Cowboy Bebop live action Netflix series

What do we think Yea Forums? Im thinkin its pretty good.

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So progressive.

>netflix shills don't exist

Why is it that faglords think that things that aren't anime belong on the anime board?

That dude isn't going to fit Spike whatsoever. Rest look to be decent fits.

I find the actor for Jet to be actually kinda fitting unironically because he looks like a fucking cartoon man

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How the actual F*CK is the nigger unironically the best casting job of the 4??? How the fuck does that work?

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I think Yea Forums newfags should take their off-topic bait politics/SJW whining threads back to their containment board.

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Yikes, thats all I can say.

Read my post again, newfag.

Cast him Yea Forums

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Just say it. Netflix is for niggers.


John Cho is too old and wimpy to play Spike
Black Jet looks too young
Faye should be asian not latina
wtf is that Vicious?

2/10 casting
would not watch.

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> him

>watching 3DPDshit

I mean if you're gonna cast any character as black in an anime, Jet is the right pick...

>Actually being a racist Nazi in 2017


Boycott all live action adaptation of animation. Not just anime, but any animation. Boycott Dumbo, Lion King, Aladdin, etc. Tell Hollywood we're sick of this shit and want a revival of traditional animation. And send the signal to Japan we don't want them to be infected by 3D animation/identity politics.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the nostalgia fags for a better tomorrow. And viewers like you.

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I will never understand why so many western fans are so damn conservative, always wanting the same characters and the same story.

>thinks only nazis hate niggers

But Jet isnt black user? You can see that clearly in the source material.

unironically thought Jet was black for years

Are you a bit mentally retarded?

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Then youre an idiot.

this is the fifth thread I have seen today. stop please

My big gripe with this is that none of them look like they could fight. The action scenes are probably gonna be typical hollywood shit.

On that note, I'm not even sure if hong kong/china/taiwan have actors who can fight anymore. I feel like I haven't seen any big martial arts movie stars in a long time. The last big martial arts movie I remember was raid with those indonesian guys.

Jet is white as fuck,

I guess people are OK with the black casting since his dub VA is black.

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martial arts movie stars?

what about Donnie Yen, Tony Jaa and Scott Adkins?

As an anime fan heres my honest opinion.
I don't care
Its not anime.

That is Vicious??? Holy fuck that entire lineup is terrible.

And a lot of idiots think Spike is white because he wears pants and had an American dub voice actor. Adult Swim kids were (and still are) very dumb.

>gap tooth faye

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Heres your Cowboy bebop bro

Spike is a jew.

The Japanese creator said hes literally based on Clint Eastwood from Dirty Harry.

>not a single person of talent in front or behind the camera
>no quality control because netflix's business model relies on having new shows, not good shows
oh cool another beloved franchise dragged through the mud for profit

>mfw I don't give a shit who is cast as long as they can act

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>the raping of anime.

as expected of Netflix,
first the Witcher now this shitshow.

>jet black

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He's also based on dozen other characters. He's a composite. His Japanese voice actor was told to act like Lupin the III, he fights like Bruce Lee, he acts like Deckard from Balde Runner, etc.

Absolutely based.

>character is called Jet black
>alias black dog
>mhmm we wuz Jet.

>in a low budget Netflix show

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Say the N word user I dare you.

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The creator said he based on Lupin being theif and his fighting STYLE is Bruce lee.
But his design and overall character is Dirty Harry.

>Vicious instead of Ed as a main cast member

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did 4channel ban the word?



Indian mutt. Seriously, that is how I would cast her. In CB Earth has basically become one giant Indian slum.

Glad they finally decided to gaslight bebop

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>CB Earth has basically become one giant Indian slum
If that were true, we'd see more people shitting out in the open and there'd be designated shitting streets.

>The creator said he based on Lupin being theif
But he also told Koichi Yamadera to act like Lupin's voice actor did. And it shows. Unlike the western dub, where Steve Blum plays Spike as monotone and passive the whole time, Yamadera only played Spike that way in serious scenes. In light-hearted scenes or off beat episodes like the Cowboy/Fridge ones, he plays Spike as a sarcastic comedian type character. Just like Lupin would go from being sarcastic and sly to serious depending on the situation.

>Bebop today
>Evangelion tomorrow

If Shinji is a dindu it's WW3

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The shitting streets are the established part of Indian infrastructure. I said "SLUM," where people shit wherever they wish

Forgot to add. The Netflix remake is going to use the dub as the standard. Prepare for a Spike who is dry, somber and angst all the time. Not just when Julia is mentioned.

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Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Indian slums have people shitting out in the open; recent efforts in India to get rural people to use toilets has them guarding fields at night and telling people sneaking out to go shit in a toilet rather than shit outside.


That basically happened. still laughing how that fat commie mexican got rejected for the NGE movie so made his butthurt robot vs kaiju film.

Shit movie... I'll pirate it anyway, just to spit on it.


visionless, pointless rehashing of what is already one of the most easily digestible and inoffensive (to a western adult audience) anime I can think of. frankly, the incessant need to retread content seems insultingly pandering and reflects a lack of creative depth. they're more than willing to throw money at half baked content, you'd think they'd maybe hesitate a moment to vet them, to make sure their platform will actually have any content anyone wants to watch.

