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Cowboy Bebop was never good.

If you going for a chink as spike at least pike a handsome one like this nigga in green hornet

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they instead choose some old looking low t dork

But he's a gook

Spike should be played by a native american lol

>young, fuzzy-haired, suave man who can fight
>John Cho (46)
What the fuck?

Yea Forums thinks japanese people look like anime characters LOL if anything all anime character are white and some are hapa's (a/w, a/b)

Japanese want to project themselves as white and that's why most anime characters are white.

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More importantly, who is playing Ed?

Hasn't been cast yet, because they KNOW they'll fuck that one up.

>cast blacks/whites as asian characters
>cast asians as white characters
wtf america

Look at the top of his head

>t. American

Spike's Asian you dumb normie.

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>fei isn't gypsy
for what purpose?

Should have been Godfrey

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>giving any ounce of a shit about netflix

Where's Keanu Reeves?

Cowboy Bebop didn't have a nigger in it.

I think he is cute. Most people would think the same. And that’s the problem. Spike wasn’t neither a chad or cute.

A gook playing a jewish-nip character
All of my keks

>this cosplayer with 5000 photoshop filters playing a character with a completely featureless face proves that anime characters look japanes

Cherry picking aside, how fucking retarded do you have to be to pretend Sasuke is someone people want to look like?

>overrated westaboo garbage gets raped by netlix commies instead of something good
all is right in the world

They literally look the same to me

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a FIERCE genderfluid ambiguously brown teenager who makes lots of precocious, SARCASTIC quips. neon red or blue pixie cut. canonically bisexual.
will say things like
>hacking is a woman's job!

this, and i'm an Asian myself lmao

>jewish guy is played by a chink
Oy vey that's like another shoa!

Should have gotten someone younger for Faye. And THICCer too.

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We have this thread every day.

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>We have this thread every day.
Its like im really posting on Yea Forums

faye is a rail (and has canonically saggy tits)

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I loved Harold and Kumar.

Who the fuck cares about a fucking live action cashgrab ? Who the fuck cares about the race of the actors ? No one will watch the movie, and if you watch it the only concern you should have is the quality of it and if the actors are good. You guys are a bunch of degenerates i swear to god

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>stop caring about people ruining stuff you like

>No Keanu

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ITT: white people trying to steal shit they didn't create #54646408640

Wait, I thought that was a joke yesterday ?


at least when when people try to steal things they didn't create, it's cartoons, and not western civilization

>not picking John Wick
One job netflix, one fucking job

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no he isn't

Spike is jewish?


>Spike Spiegel
oy vey

Also Takumi Fujiwara in HK version of Initial D

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If you cast someone who isn't proficient in various martial arts, you can bet your cheap ass that the action scenes will be utter SHIT, S-H-I-T.

yeah they shouldve just made them all black. who cares about source material?

you could cast an expert at various martial arts and the action scenes will still be garbage if the director uses hollywood quick cut shakeycam garbage (99% likely either way)

I don't care that much about the race tbhdesu -unless it's something really fucking stupid like Achilles being black in that Troy thing they're releasing, reeks of ignorance and disrespect for Greeces history when it pretends to be historical. Revisionism for brownie and drama points really grinds my gears, but that's a pretty different case.
These guys don't remind me of the Bebop cast that much, that is all. Netflix seems incompetent at selecting actors for their live actions. The only time that made me go "yes, he's perfect for that role" was when they announced Dafoes as Ryuk's VA.

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white boi larping a chink

Well, of course you also need a decent choreography director and cutting director to capture the action.

Yea Forums will watch it because ed will be a tranny. and this board has become a tranny colony

Kuso thread

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Nah, that'd be Yea Forums or /r9k/. Yea Forums is fine on that end, proof would be that survey that was done some time ago if anyone has it, that shows that trapfags are actually a minority.

It's netflix, who gives a shit

another shitty adaption that will flop with fans and critics. does netflix even have a financial incentive to make good adaptions?

why is Yea Forums so racist?

>They cast a black guy to play a character named Jet Black
Da fuck Netflix

I blame /pol/

i blame japan

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/r/aznmongoloids pls go back now

you're embarrassing

Spiegel is German, you tard.

Time to bury and forget another one of my favorite animes. Thanks netflix/hollywood!

Spike is a kike

If spike can't fight, the show will be even more shit than its turning out to be. Why in the fuck do they think shit like this is still a good idea? I'd say 1 out of every 10 of these productions actually make money, so why take such a massive risk?

Yuta is so lucky.

She's not actually a gypsy

Cowboy Bebop will still be there and will still be remembered as an unmatched masterpiece for decades. This will be forgotten three months after release.

They let Raimi in charge again, how this madman keeps a job I will never know.

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Everyone looks ok except for Jet.


Also, no idea why you'd pick a slim black man clearly younger than Spike for Jet or an ugly/mexican girl for Faye who was clearly white

who plays Cowboy Bebop, tho?