
>evil containment wave
>kami wasn't evil


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Was Turtle evil?

not canon


only Toriyama's work is canon


piccolo reversed it.


What about the times it was used by Roshi in the ToP?

you stupid!

The containment wave is evil.

??? Dude's name is shen

It literally means "demon sealing wave" and demon is more meant as "supernatural entity" than in any judeo-christian sense.

i'm more amazed how 3 short syllables can translate to 3 whole words in Germanic languages

This isn't HxH. Nothing is ever explained in DB.


> expecting consistency in db

But they are aliens which is not really supernatural.

Only in Z

well the one who create think Picollo is demon

It's actually a "non-human sealing wave" because non humans are demons.

Attached: Dj5UCDwX4AAi6Cp.jpg (655x430, 23K)

So it also works on Animals and Sayans?

Dunno, at least saiyans and furfags are fellow mammals, not some abominations vomiting out fertilized eggs.

Attached: King_Furry02.png (576x432, 190K)

It isn't only effective against evil, it's just that it was invented to contain enemies that couldn't be stopped otherwise, and the people who would know it considered such enemies to be evil. Not King Piccolo came up with a technique to reflect it towards the user, sealing the one who tried to seal him, and he was evil at the time.
So yeah, the name is slightly misleading, that's all.

I had something written about his opinions of the Shadow ((law)) Dragons, where'd that go?


a better question: why no one though about using it against the saiyans or the androids in the time before their arrival?

That's actually a good qeustion - maybe Giro already accounted for it, he was alive during the rule of the Daimyo Namekian, had to have an information network going.

When has Toriyama cared about consistency?