Carole and Tuesday

Subs where and when?

Also, why does ANN care so much about this show? They don't stop talking about it and keep publishing articles about it. None of the other anime news sites (Japanese and non-Japanese) report on it as much as they do.
>inb4 ANN

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait to have another absolutely abhorrent thread.

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Why do you care so much about ANN? Fuck off with your faggotry.

The real question though is why they care so much about this show. I don't see Yaraon discussing it, by contrast.

You don't see many other sites discussing it because Japan gives no shits about it and ANN is only fascinated by it because of "diversity".


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I can't tell if OP is genuine, retarded, falseflagging or all three options at the same time. Because you'd think anybody should know the answers to all the things he asked and you should also know that even putting any of that stuff in the OP will ruin the thread before it starts. So if he wants to talk about this show he's a retard. But if he does know this, he's falseflagging and trying to sink the show. But there are a lot of dumb people out there so he may just be genuinely dumb. I dunno.

OP is a faggot. Also
We should add that to the spam filter. They are a useful database but at the same time THE worst editorial teams for lacking any shred of unbiased journalistic integrity. Fuck you for even knowing ANN is talking about this show, it means you pay attention to them.

Revision OP is a retarded faggot. I figured it out through the power of deduction.

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I thought ANN cares about it because muh Watanabe and muh Netflix?

>THE worst editorial teams for lacking any shred of unbiased journalistic integrity
What happened to their news?

Also it starts airing next Wednesday and subs 6 months after it finishes

This is now a krebs kulums' biscuits thread.

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>subs 6 months after it finishes
Worldwide or US only?

I'm gonna laugh super hard in the threads when they end up getting boyfriends.

>THE worst editorial team
I mean they are pretty fucking bad but have looked at the "competition"

Fuck if I know it got netflixed

one of the main characters is black

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Why do Netflixed shows not get proper subs and have to rely on fansubs?

>What happened to their news?
I guess I should have clarified. Their news feed also remains respectable for the sheer amount of information they pass along about the industry, I don't read it but unless something has changed in the last 5 or so years I'd say it's still okay.

What I meant specifically is the team lead by Zach bertzki that do opinion pieces and reviews. The team that's been trying to sink shows whenever one airs with "controversial" topics.

>The team that's been trying to sink shows whenever one airs with "controversial" topics.
Could you elaborate on that?

>Their news feed also remains respectable for the sheer amount of information they pass along about the industry,
Not sure about that: as an information source they seem to be fine, but their actual journalism leaves a lot to be desired, such as repeating the same stuff over and over about a show in every news article about a certain show.

ANN did the same with Neverland and literally nobody cared, the lesson here is, stop giving ANN clicks.
I'm pretty sure that it have nothing to do with diversity though.

>I'm pretty sure that it have nothing to do with diversity though.

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Neverland was pretty popular among normies though.

I'm honestly not aware of any of their competitors because I like to figure out what I think about the media I watch on my own so me calling them the worst was a bit of knee jerk reaction. But to justify it I'd still say they are the worst because they stir up so much bullshit pushing their agendas that I still end up hearing about them fairly often despite my attempts to avoid them besides when I got to the site to look for production info (because they usually have far more detailed info than MAL does).

Why does it look so boring?

You already now the answer and who cares, the show in Japan is going to flop hard with that burger cast and tumblr pandering.

>hating ann
finally. shit was as bad as posting twitter screenshots

Because it is. Diversity fucking sucks.

Has there been a recent westaboo show that was successful in Japan? I know Bebop but was like two decades ago.

Ann hyping a show is a giant red flag.

Why ANN cares so much? Because most of the staff at ANN hate most anime made right now. They actually hate their fanbase since the anime fanbase loves fanservice, loli, shonen... and they don't.

For English anime news they don't really have any good competition than perhaps Crunchyroll News, and even then they generally only report on Crunchyroll's own shows. There's MAL but they tend to just rehash what ANN already reported on. Otherwise there's not much out there. It isn't like video games where there are many news authorities on games, for anime it's pretty much ANN and that's it.

My Little Pony FIM, Tom and Jerry, My Life as a Teenage Robot, and Classic Disney are popular in Japan

So ANN likes hipster shows?

Any other examples?

Now that's the correct way to put it.

>Could you elaborate on that?
Very easy examples are Goblin Slayer and Sheild Hero as well as Cutie honey universe and that's just in the last year that I heard about. They were also the ones who started the hubbub that sunk the FMA dub actor with an apparently poorly constructed attack peice that has given they guy grounds to take them to court over.

>Not sure about that: as an information source they seem to be fine, but their actual journalism leaves a lot to be desired, such as repeating the same stuff over and over about a show in every news article about a certain show.
As I said, I don't use them as a resource for anything besides production info. Circa 5 or so years ago the way they acted as a throughput for even the most menial of infobites about the anime industry was admirable. But I don't even pay attention to that anymore. I get all my news from Yea Forums. And I'm not suggesting their journalism team is respectable at all because they are the ones who run the shit I was talking about before.

I meant westaboo anime, not western shows.

This show was tailor-made for MAL.

Fucking newfag.

Come to think of it, it seems ANN ends up praising almost anything Netflix puts out. The only Netflix show I can recall that they shat on was that one with Yukarin.

Not even MAL is talking about it though.

