Hello Yea Forums, I come to you to talk about the best possible bodytype for a girl.
Try to proof me wrong
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Hello Yea Forums, I come to you to talk about the best possible bodytype for a girl.
Try to proof me wrong
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> implying there is only one ideal bodytype and it stops here
The contrast is what makes them stand out all the more. You can’t have a concept of small or big breasts without both existing anyway.
>normal sized but firm and shapely ass
>huge tits
>wide hip
Boom you've been proven wrong
>Try to proof me wrong
No where in your post did you mention wide hips.
>Huge tits
What about
>Flat chest
>No hips
>Medium broad shoulders
>No ass
Can't go more catholic than this.
All I can say is that Jack is perfect.
>proof me wrong
there done
Well, I enjoy almost all bodytypes but I gotta say that the bodytype you described is patrician too.
as an Irish person, I'm here to tell you that you've gone too Irish and you need to stop
The beauty of 2d
too big.
get off of Yea Forums, Aydin
i need the milkies
imagine having this shit taste
If this a still too big you’re a fag
imagine being this gay
no that is within acceptable parameters
>Bubble butt
>No tits
>Unnaturally slender waist
>Broad shoulders
There you go OP, I just described perfection.
Those are rocks user.
She looks obese
Why is Jack so perfect?
it is likely she is suffering from cardio vascular diseas.
I am a doctor I know these things
She’s hideous, post a better example, however he still makes a compelling argument regardless
Does Kino count as this? If so you may have a point
Yeah, she does. Wholesome. Very catholic. Except for the motorcycle.
it's the fat butt
>shit taste: the posts
Inoue-chan is maxed out best girl levels
Get some clothes on!
Her face looks better in this one at least, I’ve never seen her anime though so your statement about her being best girl is pointless. She’s pretty plain if you ask me
>average go big tits
>average waist, hips, and thighs
>long straight hair that’s not in a unique hairdo
Her design screams playing it safe and her redeeming quality is probably her big tits and maybe her personality, 7/10
This might be a shitty /e/ thread, but OP is right. Also the girl has to be small. And good thighs.
I just fapped to that
konjiki yami and nymph from sora otoshimono gave me this fetish as well
you are just a pedo man.
haha i wonder what would happen if jack posed like this on a busy street at night haha
Are we not all catholics? You lack sense of aesthetics my good sir.
Police would probably apprehend her and call her mom, probably also call social services
nah i am sandnigger
So you are type of person that kinda gets to choose a lootbox and see what's under them? Proves that Islam is inferior to Christianity really.
dumb pedo
Not anime. Dumb fate niggers, fuck off and die.
dumb american
>So you are type of person that kinda gets to choose a lootbox and see what's under them?
You wouldn't a rock would you?
She’s from an anime though
Pretty sure she’s sixteen
God I wish that were me.
He's talking about how muslim women cover themselves up so you don't know what they look like until you marry them.
>that one doujin where jack is a boy
Thank you brother for explaining to this simpleton.
but its not like that. the woman is allowed to show herself to a husband candidate
not that you care for anything except your memes tho
do not lewd the stab child
Flashing is not very conservative.
Might as well as read a Astolfo doujin
Wow what a fucking whore.
i didnt say she would make her naked retards
So in Islam you get to feel woman's curves even if you are not to fuck them? Just say. I was thinking on marrying this bitch but she is bit too not for my taste. Rest of Abrahamic religions should take example of muslims.
>not seeing your wives full body before marriage
Didn't know muslims were this cucked
I can't say I don't agree.
Not only that, she could have shown off her face/hair to hundreds of other "husband candidates". The absolute islamic state of islam.
>So in Islam you get to feel woman's curves
are you retarded or are you meming? nigger she will dress up like a normal girl so its not your memed loot thing and no you dont make a "test drive"
>marries a girl who had 99999 dicks in her mouth and/ or has fatherless children
>raising another mans children
you are the definition of cuckhold white boi
so a man then basically
So they just flash their tits at you?
Imagine being this gay
No that's this post
So what happens if you marry her and then later find out she's got lumpy tits?
Yeah, men usually can't develop fat ass. I got to tip my hat to those gay men that can have fat ass and be muscular. Like Ricardo. He also got huge dick.
>implying I would pick a retarded whore
>implying muslim women who don't look like shit aren't whores themselves
>being a smelly, unwashed shitskin
Makes me sad how some people actually believe shit you're spewing
You spread rumors about her unfaithfullness andn then watch her being thrown of a roof
>implying muslim women who don't look like shit aren't whores themselves
>being a smelly, unwashed shitskin
Makes me sad how some people actually believe shit you're spewing
So you can't even think for yourself and have to copy what someone else has written? Yeah, you're muslim alright
>Bright smile
>Young and energetic
>Loves you for who you are
I guess its true what they say about people calling others newfags. Why don't you make use of your life and explode a few of your kind or a few jews at least
because taking lives are the biggest sin
>Thin waist
>Fat ass
What kind of basedboys run around your country
Nigga, you just discovered pear body type.
Absolutely divine taste