>go hug your onesan/ imouto
>report back here
Go go go
It's time
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I hug someone who doesn't exist
Then hug your otouto instead
Wish really hard to fairy or a unicorn or a dragon or bigfoot with dice or all of them?
Reporting in. Imouto and I had a squeeze fight but it ended in me lifting her and rocking her back and forth.
I tried to hug my imouto on her birthday a few days ago and it went about as well as I had expected.
"Get off me, you only get a hug from me on your birthday".
I wish I had an imouto.
No you don’t
You only say that because your family is shit.
To be predicted like this on the internet... How can this be?...!
You do. Imoutos are pretty based if you aren't a shitty Aniki.
My imouto is fat and lazy, I hate her
Gonna need source on that one, crop-San
Should have run with her while you could instead of playing all those videogames.
Oh , nostalgic
I've never been close to her, these days we barely even talk
Getting my imouto hooked on anime has been a gift and a curse. On the one hand we have common interests to talk about and constant excuses to spend time together, on the other hand she's taken on many cute anime-esque personality traits and clothing choices, so i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have to fight away every guy in a three mile radius in the next year or two...
[Aoiro Ichigou] Kono Joukyou de Otouto Route ga nai no wa Okashii!
cropped pic is from chapter 2.
chapter 1 is the short hair.
tfw no chapter 3 threesome with 2 otouto traps.
It says the name right in the picture.
Can I hug my okaasan?
ahh here we go again.
It's not 2012 anymore, sweatie. Take your blogposting and fuck off back to /r9k/.
One day Mary-san.
Thank you.
Please do
i have an imouto, but she moved to another country two years ago. We did a lot of stupid shit together but i remember years ago I pretended to be his bf because there was some faggot from another school who kept confesing to her. We kissed but it was awkward as hell
What if your imouto is reading this thread?
she wont open her door
But my onee-san is living at the opposite side of the world
plot twist:
it was a ruse to get kissed by you.
I've kept her far away from here I also stalk my Imouto's history from time to time because i'm a creep, no sign of any of 'that' kind of exploration yet
My imouto is 10 years younger shes pretty based but now she reached that age where she becomes a social media thot and I gotta say its not very based anymore plus all the male attention inflated her ego
real world imoutos are 3d, uncute and gross
my imouto lives in isekai
I wouldn't be here if I had an imouto to hug, you unbelievable faggot.
If you work really hard you can make her act as 2D as possible. Never perfect but that's a moe point of its own don't you think?
>Barge into her room
>She is sitting on a office chair while reading a novel
>Hug her from behind the chair
>"Hey, whatcha up to"
>"Reading, can't you see?"
>Awkward silence and she still seems unfazed
>Walks out of the room in shame while hiding my boner
Fuck, I hate myself for being such a beta loser.
That's not the worst round i've seen. If she's unfazed you did fine.
you mean stabbing
with benis?
She lives in another state. I hugged her when I visited her for her 21st birthday back in January though.
This isn't my first rodeo, I know which side it bends towards and how to position her so she can barely feel it.
i do this sometimes
t. 27 yo
its has zero sexuallity
you are just sick fucks who never had a mum!
i only have a half imouto, i don't know her though
not really
but she proposed to kiss if the situation called for it.
Just hugged her, she said go away you creep and pushed me away. I wanna die.
Did she give you this look?
t. Doesn't have a hot mom
Oof, sorry user. A lot of us have bad relationships with imoutos. If she is 14-17 it's probably OK and she'll mellow out later.
>imouto suddenly got a serious case of edema
>can't do much, constantly pissed because of it
>if I'd give her a hug it looks like she could pop
I just want her to go back to her usual, bitchy self instead of this depressed pissed off one.
my bigger sister was my best friend until she got married
we are still close but here little brats are taking most of her time away and we can never do something together anymore like going to the cinema
she even went with me to japan because she knew i wanted to go so badly
falsely i booked a night in a lovehotel
it was akward as fuck. she didnt understood at first but as soon as we come to that weird neighbourhood i understood immediately
fuck that night was so fucking akward
quick! make her your own before you get cucked and she fucked by a nigger
am I walking garbage ifI hugged my little imouto like this (nothing sexual btw)
Be her stability. At her most vulnerable is when to strike.
