plot twists that you weren't ready for
Plot twists that you weren't ready for
Laboon's story relating to Brooke.
How this was okay-ed by execs is beyond me.
Don't know, don't care, shit was hilarious.
Anime title please?
>Series in the vein of classic sci-fi novels, presenting the viewers with thought-provoking conundrums without obvious good and evil
>nope, this one girl is actually also superpowered alien that's in love with the MC, and she's good while the other one's bad lmao
Probably my biggest disappointment yet as far as anime goes. Never did a series show so much promise only to drop so low within like 20 seconds.
Seikaisuru Kado
It was hilariously stupid but the colossal asspain from fujos slightly made up for the show shitting itself to death.
>show shits the bed
>but made fujoshits buttmad
still worth in a way
You are probably used to hearing this by now, but you disappoint me with your way of thinking. This "I'll lose an eye if my neighbour loses both"
almost every plot twist in code geass
Flag after episode 4, where it went from stupid haremshit to utter madness
the fight between this 2 had no right to be so hype
awesome moment
>t. /u/
What was even happening from this episode onward?
This is the calssic one
Assuming you hate your neighbour and don't care much for yourself, that's not a bad trade.
I really really want to see the rest of the show that was the first 6 episodes
unironically the plot twist in your name since I went in almost completely blind
you mean like the first minutes of the movie?
No, halfway through the movie. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say the exact twist, but if you've seen your name you should know what I'm talking about
of course because it spoils itself right at the start
Fucking this
But why do people hate fujos? In Kado's case they didn't really infest any fandom or do any damage since Kado invited them in in the first place.
It's rare that a show manages to make not care and just stop watching before the last episode. Kado was one of those shows. I wanted to finish it even after this, but by the point last episode aired, I didn't care and just spoiled myself by the threads
why'd they have to go and make my boy Dilandau a tranny like that?
He wasn't even a tranny, just a completely different person. If he was a tranny with the same personality it would've been passable. At least the movie kept him a boy.
I never saw it coming
Did anyone watch the alternative ending of Seikaisuru Kado?
Holy fuck.
I just read a summary, since the people who saw it said that it didn't really improve the ending.
Fujos are self entitled like yurifags, there are always good reasons to shit on one of these categories.
shark jump moment
should be a ban
Call the mods I don't care
retarded but whatever it was kinda fun once I stopped taking it seriously
I mean. I kinda liked this one, but it was so fucking stupid.
Me. It didn't change much, only the impregnation cabin was removed.
I had a bad feeling about Megu-nee but I wasn't ready for the truth
The worst thing about this was the reveal of the ugly reality. There is a fan inside the base of the fanless fan.
I wanted to believe.
Oh God the thread when this episode aired and all the meme threads afterwards were amazing.
I go to these threads for recommendations for things for interesting plots but in doing so they tend to get semi-spoiled.
MC's love interest is actually a demon.
I absolutely did not expect this.
And it was perfect too. Just when you thought the anime was resolved...
The ending was called by many anons because, to some degree thematically, it made sense.
>build up a twist for 10 episodes
>"lmao she was just kidding" 1 episode later
thanks, walmart pripri
>he had his glasses on the whole time
No...why did I read the spoiler...I wanted it to remain magic.
I still can't believe this happened.
That was natural progression.