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Buyfag thread
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read the guide
Can't wait for the inevitable hot glue videos.
Why'd it have to be a bunnyfig
I got $30 in monopoly bucks from TOM. What should I buy?
Why is there always such TOM shilling going on?
I’m happy this franchise is getting figures.
Why’d they have to sculpt such a boring pose for a sexy girl?
It's literally in the guide
I got 2 prize figures for $8, goodluck.
Literally not.
god tier
Got to keep it afloat somehow. I'm surprised other "local" stores like Ixu haven't also started shilling here.
Do you get bonus (5toubun no Hanayome vol. 9) when ordering online from Animate (Miku illustration)? It doesn't say on their page unlike Toranoana or Melonbooks who have different illustrations.
Man, should I buy this? It would be my first lewd figure. Ticks all the boxes for me
The answer is always yes
Which Asuka is best?
I want your opinion, user-kun.
How many more times do you need to be told you fucking idiot
Most bunny figures are 1/4
You've asked this at least 3 times now and everyone said left. Order the fucking figure and fuck off
Alter vs Bellfine. Is this a serious question?
Which Asuka is best?
One not pictured
>the only way buyfag threads stay alive is with shitposts and samefags
A truly dark era is upon us
I'll take slow threads over the shitpiles we've had for a while now.
Based doomposter. Your "buyfagging threads are dying" posts are the only thing keeping us going
Thanks for including me user
Saw this the other day.
Some chink character made by a chink company I think
Thoughts on Wing?
>It's april now
>this shit comes out this month
Hooo boy. It's gonna be my first Pulchra, what can I expect lads? Has anyone else here has purchased a Pulchra fig in the past before?
daym, kinda wanted this but then i saw it was pulchra
They have some okay figures but generally not that great.
Why? A lot of people here have similar thoughts.
>Preorder a figure of a character months back
>Suddenly, new figure of a character becomes available and it looks better than the one you preordered
Life is suffering.
That's what you get for ordering the Bellfine one
Choose one: purple or black
Then get it
You can expect to get fucked, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
That one doesn't look good either.
I've got hopes for something at least average
>simple colors
>little clothes
>no small pieces that can break
>PVC as opposed to 3D print resin
I shouldn't get my hopes up, but Houtengeki deserves at least that one chance.
Oooookay well that’s one for black
I just wanted Ochako on my shelf
>67,800 JPY
but why
Because some idiot is willing to pay that price
I hope
Misato is my favorite character but I ended up not even opening the previous sexy statue I got of her.
Did any of you modify the shelf height on your detolfs? How did you go about doing it personally?
I'm thinking of getting some wire rope clips (pic related) once I build mine and using those but I wanted to get some other opinions.
Amico take my money reeeeeeee
That illya looks, lumpy.
Geesh... Why does nobody like Hikari ?
Shes full of my tentacle semen babies
does CD Japan take preorder payments up front? I couldn't find info on if any of the sites take preorder payments up front on buyfag and I don't want to end up accidentally bouncing my account whenever it ships if they don't take payment up front
Last month I preordered something from them that releases next week, and put it on the same order as an in-stock item. I paid at that time. Make an account first instead of just paying through Paypal and everything is pretty straightforward
Make sure to post pictures when it collapses!
Which is why I'm asking about it prior to doing it.
I know some people have posted pictures of their displays in the past and they had some shelf mods on their own.
should I just go with Paypal, what I'm ordering doesn't come out until July
Its fine, just make an account with them first.
you guys think sometime in the future we might be able to impregnate our figures?
So Ive noticed some bootlegs have higher quality than others. Is there a guide to picking out good bootlegs, or reviews of certain molds that tend to bootleg well?
she's definitely a dh.
Underrated post
There is no certainty, only possibility.
I need this badly
How the fuck would that work
Our dicks are too big
speak for yourself user
Then purchase it. What's stopping you?
even if you have a micro dick you wont be able to put it inside a 2mm vagina
japan likes to rape my wallet don't it
Ass is terribly sculpted, what a shame.
Since I don't have any other neptunia figures and since I have played all her games I've decided to keep and open her. I was thinking about selling her though for a bit.
i wish she wasnt so expensive i want one =\
those are some nice thighs, i approve, too bad the rest is meh
Tharja she is not.