Lmao did she get it at some point?
thats because you dont live in japan
japanese imoutos are cute
with your boner?
need a hug bro?
>thats because you dont live in animeland
>anime imoutos are cute
What if I have more than one sister?
t. americans
yeah. the room had sex toys and a slot maschine
i said wtf and we looked up the hotel describtion up together
they had actually wrote that its is not family friendly hotel but it was cheap and i booked for 3 days. we went down then trying to explain the situation and that we want to check out. but we stayed the night since we had no other hotel
Note the faint blush. This imouto is trying to hide her (happy) embarrassment by forcing a disgusted look.
>walk into her room
>she says whats up
>hug her and say I love you sis
>leave her room
>she comes into my room two minutes later and asks if I'm about to do something retarded again
when shit like nerve gear or android wifes become a thing? thats the only thing that keeps me alive
Did you share a bed? Did she make any jokes?
Go room to room.
i wish i had one
If she's posting here she failed in life
She's making sure that wasn't your goodbye before you Anhero. She cares.
Every. Single. Day.
>'is everything alright'
>yeah just felt like huggen ya
>oh... ok...
I can't. I thought she screwed me over so I told her off and she snapped back. It was a misunderstanding on my part but I'm too much of maggot to apologize and admit it was my bad. So we're having one of those session where we ignore each others existence for a few days until we both calm down and get over it and silently forgive each other.
We all saw your mistake, user. Girls are now laughing at you.
yes we shared a big bed but its nothing we didnt do normaly
she is 15 yos older than me and i slept next to her occasionally
but i was kinda stressed out and she even huged as comfort that night which made the situation even weirder
but it was nothing sexuall, dont missunderstand
You have the PERFECT in.
>I'm sorry, it was my bad, forgive me? *hug*
Can I lend someone elses imouto
Sounds super comfy, didn't realize it was an onee-san. What did you guys wear? Did you get hard?
Go say sorry, you'll feel better.
I had some extremely stupid ideas as a teenager. My friend and I once tried to get drunk(er) by taking sleeping pills with alcohol, which my family took as an attempt to kill ourselves.
i said it was nothing sexual
normal pajamas and no boner no
she is like my mom/best friend to me
Yeah, she thought you were gonna An Hero. At least she cares enough to check!
Yup, top comfy. Shame you don't see her like that, many would envy your position.
This. Indonesia here, anyone want to lend their imouto for me to hug?
Oh no no no no user you can't say the K-word here!
You're not alone brother
Did we ever get resolution on that?
Sorry user, a proper Aniki puts his imouto even above the needs of a fellow user. Best thing I can tell you to do is go to the pet store and hug a puppy/kitten and then immediately go home and fap to your favorite loli doujinshi. That's the closest you can replicate without commiting a crime.
tok tok tok
There are weekly threads on /r9k/. They've been a full-fledged couple for months now.
buy a dakimakura with your fav loli printed on it
My cute little sister (16) is getting twisted by her boyfriend. We used to be so close until a year ago and I love her (no oreimo) but now she just ignores me and treats me like shit in general. I want my cute Imouto back ffs.
she's not gonna be back user
Imouto bukan loli desu
I know what i'm doing to cool off this imouto boner.
Also a good idea.
When she turns 18-19 it'll get better. Imoutos have a bump period between 14-17 that can be rough. Just try and be real and available.
jangan liat keluar jendela
Kick his ass.
But Kaede doesn't treat Literally me like shit tho.
This happens with every 3D imouto
Probably her birth control messing with her horomones.
Reporting in. Got a comfy hug back.
Easy Mode It's my birthday
We'll count it. Happy birthday!
My imouto is fat, inconsiderate, obnoxious, abrasive and thinks that she's a boy so she cuts her hair, dresses and acts like one. I want nothing to do with her.
This is some top tier dark humor.
Sounds like you did a bad job. Never too late to start.
I'm almost busting a vein at the thought of that douchebag fucking my sis but I'll have to accept it since it's her life.
Do trap onee-sans count?
Hug her and say that you love her as she is.
She'll get it.
ok brothers
i am in the mood for a siscon anime right now
recommend me one please
is there one in the upcoming season?
any kind of incest anime is also ok
It's a reality all non-incest route anons must bear. Shame you couldn't help her find a better one. Keep trying to reach out and maybe get your own act together and if he really is a PoS you'll be a positive example why she should dump him.