Ghost in the Shell, Gungrave, Trigun, Gankutsuou

>MAL is not talking about the show that appeals to contemporary western sensibilities and is directed by one of the most meme entry-level directors
Well color me surprised.

Even when I was subscribed to their service I didn't stray away from the episode lists for the shows I watched. But it's hard for me to fathom that there is anybody out there who would even think that the news Crunchyroll buta out would ever be a worthwhile read. I cannot fathom the kind of person who would read that stuff.

I liken it to the company Intranet my employer has. There is a news feed of new content everyday generated by the company, that is about the company, for the eyes of the employees of the company only. I have never talked to a single person who reads any of it because everyone knows it's all meaningless bullshit. Anybody with a fucking brain should know that "crunchyroll news" would be exactly that and nothing more. That's just a thing you should know.

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Nobody even know what Carole and Tuesday is supposed to be about. Is it a street musical, or a romance story?

Trigun flopped in Japan actually.

So let me get this straight: ANN likes Westaboo shows and MAL like Weeb shows?

>entry-level directors
He's not even that well-known in Japan or Europe. In both places he's mainly known for Bebop unlike the US where he's known for multiple shows.

ANN like any other business has been replaced by sjw. The only thing they care about anime nowdays it to watch out for political controversy so they can make nips afraid of making some kind of content if they want the gaijin money.
They are going to shill this anime to death.

And it's going to be an amazingly irrelevant show. Somebody needs to tell ANN that only China really matters as far as gaijin markets go.

And the chinese hate this kind of cancer with a passion.

>Trigun flopped in Japan actually.
How can Japan have shit taste? They don't deserve a wholesome and complex protag like Vash

>unironically using the word "SJW"

Not him but let's not pretend those people don't exist and let's not pretend only /pol/ hates them.

Wait: when was the last time ANN shilled a show and it actually got popular? VEG?

>He's not even that well-known in Japan or Europe
He's not well known anywhere, including North America. I am friends with a lot of normalfags who know cowboy bebop and not a single one of them could name him as a director.

Literally everybody shilled VEG so it doesn't count.

Then why does ANN shill him and his work so much if most normalfags don't even know who he is anymore?

I read the synopsis and I don't understand the plot. Part of it is that if a male lead was chosen, he'd pretty much do the job and moonlight as a musican on the downlow.

I think i've gotten so used to the dirty atmosphere of Mars and space in anime that a sanitized version just doesn't work.


There's no /u/ potential at all

Genuine question for you how would you describe ANN's editorial team and all of their agenda pushing? You cannot deny that is something they do, to do so would be untrue. So I made sure not to use your bothersome term there because it just bring out witch hunters like you who bring nothing to the conversation.

Fuck back to pol/stupid niggerfaggot.

I don't post there stupid nigger.

Because they are a misguided team of fuckwits with an agenda.
>push show that aligns with our favorite ideology
>mention director to show people we are "informed about the production"
>mention director's most popular works to bait people into watching this one
It's that simple. People don't know Watanabe, they know Bebop and I wouldn't terribly surprised if they ever mentioned Watanabe WITHOUT mentioning what he directed. There are a small group of people like the pseudo-sakugafags who may know who Watanabe is, but people who are genuinely knowledgable about the production side of anime and all its talented individuals are not reading ANN articles because there is nothing there for you once you learn how to determine what you want to watch on your own.

>WOULD be terribly surprised*
I oopsed that word.

VEG is a weird case of overhyping. I haven't watched it but before it came out and while it was airing fucking everybody everywhere was going "Look at how beautiful it looks!?", but to this day I don't even know what it is about, just looking at any thread of any anime currently airing you can get an idea of what it is about, but with VEG it was IT LOOKS SO PRETTY while Yea Forums's counter force was just shitposting it, so you couldn't really get an idea of what it was about, and if you don't have an attachment to the studio it is hard to get interested in it.

So basically they worship Watanabe because he's a westaboo?

VEG is art and not a product, it's something different from what we've gotten used to hence the shitposting magnet it became.

They worship Watanabe because they want the Toonami ironic weeb audience.

That's nice and all, but what the hell is it about? Sell it to me

but veg looks like fucking shite, have you asshats all been brainwashed?

A 14(ish) years old baby that wants to learn to cry and can only do so by watching others suffer because she has a lot of blood on her hands.

soldier with PTSD tries to get over survivor's guilt and fit into her new job as a ghostwriter.

I don't know what they think because I'm just making assumptions according to what people are telling me in this thread. I do not read ANN's crap.

In this case it seems to me like they are using his name and fame as a vehicle to shill something they are rallying behind to their viewers due to how it aligns with their agenda. I don't know if they did the same thing for Zankou no Terror or Space Dandy but if they did then you may be right in thinking they have a hard-on for the guy.

Hello R-

hello Yea Forumsntrarian, are you still mad VEG is used to piss on your board?

They were shilling the hell out of Space Dandy before it began. Arguably even more than they are for this show.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to say the N word.


If I were you I'd at least check out an episode or two. I'm not saying you'll like it or that it's an overall masterpiece but it is a masterpiece of animation and if you watch anime because you are a fan of animation you'd be cheating yourself out of seeing something great. And who knows you may like it, some episodes are hit or miss but I did love a handful of them.

It wasn't even their best animated show, Hyouka looked better.

