parts of the source material yet comes out better each and every time.
The SAO treatment of 52 episodes would probably be the best option, it'd give every volume 4 episodes up to NT13, and a volume like NT11 cannot possibly need 4 episodes, so that's a bit too much even.
>loli route
>jew route
>mommy route
>necrophilia route
>homo route
>clone gangbang route
sounds interesting
Shhhh Anime onlies dont know about let's give them satisfaction of them wanking Accelerator (I do like him but I dont like the manga)
Why do Ollerus and Silvia look so good? Are they actually suggesting that NT will look this good too...?
Misaka has fallen in love with you and is forcing you to marry her. How do you escape?
>In a perfect world the first season would adapt the first 4 volumes in 12 episodes
Reread NT1-4 please,
Well yeah, that was the point, Index 3 is just a bunch of highlights so you can get to NT.
You're going to eat shit when NT doesn't happen whether you like it or not, user.
I really don't think they should do this. Just keep the consistent 2 cour out w/ a proper schedule and treatment for each season and we're golden. I don't trust JC with multi-cour.
The manga is good, the only issues are the pacing and the art which the anime can fix easily.
Kill her in her sleep.
Laura is Coronzon?
NT3 honestly deserves 6 episodes.
>just look at Railgun S
Do you even realize that Railgun S was more than 5 years ago?
Those people are long gone. The japanese constantly write about it for 2ch. The current JC cannot show the level of Railgan S. Not even close. Or first one. Or Bakuman, Shana, Toradora.
>>jew route
So it's a one way railroad?
Just give every NT volume 6 eps
I'm Mexican, I can just impregnate her and then leave her with the baby.
>There was no love in the production
Every scene Fiamma was in I could feel the love though.
Index is a joke
Depends. DanMachi absolutely has said level of good production and quality, problem is it's only for DanMachi and everything else gets squat. It's all in the connections which Nagai has and same for Big Order guy it seems.
Some volumes are longer and shorter than others.
Well, we'll be able to decide whether that's true or not once Railgun 3 is out.
If they shit the bed on that then all hope is indeed lost.
>He ain't #1 esper, but can still use magic. Has angel wings. Can heal bitches. Has no "good guy" rules.
Dude probably can control the vectors of time along with space as well as the concepts of like aging and death, but author hasn't written it yet.
She is.
The story is 5/10 at best too user.
The final "fight" with Aleister was pretty meh
I think part of that was on Morikawa. Looking at his recent interview, he seemed to really love Fiamma.
Batch when
Based Nogi
>wait for solar eclipse
>get sucked into Dracula's Castle
Not much she can do about that.
Isn't the entirety of Heavy Object season 1 just 3 volumes too?
Are the volumes way longer than Index or what?
Leave for cigarettes.
Can't he just rewrite every cell in his body...?
Hawaii getting Hiroshima'd and Baggage City getting Pearl Harbor'd deserve multiple episodes.
If by "meh" you mean "Kino" I agree.
>and then having everyone in Tokiwadai think she had massive shits
Mikoto is trully a shit.
What went wrong Indexbros?
4 would suffice. Hell, 3 if it was action-heavy and had limited amount of switching "POVs", as I had forgiven Acqua of the Back arc barring the horrendous animation, as well as episode 10.
Shorter actually
He sounds exactly the same as S1
>marry Misaka
>fake my death
>resurface months later with a new name and a cool mask
No, they have the same length but are shorter compared to NT volumes. The thing is that Heavy Object's first few volumes are easier to cut up than Index and Kamachi writes it in a way that you can pick up any book without reading any of the others.
3 for specific volumes like NT2-3 and 11 maybe, but the average volume would probably do best at 4-5
Corporate faggotry prevented Miki from getting a new season and it had to settle for bullshit, hell even had to beg for 26 episodes.
Sounding has nothing to do with the direction of that scene though. It was quite good. A nice way to show something is off with him being there.
it's funny, the girl he ended up with was called a monkey and Mikoto is called denki kong
A match made in heaven, truly.