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Jesus Christ.

my instincts tell me life shouldnt be so terrible

The only one correctly casted is the evil white guy.
Bravo netflix.

That intern should have their hands cut off minimum.

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Yeah, well, that was before the gate accident.

>Im thinkin its pretty good.

Stop lying you asshole.

they could have used that cast to make black lagoon instead, but fuck it.

The nigger is not even the worst thing from this picture, was it on purpose?
>how do we avoid people to pick on our black dude
>we pick the worst cast possible for the rest of characters

>that thing as Revy
Fuck no. I'm seething just thinking about it.

What's the next classic N*tflix is gonna butcher?

Keanu doesn't seem so bad now does he?

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please don't make anons tempt fate friendo

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was that really a dude?

La creatura.

>Spike is 6'1" (185 cm)
>John Cho is 5ft'10" (177.8 cm)

>person of talent
>person of color
Pick one.

Can't wait for this and FFVII Remake to come out. It's like all the things the idiots in my high school obsessed over are getting ruined and I get to lap up all the salt.

They're going to do a live action adaptation of Eva. With CGI mechs and black Asuka.

Cho isnt 5'10 lmao

People been expecting for Keanu to play Spike before most of you were even born, and now it will never happen.


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NGE remake Misato will be a black woman
and drunkenly comes on to Shinji

just because niggerflix makes a shit film doesnt mean a better film cant be made.

I bet Spike will be sucking on Juul instead of an actual cigarette because CURRENT YEAR.


She’ll probably be high on crack

>Not our guy Kenau-sama
>Jet Nigger
Netflix always shitting on whatever they done

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Keanu is too expensive. This live action remake is not meant to be something they require to heavily invest in.

>ayy yo shinji i be yo waifu fo getta bout rei and asuka

>they require
they want*

hollywood is just pure trash. Keanu would have been as good as any for the role.

>177cms is 5'8"


Daily Reminder that Netflix is also completely changing the script so that it's about Black Hole Guns and MUH REFUGEES.

Keanu took heavy pay cuts for the Matrix films.

It is very well known

> Black Hole Guns and MUH REFUGEES


They should have swapped Spike and Vicious's actors.

I assume there are netflix shills here, please tell your boss that we are NEVER going to watch your shitty westernized live action adaptions.
if you want to make shekels off the anime trend, contract Japanese studios to make shit for you and stay the fuck out of the creative process.

I don't care if it's shit or not, I just don't want it to be popular.


thats the thng these msm projects dont need popularity. They will rig the numbers and declare it a huge success anyway.

>177cm is 5ft 10inches
>177 is 5.8ft

177 is not 5'10" you retarded nigger.

Lame. Where's keanu.

This desu ne

>no keanu

Holy fucking shit. The one time I decide to come back to Yea Forums, and the first thing I see is this news?

Jesus. I remember when I was on this board when we discussed the first Cowboy Bebop live action script that was in the works.

If Faye has short purple hair I think this might actually work. Anything else I refuse to accept. Spike better have puffy hair, too.

Oh, and there better fucking be fucking jazz and the ships better look good. If the budget is shit there's no point.

if there's any jazz it'll be bullshit poppy jazz like in that recent Ryan Gosling movie

its going to be shit user its netflix. They only have a budget big enough to afford shills.

Faye is going to be played by a flat latina not even the purple hair can salvage it.

Having no Keanu is a deal breaker for me. He held on to the license long enough but sadly that was before companies like Netflix started to threw bucket loads of money around.

there are no natural busty chicks in hollywood.

Dirty Knickers.

Seriously, what the fuck is with this race swapping shit?
Spike is the closest thing to what the creators had in mind
Jet being some black guy instead of white.
Faye being some Mexican instead of Asian.
Vicious being white instead of Asian too.
Add in the typical garbage Netflix budgeting and script, and what we have is hot garbage.

>Spike is the closest thing to what the creators had in mind
An uncool ugly korean fob manlet?


>Spike is the closest thing to what the creators had in mind

really? were the creators thinking about some korean manlet who's near his 50's and has the personailty of cottage cheese?

>Yea Forumstards will spam threads until it comes out
>gets middling reviews
>Yea Forums wont watch it nor mention it again
what is this thread for even?

5ft 9.6 inches is close enough? sorry you don't know how to round up

Spike is white though

They were given bios, and their place of origin and nationalists were given.
Just because it's the closest, doesn't mean it's good.

it's almost funny in a way, isn't it?

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you can use a fucking conversion calculator you dense son of a bitch.

>an asian, black, mexican and white
Let me guess, Cowbooy Bebop is going to be a jewess and the men will be fools with the strong women leading the cast.

I wish I could think all media destroyed.

>Spike is the closest thing to what the creators had in mind
John Cho isn't Jewish.

Spike was inspired by Yusaku Matsuda, you retarded fucking faggots

Jet being black just makes sense, his VA was black and the actor playing him can do the job right.

This and don't give into the "I hope it's good" mentality, because you don't. That's for people who think live action is superior to 2D and they are fake fans.

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It's going to end up like the shitty Death Note adaptation. It gets released, it's ridiculed and hated by everyone, it flops and dies, is now utterly forgotten by everyone.