>every other soldier is a grizzled old man
>one of them is randomly a 14 year old girl
>there is no explanation given for this
I hate when anime does this shit.

At least a bunch of the people she killed were also quite young.

Underaged kids fought in WW1.

no it didn't

>why does ANN care so much about this show?
>why does a blog with a prog staff try to promote a show that panders to western prog audiences

Maybe they do just love Watanabe then, and in the case of Soace Dandy I'd commend them for pushing it because it's an animator jam session that anybody who's a fan of animation should watch. I still can't help but feel the shilling of Carol & Tuesday is anything but disingenuine because of my lack of respect for them but if they just love Watanabe that's fine.

And despite the negative stance I've taken I am a huge fan of most of Watanabe's work and am excited to this show as a fan of Studio Bones and anime that look for inspiration from outside of anime. I hate ANN and I will always be scepticle of their intentions but that won't affect my watching this show. I just hope the intentions of the shows creators weren't to push an agenda like ANN does. If it gets too preachy I will drop it.

They probably overhyped VEG because of the female MC. They didn't realize VEG is just nazi propaganda.

Hyoka focused on completely different techniques than VEG did. Comparing the artistic conceits of the two is pointless. Trash opinion.

>None of the other anime news sites (Japanese and non-Japanese) report on it as much as they do.
Because Watanabe isn't popular and diversity doesn't sell in Japan. Also, they don't care much about Netflix.

Still, he was joking when he mentioned "modern trends". I'm sure She-Man will be seen as other characters similar to it.

So are these threads gonna be doomed or will the riffraff go away after a couple episodes

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They don't, they just use his name as tool to tell people that this show is going to be as good as bepop, which is considered one of the best anime. In that way they make people watch it and shill it because if they say that is a bad show by extension it would be like saying that bepop is bad, and you can't say that because it's one of the best out there by "intellectuals" and would make you look dumb.
That's how psychology works.

So Watanabe is only popular among ANNfags?

>they don't care much about Netflix.
VEG did well there though.

We both know VEG was overhyped because of the ridiculously high production values it had since the very first PVs.

CV:Miyuri Shimabukuro
Vocal:Nai Br.XX

CV:Kana Ichinose
Vocal:Celeina Ann

Seem like the characters age are different when their on Mars or Earth.

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In all seriousness how likely is it that this is gonna flop in Japan?

Anime News Network has a horrendous staff, but it's a decent repository of staff and cast information.

50% it'll flop
50% it'll be a success.

Why do they have normie taste in music?

This is so fucking BAD holy shit.

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>become the new K-ON, whit not-mugi and fulltime brown azunyan

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Pretty likely since the anime is made with a Western Audience in mind. If they did Shibuya Kei, Idol, and Enka then it would've appealed to Japan

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When was the last time that a show that was clearly made for a Western audience actually did well in Japan?


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Bait threads? I assume, nobody is even watching the series or talking about the series here so if your question is "Will it be impossible to talk about Carole and Tuesday here" that's a no, go make a legit thread after the first episode is out and report anyone not talking about it.

I don't know why, but I feel bad for Angela. Child Actors and Models often have shit childhoods because they're pushed into the industry by their parents. It's one of the reasons why Micheal Jackson got messed up mentally.

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I want her to step on me

Kekkai Sensen.

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>cool female musicians like Beyonce, Adele and Aretha Franklin!
I can't.

I just can't.

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With that criteria not a single anime director is well-known outside of Miyazaki. Not Takahata, not Anno, not Shinkai, no one.
Watanabe is easily in the top 10 of the most well-known anime directors in the West.

The orbit of a planet determines how long a year is. Thus Martian and Earth years are different. But still refer to the same amount of time.

Beyonce, Adela and Aretha Franklin are safe choices. Japan doesn't have anything similar to sound cloud or mumblecore rappers in their country. Japanese Hip Hop puts more emphasis on poetry.

> Beyonce
> Ed Sheeran

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But what about Europe or Japan?

How come girls never want to do a proper job. Like, say a nurse, or a secretary, a crazy witch, or kindergarden teacher. No, they all wanna be super pop star and famous, and ritch bitch, to change the world and get all the dickings all at once? How come? What happened? Are these supposed to be the next generation's rolemodels? Abe? Abe!! Say something!!

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Can't wait for her to become a boy in the 2nd cour.

Nursing is hard to get into without a proper degree. The job sucks because nurses are often working hard due to lack of staff and increased amount of patients.

I wonder if Ebony and Ivory will be able to live together in perfect harmony

>the QR codes work

Hey that's kind of cool

When I say the West I mean North America plus Europe. I don't know about Japan.

I don't think Watanabe is even that well-known in Europe outside of oldfags. His popularity (at least the impression I get) is really solely US-centric.

FTM Transgender is career Harakiri

i see a nigger

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That's not the problem here buddy.

Not only all of those picks are terrible but they made sure to include "cool female musicians" in the official description, this is undeniably politically motivated. Out of countless actually good musicians and composers out there they just had to pick a few garbage ones solely because they're female.

i see a nigger that needs to be shot

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I don't know why, but I keep expecting Tuesday to be a Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen kinda person.

Why does Yea Forums hate popular music?