She doesn't listen to me at all. And she is encouraged by her peers. There is nothing I can do. My family is fucked beyond repair. I never had a chance.
she can feel it, she's just too embarrassed to say anything.
Jousou Kaikyou
busted nuts because of this game
based girl is hibiki
I don't love her as she is.
Will do. Here's to hoping her next BF is a bro at least.
I've taken Xanax with alcohol when I was younger for the same reason, didn't know it was so dangerous. I turned out...... Fine...
Sounds like quitter talk to me.
If that's the case than even better. She initiates hugs often and always seems happy around me.
1,5 times no.
Classic tsundere move. Keep pushing user.
What have you seen already?
Stop being a faggot and say sorry.
I will do if you guess the color and the pattern of panties she's wearing.
no pattern
why do you even know?
She is in another city studying, but it will probably be:
>go to her room (sometimes she comes to mine because she is bored)
>hug her
>"what is it user?"
>"I don't know, I just love you"
>"awwwww, I love you too"
blue shimapan
Why wouldn't I?
Wrong btw
sounds like a nice girl
can i marry her?
If boyfriend then blue lace, if not, pink and black stripes.
What kind of abuse?
.>"Sayonara Nee-san."
>turns 360 and walks away.
White and lace
You call yourself a man but you wont even try to save your precious imouto
Both wrong. It's simpler than you think.
Black crotchless.
i-is it black laced sexy panties?
will do, if she stops by and report back. i hope she does.
Plain white?
or plain black?
Not that simple
Shiro Pantsu?
no pan
Choose one and If you get it wrong I won't hug her.
plain white?
You failed.
You had one job.
sasuga retard
>not hugging your imouto
Sounds like YOU failed.
360 degrees is a full circle you dumb fuck.
I'll do that later.
>there are anons posting in imouto threads who came here after the X1 replaced the 360
Meant for you
I went to her room (imouto) and hugged her. She asked why. I said Yea Forums told me to. She said she needed that. Turns out she's been crying all day because she had a falling out with her friend.
My sister's next to me right now watching me type and she said wants to thank you guys. So..., thanks Yea Forums.
I like my imouto but hugging her out of nowhere would be like hugging one of my male friends for no reason (when I had friends, that is). It would be just weird and gay.
imouto, post feet
I’m worried if I hug my mom out of nowhere she’ll assume I’m about to kill myself
Don't listen to this user Post armpit instead
I can't. She is 1200miles away from me.
Sure user.
Since this is a blogging thread, let me just say you're not alone, I did something extremely similar to you with 2 other friends when we got our hands on a bottle of vodka at school around age 15~16, I drank 2/3 of it and ended up having the ambulance get called to school so they could pump my stomach. I had to explain to my family, teachers and other students that it wasn't a suicide attempt, some still think it was.
it never fails to amuse me how effective this it to spot newfags
Wait is this part of the joke?
3 onee-sans and no imouto
Fly to her, user. Suprise her with a dinner or something.
Haha stupid newfags, I was only PRETENDING
>Walk into imouto's room
>Stand around awkwardly for a bit and see what she does on the computer
>She plays league again
>Go in for the hug from behind
>She says "What? Did mom die"? (this could actually happen, she's pretty sick)
>I respond "No, I just felt like it"
>She swings her chair around and gives me a frontal hug
>tfw sister didnt marry till she was 35
>told her ist over for you
>but dont worry you still have me hahah
>she marries shortly after
>she could have been my desperate milf wife
Onee-sans have their own moe points.
>going to make dinner for the family tonight
>because I'm both a bad cook and lazy after a full work week I'm just going to get spare ribs I only have to heat up and cook some veggies on the side
>imouto is upset I'm not making everything myself
Sorry for being a failure.
>just pretending
did you ride the bike together too?
Ask her to help out, cooking together is fun.
No reaction. She did't positively respond but she didn't shake me off either. She's too busy on her tablet.
I tried that once but she just chased me out of the kitchen and did everything herself.
>there are people who can actually speak with their brother/sister
Good for you guys.
Reporting in. She was unfazed.
B-but i have a restraining order.
