Only a couple more months till it comes out bros
How are you holding up?
Only a couple more months till it comes out bros
How are you holding up?
this is Yea Forums though
Kill La Kill is an anime
It doesn't look bad, but a fighting game with so few character just seems like a waste of money
>entire main cast + new characters
>+ goku uniform transformations.
Its as many as your average fighting game
Not really excited for it, but I'm gonna get it anyways.
God I hate mako's english voice, it's such garbage, especially compared to the original. luckily there's a jap version too.
I'm stoket for the game, I'm stoket for the sushio artbook, and in a world where less and less devs show footage of thr actual game, it's really nice to see arcsys showing live footage all the time of it. it really shows you how confident they are in their work and how they know it's gonna be good.
is this only for consoles or will the master race get it too?
I'm pretty sure Satsuki is a pc user.
this english voices are so cringe in anime
but then again anime japanese probably also sounds cringe to native japanese speakers
what a terrible voice, I can't finish the video
I think it's very much dependent on execution. Especially in this examples, the abridged version online is less obnoxious than this dub.
Satsuki butt
But what if I'm afraid of fighting games?
Is it true that the story is an AU from Satsuki's perspective?
looking at the trailer in the op it appears that way
I watched the gameplay reveal stream at Evo and it looked pretty bad
Like they tried to make a Platinum game but failed at it
i want more mako porn
>satsuki's tit popped put of her costume in the vid and her nip is censored
No it isn't, it has 2 versions of Ryuko and Satsuki (maybe 3, I don't know if the super modes are permanent characters), one single version of the 4 devas, Nui, Ragyo and free dlc Mako and Nudis Beach robot. That's at most 14 characters, really lacking for a fighting game, specially one that isn't going for the competitive crowd
Huh. Guess someone was left unsatisfied by her performance in the show.
nice bait user
>dub trailer
look again at 4:09
average fighting game has less than this cast for the first release excluding dlc.
when will i get a gf who looks at me the same way ryuuko looks at sukuyo's korokke...
oh shit that did look like a censor
blazblue has 12 characters.
this isn't a 2d fighter you idiot fighting game nig.
Really wish we got KLK characters in BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle instead but we're stuck with shitty fauxime characters from a shitty fauxime webtoon.
Unist had 11
That's exactly what I'm sayin you idiot. This is like the Naruto Storm games or the DB Tenkaichi ones, games the gameplay is pretty mediocre but get carried by the huge cast of anime characters and overall fanservice. "D fighters get by with small casts because tourneyfags pick one high tier main and ignore the others, a game not for that audience should have more single player content and characters so it doesn't get repetitive after one afternoon of playing.
>thats what i said
>goes on to keep claiming irs a 2d fighter
no one gives a shit about your tourneys sperg nigger.
Until the game gets:
Tsumugu without DTR
Ragyo with normal dress
Senketsu Satsuki
Junketsu Ryuko
and at least one alt for the Devas
I'll wait.
This is the internet tho.
this genre is 3d arena like those old mecha arena games.
Its not really the same thing as "2d fighting game" genre seen in organised competitions.
The trailer even says that its casual.
Am I the one who loves the dub?
Mako saying 'HOLY BAZONGERS!'
makes me lel.
No, I said that 2D fighters are the ones that get by with small rosters, I specifically compared this to the Ninja Storm games, games that are fun because of the variety of characters
I don't mind the dub, but the english va for mako really phoned it in for this trailer.
>Yea Forums
>dub trailer
>sounds like Ruby Rose for added cringe and earcancer
>fighting game
Everytime this game is posted you or some guy that sounds like you starts posting this shit.
Its got more characters than a typical fighter so what in the ever loving fuck is your point?
Maybe the people I saw playing were just retarded, but the game looks shockingly bad considering the pedigree behind it. Jump Force unironically looked better.
Let's hope it won't be as garbage as Akko's game was
it looks goat for what it is anime celshading klk game
>>implying you watched RWBY before Kill la Kill was in.
in most cases english dub casts are never as good as the original even if the original cast isn't particularly that talented. in this case the main VA cast for KLK honestly is pretty fucking stellar so the dub really cannot even slightly compare
No. KLK's dub always was amazing. Really good shit.
You guys love to compare between the two. I love it because it's their own thing with their own performances, also the direction and writing for the show.
Oh yeah, I even prefer the dub of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because of its uniqueness. The Japanese dub is honestly bad due to being your typical anime.
today i will remind them
I'm more excited for the artbook than anything. It just doesn't look that fun to play and the character expressions are so stiff it makes the whole jan-ken mechanic fall flat.
I guess triggerniggers don't really care about hiding the fact that they are Yea Forumstards huh?
I cant even post on Yea Forums because mysteriously range banned
I see a KLK thread, I come to talk about KLK, that's all