Imagine being this mad
Don't reply to Yea Forums-kuns
I wonder how would animeonlies react to Misaki knowing Touma
Name a cringier scene in Index III than Accel singing
You'll find out later this year.
You gonna do a batch for when all the BDs are out?
"My yuri!!!"
Doujins when?
Koikatsu when?
The artist ain't that great. Especially since they probably chose him for his art style, backgrounds, and themes being "dark" to fit edgeccelerator's dark side stories. However the art itself ain't as good as Railgun's.
Story itself feels Accel-ish. Necromancers, girls pissing themselves, girls made into zombies and placed into battle machines that use their powers, tentacle monsters, bio-electrocution on minors, riddling JKs with bullets, reviving zombie tentacle imoutos who are actually working for the devil who LITERALLY turns out to be an evil Jew spirit (not being antisemetic here, this literally happened in the story), etc etc. And that's just the 1st arc. Let's not get into the 2nd arc about people farming, cooking, and eating lolis and forcing those lolis to help them to that to themselves.
You posting about Index III.
the entire hamazura arc
You defending Index III.
So, how many years are we going to wait for Index III ?
You're going to eat gold when NT happens whether you like it or love it, user.
>inb4 2 ez, kek, seething, angry over opposite, i win
Wait till our collective autisms make extensive edits of this season.
>I wonder how would animeonlies react to Misaki knowing Touma
Not much. They'll react the same way Fate anime only casuals did:
Seiba00001 is da best! she my waifu!
Rhino horn is da best! she my waifu!
TOTES SAD! Worms is da best! she my waifu!
Misaki is best girl though.
Don't get it.
OT15 ""adaptation""
Vento's rollercoaster story came pretty fucking close.
>Tell her I prefer Misaka Worst
>Watch her franctially try to act like Worst
>Finally deliever the killing blow by fucking Worst right in front of her
You have impregnated Laura Stuart and she's forcing you to marry her, how do you escape?
>2 between I and II
>8 between II and III
32 years. See you guys in the 2050s.
>Lists scene from Index II
Yeah it's sad that we will never get the rest of OT animated but oh well Railgun 3 might be good it might show us how good NT anime will be looked
Right now.
Put a ring on her and succumb to her demon love.
Summon the Qliphoth.
Birdway confessing her double love to Frenda and Aogami at the Midnight Amusement Park.
>way to ruin another character
Cut a portal into Hell and live there to avoid marrying her and raising my son.
I hated BR anyway so part of me is kinda glad they fucked it up.
The entirety of Index 3 is just as cringy
then no.
She's probably bisexual.
>going to hell to run from a demon
Yea Forums-kun is funny sometimes.
>Animeonlies screeching about Touma saving Misaka
Man it's gonna be glorious
Kanzaki vs Acqua. Yes, the whole battle. Brexit. Yes, the whole arc.
She's content with being Misaka's and Touma's toilet. Which makes Junko a bunch of sewer pipes.
>Tell her I prefer Misaki
>Watch her franctially try to act like Misaki
>Finally deliever the killing blow by fucking Misaki right in front of her
How many different people are you going to call "v kun?"
Wait does Railgunanimefags thinks that Misaki is lesbian ?
>best boy finally animated
If only his SS would get adapted too
album link?
>Literal 0s
How about wearing groucho glasses and a trench coat while speaking in a fake german accent?
meme magick
>literal greentext 0s
Rail twenty pages a month is too much gun
no one thinks that, hell I'm not sure if they even remember her from her 2 minutes of screentime
just another things anons make up
Yeah, in maybe 8 years from now
Got a link?
The more it bothers people, the more others will say it. It's how it is here.
No, railgunfags have just acquired the stigma that they're all yurifags who can't take Touma saving or knowing anyone, for whatever reason. But as usual it's just a guy who hates the railgun fan base for whatever reason, there's not actually anything to back him up other than a loud minority on reddit, or something like that.
I mean that is a good thing it is the same...
>likes seiba
>not a jap
>likes to imply implications
So he's /ourguy/?