Might be a good sale.
this one i got today
So they are giving away left over stock?
the face on this one always confuses me, but it still looks better than the other two
That's what it sounds like.
It just seems like a way to stress test their server
Whatcha waiting on buyfriends?
I really hope Mefmera doesn't end up with issues after so many delays. Teto is gonna be nice. Kind got Mash on impulse.
Waiting on an Alter Tessa Testarossa release date.
prize figure of the whore of babylon
raita semen demons
These 2 beauties.
Oh no... NY's free sale ended not long ago. HobbySearch sale however is only limited to one item per purchase.
What are you expecting from this?
>What are you expecting from this?
Nothing. Expectations lead to disappointment.
I expected a lot of saving from NY's free shipping sale and that's just what I got. I easily saved 16k in shipping from that. Their capitalist tricks still led me to spend money.
The user that modded a detolf to fit Sakura Stars Bless You uses the wire rope clips method and it seems to be holding up fine.
4 Tawawas and a teach for this month. Two of these will likely be delayed, though.
Not much. Character goods can literally mean anything. For figures, prizeshit and maybe nendos or FAGs if we’re lucky.
Megahouse figure
It always pleases me to see my list getting shorter.
It looks like muvluvanon did something similar to fit his 1/4 scale but I can't quite tell how its raised from the photo.
Do you guys think they'll release 10th anniversary K-ON figs?
I really want a Chiyo figure but man I wish her design didn't have that eyeball at the bottom of her boobs.
Three bunny figures scheduled for this month, although at least two are probably going to get delayed, if not all.
Depends on what they have. Hopefully there's something I'd like.
Cute Kay
got these and i have 2 more shirts on the way also, and tomorrow im snagging the 02 hoodie when hellosenpai's shop opens
S'amatter, don't want her tits looking at your dick while you fap?
beware the bunny
I hope to get some FREE plastic models cause I need some shit to kitbash with
My expectations are low but free stuff is free stuff
probably grab something that isn't a figure
whats the best place to get rubber straps, i dont feel like buying a box of 10 when i dont want 7-8 of the characters
Just think of it as an eyeball-shaped decoration.
Waiting for an update on this, I want it so bad
Who's the artist?
I really don't like Teto's huge obi from the front. Hopefully it won't be that huge and weirdly proportioned in the final. I guess if I put her so she's in 3/4 view from the back it will be okay.
Besides her I just have a few Nendoroids coming. Trying to cut down now that I have Dollfies on the way.
No place sells them like that new. You'll have to go secondhand, or buy the whole box and sell off the ones you don't want.
If you have acquaintances you trust that like the same shit, you can try to organize a split with them where they pay for the ones they want + shipping.
The akazawa one looks good too.
where do you find cups and houseware stuff like this? i always feel like a piece of shit cuz i have like 3 plates and cups at my house
Is there any way to call Japan from the states for free? NY is ignoring my support ticket and refusing to help me over live chat.
AmiAmi and Hobby Search definitely have those mugs.
No, just put in a paypal claim and be done with that shitty site.
Record the phone call so I can laugh.
I see what they FUCKING did there!
God damn do I love high-leg leotards, ultra fucking sexy, FUGGG!
But they constantly have free shipping sales
probably because no one uses their site
They literally had 1500+ orders during their last free shipping sale
And how many when they don't have free shipping?
The order number difference between late January and an hour before the march free shipping sale ended is 16,000 orders
>be a lolicon
>live in cucknada
Fuck this gay earth
do they ship safely?
Has leafland started cracking down on loli stuff? I live in Ontario and the last time I ordered a ton of loli doujinshi was about 4 years ago and haven't gotten in trouble yet.
why did you buy the most boring figure first?
so is it 5th or 6th of April god dammit.
Yes. AmiAmi especially will murder a small forest to make sure your stuff gets to you safely.
It starts in about 4 hours if you can't tell JP time.
>doesn't undervalue
Still more expensive than paying shipping with a store that does.
Gun damn!
not even painted
lol no
We're fags, buyfags.
that Vanilla is so nice
Still waiting on Shimarin
yoink gimme gimme
>mfw they ran out in 30 seconds flat
nice 0 yen sale, site traffic is probably very heavy as it took forever to load to my cart and suddenly I see the notice that its sold out! haha. I just wanted that HG shining break gundam
Right clicked her and sold out. Can't even load the website now.
