Netflix's Live-Action Cowboy Bebop Series Casts

John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, Alex Hassell

>"Netflix announced that cast of its 10-episode live-action series adaptation of the 1998 television anime Cowboy Bebop on Thursday. The announcement describes the series as a "TV drama." Netflix also provided character descriptions with the announcement."

Is this going to be first good live action anime show, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Looks good bro.

We have this thread constantly for the last 30 hours.
Spamming is against the rules and Netflix live-action adaption needs to be a bannable offense

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Why are you lying bruh?

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>first good live action anime show
probably not, I'm not even mad about the casting
john cho might be a bit old to play spike as well as convincing action scenes

I said Netflix adaption SHOULD be bannablle and spamming/flooding IS off-topic, you retarded mongo

Suck a lemon
You know how to filter, faggot.

Looks cool, better than nigger L who ironically was still the best part of that movie.

I care more about the showrunners honestly.

same woman that was the showrunner for altered carbon

>Posting only about Jett again and not the other shit casting
Stop acting like this isn't just you being racist you insecure child

>Jet Black
>cast black man

Well that makes sense

I legitimately don't care that he is black.
I just hate the idea of the youngest looking person in the group is Jet.
Jet was supposed to be the older more matured person on the ship.
Spike doesn't let Faye get away with her bullshit cause he has another woman.
Jet doesn't let her get away with bullshit because he has scene it all.
A Jet that looks like he would fall for Faye's temptations is a complete failure.

Oh wow, I seriously hope they didn't cancel Daredevil and Luke Cage hoping this will be their new draw.

>Jet: do I look pale?
>Spike: you're always pale.
haha jet is canonically black anyway get over it you racist incels haha like wow

>live action anime adaptation
Into the trash bin.

Is that good?

>netflix marxists rape shitty westernized westaboo IP instead of something interesting

not really
>Alexandra is a queer genre and dark dramedy writer with a flare for fierce, female-led storytelling. She began as the Showrunner's assistant on Netflix's Altered Carbon, then CBS' Zoo, before being upped to Script Coordinator/Writer's Assistant on Facebook Watch's highly touted Limetown (based on the hit podcast of the same name). Most recently, her pilot The Meek and The Mild was just featured on The Bitch List, and won the prestigious Writers' Assistant Network competition, allowing her to participate in their 2018 work shop.


Did you watch it? I'm curious.

Not gonna watch some nigger bebop.

Cool story bro

Not him but I did. It was fucking horrible, the writing is absolutely atrocious and it feels like it was written by some 14 year old edgy tryhard. Take any garbage battle shonen and I guarantee you it has better writing than Altered Carbon. Visuals were the only good thing.

Nigger forgot to use contact lenses on the left eye.


You probably don’t even have a netflix do you?

ok but who is gonna play this cute bois

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I've seen that black dude in Luke Cage and he was pretty good there, so i'm not really worried about him. It's going to be shit though, because it's not going to have any kind of worthwhile team writing or producing it.

>good LA
You're gonna be hung.

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That does not bode well. Hopefully they don't stray too far from the source material.


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based retard.

why do people think Spike SPIEGAL is Asian when theres literally nothing Asian about him?

what did 4channel mean by this

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Why are you guys so obsessed with black people?


>Only white guy in the show is the villain

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Not sure what's going on in this thread, but I think the actors look like they fit who they're playing. If anyone here is from Yea Forums, can you tell me if anyone of these actors are good at what they do?
It would've been cool with an mc with a jewfro.

Yes. Just like in real life.

The same faggot spamming the same shit, literally just shilling netflix crap and mods too useless to do anything about it, too busy deleting actual discussion threads I guess.

Fuck off nigger.
Now where did I put that picture of asian people covering their noses around niggers, I just can't find it right now.

Cry all you want but live action shit is allowed on Yea Forums.
Go complain to Hiroshima.

Mate, it's an anime. Made before you could pretend to know everything in the world thanks to internet. They wanted a cool-sounding foreign name, there's no way for them to tell they happened on an Ashkenazi one.
>"The producers of Cowboy Bebop have been quoted as saying they chose the name Spike Spiegel because "it sounded cool." It is stated in the special features accompanying Cowboy Bebop The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door that Spike's appearance is modeled after the late Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda, especially as he appears in his famous role in Tantei Monogatari. "

Wow, racism outside Yea Forums and my post gets deleted. Great janitorial work you retarded piece of shit.


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You can complain to Hiro or to the admins on IRC.

There are new jannies around here, you know.

got you covered, senpai

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Is making another thread because you didn't get the response you wanted on the other one allowed tho?
Please get off your high horse, you're a faggot spamming dumb shit no one gives two fucks about.

Thank you sensei.

Has the chink ever done a good role?

cry more and while you are at it go praise the pakis and nignogs you love so much

>implying we fellow white people aren't the worst

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because Israel is in asia. are you retarded



This thread wouldn't be up if there were any decent jannies

Back to redit

Or perhaps they're leaving it up so it could incense more racial hatred.

I actually think nig man and Faye are pretty good casting choices 2bh (never seen any of their previous work or heard of them before, just going off appearances). The casting for spike is pretty bad though in my opinion

>literal whos
>good choices
You're trying way too hard.