>yurifags will go apeshit when Misaki swoons over Touma
>hetfags will go apeshit when Misaka gets mindbroken by Misaki's tits
Railgun 3 is going to be fun.
I thought it was a fun read. Maybe the adaptation would've been more comprehensible if they fully cut MEMBER out, since they were just the jobber squad anyway.
>read poetry to her until she falls asleep
>hobble out the window and limp away at top speed.
>Nogi says this is a half joke but he did the Junko vs Gunha chapter under the assumption SS2 would not be adapted. So he wanted to show Gunha going all out.
>>hetfags will go apeshit when Misaka gets mindbroken by Misaki's tits
Chestlets when will they learn?
That was a 10/10 episode. Any idea when NT can be expected to be announced?
Why not both?
>two other threads
just stop
NT never hopefully
Fall Festival. Kamachi 15th projects are starting probably this or next month.
>Are the volumes way longer than Index or what?
HO is nothing compared to Index.
Mating press. Sneak away when she's passed out. Go knock up Misaki too.
Then I'll have the plotting blondes with nice bods from both sides. When preg science and preg magic meets that's where H fun begins.
The more you're spread out and struggle to shitpost, the better it is so no.
Does cringe mean "hilarious" now?
>still no BS11 RAW yet
Hilariously cringe
Take responsibility, I would never escape.
I hope we get another crossover book.
>mad about zeros
>when Aleister summons random numbers so he can use an imaginary gun.
I still dont understand why some people thing this is so bad, especially when there is a bunch of other shit wrong going on in Brexit. Like oh no, theyre cubes instead of oddly shaped polygons, what a travesty.
Who would be Gunha seiyuu since he is a supposed to be a shounen protagonist will they go for female seiyuu or for nake seiyuu
I wonder if the level 6 project intended to to that to Accel anyways?
Like wait til it's the later Misakas who are around level 4 and then have them use psychological attacks on Accel telling him he's a serial killing monster. Even at that point if Accel backed out of the project they would just need to send the Misakas to assassinate him.
Once Accelerator goes the darkest route and gives up his humanity that's when he'll really reach level 6.
I hope we get carnival phantasm like series for Kamachiverse
I'm still waiting for that damn dating game to finish. Ending it right as Othinus shows up is just cruel.
>This somehow didn't fucking destroy Fiamma
The burning finger guy from Gundam.
>Dating game
What explain
Level six shift was always a sham
Isn't Accel idol basically that but for science side only?
Literally no cannon and just for fun.
It will never end user.
Birdway spin-off WHEN?
Kamen rider seiyuu
N I G E R + C
Niger c = ?
Are they trying to send a message?
Do they want something that has to do with niger C's?
So many questions.
The speed dating game crossover novels. Not an actual game.
Dumping Virtual-On 14
>science side only
Esther and her slave were like half the manga
>implying it is not cannon
Give a viable Birdway spinoff concept.
That's NT7 Tsuchimikado, and Kanou Shinka.
No, but since they're split up into 3 parts usually in different locations it kind of forced them to pace it that way.
Nizamabad shows it's not, it's a state that experts can reach, though potentially 2 aspers can handle the strain
No one ironically states that kakine is the most likely candidate to shift. This has become especially so with Accelerators magic power ups
>piece of poop
>goes into toilet
the end
Just pick Kirito.
World domination shenanigans.
Mark Space and Birdway slice of life
>Touma tosses Fiamma in the pod
>Are you sure, but I'm a person who doesnt know how vast the world is
>Then go out and discover how vast it is yourself
I love this damn series
Was it really neccesary to punch it instead of giving it a light tap?
Tetsuya Kakihara is always the first one who comes to my mind. Setting Gunha on fire would pretty much give you Natsu.
>Evangelion clapping scene after the flush
>After that OVA director is filmed cutting his dick off with a rusty saw
>While singing Japanese anthem
Wins all the awards in the world.
He is getting rocketed at Gabe with the momentum of Fiamma's SoB. A light tap would probably be difficult.