I can't wait until its nothing but those lame car models left
Fug, Lillie figma sold out right when I clicked the cart button. Now all that's left is shit. Shouldn't have woken up for this
I can barely get the site to load to see what is 0 yen. What a mess
Hobbysearch needs a "stronger" website
I just went through every page and theres nothing decent left
Lots of fujoshit
Anyone know if they're going to add more items tomorrow or something ?
>Anyone know if they're going to add more items tomorrow or something ?
Hah, no way m8
There's some 1/3 doll wig in there if anyone is interested in that
I don't know about you guys but I got some sick hot wheels
managed to snag a kirie keychain was too late and greedy because could've gotten the 02 fig
All the shit that was good sold out immediately, even the fucking model trains
Got some Pokemon sticky notes though, I think I got the last ones
Quite pleased with the box of shitty NEETs, idol and best boy I got. This was pretty cool of Hobby Search.
I got best girl for free, so I'm ok, I guess.
I managed to load the first page, click one thing see it was sold out then couldn't load any pages for another 10 minutes.
Nothing left even worth getting now even if it is free.
I can't even get the confirmation screen to load
I'm guessing they're not restocking, this shit was supposed to run for 3 days lmao
Also I just keep refreshing to keep that page load up
there are girl und panzer plate badges if peeps want them.
Everything else is gayshit
I know those shitty NEETs, but what's in the box? They looks like key-chains from the print.
Great sale!
Every time I refresh one more item gets sold out
Neat. I slipped one in before it sold out.
It is indeed keychains, probably those rubber ones. The box has the set of all eight. I feel like I'm being karmically rewarded for not getting that Yurio plush to scalp because the moment I cleared it from my cart and clicked to the next page I hit all the Osomatstuff.
There's still a decent amount of nice things left and the initial rush is dying down. For free + free shipping everyone may as well go get something to show for being awake at this hour.
Aaaaand they're all gone. Cute though.
How hard do you think it'd be to import one of these?
I just went for some ballpoint pen but it still sold out right before I confirmed the payment
that one looks like Final Fantasy art not Fate shit
Unlucky guys the website was slow but loading consistently for me
I decided to order the doll wig but I'm not sure if it will fit my mini dollfie. It was the only item that I could actually see myself putting to use. Although it is really thick hair idk how this would look on a dollfie
Tfw file uploads are blocked on my mobile network
That's because it's f8shit done by the FF artist.
3 days more like 30 minutes
She'll look like a ghetto stripper
Are they even on sale? Although honestly I don't think the art is at his usual standard
I just realized this is 20m of string fuck
Well, it's not like you overpaid for it
Gonna have to hang yourself with that 20m of string then user sorry for your loss
Only 2 pages of shit left, snag some garbage while you can
I missed a Miku figma, but actually managed to get a model train, chu-chu!
You all should have expected this.
Very cool
What scale/length is it?
I've purchased from Aniplex+ before using my tenso address. I never had any issues. Is there any particular reason you're concerned? Have you just never used a forwarding service before?
Not that user, but it's unpainted and 1/150 scale.
Don't know, never had any model trains before. The item is this one:
It's 4 cars, so I guess it's pretty long when assembled.
Was NY the same thing as this or was it only free shipping on purchases?
NY was just free shipping, not free items and shipping.
Well yeah, it's by Amano
>FF art not Fate shit
I'm a shiteater that loves both.
Individual prints are available for 35K Yen a pop.
And I dunno man, I think they look great, but it could just be that I like the characters.
The Karna one in particular looks very classic FF, and I also like Scathach. I can only have one though, and Dantes looks fantastic (to me, but there's no accounting for taste).
I haven't used a forwarder before, but also I'm not sure how it'll come; rolled up, I assume?
Because I doubt glass will survive international travel, but shipping it that way would be insane.
They look too derpy even for Amano. At 35k you're probably paying for the whole thing, frame and print but there shouldn't be any problems actually buying it
>At 35k you're probably paying for the whole thing, frame and print
Shit, you think?