>miss little sister, away at univeristy
>"oh cool, imouto thread, gonna be comfy"
>read these stories
>thread full of incest and NTR
>not comfy
>you let me down
>all these lifeless imoutos
feels bad man
Actually, mine hugged me when i was home for the first time in a while.
She wants your dick
no such thing
I can't. She's six & I can't figure what she might think afterwards.
ok bros
the next step is go and grab your sisters ass
report back her reaction
i dare you beta males
Curse all of you for having an imouto!
my nices hug me all the time tho since she was 6
Incest is top comfy.
She'll be traumatized of physical contact for life and will become a lonely spinster before dying in her 40's alone. All because you hugged her. Why'd you have to do it, user?
I got baited into watching this I now I regret it.
6 is old enough for hugs.
Do it now or else she'll turn into one of the bad imoutos anons are talking about. Get her used to love and affection from you.
Both Oni-Chans and Oni-Sans deserve and earn love and hugs.
Alright wish me luck.
you can do it user
She drooled a bit, made some weird noise and crawled away
>I want a little sister!
Trust me you don't, unless you meant
>I want a little sister, a nice one like in my japanese manga.
That's like winning the lottery.
it depends on your age difference too
if sibling ages are too close to each other they get competitive and usually dont get a long well. If she's 5+ years younger there will be almost no fightning most likely and you get the stereotype cute imouto
I'll do it when she's asleep
Nice, post link to her patreon so I can leak her nudes
fuck me FUCK ME
give me your cute imouto
That's worse than doing it when she's awake.
I'm not driving to Philadelphia just to hug my sister. Moving into such a shitty place was her decision, not mine.
>hug your sister thread
Did I time travel into the past? What the fuck is going on here?
> tag:sleeping
Chad here, my head still hurts a bit.
I only have a niece. She's not even 10 yet and already addicted to the internet, won't put down her phone even while eating. I hate it.
touch while she is distracted
Yeah, because I'm texting her all the time.
She was in the kitchen making food. I grabbed a whole cheek and squeezed. She jumped and slapped my hand away while laughing. "What was that for?" "No reason, whatchu doin"?
We talked for a few minutes and then I went back to my room. She didn't seem to mind, and now I know the consistency of her ass. Surprisingly firm, I figured it would be smooshier with how round and large it is.
touch her more
from the punch in your face?
>She was in the kitchen making food.
good wife
nice imouto
Yep, still hurts, didn't worth overall.
I think she'd see the jig is up if I try again so soon, but with how that turned out I might increase the physical interaction a bit. We've always been close/huggy.
Brb, driving 4 hours to go hug my sister will be back later
Great job
i havent hug a person like in 10+ years
based user
nice, good luck
please bros
give a a incest show or manga at least
wish me luck. I'll try the "massage" strategy
>a a
It won't give you back the real thing, ever.
>t. stereotypical MC's classmate
I've never hugged any of my siblings.
are you black?
ywn have imouto like her
oh yeah, I remembered this. Are there other POV animus like this one?
it's awkward. We're both virgins and sometimes the cuddling goes a bit too far. Nothing explicit except last time when she let me touch her boobies but when we are in bed together we slightly go beyond the cuddling level.
trust me, at this point it's already awkward. We have a non spoken rule of not talking about it.
Good job user keep going
>tfw your onee-chan is unmarried and has a male dog
fuck you man and fuck all of you, why am i not that lucky?
But she is my imouto.
When she gets desperate enough it's time for you to step up
fuck, why is tohru so cute?
now THIS is the post
Just do it, faggot.
Fuck her dog's ass to assert your dominance.
Just hugged my imouto and she started crying for some reason. I said I gotta go and I'll be back. What do I do anons help me what the fuck
Go back and hug her again, and don't stop
Ya blew it, faggot
Maybe you didn't use enough lube?
hug her again and ask her why she's crying, hear her out and when she's done you should express how you feel and your thoughts, good luck
Well reporting in. My imouto was at school and forgot her snack so i had to bring it to her. I walked into her classroom and she ran up and gave me a hug. I handed her her snack and patted her head then told her to go sit back down and i left.
ew. thats gross, my sister is fat
if she's white, then i have bad news for you ...
i want to believe
Make up a story like I did
What, just like that? Those things never go smoothly in anime.