Nogi always there for us.
>this shit still gets 5k sales
nt confirmed!
Boy does he not know how bad things are really going to get.
Salesposter apologizing when?
Why is he naked
>Touma punches Fiamma
>Sky fades from Gold to Blue
Was it, dare I say, kino?
It's a good thing, because it means more Index adaptations and content. And all in all the anime was still fun. Source material is high tier stuff.
nice Mie cameo
Sasuga corporate cocksuckers
Too emo
The VA that does luffy would be better since Gunha feels the most Luffy like. Gunha is about GUTS not about talk no jutsu.
Too beta
Too burning.... Actually a perfectly great choice. But wouldn't that guy be old AF now? Maybe the guy who did S-cry-ed since that MC was also a "burning" type MC.
man its just as funny the 30th time you post it!
Shit ending for shit series
>>While singing Japanese anthem doing a nazi salute to the japanese imperial flag to piss off chinese and koreans
It's going to get posted the 31th time and there's nothing you can do. NOTHING.
This episode was surprisingly well animated.
>Too beta
You say that but Kirito's VA has a lot of range. Still not a great fit for Gunha though.
What, you mean the one that ended up in another time loop after Her Majesty destroyed and recreated the universe?
It was the level of quality I wanted for the past 26 weeks. It shows they can definitely do it.
Remeber there is nothing wrong with Index III, the animation iwas top notch and the adaptation 1:1 and if you tray to point out any flaw whatsoever you're a shitposter assaulting us lover of the season.
Too little too late.
Matsuoka is for Kamisato.
You have incredibly low standards.
mad frog.jpg
It's better than the previous 25 episodes though. Well defined faces, not much blobbing, etc.
Is saying it is better than literal turd really the same as saying it's well animated though?
All right. Can anyone tell me what the fuck this is? Is this a new power or some dumb effect they put on his entire fucking arm? And it don't even come close to Touma punching Agnese out.
A golden sky is an automatic kino
Why would I escape?
>when you've already nutted but Anna keeps on hitting you
I guess next it's the end.
Nishikori cant read
Dumb effect, like that time he got super strength to stop Acqua. Anime team has very weird ideas for making things look cooler when they wouldn't really need to.
Effect. Nagai did it too.
>but Kirito's VA has a lot of range
Exactly what I mean. Gunha only has geki fiery mode anyways. All that range would be useless and not used.
VA for G gundam MC would be perfect.
All right then.
Just some dumb effect to cover their incompetency.
Wow you right it fits perfectly
This may sound dumb after going through 2014-2017, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for three whole months without Raildex anime. Hopefully IF comes out sometime soon to fill the gap a little.
IF is probably in the summer
He didnt though
I'd expect it in a month or two. Plus, it's likely we'll see some announcements before then
Where is chapter 13?
He did.
I'm ready. I'm exhausted by constant disappointed and denial by faggots here.
When will salesposter apologize? Just kidding, we all know he'll just move the goalpost again
NT23 when?
You don't have to always visit here user. Just take a break, it does wonders and you stop caring what some loser redneck says.
Nagai did it when Touma punched Accelerator in the nose, the final time.
The entire slow mo, nonmoving aura bunch from the Accel fight says hi.
After those years of despair, three months is nothing.
Like Accelerator's purple electricity shit?
>good sales
The absolute hovel of the Raildex fanbase.
>inb4 BDs don't matter anymore but we would sure like if it sold more than this
>it's bad
>people say it's bad
Is your head okay?
Hey look at that, he moved the goalpost just as I predicted.
He did exactly what you said. 2ez.
How many series outsold that this season user? BD sales as a whole are down.
Don't. He just deflects and continues to.
>literally proved him right
Self awareness really isnt your forte
Touma hardened his fist so hard the air around it is getting pushed away and his bones broke
Lmao like clockwork
That's bullshit but I'll believe it.
What was the point of this scene and him flying to the star?, and then doing nothing?, it feels like they skipped something.