I might have to skip it then. There's no way I'm paying an extra $200 to ship a heavy-ass frame that'll probably break in transit.
Also I really wish the preview images were bigger.
Yeah, in the past Aniplex offered an Idolmaster 10th Anniversary art print and it was 25k-30k including the frame
Easiest way would be to just find the item description and see if it references the frame
I don't know if Amano's style isn't a good choice for these characters or he's off his game or both, but I'm not feeling any of these. Dantes was okay but each successive one is worse.
I'd have liked to see him do someone like Hokusai or Kiara where he could put his fabric drawing skills to use and potentially make up for the jankiness of the face.
They feel pretty soulless to me, like he did it because he was paid a lot but he doesn't actually care that much about the characters
Missed all decent stuff, just left with gay shit. Too bad I an on the meeting when sale started
When I bought pic related from Aniplex+ it was shipped intact in a rectangular box inside another box with plenty of padding. It arrived in perfect condition despite some obvious trauma to the outer shipping box. Glass is stronger than you think unless it's cheap, thin garbage, which it should not be at that price point.
>Illustration size: 305 × 445 mm
>Outer size: 488 × 639mm
You know what? It probably does include the frame.
Mind if I ask how much yours cost to ship?
4000 JPY EMS shipping + 980 JPY tenso service fee. That was 2014 so prices may have changed.
Didn't 5th Anniversary Yui come out in 2017? Seems like any more figs would be far off.
Okay, cool.
I'm gonna have to do some calculations and see whether or not its worth it (and hopefully wait for some closer pics, because it's quite possible the Dantes one looks janky but that it's masked by the incredibly low preview resolution).
Thank you.
People have gotten arrested for it.
hours later but CD Japan takes preorder payment immediately if you pay with paypal I just preordered the kurisu rerelease earlier this year
A parcel sent via surface.
Nice. How heavy is it?
Can you come up with a funnier caption than /toy/ did?
>order free shit for free
>tax man won't believe that it was actually free
>drama ensues
no thanks
Only about 2kg, I'm just trying it out because I'm the cheapest of fucks. I kinda regret it.
This month finally!
Xianhao bootlegs are probably the best ones, any other one is a gamble.
For the first time, I don't want to buy a figure of a character/series that I like.
>Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again
>I call her. . . mini me.
>Now neither of us will be virgins!
>I've only had her for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
>Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
There you go.
any fag from argentina? those fucking prices are killing me, I don't know why do I keep visiting these threads anymore, it only ends up making me angry.
do you guys have cucked import laws or something?
I haven't bought a figure in 3 years. I think I will sell the majority of my collection. Would like a nice 2B fig, but don't like the boring one being made now (or is it out?)
They're a third world country with a shitty economy rife with corruption
When was the last time a really nice artbook was released?
Pretty much. I know someone from Argentina and he tells me he literally can't order anything from abroad because almost everything gets confiscated by the customs.
Nice butt.
>We are contacting you to inform you that a recently shipped order from your account has been returned to our warehouse, due to an error in the weight calculation
Why doesn't Amico just get a scale? (the thing that shows you weight, not a figure)
Thanks for the free DHL anyhow.
>do you guys have cucked import laws or something?
Yes, 50% tax import over item cost+ shipping fees, but there's also pic related which totally ruined buyfaggotry for me, basically my salary is roughly half of what it used to be a year ago
forgot my pic
Same thing happened to me the other day
I suppose they don't want to deal with re-opening the package if the order has either been cancelled or recombined with another order before payment. It's a decent enough strategy so long as I'm not paying for the difference.
Fuck, why do I have to be between jobs rn? Hopefully it stays up for pre-order for a bit.
Also waiting on that Mashu. cdjapan had it pretty cheap.
My ChiMaMe are so cute
Your currency fell by 60% in 2 years? Holy shit bro, I thought I had it bad with a 15% decline
frames are expensive unless you build one yourself or buy one of those basic shitty ones on amazon. thats why should only frame shit you really love. thats probably why most people dont frame stuff.
do you actually own these onaholes? If yes, post some of your photos
If all dolls had faces that matched the characters like that, I wouldn't hate them nearly as much
>If all dolls had faces that matched the characters like that, I wouldn't hate them nearly as much
Custom doll heads do exist, even dolls without visible joints, you're just too poor to afford them.
