It's one of those classics that I never really got around to watching, though I feel like I should have before.
Even if I'm not a NEET, I relate to this too fucking much. Tatsuhiro is like me but with all of the negative traits and aspects of my life turned up to the extreme, and it honestly makes the show hard to watch sometimes.
Does it get more serious as the show goes on, or does it always teeter on comedic and dramatic?
N.H.K. Thread
Shit escalates as it goes on, until reaching a climax halfway through.
Then turns to shit and gags for a while until the ending arcs, where it gets good again.
The anime, book and manga have different endings. The anime is the happiest one.
Wonder how the author is doing.
The anime ending is the exact same as the novel.
>talking shit about the MMORPG arc
Not much, still living off the royalties from the book. Wonder if it's as loved in Japan as it is over here.
Must have been some big royalties.
Misaki is too pure
I started this recently. On the 4th episode. Is misaki real or just a figment of his psyche?
YOU were Mizaki all along!
Last I remember he was depressed again because the royalties from the book enabled him to go back to being a hikkikomori
You don't need much to live as a hikkikomori. Food is extremely cheap in Japan.
NHK was ahead of its time in many ways, it's crazy that it's almost two decades old and feels so relevant to modern Otaku culture.
I guess it was an ok change of pace after the suicide island arc, where shit legit got too real; but then it led to the pyramid scheme arc which nosedived a near 10/10 story down to a 4/10 gag show and never truly recovered until his besto frendo left.
You say like that's a good thing.
But the pyramid arc has the payoff for the MMORPG arc which is one of the hardest hitting moments in the show.
The thing is, it will always be relevant, even more so as people have to do less work to live.
you will resort to your room and you won't even know why.
it is, as long as you control it.
Being an anti social fag isn't good in any capacity. You do realize Tatsuhiro is supposed to be seen as pathetic right?
Prepare your stomach for episodes from 12 to 19.
he isn't suppose to seen under any light.
the show, by all means, is just s snapshot of human interactions, it doesn't say anything by itself but leaves a lot of food for thought and do engage the viewer with it, which is why it's so great.
by Satu eyes, he is a loser, but honestly, is he? compared to whom?
Misaki didn't really finish highschool and it boils down to question of semantics.
I will save us the trouble.he isn't a loser, he does bring up compassion in the viewer, and show you the road not taken.
>Being an anti social fag isn't good in any capacity
you didn't say much, so i won't say much as well and say again.
it will only become more and more relevant, for better or worse, as you view it.
but it's fine as long as you have it under control.
it seems Satou did have it, in the show at least. he just needed a little budge in the right direction and a little wake up call.
>Does it get more serious as the show goes on, or does it always teeter on comedic and dramatic?
the show always slides back and forth between extremely serious and goofy. i dont know how far you are but it gets pretty dark at times, namely the offline meeting and then the ending.
Apparently he's into weird new age cult shit and has published another novel last November.
Really liked some ideas in this show but they end up executed in a way I don't like so I dropped after 5 episodies or so.
bro what.
The whole point of the show is Satou learning that no matter if he ends up succeeding or not, he has to at least try his best. That's why he's content with his shitty job and life at the end, because now he is trying to better himself.
I agree with you, but it doesn't say he is a loser.
we all succumb to our routine and jobs, life, school.
some of the 4channels are neets, but it's just different stages of life.
as long as you are on the way towards progression, any progression. it's better since it's not degenerative .
that's one message we can take from the show.