>jet being black just makes sense

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Faye is from Singapore

hey dumbass the conversion table is only for feet. Not feet + inches. put 5.10 into your conversion table and see what comes out

so what? i was born there and im white.

Neither is Spike, who is of Japanese descent.

Dont care, it looks better. Jet, Spike or the other characters aren't white, this has been stated over and over, none of them have a "pure" skin, since the creators talked about the future having people mostly being mutts, so they're all mixed with everything.

And??? Are you people this retarded, there's tons of different races from singapore, there's no such thing as a Singaporean

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>who is of Japanese descent.
Nobody thinks that when they look at him and see his name.

I honestly feel bad for the kid.

you fucking low iq moron.

Id accept half the cast to be hapa. Hobestly race is not the issue its the fact that they dont look anything like the characters.

Too bad, that is what the creator wants him to be. Only Jet was white when it came to the main Beebop crew.

>This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the nostalgia fags for a better tomorrow.
Has a nice ring to it.


>dont care it looks better
no it doesnt you nigger bastard. Don't pretend like people don't know you nigger always claim the macho guy.
you are fucking faggots.

you guys are fucking retards.
That conversion is for feet only. Not feet and inches. When you say 5ft'10 you are saying 5 feet and 10 inches not 5.10 feet.

Put 5.10ft into your table and see what happens you inbred retard.

They made Vicious a weeb?

> tfw no Bruce Willis
as Jet.

Spike comes from Mars, quotes Buddha, eats ramen and is part of basically the space Triad.

Oh my these butthurt tears are simply delicious. Cry more faggot, Black Jet is here plus Jet looks more mulatto than white. So this works perfectly

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and doesn't have an asian last name.

There are no tears nigger just no one is going to watch your AA welfare adaptation.
You we wuzzing dumb ass cunt racist.

post yfw my gf was the intern that did that

pretty weak bait.

i ate ramen today have a german name and have a buddha in my room.
I am not part of a space triad however.

Oh yes, keep these tears coming. Your IQ is even dropping, I'm going to say something that's going to make you even more mad

I'm actually a white woman

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I aint reading your spoiler text.

Ignore the tranny, folk.

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Neat. Going to pretend this doesn't exist now.

the based response

go back to >>>tumblr hambeast.


It's gonna suck user. What I enjoy the most about this whole fiasco is that after it inevitably fails and bombs with critics and fans, there's
a huge possibility Watanabe will be forced to "step up" figuratively and show Westerns how its really done.

See DB Evolution > BoG as a prime example of what I mean.

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no jazz soundtrack no watch

A man of culture.

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I do not care, not going to watch it.
Why do people get so angry over live action adaptations though? You have no interest in watching it. But you're still fuming. Makes no sense. Happens with every live action adaptation. Just the existence of one pisses people off.

Turns out fans of something don't like to see politically motivated foreigners ruin what they enjoy.

Sure thing abang

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You are right but people are angry because its an obvious attempt at insulting fans of the anime.
Its like a very expensive form of trolling.

This thread has no reason to be on Yea Forums. It's just bait. Fuck off.

Boycott all live-action adaptations.

you ok there

Nobody fucking cares. These threads are nothing but bait that invites retards and crossboarders.
>"But it's ok, dude. The rules say I can shit up the board!"
I don't fucking care. Eat shit and die.

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It'll probably have some jazz. But a weak imitation of the original. Or even worse, they just put the original songs in the show, which don't meld with the tone or pacing of the show at all.

It'll be good

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I guess it could work? idk

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Seriously, that soundtrack was peak Yoko Kanno. Even if you could think of a Bebop without the jazz, I'd bet the Netflix show won't have anything even resembling something silly like Mushroom Hunting or Cats on Mars, cause TV shows can't be silly,

Want to bet it will be all rap music?

Like at the latest Mortal Kombat game. It got rid of all the classic music in exchange for rap.

>character has big boobs
>cast a chestlet mexican

Have they said that Yoko Kanno isn't doing the music? It would be pretty big get for the show.

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Like a Japanese creator ever thinks of casting a fucking Korean manlet of all people.

I was the rage 2 trailer that has mostly country music in the series. The trailer had a black woman rapping.

Basically, Netflix forgot that Cowboy Bebop is not suppose to be OUTLAW STAR.

the asian american frustration lobby is the one that advocates for cho to be the lead in all anime and scifi movies.
They also years and years ago got hollywood to stop using white male and asian female leads as much. saying its "racist"

Joke's on you I'm an M

It will be Dragon Evolution tier.

>white male and asian female leads
I cringe whenever I see this shit in movies

Psycho poos

Even a porn star would have been a better casting choice.

A flat Mexican with a shity tattoo is not Faye.

You know she is a shit actress because she has a tattoo.

Actresses that get a lot of work rarely get tattoos in prominent areas and it is just extra time and money to remove that shit from editing.

now you know how whites feel when they see white women with other races.

Spike is mexican not asian

It's pretty unfair to other Asian male actors because its always the same Korean John Cho in every movie.

There hasn't been a Chinese guy since Jackie Chan to be honest and these Asian American shills force this 50 year old Korean man in any kind of movie as a diversity hire.

>the story is about a dystopian world where people are afraid of using toilets

There are pretty much no attractive actresses in hollywood with natural busty boobs.
The only one i can think of is the actress that was in true detective.
Hollywoods full of chestlets and silicon tits.