My wallet isn't the issue, because I'm not interested in owning them regardless. Its how poor everyone else is, because only 1% of the doll pictures I see are up to this standard.
I think the Syaro looks pretty good.
Knew some Argentina bros were still here
Is there a site like MFC but one that isn't a nigger about figs made outside japan?
Jesus Christ, absolute deviantart tier.
All those were my posts, I haven't made new preorders since late oct/early nov and I don't think I'll be able to make new ones this year either.
This was pleasant to go through.
That's going to take at least a year to be released.
Post those collections
Is this worth the price
why the fuck this asshole gets one but Gil doesn't
And the rest of my preorders.
How was that akeno bathrobe figure?
I can't wait to receive Amiami payment notification for mine.
Gil is a jobber
Probably not, but honestly I don't see why MFC puts shitty ass funko pops and amiibos on their site when they won't put Chinese shit up there
almost forgot to order mine.
Cute Komajiro collection. If I were home, I'd take a photo of my Youkai Watch shelf.
Got this today. Base is kinda plain, but I like the figure overall.
Top off version
Damn these plastic tits
fucking kek
three days with no response from NY support and they didn't pick up their phone. should i just do a charge back?
That is a girl that only exists in my dreams...I wish she was real u__u
I can't wait for her announced figure with Erika.
Komajiro without Komasan is a tragedy but good collection.
That's a cute Loki
>AH! Catwoman
Nice taste
I wish they were closer to the original artwork. I'm hoping for an alternate top, one with exposed tits, one clothed.
What is that thing?
>EMS used to take 3 days
>nowadays it takes 5-7 days
>tracking info for latest package hasn't updated in over 48 hours
Fucking post
Very sexy in design, but could have been better with her hands and cast-off options.
>Looks for Rosa figure
>sold out online almost everywhere
>NP has them in stock listed as "new"
Do they actually really have it, and should I trust this?
How can you people seriously like raita? His proportions are exceptionally grotesque, it's all so ugly. 80% of his figs are disgusting, with a few nice ones inbetween like the recent Kuramoto Erika one
> What is abstract geometric design
It's art you moron.
Got this qt for 10k in mandarake, box is a bit chaffed but is brand new overrall.
I loved the case this book came with
Good, but not great.
Thighs are quite appealing though.
Dumbledore is cute! CUTE!
Shut the fuck up Pablo
any place that does decent custom plushes
I have carpet in my room and every time I walk past my detolf the case shakes a bit. Would placing a wooden board or cabinet under my detolf help?
Look up people who do custom plushie commissions on etsy, some of them look pretty good.
I get the distinct feeling she came here to laugh at me.
how many times are you going to ask? just buy it.
It's a legit listing if that's what you're asking. Buy it before she is even harder to find. I got Hilda and Rosa 13k each free shipping over the past couple months in my country, they were the last ones. I searched everywhere and could only find them on NP and my local site for not skyrocket prices. Hilda is a high price on NP though.
Raita is pretty good at drawing flat-chested girls, his balloon tits are gross
My order that was supposed to be for March which all got delayed to April.
Please don't get delayed again.
Best Aqua figure available right now?
GK or the Phat one coming up.
I've been sitting in front of my door for 4 hours now because I am expecting two packages today and USPS constantly fakes delivery attempts
She is built like a sex machine.
I wish they'd been able to include a castoff top or something. I'd ha e been all over that if they had.
look what i got lads
Cute Tippy
Cover that wrist seam and scale down your pointlessly large image next time.
Yeah, I'll just have to suffice with some pasties or something.
Amazing! A terrible looking photo
hey no bully.
Resizing your shit is good practice in general. It hides grainy photos, prevents flipped images and won't fill people's entire fucking screen with a poor quality photo.
i also gotta remember to cover her wrist
is that a bootleg ? the paint looks kinda bad
Nah, my camera is just really bad
Same here
She is like a piece of taffy that has been pulled too thin in the middle.
Ruri the cutest!
I can make so many fucking bread with that picture.
Can't wait to open mine.
>need to pick something up at the post office tomorrow rather than have it ready tonight after work
my first box of happiness arrived!