"cool female musicians" could mean anything, like Joan Jett, Madonna, Left Eye, and Alicia Keys



>why does ANN care so much about this show?
Because ANN is staffed with people who haven't seen enough anime to realize that Watanabe specializes in things that look good in concept but fail hard in execution.

All trash too. Worse still they made sure to only name black female musicians - because the character is a black female and has nothing else going for it.
This is as blatant as it gets mate.

At least in France he is. Here every normalfag 'anime enthusiast' who isn't a teenage shonenfag has Cowboy Bebop as his favorite anime. It's like The Wire of anime. Samurai Champloo is also fairly well-known, it aired on national tv when I was in middle school.

But Black Women in real life tend to prefer Black Female Musicians like Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Lauren Hill, Beyonce and so on. They have very limited taste in music.

Tell me what's your favorite female musicians then?

why is there a nigger in my cartoons?

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This looks an ironic oc Yea Forums came up with.


Hard to put my finger on it, but this is setting off my trash detector. I predict it will be shit.

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Weird, most of the black guys who like mecha, shonen or does computers tend to look like Wade from Kim Possible or Gus.

>favourite movies
>favourite music

we Deviantart OC now

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I doubt they picked those out of spite for how black women behave.

Elaine Paige, Sarah Brightman, Montserrat Caballé and Katherine Jenkins just to name a few.

I have zero issues with them being women - zero. Some of those have voices that could make you swear heaven sent you a gift.

Adele gets critical acclaim for subverting pop trends by being a braphog instead of a slim blonde that dangles her purity in front of the viewer.

>With that criteria not a single anime director is well-known outside of Miyazaki. Not Takahata, not Anno, not Shinkai, no one.
You're exactly right, they aren't. Even people who love Ghibli and Your Name don't know anything about Takahata and Shinkai, not even who they are. MAL has a function where you can search users by region. I got curious one day and searched my region and even though I live in the most populace Province of Canada (the region I searched) I could not find a single person who had as many titles listed on their profiles as me. Watanabe might be in the top 10 but that doesn't mean shit if 99% of people don't know about the other 9 people not just relative to number 1 but then relative to creatives from other forms of media.

>Stevie Nicks
Tuesday's definitely got the better taste in music.

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Can't be worse than Shitgatsu.

I thought she was gonna be in her mid-late 20s

Carole and Tuesday was made to appeal to normies, namely the kind of black women who work in the entertainment industry and the corporate offices.

>Also, why does ANN care so much about this show?

Based narcissist

>ywn be your own favorite anything

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Its releasing in Japan 2 episodes a week on Netflix starting next week. Netflix hasnt yet said the worldwide release but theyve put out their schedule through July so probably sometime after that.

Nah that's pretty accurate. Some DJs unironically think their own music is better than the industry.


It was made with blatant political bullshit inserted in it.
I'll say it again: one of the main characters has absolutely nothing going for her besides the fact that she's a woman and that she's black.

I cant believe shitty western pop music will save the world.

Fudge belongs on vanilla

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Carole seems harmless though. In real life, she'd just be a street musician performing music at parks, expos, and on subway platforms.

Then why not put those things on her hobbies and occupation?
No, they had to go full identity cancer.

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why don't I just watch fucking Disney Channel

>(they are currently male, but this varies from time to time).
what the fuck

Why do I get the sense that Dahlia is going to be the abusive parent?

Oh okay I get it now

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It just means that Dahlia just switches Japanese Pronouns. He uses Ore to assert male, Atashi for female

Don’t breath Martian air.

I feel like this could be salvaged if Dahila was voiced by Ryusei Nakao, or Shigeru Chiba

is Yoko Kanno at least doing the soundtrack?

Adele is black?

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Shoulda just let her be an old hag and given her a man voice like Granny Goodness in the DCAU

I would kill myself if I was this thing.

>47 and single

This is Tuesday's brother, say something nice about him.

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Just as they missed the final 'e' in Beyoncé I assume they switched the 'a' in Adela for an 'e'.
Yes, Adela exists and yes I'm sure the retards fucked up even the character description because ENGRISH.

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He looks douchey, but he'll probably be bro tier bro

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Lost Song was a Netflix show and yet ANN shat on it.

>Beyonce Aretha Franklin
do they only know 3 female musicians

If your sample is big enough you can pass anyone as a litteraly who. With the exception of a few major political or legendary figures, most famous people still have more persons who don't know about them than persons who know about them. This is not something specific to anime directors. But ANN readers are mostly anime enthusiasts, many of them will know about Watanabe.
Also, since you're talking about MAL, Watanabe is ranked high among the most favorited industry people. He's a little higher than Togashi and Toriyama, yet I doubt anyone who'd call them unknown. I think that means something.

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Looks like a literal inmate.

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>he becomes a girl

Finally, a Black character with God Tier Taste.

Female Artists tend to always want to be the ones who shake up the status quo with their music, or want to BE the genre.

>Two time divorcee
A fucking WHORE

I'm with her

Sorry, I'm tired.

>world's first Japanese anime
I mean I'm excited but that's super redundant

this seriously looks like Disney Channel: The Anime

>Kana Ichinose
Nice, I get to hear my girlfriend again.

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this is going to be a massive trainwreck isn't it

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Get your head out of your ass, there's nothing political about a teenage girl admiring female musicians. Kids usually look up to people the same gender as them. Last time I worked as a teacher's aide the girls all wanted to be Ariana Grande and the boys all wanted to be Michael Jordan. That's not political, that's just normal.