Jackie would play a better Spike. Only hes too old and not tall.
Jackie chan had good crime dramas when he was younger.

Most of the female American actresses are SJWs with white husbands or white boyfriends if you look them up on wikipedia.

>Seriously, that soundtrack was peak Yoko Kanno.
I'd say that plum goes to Turn A Gundam. Hate the show, but damn the music was perfect.

>white people's negrophilia strikes again

god at this rate white people will become worse than jews

Oh boy here we go.

>thinking it wasn't jews responsible for this in the first place
Nice try Schomo

>Make him black because his name is black

Literal minus IQ there

>blaming whites for the globhomo liberal menace.

>That's probably gonna be Faye
>Biggest role is the confrontational dyke in Jurassic Cashgrab 2
The memes might just be true. They're gonna butcher her character.

thats just how negroes think.

If you think im joking about the azn frustration lobby. Look up the website angry asian male + Cho.
They start circlejerking everytime he gets a role.

Look at the top entry. Well well well its Cho.

But he's not wrong. The people who virtue signal the most are rich white people.

Is it because all the female HRs in Hollywood hate busty women?

Like ugly women hating beautiful women?

It's kinda bullshit though because I remember a lot of busty actresses in the 90s like Pierce Brosman movies

It's not the white folk making this racial BS. It's you Schlomo

White people are the ones celebrating diversity tho. No other race loves nigger dicks in the same way whites do.

I'm really worried for Japan. White people are trojan horses and letting them stay means that they can infect the native population with their self flagelation and severe negrophilia, all in name of their dumb dreams of social progressivism.

also not how none of them are japanese.

There isn't a female American Asian SJW actress who doesn't have a white partner.

That's why they have zero American Asian male fans.

It's true. You can look it up. Nothing but self hating Asian actors in Hollywood, completely different from foreign born Asian actors.

Contrary to popular belief attractive women are severly discriminated in hollywood.
Top tier women dont put out for fat execs and female execs hate their guts.
They can get background roles but never actual roles theyd be suited for like attractive main characters.
I know women that would be perftect for anime adaptations since they look just like the characters and can act. They will NEVER get the roles because they are too good looking.

hahaha this is some of the shittiest bait ive ever seen
go clean your basement shithole neckbeard

go back to angry asian male

>inb4 they make spike speigel a nigger

Phil Yu is the founder of the blog and is Korean.

No wonder why he shills Koreans 24/7

Phil Yu, (born 1978) also known as Angry Asian Man, is a Korean American blogger.

It's also because Hollywood wants to control the narrative. They want to tell the public what they should find attractive, not cater to what the public actually likes. And what does Hollywood deem attractive? The look of whoever has the most influence. This is why the ugly stick that is Julia Roberts was pushed more than someone who was actually attractive like Jennifer Connely, who was forced to get work mostly on B tier movies and indie films.

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>this thread
reply with your first name and I'll make sure you die in your sleep tonight, but just because I'm feeling generous

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Didn't the leaked Sony emails reveal how Sony movie executives sound like fucking whiny losers in their emails?

Extremely whiny and beggy. You would think movie executives were like 10/10 Alpha Chads who speak in Alpha Language but the Sony emails reveal them to be extremely beggy and whiny.

I expect other studios to be the same.

Like for example, recent Warner Bros controversy where emails and texts got leaked and you had one horny Japanese faggot ended up screwing 2 other executives and the female actress involved was basically threatening all 3 of them and the 3 also threatened her back; basically talking shit like high school teenagers

Thomas Edison was right. Hollywood is a shithole.

Did you know why Hollywood even exists? They did not want to pay Thomas Edison any royalty fees and they figured if they moved to California, they could get away with not paying any money to Thomas Edison for using his patents that involved all the aspects of film making.

Won't people freak out about the only black character literally being named "Jet Black"?
Well well well another celebration for Cho.

Another melanoid LARPing a mass murderer, what a surprise.

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Jennifer Connely was 10/10

Fuck her dietician or her manager who thought making her lose her fat was a good idea.

She looked better when she was fatter. Nobody cares about seeing someone's cheek bones.

Her agent told her to lose weight so you could see her cheek bones more but that was a huge mistake.

>And send the signal to Japan we don't want them to be infected by 3D animation/identity politics.
It's already too late.

Oh boy, I can't wait to see the thousandth generic remake of an old thing shat out by US americans. I'll make sure to share it lots on social media too!

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>wah wah blacks
>wah wah womyn
Why is Yea Forums so full of incels?

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Exactly this. I can't believe for a second that Cho is the kind of hot-blooded guy that can punch and kick down 10 guys in a row, but I could see him as the cool-headed katana guy who typically only makes swift, sudden movements.

They're firmly rejecting identity politics. Sadly, they couldn't say no to the 3D animation.

The weinstein scandal proved average actresses get roles by sleeping around.
Every actress on his companies list is unattractive or at best average but are all stars in big name films.
Average fame hungry women will have sex for roles its as simple as that.

>the nostalgia fags for a better tomorrow
Isn't that an oxymoron? I agree with your post anyway though.

it's happened over the past few years with more of Yea Forums slipping in here. Yea Forums has deteriorated to shit faster than ever after 2012

Have sex

complain to the staff im range banned from Yea Forums and /pol/

No they're not. To either, really.

