Do you like it or hate it? Why? Do you have a favorite harem anime series? Is there any scenario or anything that you would like to see more of in harem anime? Why or why not?
Opinions on Harem Anime?
I like Highschool DxD myself, along with a few others.
They're performative art. Only worth watching for the discussion. Like soap opera. Or reality television.
>Opinions on Harem Anime?
worst genre ever
>Do you like it or hate it?
like it
the cute girls and the occasional likable MC (rare but happens)
>Do you have a favorite harem anime series?
Love Hina
>Is there any scenario or anything that you would like to see more of in harem anime?
reverse gangrape
>Why or why not?
clearly not enough of them
I like harem anime when they have more purpose than just milling about in a school. Tenchi's a good example of each character mostly being useful. Mostly. Also the girls need to be different enough so that one's personality and looks can't be easily replaced by another's, and it also helps when they're not 16 or 17.
It's awful, even good games get boring and generic due to harem-shit.
I used to hate it when I was a pretentious teen. Now I understand the appeal of comedy/SoL + the added bonus of picking a horse in the race and rooting for her. Harems are a lot of fun.
Idgaf about other harem animes!
Isn't there one up right now? Also >animes
Last one died.
I liked tenchi
I remember Ai yori aoshi leaving a bad taste in my mouth and abandoned the genre
I watched Nisekoi fairly recently and phantom world and liked it.
Ryoko is confirmed tsundere for Ayeka
Ryoko genuinely hates Ayeka
Ryoko doesn't give a fuck she just wants Tenchi
The age of battle harems passed and now it's the age of the isekai slave-harems
what's next for the genre/concept?
Actual harems?
There was Happy Lesson but I guess you can get more milfier
>Do you like it or hate it?
I like ones that either end with one girl or all girls. Not ones that dick tease and play "best girl game". If you're going to be degenerate just admit it. Example of a good harem: Monmusu. Example of the bad harem: every battle harem with a protag that goes: "ehhhh?"
>Do you have a favorite harem anime series?
>Is there any scenario or anything that you would like to see more of in harem anime?
A chad female that cucks the title girl. Because too often first girl on screen always wins.
>other thoughts
harems get boring and you age out of them
the only reason why I liked monmusu so much was the monster part
Happy Lesson doesn't exist. We are getting some Sensei anime this season, maybe it won't suck.
Sensei anime?
Personally, I would like to see more series where the girls in the harem don’t fight so much over their love interest. Anyone know of any good series like that?
No, unfortunately. How might the girls be kept from fighting?
God I wish I had a harem IRL bro...
It's good when the MC mans up and gets together with his whole harem, harems that end up unresolved or with him choosing one girl aren't fun
I bet you hate Nisekoi then.
The only non-insufferable shows that centre on a harem are the ones that don't use the waifus as a crutch to cover up for bad writing.
Even rarer is the protagonist being a chad like K1
I don't care for it. They have nice setups but never go anywhere.
>human accidentally enrolled to monster school
>keeps introducing new characters
>ever growing back stories
>no future in sight. Graduation? This is eternal spring.
They need more male characters that the girls are actually attracted to. They're always so biased toward the mc and treat other males like trash. It's too predictable.
But I guess if they did that, the mc would actually have to reciprocate affection, not be like -good ridance, one less ankle biter to deal with.- and drive them away.
>wanting NTR in his harem
What show is that in the image?
the only thing I want to see more of in harem is "reverse harem"
It always boils down to execution. I just hate it when the protagonist is a complete beta pussy who gets all the girls yet for the lamest reasons. Recently enjoyed Trinity 7.
I like them, don't really have a favorite and I would like for once to have the genki girl don't be annoying and actually have a chance of winning if the MC for some reason pussies out and decides to select only 1.
>Ai yori aoshi
Elaborate please, have seen this thrown out a lot but I only watched the anime many many years ago and didn't continue with the source.
The Isekai with the smartphone, or the one with the lewd cat and the elf come to mind. Both are just, "we are friends forever and we love MC even more".
It's basically about a guy who lives in the city and his childhood friend was raised to be his wife but she lives in a rural area and tries to go looking for him to marry him. There was some bad blood between the MC and her family and he didn't want to do anything with that.
Just watch the first two episodes because the rest of it is harem antics.
I also like the ED a lot.
There is some ecchi but the boobs have no nipples, no full frontal nudity as far as I remember.
Milf harem is the next frontier, university aged MCs getting involved with young milfs from different wakes of life.
Yes, yes friend, as I said I have watched it but didn't think it was that bad for it to leave a bad taste so just assumed it went to the shitter later down the road in the manga and such. And agreed, ED is nice and OP isn't bad either.
Harem for the sake of harem is wrong.
Most series are harem for the sake of it being a harem.
So now you have it as a genre and more harem shows made each year than ever.
Even shows that aren't supposed to be harem gets turned into one.
People have accepted it as natural.
Some are even expecting it.
What's left is asking yourself, can it get any worse?
Harem with fan-service.
And there you have it - rock bottom.
pretty much the power fantasy for guys. This is the power fantasy.
Seen one, you've seen them all.
While most people will probably watch these shows because of the girls, to me the protagonist is the backbone of the show. The guy really needs to be someone girls would actually fall for. Tenchi for example is virtuous and the girls fall for him for a good reason. Many harem mc these days are "just your average guy" or something worse who has girls falling for him left and right for extremely stupid motives.
Harem can be good. It just isn't nowadays.
Good reason for abandoning. One of the most boring TV shows I've ever seen.
I really enjoyed Nisekoi's anime. Shaft's visuals are a favorite of mine but the show was trashy enough to be enjoyable in its own right. The subsequent drama and repeated misunderstandings that came from the characters competing over the MC is also fun but only when not taken too seriously. I watched a Korean period soap opera harem movie (no idea what to call it) on a plane once and it gave me a similar feeling.
Relies entirely on the male MC and the ending.