That shit was barely noticeable, no intrusive and was actually eye pleasing
user dont you know that if it isnt the top anime its an automatic flop? Please dont bring up that it went way past breaking even despite him claiming it wouldnt.
He still did it. I didn't like it then either.
Fiamma shot the Telesma beam that was gonna destroy Europe and Accel facetanked it
>That shit was barely noticeable
It was literally the entire shot, retard.
Accelerator confirmed for 3rd heroine?
You mean from the OP 2?
Just as wrong, but purple accel electricity looks cooler and he was fighting misaka. Could have just been his powers reflecting Misaka's electricity.
Touma isn't supposed to have power though.
Where was the beam?
Based Nagai
And wasnt piss colored
Watch it with subs user
Touma's fist does a similar effect, albeit much more subtle, when he punches Agnese.
It was pretty fucking noticeable. Not to mention a slideshow.
Budgeted away.
How many times are you going to move the goalpost?
Not what you said at all. It was everything you said it wasn't.
Operative word: subtle. Now it looks like he's manipulating wind.
Nishikori forgot, but dont worry its a 1:1 adaptation and if you disagree then you are a shitposter
Well, this whole season it's been really disappointing. Don't count on me on the next one(if there is)
Hahaha fuck me you're retarded. Anyone have the webm of that shit?
It wasnt subtle in Railgun either.
He just doesn't like it. You are basically comparing tastes at this point.
Count on you for what, did you actually buy the BDs? If not, why would anyone care if one less anonymous poster is watching?
I thought it was supposed to be a telesma bomb or something but there literally was no effect showing something bad was happening, not even a shaky cam. And when Accel just go full rainbow I wondered if that was it.
>that low
pls Hamazura literally L5 power level. His esper power is lucky ass pull. It lets him always get lucky ass pulls.
Sasuga Kamachidrones
Why do you keep pretending that people are saying that? Why do you keep trying to push this narrative when people can literally look at the thread and see you're making shit up?
It wasn't subtle at all in Railgun. It was the entire fucking shot.
Broke my heart really.
Never read the LN nor watch the previous seasons but read a bunch of the manga chapters, I find the series pretty nice, I like how the side characters got stuff going on too.New season when?
Why do I care if you count or not? I matter more than you simply on the notion I buy most of the stuff from this series.
False actually, it stops a couple of frames before he hits his face, but starts flashing instead.
If seems you care enough to anwser
Nice non response.
Fall Season announcement so sometime late Next year maybe? Enjoy Accel in Summer and Railgun 3 (likely) in Fall though.
Nice try
Good for you user
Once Unlucky updates it in 2024 we should sent it over to the nips and have them critique it, I'd be interesting to hear their opinion on some of the placements
Look at all the Index 3 threads, people get very defensive whenever someone points at something
We aren't getting NT
>No source
Good for you user
Damn, seems like a bunch of stuff lined up already. Good shit.
Literally link where people are saying this that isnt obvious falseflagging. Please user.
>inb4 he mysteriously ignores this posts or vanishes entirely
Because he's samefagging most of the time to create said narrative.
>He says increasingly nervously
Not with JC staff at least
We haven't seen her since she got imprisoned for accidentally killing... someone. What the hack is Kamachi doing?
kek sweat more
We are and you're going to have to eat shit on livestream again, though I'm sure you'll run away from that like a coward this time too
>NT made by studio DEEN
>Last episode didnt contain a part that plays the first opening or ending
felt like it ended a bit abrupt
NT10 better be rushed as fuck because that's the worst NT volume ever!
Really liking how the megaphone heroine has gotten bits of spotlight in railgun.
Maybe he is orianna's brother.
Really bugs me that they not only fuck shit up but went out of their way to put in work to fuck shit up.
They could have done nothing and it would have been better.
Or if they had to add additional animation they should have added effects of IB changing the world around the hand. So in the case where there's the fire the area around the hand would have none highlighting it. Or in the case of Fiamma fight, the background around his hand right before the final punch shows a blue sky instead of the yellow one metaphorically showing the view it's "breaking the illusion of a yellow sky".