Didn't Persona 3-5 have all english Vocals?

This is gonna be an expensive flop

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I'm sure no matter how good/bad it is shitposters will constantly bring it up

How much do these musicians cost? Are they more expensive than the usual J-pop Idols from the Talent Agency?

One Piece did it first, and better.
Here the Opening Song.

Unlike you I'm not this naive, everything about the show screams western diversity and identity bullshit.


Why can't netflix fund something with an OST composed by Zimmer instead of those nobodies?

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Didn't they teach you guys racism was bad as a kid

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prog rock anime when?

Anime taught me we all are the same and to accept differnt people.

Anime is better at delivering the message because it doesn't talk down to people.

Hans Zimmer would probably cost more than the rest of the entire production.


Original Story: Bones, Shinichiro Watanabe

Supervising Director:Shinichiro Watanabe

Director: Motonobu Hori

Original Character Designer: Eisaku Kubonouchi

Character Designer: Tsunenori Saito

Main Animators: Yoshiyuki Ito, Naoyuki Konno

World Design: Thomas Romain, Stanislas Brunet

Art Director: Ryo Kono

Color Design: Yukiko Kakita

Director of Photography: Masataka Ikegami

3DCG Director: Takuma Miyake

Editing: Kumiko Sakamoto

Music: Mocky

Sound Effects: Shizuo Kurahashi

Mix Engineer: Masashi Yabuhara

Music Production: FlyingDog

Animation Production: Bones


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California is the only state that the other countries like, the other 49 are just jealous.

At least one of the key animators is worth his salt.

Koume is 100x better than that retard.

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Why does Yea Forums and /pol/ care so much as ton shitpost about this show before it even airs is the better question.

Carole and Tuesday looks like it's going to be an expensive flop because the show doesn't know who it's target audience is.

>Yea Forums

It's just Ikuharafags trying to divert attention away from their own threads for the season.

The show knows exactly who its target audience is.

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Normies like Dragonball, Naruto, and Pokemon

Incorrect, newfag.

The characters have completely normie, borderline boomer taste in music.

>47 years old

Why does Miyano keep playing characters like this?

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She's a carrier women. If she really cared about having a family she would have chosen another job. I bet she fucks young boys on the side anyway.

It's his forte.

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Is this high impact damage control?

I think we're just arguing semantics at this point. I am a huge fan of Watanabe and I'm sure lots of people know who he is just the way people talk a lot of the time seems to suggest they forget how small the anime fandom still is relative to other forms of media and within that the people who know anything about production details and the industry's auteurs are even fewer in number. Always best to keep things in perspective, it leads to better discussion.

It's you wasting trips on non-arguments because you don't have any.

I honestly cannot wait for this anime. Pretty much this and Bocchi are the only things worth watching for me this season, from what I can see so far.

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One will hopefully have considerable better threads than the other.

>tfw Hourou Musuko threads were like this at first, too
I can wait it out.

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Because niggers are part of SJW agenda.

How did Shield Hero do?

>They didn't realize VEG is just nazi propaganda.

Attached: stupidity and justice.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Come watch Promare with us, faggot.

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Whats this fucking agenda boogeyman you /pol/tards are so adamant about? Two girls making music upsets the white power structure? Because in that case stop watching teen idol moeshit.

I guess I'll check out one of the movies the screenwriter has written. This seems the most celebrated.

Attached: JoseeTigerTigerFish1.jpg (345x480, 39K)

Damn, are those muscles real?

>low effort CG shit that tries to cash in on KLK nostalgia
hard pass.

>only browse Yea Forums between seasons
>see thread and browse
>everybody in the thread immediately throws a tantrum

I'm clearly missing something.

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The best part about all this is the fact that we probably won't be getting any subs because Netflix is holding the simulcasting rights for the show hostage and not a single website is going to risk getting DMCA'd by hosting it themselves.

No matter which side of this shitflinging contest you're on, nobody wins. Get fucked. All of you.

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this and OPM2 are the big shitposting targets for the season
join the fun

Most of their neews articles aren't biased, just reporting news. The few that you can argue are are mostly their reviews which aren't really "news".

>implying I want to watch it

no, it's part of the costume
hey, if you don't like KINO with Zimmerman soundtrack, but in good instead of the same old crappy orchestra, your loss.

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I don't see why they wouldn't when LWA, VEG, and HisoMaso were all Netflix shows that got subs without any problems.

I hope he fucks every bitch in this show just to trigger you turbospeg incels.

>your loss
the only loss that I would incur is the loss of my time if I watched promare.

You are the other side of the very SJW coin you despise - the anti-SJW who's not even cognizant that he seeks to find controversy and politics as an affront to his identity and ideology even when there is none.

Anxiously waiting for the best boy

Attached: 97550.jpg (640x480, 25K)

Dumb newfag

Hope he gets with the main male lead.

>Come to think of it, it seems ANN ends up praising almost anything Netflix puts out.

No they haven't

They gave tepid responses to shows like ID-0, B, that BONES sci-fi show

>Come watch Promare with us, faggot.

Nah, too gay

>triggerfags have to go to a shitposting thread to beg for views

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It's been pretty shit post-LWA(which while good could have been better), so I can't really blame them.

