New Meguka anime

>New Meguka anime
>No Mami
>Only malnourished chestlets


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Mami is too busy fucking little girls in the ass to show up.

Shut your mouth Strider.


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Just visit Charlotte, we're not the bad guys.

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>No Mami
She's in though
>Only malnourished chestlets
Dumb mamifag

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Homura best girl

Ah I see you are a believer of our saviour and pariah Homura-sama as well...

Attached: Akuma.Homura.full.1738722.jpg (1200x666, 781K)

Her ai will save us all...

>bootleg mami


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Incubators did nothing wrong.

Mami is literally the villain in the new anime though.

What's the new anime even about?

A couple lolis, a psycho lesbian, and incestuous twins try a genocide.

Mami can wear a bikini while Madoka cannot wear a bikini at all and wears a toddlerish one pieced swimsuit for being a protagonist in most of the official illusts. And Iroha can wear a bikini.

Rena pleases old men for tickets

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>New Meguka anime


Behold, your new Madoka

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Is this gacha shit or actual new Madoka anime?

best meguca is Kyoko though

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>Actually liking the magical hungry hobo

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New anime based on the gacha.

I hope they go camping in the anime

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.01_[2019.04.04_20.25.57].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

in just 15 minutes she taught more things to Sayaka and Madoka than Mami did in days, she also didn't die like a retard or freaked out like a psycho

that's a big hammer. Oh, and is that the shield user from the shield isekai there?

Someone please tell me this is an edit and that they have the original without batman movie text

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I thought Madoka saw all the possible futures after she made her wish? How come she didn't see what Homura would do at the end of Rebellion?

>I thought Madoka saw all the possible futures after she made her wish?
I was under the impression was just all those previous timelines, and even then probably only for things involving a possible witch. The way she explained it when talking to dead Sayaka, she merely mentioned being able to go back and fix things.

one quick reverse search shows that is a deviant art pic from 2015, put a little more effort dude

I get knowyourmeme and pinterest results. You should know by now reverse image searches aren't completely reliable or uniform. So did that artist already have the text there?

Mami is going blanco

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I hope we get beach episodes

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But Madoka cannot wear a bikini at all and wears a toddlerish one pieced swimsuit because she is a protagonist while Mami can wear a bikini.


Except she gets fucked in the ass

Based Mami.

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I want to be a little girl

I love chestlets, every girl should become a chestlet. You can make any girl better by giving her small tits and any girl worse by giving her bigger ones.

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>inb4 the show goes original halfway through

t. abutomato

After seeing how the game's story goes, I fucking hope Shaft goes full original.

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I mean technically it does have a licence to go original. If the MR universe is an alternate universe, there's nothing preventing the existence of a second MR universe.

>tfw last mamifag alive

feels good to be ELITE

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Mami is irrelevant, they literally made her a villain to make the OC look good.

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t. cucked by DBZ

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