JC staff really suck. They should just give it to Ufotable.
Would still be better than anything JC do desu
It was a literal to be continued ending. They even included an original scene of Birdway retrieving him.
They had to get as much time as possible. Poor bastards are probably as sleep deprived as Touma.
>Last episode didnt contain a part that plays the first opening or ending
This is the real fuck up.
So did they do one of Miki's favourite Mikoto scenes justice? I haven't watched the episode yet and won't be able to until Sunday.
thread so shit im falling asleeps
DEEN has actually been pretty competent in the past couple of years. ReDEENed themselves even.
You should sleep forever
Literally look up on the archives
>inb4 I get called MP
Kinda, not that it was impressive in the first place.
Yeah. I liked it a lot.
>Last episode didnt contain a part that plays the first opening or ending
That's usually Railgun's schtick
From 8:52 in this scene where Touma meets the spirit of Index up to the defeat of Gabriel at 14:29 was perfect (maybe even Misaka's confrontation with Touma right before), and reminded me of the potential Index III could have had, good pacing, good use of the CGI, good animation and soundtrack, tight writing of the characters we come to love for over a decade. I was moved and it was good.
But it could have been really great. It could have been great.
>not Gonzo
They ruined it by not killing Touma
DEEN has been getting better and better with each year.
I accept your concession
It's supposed to be emotional, not impressive.
No, provide a fucking source for your claim or youre full of shit and dont have any evidence. And even if you arent MP, you are certainly acting like her since she too refuses to ever provide source to back her claims
Index bit Touma offscreen.
>Still no BS11 RAW yet
This entire episode was a "what could have been" great finish, but made me sad.
I want to FUCK Lessar.
Did you read any of those posts you quoted or what
>butchered fate to the point of almost no recovery
>butchered umineko and buried it
>JC staff is bad, but they are still better than Deen
What has DEEN don't that was good again?
You literally have months worth of proof yet you arent doing any effort on reading it
impressive-ly emotional?
No, lack of any emotional shock.
Shitposters seem to be losing steam, now we can talk in peace. So yea, I asked this before but is the Index manga adaptation for OT14 missing anything? I cant find my pdfs of OT to cross check and its been ages
>Source: Dude just trust me
Daisuki, Qliphah-chan...
It was good. Abe's performance is part of what carried it.
"Not yet."
They even had the IB negating her magnetism.
Terra drinking is the only thing completely cut I'm pretty sure.
Convenient how these supposed people are never in the threads but are on some other thread I dont recall. So when I ask you the same question in each and every single thread and you keep having no evidence, what will the excuse be then?
Yea, no, you're full of shit and cant even defend yourself. Get fucked.
He said the manga, that was in the manga
get in line
It covered OT14 pretty well desu. I had Terra's wine scene too. It and OT15 so far are leagues better than the anime.
There is no way they end it like this and have multiple more Index anime seasons lined up if they don't at least strongly intend to work towards an NT anime. Index is here to stay, in fact it might be more relevant than ever now.
Didnt the manga show that he had been drinking wine
Makes me sad and makes sin and envy of what could have been, indeed. Fuck I was tearing up when Index and Touma started talking, and Touma's reply being muted? That was fucking perfect. That was what all I wanted for this adaptation to be.
Not my fault you cant use the archives
Cope harder
No. I'm going first and you can't stop me.
Are you saying Rina didnt play her part right?
Maybe the later blu rays improve some of it.
We can all agree now that SAO3 was way better than the trainwreck that is Index3 (didn't have to wait a decade for it either).
At least Railgun3 won't disappoint. Railgun never disappoints. It's just Toaru with K-on! mixed in.
>It covered OT14 pretty well desu
And here comes the historical revisionism. Hey, episode 3 was only a few months ago, back in October. Remember how much of a clusterfuck episode 3 was? Go fuck yourself. Pretty well my fucking ass.
