So just to check with Yea Forums, there's absolutely NOTHING of value worth checking out this season, right? Just stick to backlog, long runners, and pre-2000s threads?
Spring 2019
Other urls found in this thread:
Stick to shitposting on 3x3 threads instead.
If you can't watch at least 1 seasonal anime out of those you plan to watch, you don't belong in Yea Forums
>if you don't watch shit you don't belong here
Sounds about right desu.
Kono oto tomare is literally aoty already
let me help you:
>watch opm 2 to see it fall apart
>watch boku tachi to watch 5 toubun
>unironically watch Senko san
>watch cinderella nine because she was cute when she appeared on kizuna ai
>watch Midara because of the description: She has no youth to misspend and no time to think about boys … until her classmate, “King Normie” Kijima, approaches her
RobiHachi might be a heater
Carole and Tuesday will be an important members
OPM2 if you care
That's it
*Important meme
>Using Yea Forums as a guide on what to watch for seasonals
Bocchi is literally the only watchable show on that list.
>2 “original” anime with 2 of the most respected directors/creators in the industry behind them
>full adaptation of one of the best shoujo manga
>Kono oto tomare
That’s more than what most seasons have to offer, it’s been so long since I had 4 shows on my definitely will watch list
People seem to like Senryu Girl never read it but have read good things.
Hitori Bocchi will probably remind you of yourself due to your inability to talk to real people without sperging out. But for real its adorable watch it if you want to watch cute things
Bokutachi wa benkyou is some harem anime where nobody wins. Watch it if you want
MOTHER FUCKIN NADE KOKO NI SENSEI GA!? if you have a teacher fetish this is the anime for you. Read the manga not including the last chapter its pretty good shit I don't mean shit as in thing I mean its awful but for some reason I keep coming back. Cold teacher and Tan teacher at best don't @ me
Sewayaki kitsune is just a fluffy anime that is suppose to make you feel good. If that is what you its exactly what your gonna get.
Don't know about the rest as far as i care they can eat my ass.
>two anime with Benkyou ga Dekinai
Sensei and Tights look good.
season hasn't really started yet, shitposter-kun
Looking forward to
Gonna check out
>Fairy Gone
Gonna be dissapointed by
Also gonna watch AoT once I'm done binging the previous seasons.
OP is a faggot.
can you sound any more like a braindead sheep?
You should be doing that for 90% of your watching every season anyway.
I'm giving the one ep rule to at least ten shows, but yeah, the ratio of no-brainers to tentative picks could have been better.
>looking forward to
Senryu Shoujo
Hitori Bocchi
Joshi Kausei
Sewayaki Ktsune
Miru Tights
>checking out
Chou Kadou shoujo 1/6
Bokutachi wa Benkyou
Shoumetsu Toshi
Nande Koko ni Sensei ga?!
Cinderella Nine
Strike Witches
SNK S3 part 2
Isekai Quartet
>Watanuki-san Chi no
is v-tuber "anime" going to a thing every season now?
>Winter Leftovers
Shield Hero
>Excited for
Carol & Tuesday
SnK 3
>Will try
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Gunjou no Magmel
Shoumetsu no Toshi
Fairy Gone
I'm almost hoping I don't end up liking some of the ones I just want to try. I find keeping up with more than 7 or 8 shows to be a bit of a chore. Also curious to see if Bean Bandit is actually real or just a prank.
>people unironically watch shojo
Dude I intentionally put dicks in my mouth but im still not as gay as that
>he doesn't like shojoshit
Senko-san because MC fucking dies in the end.
At least 15 shows at first sight, I might get to the magic 20 if Yea Forums convice me to pick up other stuff.
Boku-tachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Hangyaku-sei Million Arthur 2
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
>3-episode rule
Carole & Tuesday
Fairy Gone
Gunjou no Magmel
Kenja no Mago
Chou Kadou Girl 1/6
Cinderella Girls Gekijou CLIMAX SEASON
Isekai Quartet
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
Senryuu Shoujo
Strike Witches 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu!
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki
Sparse season, but great for shorts. Past few seasons have been supremely lacking in shorts.
>chou kadou girl
where did you hear about this?
Sarazanmai is a definite since I'm an Ikuharafag. Monogatari series is a definite as well. Might check the FB reboot, and that Carole/Tuesday show. That's it.
There's loli fox. And uh... Loli fox, yeah.
there's that one ikuhara anime which might be good but everything else is just bleh
>Hitori Bocchi
Heh. Youkoso, onichan.