Wait i thought it was a movie, might be pretty shitty for them to do a tv series actually.

the nignog isnt a bad choice he actually looks like jet with his skull structure and big mouth

Said the cross boarding, shill fag

>seething because they're following the rules

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Not gonna lie.

Faye is pretty cute. Good casting.

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OP samefagging , glad to see this thread is still up. Quality posting

>Jet and Julia

For once Netflix got the right cast? The only cast I hate is Viscous.

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Why is everyone so osbsessed with black people here?


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Is there anywhere on this God forsaken site where I can escape all this fucking race-baiting and talk about actual anime and manga related topics without "hurr durr niggers" and the idiots who start a shit flinging contest with them? /pol/ was an accident and moot was a fucking idiot for not permanantly purging it

because theyre funny things

It's almost as if Yea Forums is pre-dominantly white and they hate a certain group of people.

i didnt know Yea Forums was doing the casting for netflix series

stinky greasy roastie thot

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Deleting /pol/ would make shit even worse. The best thing you could do is ban racist posts. Either by imposing a more strict punishment or rangebanning. But of course, a lot of the people in charge gives pass to racism. Look at how long the tree hanging thread lasted.

Are you feeling ok?

I have every right to hate the race of people murdering white farmers and raping their wives & children in south africa hth famalam

>>>/reddit/ , newfag

>thread that was eventually deleted by mods who have lives outside the internet is proof the mods are racist because they didn't use their psychic powers to find out about the thread earlier
based retard

>The best thing you could do is ban racist posts.
Literally go to reddit then faggot if you want sanitized speech

>It's almost as if Yea Forums is pre-dominantly spic and they hate a certain group of people
FTFY brainlet

How new are you?
Yea Forums has always been full of black and spics

And you people were always hated.

Literally looks like Faye.

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And why do they let people walk all over them with racism?

Soon. We're infecting your culture.

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Yea Forums is one of the least racist boards
Mainly because moderation still works here


newfag, no one cares about racism here and never have go back

You are fucking stupid my man

This same race-baiting thread would have been made, even if /new/ and /pol/ had never existed. /new/ and /pol/ did not introduce political discussion to Yea Forums.

>/new/ and /pol/ did not introduce political discussion to Yea Forums
But the same rejects that frequented/frequent these shitholes did

Go back nigger.

I have been here longer than you faggot
Your cries for help only encourage me further

AFAIK there was no nigger in cowboy bebop tho?

She'll probably be cut along with Ein to make the show more serious. Expect maybe one episode with her at most and she'll be some edgy teen girl with rainbow hair

I think a few side characters were.
I remember the girl in first episode being black

>my man

Ask yourself what are white people doing in africa anyway? How did they get there. How are they able to own all of that farm land.

They're able to own all of that farm land because niggers literally can't into agriculture. Everybody saw how quickly Zimbabwe starved after white farmers were kicked out.

It's fucking hilarious how a continent with such fertile clay manages to starve.

This guy isn't gonna be Jet is he?
He doesn't look like a big enough guy

this is like the pokemon movie where Ash is now black

By not being monkey eating savages that are barely able to form coherent thoughts.
Them being able to build huts is like birds knowing how to build nests. It’s just instinct.

Enjoy sweetie

Sure is a lot of discussion about anime and adaptations of anime in this thread

The discussion is related to changing character ethnicity’s, and why that is a bad decision.

Should probably research that exact topic before talking like a complete idiot on it, a vast amount of the land that "white farmers" claimed in Southern Africa was entirely unpopulated when whites first arrived. Also, Bantu Africans, who now largely populate Zimbabwe/SA were NOT native to the area, the Khoisans were, Bantus migrated south largely to beg for handouts and have outbred and overtaken everything.
Educate yourself.


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They are banned.

esteemed colleagues if I could have your attention for a moment I have something very important to say pertaining to this thread and the janitorial staff of this board

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Go on.

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They're cancelling everything Marvel related due to Disney's endeavor to create its own streaming platform and making all of its licensed media exclusive to it. Think Epic Store controversy.

>no tits
no faye

People complaining about diversity missed a big part of the world of Cowboy bebop.
It is a post-earth world. Thinking about it in our terms of nationalities or ethnicity doesn't work.
With that said, I won't watch it because fuck LA "anime".

The Japanese weeby anime inspired backstory was unironically the worst part. The present day murder mystery was entertaining though.

Fun fact: There was at least one black character in every episode even if they were transient background characters. The direction of the show just didn't make a big deal out of it like in western media and its virtue-signaling and tokenism.

Yuck why did they make him black?

why would anyone make a live action of this. Jesus

I agree, but I think the biggest complaints on here and Yea Forums are not the nationalities, but the cast itself. I like Cho as an actor, but as Spike? Fucking no way. The jewish mexican chick is not even close to Faye, Jet is fine if I didn't know better about netflix's ulterior motives, and vicious looks like a s oy numale. Obviously it doesn't help that the production team is trash, too.

I think people are starting to be more vocal about their complaints since Eva is next on the proverbial chopping block.