Watashi ni tenshi

Dont mind me just posting the best girl

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Made for compensated dating

With OLs.

Mya mya best girl

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does she have the gay?


I can't believe they all died

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For your sins

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she's already taken

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user's masturbation killed those little girls?

What would sex with her be like?


the cutest

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She is slowly giving in
Can we expect a Mya munching ending on the manga?

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what did they mean by that?

gay sex

Give me 3 reasons why she's best girl

I personally think we'll get a timeskip ending, especially since Miyako isn't necessarily a lolicon rather than Hanasexual.

>yuri lolis will fall for the dick eventually.

1, She's cute
2. She's funny
3. Noa!


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>Show where most of the cast is lolis
>Best girl is not the loli
Why does this always happen?

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I want to BANG! Noa

I want Noa to BANG! me

Don't mind me, just posting the future president of japan.

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what will be her politics to raise the birthrate

Free iPS babies for all lesbian couples. All heterosexual relationships are outlawed.

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Mya-nee getting more doujin!

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Koyori was about to answer that question.

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Why just Japan? Why not America as well?

It's not like her answer would be any different.

She'll be Lesbodictator of the world soon enough.

Content is shit again but that aside the art is fucking awful. Sure hope someone good picks this up too, assuming it's even getting more stuff. At least there are decent pieces between the normal fanart.

That would eradicate men!

Thats not Matsumoto

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Musouduki has already drawn several Wataten images so hopefully we get a Wataten Loli & Futa chapter

That's not funny or anything to laugh about.

HInata's Girlfriend is very cute


When she said that I laughed because it's exactly what I was thinking.

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