What Nintendo should have an anime?

What Nintendo should have an anime?

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Your mom

Give me an Earthbound anime in the style of Tezuka

>we will never get a kid icarus anime
Why even live?

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Anime potential:
>God tier
>High tier
Mario, splatoon
>Mid tier
>Low tier
legend of zelda
Metroid God tier because the japs love their silent protagonists.
zelda is low tier because noone will be able to beat each nerds head canon and everybody will just be disappointed.
Pic related, you know I am right.

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Whatever happened to that Kid icarus anime nIntendo released on 3ds?
I never did find a download for it.

Splatoon kids anime

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What about the Kid Icarus OVA? It was fun.

I hate furries but star fox or they can do captain falcon

Are you forgetting something?

I'd take a Fire Emblem 4 anime so I could see the secondaries' reactions to the Belhalla BBQ. My runner up would be Metroid but I think most companies would be too tempted to make everything CG for it and it would end up looking like vomit.

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Up yours, Kirby is mid-tier because it's the only game anime which is actually worth a damn, unlike F-zero( the twist ending with the time fuckery prophesy fucking ruined it, despite the memes)

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a Kid Icarus anime would be at least high tier

Mario and Zelda don't need an Anime, they would never live up to the hype.

Kirby, but this time more faithful to the game. And make Marx more like Griffith.

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I would say The Legend of Zelda, but maybe I would have liked the idea better while growing up in the 2000s. It could have had a very similar visual style to series such as InuYasha or Fullmetal Alchemist, or the later Bleach and Naruto anime series. What would they go with now, for an art style of the show? Are there any examples that you have in mind, which they might base their art off of?

Metroid by Madhouse

What hype, elevens don't give two shits about Metroid.

>Most deserving
Fire Emblem, but Xenoblade would also translate well to anime.

Marx as Griffith is something I desperately need

I wouldn't mind seeing metroid animated.

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Splatoon for sure.

It has waifus, adorable kids and adorable squids

Nintendo already had an anime, though I forgot what it was called. I think the Tetris character was hard gay for Link, Mario was a warlord, and there were Sega characters.

It also has a manga that's perfect for an anime adaptation. I wish there were more chapters.

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what time fuckery prophesy? i thought that he overheated the machine with his car

Mother 1 because I want to see the scene where Ninten and Ana dance and then Ana confesses her love to him animated.

Splatoon sounds like a fun option, but what kind of ideas they could explore?

I want a Xenoblade 2 anime but the problem is they'd probably be too beholden to the story to do anything fun with the other Rare Blades outside of the party ones. And if they did it'd just be Praxis and Theory because of the Kawasumi Wank

>too beholden to the story to do anything fun with the other Rare Blades outside of the party ones
It's more that they'd be way too short on time.

I want a Xenoblade 2 anime as well, but it's way too late for that I think.

I mean we're getting a CG movie for Dragon Quest V, which came out decades ago.
Apples to Oranges I know especially considering how fanatic Japan is with DQ but I don't think it's too late.

Star Fox

Wii Fit

>Elder God-tier
Wario ware anime.
You can not convince me that Wario ware wouldn't make the best anime.

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Mother 3, preferably produced by Ghibli

I'm not going to try and talk you out of an opinion which is objectively correct.

This. I don't give a fuck about Fire Emblem or Zelda
Also, Metroid would also work as an anime

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Definitely this along with a warioware adaptation, seriously warioware gold was just well gold.

>How To Train Your Dragon Quest

Pokenon Adventures

Anything but Metroid because I know Sakamoto will use that to drag Samus through the mud even more.

I'm a huge Dragon Quest fan but I'm not against this artstyle, I wonder why though, all the major Dragon Quest public is in Japan, who is the target audience?
Did they want some "cool looking CGI" so they went with what worked in the west?