Nope, burden of proof is on you. Until you provide literally any shred of evidence, you are automatically full of shit and lose the argument. Enjoy being wrong, I'm tired of talking in loops with you when its clear you cant even defend yourself
Personally, I know I'll get shit on, but that was the scene I was looking forward to the most. If they fucked up the Kamijou x Index scene, it would have been the end for me. But no, they did it right, music, cutting Touma's words, off and all. Thank you for that.
Too late user, I have already won
They're talking about the manga, fagtron.
>cant provide evidence
Kek, cry harder
I was referring to the manga. The manga covered OT14 pretty well.
No, I just think Touma's actions and how they animated it and such was the important part there. If they fucked that up, the entire scene would be ruined. But they captured his satisfied look and Mikoto's response to it well.
>So desperate to shitpost he doesnt even read the posts
Please read before responding.
Huh... really weird to see a Castlevania related post here. Also Soma Cruz. Good taste, based user.
Assuming NT gets adapted, what's the thing you're looking most forward to?
>Aleister's zombie rocket
>Chromozon and aiwass' shittalking
At least Index 3 had the source material going for it.
This scene would have more impact if we saw her scenes in the Battle Royale or at the very least flashbacked to where she was talking. Did she talk in Battle Royale? I don't fucking know must have been the crazy pacing because pretty sure Index don't like borrowing scenes from Railgun where she appears with big ass fonts talking to Item.
>shitposter cant read
Sasuga. Cant wait for his "N-No, I-I'm still r-right y-youre just seething!" response
And who among the class can answer me what little rabbits are best known for?
That Touma vs Fiamma...what the fuck was that? That was the worst animated Index fight scene ever and it was supposed to be the most hyped fight in all of Index due to the build up and how the fight was actually going down. The Touma vs Fiamma aftermath? Completely lacks the emotional impact it should have had. Fiamma's confrontation with Aleister just ended up looking weird because of it.
The ITEM confrontation was also glossed over. We weren't even given enough time to take it in, nor were there much explanation to what the revelation with Rikou entails. Though I guess the brief explanation that she can provide all of Academy City's facilities is enough of an explanation already.
Touma's emotional scenes in this arc all lacked the impact that they should have had. That scene with Index would have been so much better had they properly given us time to peek inside Touma's head and on how much the whole "hiding the memory-loss from Index" thing has been eating at him (curse this 26-episode limit).
His parting with Mikoto was decent enough but we could have had a scene that shows just how much it affected Mikoto and her subsequent retrieval of Touma's gekota phone-strap from the wreckage of the Star of Bethlehem.
tl;dr: fuck this adaptation. 1/10
A rabbit without bones is just a living flesh doll
animeonly here, so Accelerator never cuts Russia in half?
Nothing because they'll just make it look underwhelming.
>make sure his switch is off
>just let me turn it on to find out
What the absolute fuck? There are so many retarded things I could complain about, but this is somehow even dumber than Hamazura deciding that the homicidal immortal maniac who killed their teammate and keeps trying to kill him and tear the team apart is now his best friend who he'll die to protect and more contrived than all of the instances where someone who is on death's door somehow recovers enough to run around shooting things because they got a pep talk.
I don't even know why he's in this plane in the first place. He just flew off into a light and then we skipped to something entirely different and I guess we just assume that he fixed the telesma problem somehow.
Fuck, I hope this series can just die for good. I'm so fucking done with it.
Index III's quality direction, pacing, and animation that we all know and love.
>shitposters are illiterate
No wonder they always make up shit about the novels, they cant read them!
In the entirety of NT? That's a hell of a list user. Either Mathers vs Aleister or the end of NT10
I'll confine it to what S1 would adapt:
>Touma's reappearance
>Drunk Touma
>I'm back, baby
>Fraulein eating fake brain
>Thor vs Touma
>Emo Touma
>Kagun vs Byouri
Fuck off to reddit shitposters
Cope, Mikocuck.
>Accelerator's hair is long now
Really makes me wonder what went through their minds that they randomly decided to update his design mid-way through WWIII.
