ITT Manga you should read before you die

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Kill yourself.

No, I still need to read Blame

i got filtered by Blame's art
i cant get what's going on half the time

In the least pretentious way possible, I think that's a part I like about it, lack of convenient exposition made the world seem less manga-ey

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Damn, is it possible to find not remastered scans of BLAME! somewhere online? I do not like the overlightened screentones of the master edition, they ruin the entire sense of depth for me.

The madman

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Personally I like em, but I'm sure some place has the originals

patrician taste


Same, I thought it was a shitty manga and I can't remember anything about it

I miss the days when Yea Forums talked about this.

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T. Brainlets

Not a fan of his sense of humor but damn I love dowman's art

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Very nice

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The World is Mine

>tfw too dumb for Blame!'s ending

Kiri succeded, humanity restored to it's rightful path. That or Kiri just walked to a lake.

This is good, but it's not even close to being finished.

For better or for worse

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Killy reached the "surface" with the net terminal gene, it turned into a human, and he's heading back into the megastructure with the kid so they can hook up to the netsphere and fix shit.

Too many to name it.

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Looks neat. Name pls

Most based character of the anime, MC is a pansy compared to him

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Seconding this

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lmao fucking based

True masterpiece

This right here

I know it’s often memed as pretentious, edgy and whatnot, but I think Eden is worth a read. It’s one of the most entertaining cyberpunk manga.

His second work is the most realistic martial arts Manga there is

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Fuck off nigger I've posted half this damn thread

Don't blame the manga just because you're a retard

If anything it's blame for sure. It even inspired my bechlors thesis

If we only count finished series, I'd say Dorohedoro and Sundome.

>I know it’s often memed as pretentious, edgy and whatnot
It is? I thought it's amazing, even with the crazy shifts in tone between chapters.

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It's a shame it wasn't drawn by Kubo.

You have to guess.

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My personal favorite.

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Might end this year.

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its only the ending people bitch about, and usually they are complaining about the anime end

If not Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.

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I liked the manga end, no need for the mc to leave the island or anything


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utterly brilliant and utterly confusing

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Can't comment, I recommend it but it's too personal for me to remove myself from it

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It's honestly really fucking good and at times even hard to think about it?
It has great art, sure, but the story is mature, the themes are treated as complex and not heavy handed, the world building is fucking amazing, and the setting and designs/aesthetic are top knotch.

It makes me wonder what the fuck happened to Miyazaki in his old age because the stuff he was churning out in his youth makes his newer work almost embarrassing.

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There are better Miku songs dude.

You must read before you journey through meifumado.

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Girl's last tour is pure kino 10/10, if you only saw the anime, read the manga, seriously.

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The most important one...

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>The ladder is called stepladder from their perspective
Subtle, but effective joke about gorilla's superior intellect.

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Everyone should read Alice in Borderland at least once in their lives

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>nobody posted berserk yet

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P'Cell demise is the only hard thing to understand at first glance because of the panelling.

I will recommend it when it finishes
I hope I get the chance to do so someday ;_;

Can't say the story is great but the artwork is fantastic and makes it worth a read.

The Legend Of The Strongest Man Kurosawa
Haven't read Ten yet (in the middle of Akagi rn) but people say it's a masterpiece too.

Pretentious thread, going back to Rddit.

bye redditor

>before you die

Yeah I loved it too, but Yea Forums has a hateboner for it.

I ended up enjoying Gamma way more then I expected to, now legit one of my favorite takes on the Hero genre ever. Only 5 volumes so not a big haul.

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Everyone should give Pluto a shot. Still feels pretty amazing after all these years.

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>local man unlocks the secret to immortality by vowing he shall witness the end of Berserk

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"I wish not to die before reading the end of Berserk!"
>4 million years later...

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Do yourself a favor and read Berserk

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One of my favorites

Don't open me
I wonder which girl was the one we see first, I bet there's a way to check but I'm too smooth-brained

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