Obligatory "resize your shit"
Those things are cute as fuck
Cute things should be enjoyed at the maximum resolution/quality Yea Forums supports
One of the few decent things out of the second season.
Second box of happiness. I used a different forwarder for my second box and they used a lot of extra packaging so I probably won't use them again.
The kadokawa one
Huh. Most people like either idols or fate, rarely both.
Cute! I cuddle my You and Ruby nesoberis every night
The only fate i like is stay night and the only idols I like are aqours
shit user why do you need so many of those creatures? Also how much was the total cost with shipping/taxes?
>Knock Knock KnockKnockKnock
>"user open up I have your figures"
Got 3 packages on Tuesday.
Had a blast at the auctions.
Brother! Get a new camera next time.
Because they're cute. Shipping was extremely expensive and completely fucked me.
Box #1: 7 nesos and a saber alter postcard
8000yen EMS fee + ~3000yen domestic delivery fees
This forwarder removed a lot of the original packaging and only added a bit of bubble wrap to the top and bottom of the box.
Box #2: 4 nesos
8000yen EMS fee + ~3000yen domestic delivery fees
This forwarder kept all 4 nesos in their original box/bag and added a fuckton of packaging. For some reason this box was bigger than box 1. I don't think I'll ever use this forwarder again.
They're for building towers.
ochako is cute but her costume is shit; I do appreciate the little details like those handles so she can zero gravity someone and they can hang onto the handles so they don't float away but her helmet is ugly and useless and those shoes are just complete trash
Doesn't help that she has a much better face that is an online store exclusive.
Ok, back to image dumping.
My dumbass forgot to take pics of the cards but I'm happy I got them.
do i put my favorites on the top or on the bottom of the pyramid?
One of the posters was two sided, I might frame the, eventually but I'm keeping the box it came with.
That's Digital Lover right?
wh-where did you get these
And I fell for that user's suggestion to get both foxes, downside is the lamp was broken, technically the copper pin that touches the battery is, I already contacted Amiami but if they can't do jack shit I can comtact someone to solder it since I'm no good.
Yup, I've been forever trying to get those dakis and 2 weeks ago I got lucky at the auctions.
I own all the Kuroneko doujins from DL including the sketches and tanks.
What kind of retarded picture is that. I wish somebody had done that to your mother.
Yahoo Auctions, I managed to snag them for 12-13k each aside from the official one which I got for 6k.
Based. Bunch of retarded Raita-loving faggots in this thread.
And these are all my current dakis.
I put the core in Ruri's first because waifu but changed it to Hifumi's because less lewd.
My mother laughed and called me a cat in heat but loved it.
how much where both those Muramasa alter Figures user
Good stuff. Always liked DL's works for awhile now.
Most people don't have the fucking money for both.
good shit dude
Nothing wrong with some Unicorn bullying. Why so rude user
Im waiting for this to go on booth or something hopefully. Otherwise, there seems to be no way for us to get this.
whoa, which mda starou cover is that?
20k plus shipping.
Best girl.
I too love her work, the Nagato doujins hit like a rock at the end though, also have them.
You're a good user.
My nigga. Also, ALTER Nipa never
Krupi and Edytha were my favorites.
Laughed really hard when the card in the middle of the episode showed Krupi waking up naked with Edytha next to her.
Nipa is great on her own right.
Found the pic of the daki, tried to search for the one of doujins from DL but couldn't find it.
Gil has a handful of figures though.
This is fake as fuck the mailman doesn't knock he should be getting out of his truck with the pink slip already in hand
That happens too often where I live.
Pics of hifumi please.
Done so plenty of times but ok.
That face is horrible
Resize your shit, retard.
>he actually opens his dakis
How do you overcome the autistic urge to keep everything sealed and pristine.
Dakis never fold up the same way
I reseal them actually and you can fold them the same way if you know how to, specially easy if you've worked on a clothing store.
Post wallpaper
Guillotinna reissue when
how many wallpapers/ tapestries do you fags have hanging in your rooms right now?
Anime/Manga related? 0. Got some video game or theme park ones.
Only 1. My walls are otherwise empty.
>pochaco looks better than sonico
what happened? sonico looks like a retard now
Posters and Wall scrolls? Around 45 of them.