It was barely a fight and there was no sense of space thanks to the two of them standing only on two platforms for most of the fight/conversation.
You pull this from reddit? Or was it MAL.
Nah, you were meme'd. Touma getting knighted and Accelerator cutting Russia in half were notorious fake spoilers from back in the day. We thought it would be funny to mix them into actual spoilers because you literally cant tell the difference after awhile. Like Mugino baking a loli.
Everything, there's gonna be something in each volume to meme to high hell
>NT1 a cyborg gets bullied
>NT2 Kanazaki jobs to a hunk of metal
>NT3 the president
>NT4 Touma gets bullied: the arc
>NT5 and 6 Thor and beetles
He didn't turn it on, you retard.
Holy shit lads
He didn't turn it on you numbskull
Hah, tricked ya, i'm actually a senile speedreader who can't remember shit.
Thanks for the answer nerd.
You misquoted, my post had nothing to do with Mikoto.
>Accelerator grew his hair out when he got white wings
>Getting white wings brought the budget to his model
>NT1 a cyborg gets bullied
>NT2 a cyborg gets bullied
>NT3 a cyborg gets bullied
Best season confirmed
You double dealing fart commander! I'll remember this.
Can anyone make a compilation as to how Misaka had been pretty much useless throughout this sesason?
>misaka knowing his lost memory secret
>ignored when she was trying to help during Aqcua fight
>misaka hijacking a jet
>ignored when trying to save Touma
I get "stay on your railgun toaru" vibes.
>NT8 Touma fights against a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
>allisgood retards can't hand actual critisicm and default to muh mal/reddit boogeyman
Poetry. Zero self awareness. Amazing.
You retards really need to re-read OT22
Niger C
It ties into Touma character development. He doesn't want people to get involved period, so she and Index eventually just forces their way into his life, and then he depends on them.
Misaka is useless in general.
I really love when they just use completely flat colors (is that the right term?) for some shots like this. I remember Railgun S also did it a few times, it always looks super neat.
Why? It wasn't really good as exposed by this brilliant anime arc that you all love so much.
Kek, still waiting
Seeing Index 3 make me understand what Fate fans were feeling with Deen Fate anime before Ufotable came along
Nobody want to babysit Denki Kong
She took out an entire tank brigade and stopped a nuke.
They just either skipped most of those parts or only showed the after math postcredit.
Shit you mean to tell me you actually typed all that? I tuned out the moment you pretended the emotional bits were off because I thought for sure it was bait. You're actually that stupid? No more benefit of the doubt for you.
>WB dude who also runs the twitter account answering fan questions
>Straight up says he wants to do NT
>touch remote
>it beeps
>powers activate
How exactly would you interpret that? Even if the LNs say otherwise, it doesn't change how fucking terrible that scene was directed.
When will a utfotable come along and save Index?
You weren't supposed to post this
>I like and defend garbage
But why.gif
ask him if you can suck his dick
Ithink so? I agree, anyway. They look so cool.
>and then he depends on them
For all of like 5 minutes maybe
Its not comparable because the source material for fate is dogshit too.
Yeah it was stupid, the point was it was already on. I don't know why they didn't just show him approaching it, but not touching it.
Well yeah they said last weekend it'll happen if Railgun/Accel are successful. But
When Nishitkiri gets lynched
and still she manages to save you shitty self insert 50 times
>This guy
What about what Fate fans are dealing with now when they have shit like Grand Order and only that to look forward too?
Hahahaha, you're a gift that keeps on giving, but please, by all means, keep on proving my point.
Nay, he continues to. Look at NT 12, 13, 15, 16,17,18, 20, 21, 22. Beforehand he wouldn't even involve them in his problems.
You know, checking those treads in the archive, December 2011 Yea Forums sure had a lot of name/tripfags.
Misaka BTFO Fiamma in the noevl
Raildex needs a hero like Ufotable did for Fate.
Yes, and now theyre replaced with Yea Forumsfaggots
you know they will be
2011 in general was the peak of tripfagging.