>expecting "zimmerman" soundtrack
>watching carol and soda pop tuesday
I just pointed out an obvious mismatch, and offered an equally obvious solution: only KINO gets the KINO soundtrack, afterall.

Attached: DzO9EmMX0AEctTw.png large.png (615x758, 379K)

There's a nigger, and it's on netflix, that's why.

Will he be Carole's love interest or Tuesday's?

Because it'd be fucking stupid for two teenage girls to have the same musical taste a 20 to 30 something otaku men.

Disbelief or just plain new?

This show looks decent but the threads will most certainly not be.
>influenced by
50 years after mankind began migrating to Mars and they expect us to believe that literally anyone would know a single one of these artists?

Designed for hardcore gay doujins.

Diversity sucks?

Don’t watch 99% of anime

They like kekkai sensen from the creator of trigun. The anime at least

It's strange but it's not like there aren't people out there playing the likes of Mozart, Beethoven, or Bach right now.

>No Wild Stallyns cameo

Yeah, all those white people in all the anime you watch are so gosh darn white aren't they? So white that it's odd how anime is usually made and set in Japan and not America because all the characters in anime are definitly white Americans. Even the ones in fantasy or sci-fi settings with completely unique fabricated cultures and nationalities, all actually white Americans.


It's fine, there isn't too much diversity in CGDCT shows.

>Durian soda

First thing they'd do when allowing people to go to mars is ban fucking durians

>implying isn't tia carrere

Have you even read the novel? It's not aimed at westerners.
Violet is just the latest successful Rei clone.

>Not Neiman and Fletcher

Fuck off ANN kikes

Not true. There's usually one blond foreigner girl and sometimes a delicious brown as well. That's diversity!

>Still no Shiori Experience adaptation
But then again the budget would kill Bones in one go


Can't you read?
>there isn't too much
At least brown girls in CGDCT shows don't look like niggers.

maybe its just the blur and fitlers that put megalobox to shame?
looks like tsutomu domon
>all english
i have no words to express my disgust

Attached: aquarion-logos-08-to-11-02.jpg (512x288, 49K)

The pieces of garbage at ANN all hate anime so why should we listen to them?

go ask the 3x3 autistic faggots, apparently it's part of their circlejerk now

>watches CGDCT moeshit where nothing happens like the fat disgusting neet he is
You otaku-hikkikomori incels destroyed the fucking anime industry, not Netflix

Go back

based Tanya poster

Fuck Yea Forums and fuck you with a horsecock dildo

cute retard
zimmer is overrated trash that ruined orchestral soundtracks forever
yah japan is soo diverse
laeticia sadier, siouxie sioux, laurie anderson, sharon van etten, hope sandoval, janis ian, pam berry
...i can name a few

Oh good, a rapping anime with no fanservice and bad singers.
Truly what we needed to save this industry.

>zimmer is overrated trash
t. nigger

Has it never occurred to you that music isn't meant to be a static thing and that geniuses often bridge generations?

How likely is this that this will tank hard in Japan?

Black girls are pretty excited about it in twitter. I guess they're are targeting PoC.

Favorite instruments

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Because the show has nogs in it, obviously. Western NPCs will virtue signal about it, nips won't watch it because the character design looks like ass.

It's not made for the Nips anyway

>White girl is called Tuesday not the nigger
Immersion breaking

It won't tank in Japan.

>Flying lotus and thundercat

Cause no one watch it in the first place.

>former state of texas
What happened?

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>fat-positive ugly tranny
Is this what anime has become?

Miyano comme Takuhashi

I hope it is not some unbearable melodrama in the end.

If they live on Mars there's a reason.

Why is this allowed

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Fuck it. This would've otherwise flown under my radar but the massive chimpouts from crossboarders is compelling me to check it out just for the sake of it. I hope it's good for what it is and I hope it gets popular just to piss you guys off

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If it flops hard, will there be a lot of butthurt?

No, cause most of people didn't know it even exist

What about Westaboos? Will they go "Japan has shit taste" again?

I can't wait for space-arc. The wars between Mars and Earth

>>Kana Ichinose
Ichigo climbing the ranks I see.
That's nice.

looks like we'll have to disguise the Carol and Tuesday threads from now on.
I'll think of something

Will this be popular in China? Considering a lot of shows that didn't do well in Japan did well in China.

>I can't wait for space-arc. The wars between Mars and Earth

Intergalactic song battles, you say?!

>Also, why does ANN care so much about this show?
Because they're subhuman woke basedboys excited to push a show about niggers and sexual deviants.

China doesn't like niggers either.

>I'm pretty sure that it have nothing to do with diversity though
Why would you think this? You've seen how they behave with Vic, or Goblin Slayer. They're committed leftists, and in the current year that means a religious view toward diversity.

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Because they're isn't plot.

Or, worse, it's going to have a plot like a tumblr indie game.

So only Americans are going to like this show?


Show is going to flop - people who want to look at gorllias already have the Nature channel.

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IIRC she's a killer robot.

This fails a basic writing tenant - write the most intreating part of your character's life.

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>Because Watanabe isn't popular

Bebop is one of the best selling TV anime ever made.

Space Dandy flopped hard because it was retarded.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53_[2018.09.01_03.03.31].png (1280x720, 1.41M)

It's Mexico again.