Yatogame for cute Nagoya-ben and weeaboo trivia.
Ao-chan because of the description.
Nobunaga for age difference.
Bocchi because you fags have been shilling it.
RobiHachi for a disappointment and wasted potential of the season.
Senko-san for fluffy tails.
This but unironically. There's literally nothing worth watching this spring.
Fairy Gone is going to be a hit, Yea Forums is going to love it. Screen cap this.
>barely anything worth watching
>the better shows are all manga adaptations which are worse than the source material in 99% of cases
>said manga are not even especially good
Backlog season
I watched the original, and Kisa was my waifu. I'm curious about this adaptation.
Imagine thinking a season with a new Watanabe show, a new Ikuhara show and is worse than average.
For adaptions, you also have SNK adapting one of the better parts of the manga but without Isayama's shitty art, and Kimetsu being a potentially great adaption of a not ground breaking but solid WSJ series.
And then you have OPM for the trainwreck/shitpost potential and probably Bokuben too.
Looks like a great season.
Isn't it the Grimgar author? Probably be forgettable.
Maybe if the season wasn't so full of shows people are hyped about (including other anime originals) it would stand a chance, but I would be very surprised if its a hit.
>Maybe if the season wasn't so full of shows people are hyped about
Are we looking at the same season?
A show about a kid who raps while farting and it's called BRappers
Of course.
1? you mean at least 5 since that will be the majority of the bored, dumb casual faggot.
You know a season is really fucking bad when the general agreement is that fucking Bokuben is worth watching.
I blame brapposting for this.
It's better than the last season for me at least.
I'm looking forward to Bocchi, Fruits Basket, and Sewayaki Kitsune. Probably try out YU-NO, OPM 2, Carole & Tuesday, and Fairy gone as well. Does look kind of dry, but who knows, maybe some good stuff will reveal themselves when they start airing.
Without knowing the synopsis for most because I read them but my memory is shit:
Heard the plot is good but unsure, VN adapions are mostly shit and the first episode put me to sleep
Liked s1/manga
>Senryu Girl
No idea what that is but feels like one of those series I will watch the first episode of (and drop it afterwards)
>Joshi Kausei
No idea either, but I like the unsaturated colors so I will look into it and see
Simply because it's hypes, no idea if I will like it
Again first episode or so, pretty sure I won't like it though but I am sometimes wrong
>Shometsu Toshi
See what I said about YUNO, let's see
>Fairy Gone
Unusual for anime and therefore interesting enough to start. Don't have too much hope though.
Probably trashy but feels like one of those shows I enjoy together with 5 other anons. Also, I am a hardcore space sucker, so that helps.
>Carole and Tuesday
Actually looking forward to that. And again, >scifi, also, music anime are always good unless they're actual idol shit
>SNK + Stray Dogs
Kinda retarded but I watched the earlier seasons too
>Blablah Occult Koumuin
I love occult shit so I give it a chance. Fear it will be too much fujobait but let's see.
There is nothing greater than watching the madman Ikuhara seasonally. It's good that there isn't a ton else, though thats mostly because cancerous moefags are pissed that there's only one SOL and theres considerably less shows this season in actual number.
Well fuck forgot Sarazanmai in , one of the most important series this time.
Of course I will watch a new Ikuhara, probably completely too.
heres what im "planning" to watch
however just because something isnt in there doesnt mean i wont pick it up
i usually lurk nyaa for first episodes , then check out the threads, then based on those ill give a "out of list" show a shot
its how i picked up asuka last season for example , now that was fun
I haven't scoured though all the PV's and summaries yet so this might as well be a shitpost. I usually only watch shows I wouldn't have watched otherwise.
When I get around to reading the manga I'll watch it.
>fruits basket
Definitely will watch since I did read the manga (well most it), especially for the rejuvenated discussion, however cancerous it may be.
>hora, mimi ga mieteru yo!
I'm interested but last time I checked the original only had Chinese subtitles since it's seems to be made or funded in most part by bilibili
>isekai quartet
Only if I want to fill time.
The truth is I need to get around to reading more manga.
HMGMY has fansubs only
>airing times go all the way to the 28th hour of the given date.
That is the first I have ever seen that done. Do their days go from 06:00 to 29:59?
i cant remember specifically but i saw in another thread that "26:00" meant it aired at a 2 am the NEXT day or something
>he fell for the manga meme