Yea Forums was created by incels. Why the fuck are you here?

They'd copy the cowboy bebop movie cold opening too. Just like that Johanson in the shell movie.

Let's be honest. Cho is ugly as an actor. Someone with a permanent male version of bitch face is not attractive. He posted a pic of himself without makeup before and you can see all his wrinkles and age showing.

To be honest, Jackie Chan gives off a younger vibe than cho even with a metal plate surgically inserted inside his skull.

But attractive women also sleep around for roles. Jennifer Connely is one who admitted she had to do it as well. She just admitted it a decade before the metoo movement started. And her career tanked because of it.

But you are right that the majority of women getting ahead will be average looking. Both because there's way more of them, but also because they know they have to get by on something besides their looks. But I still think the major thing going on is some sick bias in Hollywood to get women who look like anorexic super models. For what reason, I don't know. To make the audience feel inferior? To push an unattainable standard for movie posters and magazines? Jewish producer guys love anorexic blondes? (They really seem to, since almost every one in Hollywood is married to one). I don't know.

Despite the fact that BTS Korean boyband crap is so popular.

Like I have zero knowledge of Korean pop, but it seems the average women like Asian males that look like they were from a Final Fantasy video game.

Yet Hollywood never casts an Asian male who looks like video game character but just an average Asian male you would never guess is an actor.

I clicked on a /pol/ thread.

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Prove they're falling to identity politics. Outside of a few political rallies, which failed, I never hear about anything coming from Japan. And the vast majority of anime/game producers give the finger to western calls to lower the sex in their games.

The only time I've seen Japanese games being affected by identity politics is when a Japanese company stupidly gives control of their products to a western studio. Like Sony or some anime distributors. And that's still a western group doing it.

thats the problem i have with these new gen minority actors. They want the roles but they dont put the work in.
Jackie Chan did his own stunts.
Hell even Arnie worked his butt off to look like an action hero.

>Make effortless bait
>Get three free (You)'s
Too easy. I highly recommend you worthless garbage lurk more.

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top tier women don't. They are basically too "alpha" to do that and out of the league of execs.
10/10s and mythical 11/10s guard their virtue.

>including a gun that shoots black holes. Yup, black holes.
God this shit annoys me. I hate retards who speak like this do much, not to mention how dumb the concept is.

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They do it a lot less nowadays theres less and less attractive women in hollywood.

Those political rallies go a long way. Just because you don't hear about shit in western media doesn't mean it's not happening here. The fact of the matter is, Japs devour western media and now, western "progressive values." Think of the big cultural powerhouses over here. Shinjuku is absolutely flooded with faggotry and now trannies. I see at least one every time I have to transfer trains. Shibuya is basically Times Square, with the same kind of demographics, and Disney and western media is consumed en masse without second thought. "But that's just mainstream demographics!" The whole Gender X thing broke on the news a few days ago, and Japanese social media was overwhelmingly in favor of it. To everyone on Yea Forums, thinking the Conan movies won out Marvel last year is a big sign of how things are, but I actually live here and see how things are changing with my own eyes. If the Japs themselves don't care for it, it doesn't matter anyways. Japan is the first world of Asia, and the unwashed masses of all the surrounding Asian shitholes come here and consume the same western media in bulk. Star Wars bandai lines almost have the same sort of visibility in your average store than other plamo, whose main purchasing demographic is old as fuck and on its way out. Japanese youth adore Disney, adore Netflix, adore western media. To think we've not reached the tipping point is absurd, and everyone who never did anything about it in the last 5 years leading up to this is partly responsible for the death of what they claimed to love. Oh yea, and the olympics are coming up too, that's going to be great.

i hate that intern so much.

Yeah i find it really concerning looking at some good manga artists work only to discover they like western trash. Not even the good western stuff. Just trash.
I worry it affects their own work.

Anyone got examples of Cho playing a cool and collected badass archetype?
Not really feelin this cast, but if Spike's actor is good, it might work out.

>The action scenes are probably gonna be typical hollywood shit.
Oh fuck you're right. That's actually going to be the worst part.

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Why is this shitty thread still up?
Mods, wake the fuck up.
Remember to sage when replying to a shitty thread.

im 100% nigga

Because gundam and robots are less popular in Japan these days and Sunrise gave up mecha for idols since idols make more money these days.

This thread isn't against the rules, numb nuts.

It does. Japs are very well aware of all the "problems" in the west. I've had plenty of them tell me they're worried about when they travel in the US, in places like California and New York because they might get discriminated against because they're "asian." despite the fact that if we're talking about actual discrimination and racism, Japan fares considerably worse than the US. Japs don't know and don't care about the reality outside their country, and if they do, it's through big media. Disney, Hollywood and western news media is their big and only window into the outside world, and do you trust them to be reliable in telling the truth? Have you ever sat down and watched what they have on TV over here?

Holy shit are you literally this retarded?
5.8 is not 5'8"

>blatant trolling with underlying race poltiics

>not against the rules
Fuck off newfag, you're only fooling simple-minded shitters like the mods.

what the absolute fuck

Real 10/10s aren't in Hollywood.