Given that no one is watching this show and I'm emjoying whatever the fuck these threads are, I doubt it

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Why did they make one of the leads ugly? That's not a good idea in a show that sells soley based on looking nice.

best girl spotted

Are you one of the people who considered Akanesasu ending bad because it "didn't explain enough"?

It's made for a tumblr audiance.

At least this's not Trigger, so no Aliens

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ANN is changing that, if you didn't notice.
I wonder how much they got paid.

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Almost no one liked AS outside of Yea Forums though

Bebop was popular but virtually everything else he made afterwards did poorly and are forgotten except by hipsters and anime westaboos.


But why does this exist? Is it touched by the taint of the mutant? Why has no kne put it to the sword?

For a second, I though we had a character who wasn't ugly.

I was wrong.

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But where's her Frankenstein Radio Control skullcap?


>African art

(((Soundtrack that transcends international borders.)))

What the fuck does this even mean?

What a sad time we live in. There were so many anime with black characters or lesbians people loved for decades but now suddenly we have to hate everything.

It's probably going to be a trainwreck because Watanabe made nothing good in decades but those threads are so fucking retarded.

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But those musicians aren't shit. That's also a survivor bias - there were far more popular composers in that time who were forgotten.

>At least brown girls in CGDCT shows don't look like niggers.
This kills the netshitx

I think one of the themes is that music is dominated by AI made shit for decades so it makes sense they are looking at popular past artists.

Yes. You were never going to escape it.

Hopefully more like interplanetart mass driver battles.

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Not sure what you're talking about.

>I wonder how much they got paid
I don't think they needed to be.

>but now suddenly we have to hate everything.
Yeah, but she doesn't look like injection-moulded industrial waste.

What a repulsive design. Those fucking body proportions

already my favorite character

>This guy walks out of his zoo enclosure and slaps your waifu's ass

What do you do?

He's the most attractive character in the entire cast so congrats to him I guess. What a chad.

Call security drones with my neurolinked app and he gets put in jail for sexual harassment.

it's your average american body

Boomers like Beyonce ever since she was part of Destiny's Child, and went solo.

Watanabe shows always had semi realistic designs.

Couldn't they have gotten Matsuko DX to voice the tranny?

No one will like this show. Why bother with anime if you can see same shit you see on western tv.
All westaboo anime is a flop a priori.

Watanabe shows looks better when they play around with colors and lighting. Carole and Tuesday looks too bright and sacchine for it's own good.

As a yurichad I can look at this show as win-win. If it turns out to be yuri I get what I want, and if it doesn't I get to see the SJW circus that will undoubtedly go down.

>Implying that there are any differences
>implying that there are no differences

I think Western culture as perceived by the Japanese is pretty neat in all honesty.

Why the fuss over a show that hasn't even been aired yet?

Well, ANN isn’t gonna exist before the end of the year, so no wonder they’re milking it for all it’s worth.

Any difference they have is more likely to be class-based.

She's not a robot doofus. I remember retards constantly asking if she was a robot during the first 4 episodes.

>eating on the move
thats not a fucking hobby

>age 17
>place of birth mars
how come it doesn't specify his mars age?

So will this be a massive trainwreck of the season? I'm getting kinda excited.

A trainwreck is insteresting to watch despite it being shit.
No, this will be just Yea Forums garbage animated by japanese hands.

>lame drama with music theme

Reminder that racism is a bannable offence, please refrain from saying the n-word.

You had a point till you ignored Dandy.


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It's ok if it comes out of the mouth of a loli

How buttblasted would /u/ be?

At least he has a god-tier seiyuu.

Every female except Tuesday have shit taste in music.

Well, of course. It's so clear he's going the be the douchebag of the show.

> we

I think you mean the cuckoos that nested here and won't fucking leave.

Does this mean Tao is going to be Berry Gordy?

The fuck, user? Is this trolling? Being a nurse or a teacher sucks big time. NOBODY in their sane minds would do such shitty jobs unless they were really desperate for money or went into teaching/nursing when they were still in their 'gonna save the world!' chuuni period. Kids today are much more cynical and profit-oriented, which is partially good as they are not going to b exploited and sucked dry as adults.
My mum's a primary school teacher.

>Kids today are much more cynical and profit-oriented, which is partially good as they are not going to b exploited and sucked dry as adults.
Is this what murridumbs really believe? This world is done for.

I have no idea about Americans, maybe you should ask on /int/.

Why the fuck wouldn't they want to be a superstar living in luxury? Nobody actually wants to be stuck teaching snot-nosed brats, cleaning bedpans, or filing papers for their whole adult lives.

I bet Carol. Wouldn't put it past him to do the love triangle for drama though.

Dandy was autistic garbage. It flopped for a reason.

Watanabe has always leaned towards Western sensibilities.

Bebop not even popular in japan fucktard get some rope

watanabe has been doing "western diversity" bullshit since cowboy bebop, you fucking teen

What, they're having money trouble?

Dude, the virtue points are there ups for grab. If you are an ironic weebjournofaggot, is heavensent.

He seens great, I like him already

No one besides Stalkerfags actually cares about sales.
So probably no

Is this yuri?

Attached: 56164.gif (502x436, 387K)


No, but it has a major transgender character.

No one of them has a big futa cock

Which one?