She's gonna get isekai'd and he's gonna have to rescue her
do what this user said and then report back, we're counting on you user, Ganbare!!
ok, ehrr
i barge into my imouto room when she is changing, i hug her hard. She ask why, i cry , she huug me back, me cry more, Then i leave and hang myself
>recently re-unite with other side of family after being pissed off for a decade about what happened (mother started new family now have step sister, half brother)
>I stop being a faggot and spend the day with them
>hanging out with step sister
>she just turned 18, im 25
>offer her to drive her to work as its on the way back downtown anyways
>over the course of the day gets more and more friendly
>drop her off and before she leaves she makes sure to tell me that I am welcome to come over any time that I want and she really likes hanging out with me
It's purely plutonic I swear I think
That sounds too good to be true user
why does she sit like that?
You guys make my sister cry. She asked to stop squizing her tits and untie her.
It's how she gives her stress relieving massages
Maybe her brother asleep.
It's true god, I wouldn't lie to you. I may make it sound more lewd then it is. But word for word.
>I live a "cool" life living in a DT flat and my profession is a musician so I figure that could also be part of it
Reporting in
Went back as soon as I could and did it. Shes been troubled with school work and looks like mom's been very hard on her. She said she needed that hug to feel that she was loved again. Thank you user I seriously am. The OP really made this post in the right time.
Fuck off
Thankfully I didn't
Thank you for counting on me! I just told her I love her and she should never question being loved ever again. Following a stupid Yea Forums dare never felt this nice
>sister is starting highschool next year
>I'm starting uni so won't be able to make sure she's ok
i just don't want her to get bullied again lads
you're welcome user, I wish I had my own history. Take this moment to treasure someone who loves you
who is this?
fuck bikes, i used my old vespa piaggio for that
>imouto's hug from behind
great times
>enter little sister's room
>lie on her bed
>roll around and hug myself to sleep because she died 4 years ago
This timeline sucks
>Happy Sugar Life, Matsukawa Satou
>bullied again
The fact that you let it happen once already pisses me the fuck off user. You better make sure this doesn't happen again. Don't call yourself a man if you cant even protect your imouto
My oneesan died of to me unknown causes when she was 16
And this was before the internet really took off so its weird how she never left a mark behind on this world
I went to the same high school as her years later and most teachers didnt even remember her
user I.....
Good user, try spending more time with her, she will appreciate it
This is real life bros. I'm 24 and she's 7. She's super annoying but the age gap makes me feel more like an aunt so its ok sometimes.
Honestly since I'm a bit of a neet myself I feel a bit like mya nee sometimes...minus the loli fetishing shit.
thanks, she's cute
At least you remember her user. The world can go fuck itself. Just keep her in your mind.
sister*, fuck my autocorrect
i bully her all i want after you left, ehehe
I'm no stranger to hugging my older sister, but she moved away a year ago so now I can only do it when she isn't here
Don't like her that much though, even though we're decently close, hope she gets herself back on track eventually and stops being a commie.
Yeah, I should do that. Let me grab my old Biology textbooks. Maybe I can help her study or some shit. Signing out anons. Good night.
>Frog and wojak
Both of you delete yourselves
>hug your oneesan
Which one, I have two.
>hug imouto
>she gets excited and makes all sorts of noises
>let her go
>"Ohh yeah! Big bro hugs!"
>she dabs
Did I fail bros?
both at the same time
Pepe still lives in my heart. Fuck you
Get some lube. You need to fuck hte dab out of her now. Its the only way to atone.
Impossible, they don't like that.
>no imouto or onee-san
why even live
However, I do have a very comfy mum, and I've been meaning to watch Oreimo with her some time. Maybe it'll be the next thing I watch with her after we finish Cowboy Bebop.
I hugged my onee san and she grabbed my ass during the hug. Is that wierd?
hug her again but this time you do the grabbing
You should have grabbed her by the pussy in retaliation.
>have precious 11 yo imouto with a really nice relationship
>separated about 10 000km for an undefined period of time
My oniichan has grabbed my ass while he hugged me before but he is a massive pervert so I don't know
Not at all user keep hugging her.
How many layers do we need?
I poked them in the belly buttons instead. Oldest thought that was cute, other neesan was just annoyed. Results are okay.