Like some female Olympic athletes are pretty 10/10 especially those vollyeball players and pole vault jumpers.

It's because you know the Olympic committee pretty much mapped out their entire DNA in order to check for steroid or drug use.

So it's like you know these female Olympics are genetically and naturally 10/10 without the use of plastic surgery or drugs.

I follow Japanese media and I don't hear about it there either. Now, it could be because the media is very conservative (which it is). But if that's the case, then that's a good sign. It means the media is fighting against the propagation of all these ideas. The west fell to all this identity politics crap because the media was the biggest pushers of it (and still are).

And with the Japanese government going on a huge purge before the Olympics to make everything clean, it certainly looks like things will be even more sterile. I have no doubt that there are some people in major urban centers who want to adopt this stuff. Hipsters exist everywhere. But from my view, it doesn't seem to be anywhere near as big of a problem as in the west.

You are right though that it needs to be nipped in the bud before it spreads. I'm hoping all the recent signs of Disney quietly distancing themselves from all their "woke" products is a sign that they're starting to give up. And as you said, Japan eats that shit up. If Disney and other major companies start moving away from it, maybe Japan will be less tainted as well. But even with Disney, Japan seems to prefer the less woke stuff like Pooh and classic films. Sadly, they also like the shitty Frozen...

If you look athe creator of Cowboy Bebop his inspirations were classic western films.
Its like this for all the anime greats. They love high quality classic movies and literature.

Now artists watch capeshit.
Its all fucked.

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You can tell that hollywood wants Anime to be the next capeshit because the cown is going dry, but they just don't get why people like anime.

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Netflix had to cancel all their capeshit TV shows because Disney and Fox pulled the licenses.

Netflix is likely desperate and therefore looked toward anime yet they don't respect it.

jet BLACK tha mutha fuggin BLACK DAWG fucking kill me that scene will be cringe incarnate

Never heard of any of them. Also why does jet black look like that? It's going to be shit.

>If you look athe creator of Cowboy Bebop his inspirations were classic western films.
And a dozen other things.

name them.

No, most of Hollywood is fighting anime tooth and nail. The anime films that get adapted are funded by weeb producers out of their own pocket. Like the Wichowski's and Cameron. And until Alita, none of them ever succeeded. I fear that all the other studios will jump on board now that Alita worked. And we'll have a billion live action adaptations, which is NOT what they should be doing. They should be promoting the animated works and funding new ones. Not just to respect anime as an art form, but because Japan can produce an animated movie for 10x less cost than these shitty live action "adaptations" which are 90% CGI animation.

The head of Netflix is a huge anime fan and they've been planning to produce anime for almost a decade. We're just finally starting to see them get made, because it takes years to get projects off the ground. Why they're doing this live action shit after greenlighting a dozen animated originals, I'll never know.

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Hong Kong cinema, anime like Lupin, Noir films from the 30s/40s, Samurai serials, scifi/horror films like 2001 and The Thing, 70s black films like Shaft, etc. Not only did Watanabe mention these in interviews, but its fricken obvious in the show itself.

>head of netflix
>huge anime fan
>does everything he can to desecrate them
Not much of a fan.

You mean half the stuff is still western.
Lupin is inspired by western film.
Film noir in reference to western film again. The thing western.
Fucking hell user you god damn tard.

>nearly everything he is referring to is western or western inspired.

I merely pointed out that his inspirations are varied. You're the one who's fixating on just western films.

You fucking retard. Just shut the fuck up.

>nearly everything
>except samurai serials, anime and Hong Kong Cinema
But hey, if you ignore half of it, it's entirely western!

He's also desecrating western media. Nearly every Netflix original is bad. Even the one made by Matt Groening and the revival of Star Trek. It's like Netflix is going out of its way to destroy all of media.

>anime inspired by western sources
>"a dozen things"
Anti-west weebs are the worst weebs.

>anime inspired by the west counts as a western production
Fucking idiots wrap themselves into pretzels to try and win an argument on a mongolian tablet board.

you ever wonder what happened too all the people who got fed up with seeing the colored, anything but straights, and wamen in Yea Forums media.
they all wen't here, have fun.

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Netflix isnt a real film studio its a propaganda machine funded by ngos.
Even the actors hate them like Helen Mirren, who btw has a better body than the actress they picked for bebop and shes an old lady.
Then theres spielberg etc hate netflix.

That rule was a mistake and probably designed for Japanese adaptations that nobody cared about.
Now we get garbage threads like this one, filled with retards who would head over to Yea Forums if they actually wanted to talk about it.

keanu reeves will work for peanuts if he thinks a role is cool enough

yes you fucking retard if its derived from western work it counts as western derived inspiration.
Thats the whole point of the discussin you blundered into. If japanese workers draw inspiration from the west how does that affect their work.
They have been doing that for a long time.

This. He took big paycuts for the Matrix films.

Let's be honest, some Netflix executive probably got his dick sucked

>It's like Netflix is going out of its way to destroy all of media.
Nonsense...that jobs taken by Disney.

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An anime fan wouldn't support this CG nonsense in anime.

Majority of Netflix anime are not hand drawn but CG shit with graphics worst than PS2 video games.

Star Wars counts as only a Japanese film because it took part of its inspiration from some Japanese films. You heard it here first folks.