Fat is justice
I have four posters.
What store has the other Uraraka face?
>that armpit
I know its porkchop but armpits just get my dick hard.
Post figures with delicious armpits.
different artist/coloring style
My niggie
i have 3 canvas prints, 2 wallscrolls and about 5 art prints
almost all zero tsu
It's the same old artist, Tsuji Santa, but he just completely changed his artstyle all of a sudden like a few months ago. This is probably the second time he's majorly changed his style. Here's a small comparison he posted. Sonico still looks good in his updated style, it's just the way he drew her in that poster that looks a bit odd, the pose and combination of dark clothes on dark skin doesn't fit her when she's best at a bright or pastel aesthetic.
>yfw Pochaco somehow becomes the official nitroplus mascot
imagine the butthurt
Does KotoUS require upfront payment for preorders or do they ask for payment when it's ready to ship?
I don't mean this in a negative way, but what do you like about ___02___?
Pochaco is love
Pochaco is life
Pochaco is literally meant to be violently bred every single hour of the day.
MFW got 100+ figures and no posters/wallscrolls or tapestries...
The ones I want are either out of stock or ridiculously priced .
Is that porkchop scroll for sale anywhere?
her laugh, her smile, her horns, her eyes, the way shes protective and how devoted she is to the one she loves, the way she says darling
i dont feel like posting an essay right now or i would go on
I'm sure the results of the survey say otherwise with almost all of buyfags wanting porkchop purged.
but isn't she a relatively new girl? like last year new? Who was your waifu before her?
well there was characters i liked, but i didnt actually know what true love felt like until i saw zero tsu, i know i have some sort of tism, but ive never felt this way about anyone in my entire life, she is one of the few reasons i wake up in the morning
Might be mixing up my holofags but you're the madlad that sculpted squealer right? You get the cards for your shrine?
am I the only one here who wouldn't fuck that fatty?
im not gay but her boobs are much too big.
Man I like the colors on this
I still waiting on my daki of ruri to come in I got shower towel one. But will get more of her
Cool. A 1/1 artpiece?
Why do people try to sell shit as new but, "i opened it to check for damages", my fucking ass you did. Just keep your shit sealed you mong if youre a filthy scalper
>much too big.
Yup that's me, you can see the cards here.
Hello everyone. I'm going to be moving abroad later in the year which in turn means I must sell off my collection. I have over 100 to go and want to give fellow buyfags a chance before I start selling elsewhere.
I live in the UK, shipping there will be the cheapest. I can ship to US but it may be pricey depending on the size of the figure. I can get an estimate shipping price if needed.
FIgure collection here
If you are interested in any you can message me on mfc or email [email protected] for a price. If you want multiple figs I will also give a discount.
Oh wait, nevermind, I'm half sleep but no, I'm not sculpt user.
I miss read the whole thing, sorry.
is everything open ~A/~B user?
You're loving anime too fast, see you in a year selling your whole collection for a fraction of its original cost.
>you will never ever blow raspberries on that belly
whats the point of living
she's the perfect body
I want to cum on this
skindentation really is the best
Glad to hear from you again and hope no delays for ya.
Yeah, that one is 1/1
There are smaller scales too (1/4, 1/6)
About 3/4 is open. 1/4 still sealed.
All figures have boxes (none have damage that I've seen, but a few may have minor damage) Most boxes should be A
All parts are included in all of them and no damages that I'm aware of (I can inspect any that you are interested in and let you know if there is any) rating B+/B for most.
Is the surface sea mail from buyee registered?
I hope so too for now I'm just eagerly waiting
thiccest nendo?
gosh shes so darn cute!
What's top right and is that a kit?
It looks like giant arms 07, but the head is a bit different. Yes, it's a kit.
>I got some sick hot wheels
How sick?
Those eyes are really cool.
Moving that has to be so much stress.
In my pants
Some boxes.
Nice cat.
Decent packing from white rabbit.
Nothing fragile in this order.
Random ys auction winnings.
Artbook is cute.
>they sounded it out
>they sounded it out
Disappointed in this packaging.
that note is adorable
Post more cat inspecting hot toys
Only two strips of half inflated air film around four sides.
Nothing for top or bottom.