Pervert? Why do you think that?
rape all the imoutos
kill their onichans
I love my neesan but she’s currently out of state. We hug often so when she come visits it will be very comfy
You shouldn't let your siblings grab your asses anons.
Bad thread.
I don't see anyting wrong with some sibling love, what's wrong with it?
>take imouto on dates every week
>plan on taking her on a date tonight
>she kissed me last week
>we love each other dearly
>all of this in VR Chat because we live cross country from each other
It hurts bros, I want to hold her and feel her warmth
So sad user,I'll root for you.
Agreed, always bap your sisters.
Are you a trap?
Why the fuck isn't your imouto used to hugs by fucking 6? You are supposed to do that shit as soon as she can contact.
>purely plutonic
sure user, you totally don't want to go nuclear on her pooper, we believe you
Because he is always staring at my ass or grabbing me on my sides and shit. Its been that way ever since I was 14 and at this point I'm used to it because I know he isn't just going to come into my room and get me pregnant or anything. Its kinda like watching gore or something like that and eventually just getting desensitized to it.
Years ago my brother tells me he was contacted by a girl who had information about our father. She was told by her mother that he was her father and all the information fit what we knew of our dad at the time.
My brother refused contact with her because he didn't want our mother finding out about it. He threw away all the information to prevent me or my twin brother from finding her either.
I may have a sister but will never know.
>poke them in the belly buttons
Why there?
Damn you user, I was gonna say that
I hate my belly button being touched. Don't touch your sister's belly buttons anons.
Shit, is he trying to make a move on you?
Reminder that the K word is pregnant.
I can't help it, I have a navel and midriff fetish. And when you have a hot older sister with a really toned stomach its difficult desire to suppress.
Ganbare user!
>staring at my ass
>ever since I was 14
Ever heard of cops?
>eventually just getting desensitized
My sister has a habit of walking around in her underwear and when I was younger it was a problem but now I'm so used to it I don't even get hard from it.
Well rub the tummy but don't poke the inside. It's really unpleasant.
Dammit user now I gotta go fap
you gonna get raped RAPED
>Gay sex
>Take responsibility
is it gay if my pp got hard from looking at that guy
I recommend staying far away from him or telling this to the authorities, if you keep silent it's more likely to not end well
Are you wearing socks?
Yes you did user.
>you are just sick fucks who never had a mum!
Mom passed away when I was 6.
Honestly the lewdest thing I've EVER done with my (eldest) neesan was being at a New Years Eve party with her and her friends, both of us getting really drunk and me taking body shots off her navel. As a navel-fetishist, that was the best time of my life. Weirdest part is she still teases me since she knows I have a thing for stomachs.
i see what you're saying, that means not gay right
Probably but not in a he likes me kinda way more like I have an ass that he can readily touch kinda way. But he touches up high on the ass not down low where it would be really uncomfortable.
He is only 2 years older than me. Besides he is really a good guy at heart he is just a bit too much of a slave to his lust.
Nah, if he hasn't raped me in 6 years of doing this I don't think he is gonna at all. Besides that aside I still love him very much.
I wish i had a cute imouto but i have a caring oneesan so i guess i cant complaint.
I just google images and download them sometimes user. Give me a break.
Will you be my imouto pls
Tell him to masturbate more frequently in a way that you don't rise any flags or he'll think you want to give him a hand, but if you don't mind who am I to say you to don't do it.
>Nah, if he hasn't raped me in 6 years of doing this I don't think he is gonna at all
Way to jinx yourself user. Better get some condoms ready.
user sometimes an onee-san is better.
oneesan is always better
It's literally impossible. My oneesan is 36 and lives almost 2 miles away from my apartment. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever see her again.
1 oniichan is enough, I don't need 2.
Crusty socks in the laundry and the occasional puddle in the shower, tells me he does that plenty.
>almost 2 miles away
That's not far at all faggot.
>2 miles away from my apartment
>literally impossible
Grow some balls and and get the fuck over there user. I dont care if its raining and you have to walk there. Do the motherfucking deed
>No cute big breasted onee-San who is a brocon
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?
>2 miles
You can moonwalk all the way, what the fuck are you talking about?
Does he donate to charity and save puppies for you to still love him?