How is Black Clover? Is it good, bad, or what? Should I watch it?
How is Black Clover? Is it good, bad, or what? Should I watch it?
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It is okay
It's a ok serie. not the best but not the worst. There are much worse shonen out there. I quite like it. But I don't watch the anime. I feel like the anime pacing is a bit too slow compared to the manga. so I recommend you to read the manga instead. At first I find it too cliché but after a while it getting better. Though it has all of the shonen tropes, Bc is good at execute them. Just give it a try.
I have good news for you: the manga is 199 chapters in and the mangaka says that the current arc is the climax of the what's been set up since the start. So if anything it will have at least a good ending. Before being milked dry like all other shouen.
Its not capeshit so its not terrible
I thought Tabata said Black Clover would run 700 chapters
Is it ending?
Its shit.
My Hero Academia is better, higher quality and more relevant
All the last arcs have built up to this one, but it doesn't mean the end of the franchise.
dekufags can't talk about shit
I was hoping MHA would fire the first shots.
read it
expect various things you've already seen before
keep an open mind
it's easy to read, decent development and nice plot twists
I'm not into shounen and this was the shounen I chose to read to say at least I've read one. I liked it. The pacing is fast which I love. I started on mha after this and absolutely hated it.
it's endless
It's your usual battle shounen with some good characters and some good plot twists. If you just wanna have a fun read then yes it's good. However it's not some deep story.
It's good. Consistently good. Some episodes are damn great, and there's very rarely a bad episode. If you're tired of the protag power creeping the rest of the cast into uselessness you've come to the right place. Asta fully acknowledges that his friends help his ass a ton while he just yells and swings his sword.
All girls are best girl.
I have similar doubts user, I'm interested on the series but all the time the only stuff I see from the fandom ate idiotic memes that discourage my intentions.
I won't post one of them ofc, but most of them follow the same running gag of the MC trying to fuck a nun.
there's hardly any other meme material in BC so just ignore the cringe fanbase and read it
i regret not doing that
Read it, dont watch it although there are some episodes that has good animation (or at the very least animation that flows very well).
The manga, as others have said, is straightforward and fun read. Dont expect thought provoking narratives or even super smart writing.
Every character have their own pros and cons and typical shounen troupe but they also have that one trait that makes them enderring.
MC is the loud-mouth doughs that is granted a unique power from a mysterious dark force. However, despite being the underdog of many around him, he always has a positive outlook on life and (almost literally) yells at people to stop being an asshole.
The Rival is your typical straightfaced prodigy thatcompetes with the MC in their dreams to be the best. One major difference is that, unlike Sauske or Bakugo, the rival and MC are true childhood friends who grew up together as brothers and push each other to become stronger by bragging whenever they meet.
The main girl is the rich girl + tsundere mixed into one. The one difference is that, unlike most other main girls, she develops her combat skills to become competent enought to be ackgnoledged by her oldest brother.
There are many surprises, though not mind blowing but still fun, as you read.
It gives me that old feeling I had when I first read shounen manga.
No, this is just the climax of Part 1.
It's shit. It has a really good squad working on the anime though so it's worth a watch, though there are plenty of shitty, probably outsourced, episodes too.
Oh hell yeah
Can't wait for them to go into the demon realm
>wander into the thread because I am also wondering whether Black Clover is good or not
>witness the brutal mogging of a MHAcuck
Yeah I'm thinking I'm picking this series up
It starts off meh but it gets better as it goes. Dunno about the anime but the manga is alright.
it gets good 60 chapters in.
Trash series, copies every other shonen under the sun, has no original ideas
Black clover is full of best girls
and Gordon
>ctrl + f
So the MC actually stopped being such an annoying fucktard?
Nope, enjoy the worst shonen mc ever.
there are resident shitposters who have invented a rivalry with another shounen series. ignore them.
black clover is fairly middle of the road. it has an ok story, but by god the art is awful.
What ? The art is alright.
>but by god the art is awful.
Huh? the art is one of the fe- actually good thing about it.
Maybe you mean the character designs?
His screams just aren't as bad in the manga, so no one but animeonlies really gives a fuck.
Some characters are surprisingly fun even. Yami all around, but even Asta has great moments like "they aren't even subtle about it". It's a generic shounen done right so far.
It's nice
If you like shonen trash, you're going to love Black Clover.