

When I was first getting into anime I watched Kore wa Zombie desu Ka and Oreimo with my mom.
That was ten (10) years ago.

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I beat my meat to exclusively 2D.
3D is gross and smells bad.

I love anime girls the most when they're tiny!

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What did she think of those shows?

I still don't like Evangelion. Shinji was just as much of an insufferable pussy now as he was when I watched it 10 years ago.

i like posting fake spoilers then citing LN as a source because everyone here is a retarded secondary-only consumer, myself included even a janny fell for it.

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Fuck off back to Yea Forums with that image

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I successfully derail threads about shows I don't like all the time.

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eva is like a certain cartoon show about ponies. everyone jumped on the bandwagon to try and fit in even though they all knew it was shit, but at some point it hit critical mass and nobody could speak out against it anymore.

She didn't like Korean Zombies, but she seemed to enjoy Oreimo. She never saw the second season. She also enjoyed Death Note, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Naoki Urasawa's Monster.

i don't like Azumanga

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At least have the decency to use Kiritsugu when you have an Yea Forums confessions thread, faggot.

I've never watched k on and probably never will. I hate the character designs. The eyes look like shit

I hope you mean Kotomine.

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When I was 11 I used Comcast on demand for all my anime, I didn't even think to look on the internet. I also try to derail MHA threads often.

Anime fucking sucks and it's directly tied to the lowering of my mood when I watch it. There are like 2 good shows a year and everything else is garbage. Seasonal viewing is stupid, imagine being a live action tv fan and watching all the live action shows just for the sake of it all year round. It's stupid as shit. Everyone on this board has shit taste, too.
Being a fan of anime as a whole is cringe and stupid because there's no quality standard that would be there if you were just a fan of shows you actually like, and not the entirety of animation in general.
Misato is better than Shitsuka and Gei too

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Yea Forums is full of normalfags nowadays and I want you to die or fuck off


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I frequently enter anime threads without watching the anime. I gather the general gist of the show from the posts and dicuss a show that I have never seen before.

Sao sucks big dick and I don't understand why people like it

dumb wojakposter

since the old days of 2005... I have used an online handle that has a 'mech' in it (think something cringy like Gundamaster or some shit punny like that), but I actually don't watch a lot of scif/mecha anime.

Hell...The last mecha series I watched was Code Geass and that was a fucking decade ago (or Gundam 00...which I fucking dropped) and the only scifi anime I ever come across nowadays are movies (that being said, I also never watched the Eureka Seven movies)

I unironically think Hunterchad posting is one of the best things on Yea Forums

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I only browse threads of anime I dislike

I unironically cry at anything that tries to be emotional or dramatic, sometimes I also shed tears of happiness. Which is odd, since nothing really resonated with me during my early teens, now that I'm in my early 20s everything more or less pulls at my heart strings.

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A lot of you refuse to admit it but the wider public view of anime and anime fans is perfectly on the nose and accurate.
Most of you are pathetic losers. Not me though I'm a cool chad

This but unironically.
You can watch anime and still be functional member of society.
Those weirdos that you see at barns and noble reading akgame ga kill are the ones to stay away from.

I like to jack off while crying to Porter Robinson's Shelter

I think it's fun and I've never seen nor read HxH

Like dxgibro?

>People reading a portable manga outside of their house are weirdos

Maybe you're the weird one here.

post body faggot.

>portable manga
Zoomers need to cease

I want a gf and probably could get one, but I would probably stop watching most genres of anime if that were to happen

cursed names

I love Guilty Crown
Bought a ton of Inori merchandise and have a big ass of poster of her in my room. All of my friends/classmates like to comment on it when they visit.

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I love you, there is no better feel than to watch something expecting X to happen and realize I have been fooled.
Everybody says shit about that show though, maybe not as much nowadays as they used to but they still do.
when did watching anime become your job? you should really look for another hobby or something if you are hating it as much as you do
who am I kidding, I probably got bait'd
sad but true
everyone here appears to be so fucking braindead that I can barely have a conversation that lasts more that three posts anymore, I need to find a smaller boat and fuck off this sinking ship.
I'm sorry for your mental issues user

Simple solution to a simple problem:
Just watch them behind her back!
Or be chad and watch them right in front of her, if she really cares about you, she won't care if you watch Love Live.

I remember I had a girlfriend once and I tried to show her Highschool of the Dead. She was a titlet so the extreme level of fan service made her extremely jealous. I honestly thought nothing of it at the time and just liked the zombies but I like to look back on it like it was a real chad power move, instead of just autistic lack of situational awareness.

I love isekai

A majority here does this, myself included

anime girls can't say no


based. the answer to all questions regarding it is one word.

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i think anime peaked 30 years ago and has been declining in quality ever since

I only really enjoy anime or reading visual novels when I have something else I should to be doing instead. When I do have free time it's usually too much of a bother to watch something new. Not sure whether that's more of an anime sin or the sad state of my time management.

I haven't watched anime in a full year. I'm worried I'm finally growing out of it
>tfw turning 25 tomorrow and I want to kill myself

>comcast on demand
fuck you're probably more of an oldfag than half the active users here

tanjobi omedeto

all manga is portable, user.

this, but unironically

There's a whole list of anime I've never watched, but fapped to the chars since years

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Haven't seen NGE, any of the Monogatari animes or pretty much any anime that is widely popular/loved on Yea Forums

You just call them books, user

that's not that bad, there was a dude a while back who recorded the amount of times he fapped to characters and Mash was his first place girl

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I have never seen cowboy bebop and other "required" anime because I know if I watch them they will never live up to the hype that's been built up around them

It's ok, high IQ isn't that big of an issue.

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Yes but why is someone who is reading them outside a weirdo? I tend to get dragged for family meetings or parties I'm not interested in. So what's wrong in doing something you like?

Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.

Kill yourself wojak nigger.

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I purposely try to summon ACK

i like anime ironically only

There's nothing wrong with reading books in public. But mouth breathing as you droll over it will not look good on your part though.
Applies to some but not all people who read echii and erotica in public. Big shout out to 50 shades of grey.



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Mods not fags for once

it's okay user, only the medically diagnosable autistics don't have a good cry now and then

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>doing their jobs

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Wow, based mod.

holy shit BASED mods

I'm just here for the isekai threads
mods say take it to /jp/ but everytime I go there no isekaifags follow me probably because most isekaifags are only there for the manga and anime

not the best genre but the best to talk about (until someone mentions slavery)

It's the opposite. Autists can't recognise emotions unless they are exaggerated or abstracted in some way, ie a smiley face gets registered as a happy emotion whereas a smiling human is confusing to them. If anything simplistic anime expressions combined with over the top melodrama would resonate with autists more than with normal humans.


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Happy birthday user, what series did you used to like, maybe there is something similar to try and get you back into anime?

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God I missed public executions.
Keep your fucking wojak faggotry off of Yea Forums.

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I don't really even watch anime anymore


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Get shit on, wojak faggot.

Based mods

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>Yea Forumsirgins getting put in their place

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>Keep your fucking wojak faggotry off of Yea Forums.
imagine being this retarded

Keep it off Yea Forums

Ok this is based

Who would had thought that mods still cared

Why was OP banned but the thread left unlocked?

Kill yourself retard. Get off of Yea Forums, you don't belong here.

Hang yourself.

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