Attached: [Anon] High Score Girl - 10 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_19.39_[2019.01.20_21.29.46].jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Show me the cock then.

Who are you talking about?

Beyonce was irrelevant due to Destiny's Child success.

>No one of them has a big futa cock
To be fair, any person drinking Martian water can become partially of opposite sex so that might be true.


>drinking Martian water
So Neo-Venezia is also a sex-tourism center?

Look at Angela, whose mommy looks like ugly sugar daddy.
Any of us would gladly take in Angela be it in her natural female or male form alike.
Mars is LGBTQ+ degenerency.

It sold 40k you absolute retard. It was a gigantic hit.

Educate yourself.

Attached: [DeadFish] Aria the Origination - 13 [DVD][480p][AAC].mp4_snapshot_23.53_[2016.01.15_03.13.16].png (848x480, 824K)

Only thing of worth on that site is its encyclopedia. Its users, reviewers and "journalists" can fuck right off.

chemicals in the water turn the martians gay?

Too many niggers dropped

>nothing to do with diversity though
lol c'mon now

Attached: yougottabekidding.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

Stop giving ANN clicks.

Getting buttmad at an anime for being "too SJW" is just as stupid as getting buttmad at an anime for being "problematic."

I doubt it will be but I hope it is just to see the resulting meltdown on Yea Forums

Left is cute. Right is really ugly.

go back to /pol/ fucking asshole

In this particular case, who knows. Netflix has experimented with simulcasts in the past, but AFAIK it hasn't done that in the US yet. It's likely that it'll be released in bulk in a few months.

I don't like her design at all what is wrong with that. I think her design terrible and ugly. You seem a bit obsessed.

Shit taste

The one on the right is hideous. What were they thinking? Your taste is shit.

>Tuesday's mother and older brother aren't called Sunday and Monday respectively

Attached: 1543993446640.png (385x330, 124K)

>3DPD reaction pic
Fuck off /pol/, you're cancer who doesn't belong on Yea Forums.

>unlike Monday can't legitimately slack off because nobody works seriously on Monday
>unlike Friday can't slack off because nobody works seriously on Friday
>unlike Wednesday or Thursday you'r enot on full power and the weekend is not in sight
>the idea that you actually have to work is just settling in
Who names their daughter after the worst day of the week?

That's tame compared to what black people usually name their offspring. Worst example I've seen in medicine was:
>pronounced LUH DASH UH

china had to censor the nigger on the star wars vii posters
Looks like the resident yurifag shitposter with utter trash taste is here, as expected he will eat this shit up.


>Ed Sheeran

Attached: 1447072265701.jpg (1250x1250, 400K)

>started posting on Yea Forums in 2016 (during election year, who would've thought!)
>crackships yuri in Aria
>too retarded to change filenames so every single post is easily identifiable
>shitposts in Kemurikusa threads and is pro Kadokawa
>LLfag and shills the game, probably browses /vg/
Yep, this is the target audience for carole and cuckday

comparing legendary composers to modern music trash

Attached: 1554447386924.jpg (171x216, 16K)

Its okay to have shit taste user. No one's obligated to agree

Attached: carole_face.png (418x443, 122K)

Don't forget the deadfish subs, so probably browses from a toaster PC in a third world country

>why does ANN care so much about this show? They don't stop talking about it and keep publishing articles about it.
Just checked their site. They've written a grand total of 9 articles since March 2018. You faggots seem to care about its existence a lot more than they do. It's obvious what narrative you people are trying to push here. Why dont you go and take it up with a board that gives a shit about your culture war
Oooh research me too user. I'm also the target audience starting now

Attached: Doomposting.jpg (720x900, 96K)

>no loli anime this season
>but this trash
It's the end.

Attached: 1549744431957.jpg (1200x674, 90K)

>loli anime
You have no right to call anything trash

This show will probably be okay but I already hate the type of race-baiting fandom it will attract.
The injection of 'I only like anime that reaffirm my weird race/sexuality/tranny fetish' fans have ruined so many good anime that I just can't bring myself to enjoy anymore.

Tiger and Bunny, MyHero and so on.

>expecting anything from Watanabe after Terror in Resonance
The only good thing you will probably get out of this westaboo garbage is a good OST.
Certainly not looking forward to watching this with Yea Forums since it's bound to attract both yurifaggots and frogfuckers

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Carole looks cute.

Where are you guys even coming from? Anime has always been diverse as one of its biggest inspirations was hollywood.

Probably discord?
Also sage the thread next time please.

Why sage the thread?

THat haircut is terrible, you see her giant forehead
Anime bangs exist for a reason


Attached: 1539286479881.gif (294x224, 988K)

The thread is clearly designed to bait posters into disliking the show. While, frankly, it looks boring and uninteresting. This thread is giving shitposters a reaction they want. Thus reducing the quality of discussion on Yea Forums.

I am in just for thundercat. The soundtrack is going to be off the charts.

>designed to bait posters into disliking the show
As someone who signed up for music and lesbians and nothing else, let me tell you, the show is designed to draw me into disliking it. Everything about this promotional material is fucking disgusting. I've pretty much already dropped it, but I'll give it the courtesy episodes.

Then why come to the thread and talk about it when you've already dropped it?
Why bother telling me this when I don't care what you think?

Subs for what?

More like that one shitposter joined these threads.