Plenty of room for movement.
Good job user
Now go get the rest
oh god that far right one
wew fucking lad
>waiting for me to get out of the shower
Cute. My cat likes to wait on my bed while I'm in the shower.
>i declared i'd quit TOM because autism
>this faggot would earn me $81 points
Fuck, they are sneaky.
Porkchako is fat
>Disdain Cat.jpg
Looks like he was just bunting.
Cats rub the sides of their mouths on things to mark their territory.
Which forwarders did you use?
I wonder if it'll come with a wiener and boy chest.
Not buyfag related retard.
messaged you user, interested in some things let me know, dont wanna shit up the thread
I want to post my cat but last two times I did I got warnings.
I'd consider it if they were 1/6
Post it with an anime/manga related purchase. If you just want to post your pet alone then do it in the threads on /an/.
What's that site that tells you the stock left on AmiAmi?
Post your cat with your figures/plush/other merchandise. That should be acceptable in the buythread, I hope.
the fucking guide
Posters are gay as fuck.
Using amico's API.
Can someone give me the the link? I'm stupid.
The guide's in the first post, ffs.
Not the guide dummy, the actual link to check amico's items in stock.
Time to upgrade your potato.
I don't understand how a site about Amiami tells me about KotoUS, did you reply to the wrong person or what
Those pictures look even worse on a good screen.
Reminds me of my cat.
I miss him a lot.
Eventually, I got Megumin's daki coming soon and I'll have to stop ordering stuff for 3 months because car needs new tires.
Most of my prints are in portfolios right now since quality framing is expensive.
Aren't you worried about piss particles?
none of him sitting on his throne looking smug af
Fair point. He needs one of those.
Can someone ever be so based ?
Is this picture how she's supposed to look not officially?
I have 3 posters and 3 wall scrolls up
Anyone know?
No clue, I always use EMS because Murrika.
EMS is $100 so I'm trying to not have to use that.
The fuck did you buy? Also did you request for extra packing? I used that for and it was pretty good for the stuff I didn't want damaged but like I said it was like 80-90% bubblewrap.
One of the boxes was like 95% because it only had the posters in it but I used it because they cost me 100 bucks.
It's two aniplex+ Madoka figures. I unintentionally won two auctions for her. And yes I did do extra packing.
Where do you guys print custom dakimakuras? Leaning towards moemarket because they look less likely to steal.
Now the wait for chink shimakaze figures begins.
how often do you browse shit like aliexpress for random unofficial merch of your waifu
cuddly octopus
RIP kancolle Shimakaze
whats the best way to display keychains and charms, one of those storage grids or pegboard? i have too fucking many and the deka keychains are too fucking big
I use a corkboard
KC design is better.
That's most likely why, anyways, it says on the extra packing that due to it you will most likely end up stuck with EMS.
Cuddlyoctopus looks too legit, they're not going to print my stolen artwork.
>We will help you print whatever you like (so long as you own the rights to it, of course)
And what I have is definitely not in my rights to print.
Go for moemarket then I suppose.
Is this the user working on the megumin daki?
Are you going to release the file for us?
I probably should, first person to buy it is more likely to get sued if peropero comes back and asks for addresses that pillows were sent to.
Damn that looks bad.
I don't know who or how big peropero is but if you're outside Japan I doubt you could be extradited for something like this. Also aren't these custom print places based in China where they don't give a fuck about any legal shit.
I can see the email chain going like this
>gimme address of people who ordered this
>*delete email*
Native is really weird with that, I've ordered 3 time from them and
> First time
Perfect amount on each side, air pockets on the sides with brown paper for the tops and bottom
> Second time
Semi-deflated air pockets on the side, nothing on the top and bottom leading to damage of the box
> Third time
Fluted paper on the sides and a tiny air pillow on the top and bottom
I guess whoever they hand packaging off to is pretty variable I guess?
This is that girl from Gridman, isn't it?
No, this one is.
It's like they completely missed the point of why KC Shimakaze had those bunny ear-like ribbons. Sasuga chinks.
How many of you have your detolfs nailed/screwed to the wall?
My billies are but my detolfs I just keep a coin under the front so it leans back a little.
Mostly because there's no stud behind them and plaster screws don't hold any weight