We hate live action Disney movies too.

According to Yea Forums, some former Disney 2D animators apparently draw furry porn for a living now since Disney only wants CG artists now so they can make shit like Frozen 2.

>An anime fan wouldn't support this CG nonsense in anime.
I wish I could believe you. But not only are there enough people watching it, but fucking Miyazaki and Tomino have jumped on the CG train. Let's hope it doesn't spread farther.

this is fake diversity

All of them are American

>What do we think Yea Forums?
That everybody who is going to watch this should kill himself instead and that you are a massive faggot.

Disney had to hire a bunch of their veteran 2D artists to come back and do the 2D scenes in the Mary Poppins sequel. They flat out admit it on the BD extras for the movie, they are so full of themselves. Acted like it was a selling point for the film.

I wish Dreamworks hadn't jumped on the 3D train and kept making 2D films, giving Disney the competition. As it stands, Disney won't ever make 2D films again because they don't have any competition for it. Unless anime somehow breaks through their grip on the western market and starts challenging them. But no Japanese companies have the billions to go up against the mouse. And Disney now owns all their western competition. Hell, they even own The Simpsons!

3DPD is not Yea Forums related.

Yeah, fuck this. When I was young I was shown American versions of Ring and Grudge in theaters that suck by comparison. I cannot even begin to think what American version of Battle Royale would be like. It might actually be great since it was so trashy.

Mary Poppins sequel was soulless.

Disney hates their old employees. They completely burned bridges with Scar's voice actor. In an interview, he had told Disney he would love to have a role in the upcoming Lion King live action but they basically told him to fuck off and what was sad was because Scar's voice actor wanted to voice Scar one more time as one of his last roles before retirement.

Disney is just incompetent. Their live actions have been a string of flips lately like the nutcracker

you really are an idiot.

This but unironically

Now that i think you could be right, it has potential for netflid to pick it, it should be easy to adapt and all, (not that they are going to do it well or anything)

The problem with the actor for Spike isn't even because of the race, but Spike is supposed to be in his late twenties. Couldn't they take a younger one?

hiring only divershity hires and pozzed sjw will do that.
They are incredibly restrictive in what they can do which kills the creative process.

>implying I would ever think of watching 3DPDshit let alone pay for anything
silly user

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>the only one who can act in there is terribly miscasted
Wew lad

>Disney hates their old employees.
To be fair, they hate their current ones as well. Disney has treated their employees like shit since the 1930s. Hence why so many of them left to make their own companies. Disney has basically made most of their own competition by pushing their employees out (Hanna Barbera, Don Bluth, Dreamworks, etc). None of them have surpassed Disney yet. But if they keep this up, someone might eventually.

>They completely burned bridges with Scar's voice actor. In an interview, he had told Disney he would love to have a role in the upcoming Lion King live action but they basically told him to fuck off and what was sad was because Scar's voice actor wanted to voice Scar one more time as one of his last roles before retirement.
Yeah but they couldn't bring him back because every voice actor in the remake has to be black! Muh diversity!

Part of Bebop's charm is how it's an animated work that emulated live-action movies from sci-fi films to Hong Kong cinema. It just doesn't work the other way around.

which one?

Why do they all look so fucking inbred? What the fuck.

andy samberg would unironically be the GOAT spike casting

I dont mind the nignog being jet because he kind of looks like him but the guy playing spike on the other hand looks like a low t dork. wont be watching this garbaghe anyway

Hollywood doesn't want you to like any animated work. Everything must be converted to live action so they can take it over. They killed their own animation and they will slowly kill anime by adapting and buying it out.

They don't give any fucks about art. It's about money and control.


>kinda looks like him

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its the control. They don't want anime corrupting young western minds with rightwing values.

Hollywood knows capeshit has not much time left before people get tired of it. They have to find a replacement and it looks like anime adaptations are their target this time around.

>mfw seeing the plan of capeshit 10 years ago
They planned to make over 20 films in 5 years.
Its insane.

Anime is not born of capeshit. Fucking brainlet over here.

I think what masses will be watching over next years is something like 300 but more fantasy like. Then we all will squabble with each other till global market is wrecked and invasion become more acceptable.

TL:DR nationalistic movies will be on rise and propaganda is more consumed.

Art is dead. Even live action shows fail at basic shot composition and tone. So people adapt animated works they can't even understand into the format of live action, which they also don't understand. It's not hard to figure out why modern TV and movies feel soulless when you keep hiring pampered college students who never learned anything beyond body painting and virtue signaling.

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What did he mean by this?

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>They have to find a replacement and it looks like anime adaptations are their target this time around.
What are you basing this on? Hollywood is not rushing to make anime films at all. Superheroes aren't dead yet. But aside from Superheroes, the big trends are SciFi, procedurals and reboots of 80s films.

Hollywood is actively trying to suppress anime. Only a handful of producers are trying to adapt it, out of their own pocket.

What is it with Watanabe and shoehorning niggers into everything?

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I just mean. Fuck. Anime is born of capeshit and once west gets tired of living in fantasy they begin to focus on so called "real" matters and there will be much genocide. Everyone will be fine with it and movies that will be shown will be similar to those that they showed to everyone since film reel was invented.

>Terry Crews as Spike

I'd watch it.

this is how on Yea Forums commies get on and claim game design is all from leftwing people.
If you research you find all the greats in the game industry are rightwing, christians and conservatives.
Because they are the only people tha give a fuck enough to put the effort in.

You're posting a literal black character.

i dont recall cowboy bebop being niggardly
Samurai champloo is a period anime in japan.

>japanese principal

Is Shinji white?


Like this! We will return to 50s

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John Cho is too fucking old to play Spike.

Why are white people so obsessed with turning every character white?

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why arent you complaining about the nignog

because he looks white?

>blonde looking white guy
>japanese live action
>american original
>must also be japanese

>Why are white people so obsessed with turning every character white?
>Hollywood is all about casting black people and avoiding white people

Attached: what_girl2.png (473x675, 361K)

It's okay and hip to be leukophobic nowadays.
Kill yourself. Stop bumping this shitty thread.

Why do you have a Buddha in your room, you weeb?

>nearly every anime character looks white
>anti-white racists watch anime

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Bad casting

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Terry Crews could be Faye and i'd watch it. Better yet cast him as Ed, don't have any shoehorned in "trans" bullshit and have him play the character straight (like it was a comedy) and its an sure Oscar winner.

If Spike can't fight, then its shit by default.

this is what people say when they are worried about japanese watching trash western stuff.
Western creators are pure and innocent. If they see western films full of trannies they will shoehorn trannies into everything.

eastern creators*

>Daniella Pineda as Faye
You're gonna pad that bra

I only recognise Spike’s actor from those DUDE WEED LMAO films. I can’t really picture him as Spike.

Western bastardizations should stay in Yea Forums where they belong.

>likes ass
>not black

some weird inferiority complex

>girl with purple hair and red eyes
>"looks white to me bro"


Fucking retard.

>red eyes not albino
How is it you woke retards still not understand that?

>blonde looking white guy
god you fucks are so pathetic, consuming media made by asians for asians staring asian characters and thinking it's about you

>clearly has dirty blonde brown hair
>not white
woke retard go and stay go.

woke nigger fuck off.

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Can't wait until you're bred out of existence.

You mean media made by japanese for everyone staring whatever they feel like drawing.
Imagine thinking its for you because you are a chink racist.

That's how it works. Whites have literally no culture, so they have to insert themselves into everything. They get angry when live adaptation of Japanese media features Japanese people. "We wuz ninjas and samurais and shiee"

who will remind you anime is white then?

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where? when? Point to the japanese in the op?

Wew, that's as close as it can get. 10/10

Instead we get a litera who nigger, how nice.

this is a asian character made by asians for asian,
wypipo s m h!

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>god complex
>serial killer

Light Yagami is white.

Attached: Light_YagamiHD.jpg (1977x2004, 1.48M)


*americans have no culture

no hes japanese he just looks like a white guy due to asian narcissism.

Duh, he's literally Zac Efron

>whites have no culture
>Cowboy Bebop creator lists his inspiration as being white western films.

When wypipo say anime is white i just say what are you an idiot?
Does this look like a white person to you?

Attached: IMG_1288.png (297x308, 131K)

Hong Kong action thrillers*

Blade runner, dirty harry, film noir, clint eastwood, cowboy movies etc*

>whites have culture
>Tarantino influenced by rap and Japanese moies


More importantly, why did they turn Light into a simpering bitchboy? Yagami was only truly pathetic right at the end, when he died. Turner is a god damn mess from the start.

are you saying italians are white or that film, English and music media aren't a white invention?

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You're confusing "whites" with "americans".

It's the spin media have on serial killers. They're bullied white kids / school shooter types. They don't comprehend narcissistic intelligent people as serial killers.

I think he's written to be similar to the Columbine kids. Outcasts, no friends, weirdos, bullied often.

This is Joseph Joestar an asian made for asians

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tarantino is a jew - not white

Any K-pop male model looks more like Light than that manlet.

Doesn't one of those infographics that explains how anime is based on white facial shapes uses Light as the example.

post them gook boy so we can laugh at you.

in what world is Joseph "God save the queen" Joestar asian?

Yes, as long as you cherry pick enough, you can find the right peg for the hole.

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Can you type this out again but in English, Pablo?

>white guy as the villain

Just like in real life. I like this casting.

>rangebanned from Yea Forums and /pol/
>fucking /pol/
>starts spamming this race shit in here

What's going through this user's mind?


>auto-saging thread

But why?

Mods decided to be fags and not ban everyone in this thread.

The only people who deserve bans are the racebaiters like the one that got mass deleted.

I disagree, but it's better than nothing.

why don't you just outright say no whites allowed mod you woke fucking reddit retarded fuck?
rip Yea Forums
killed by racist sjw.

I wasn't the one doing the race baiting....
Are we not even allowed to discuss shit on here anymore.
This site is fucked.
Range banned from several boards i dont even post on! banned for being white.

Aw Willis would be PERFECT

>109 posts deleted

Holy shit autism.

Take a rest. There is no need to be upset.


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>abusing your modding position
To put in perspective ive never seen what you are doing since 2003.
You really are rattled huh?

Btw Thanks for unrange banning me. I'll evenly distribute the naughty posts now.

>his VA was black
Nu-Yea Forums

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>his VA was black
Go home toonamifag