Dragon Ball/Z thread

Ive been rereading the manga and its all so fucking beautiful

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~1 million should have been the highest power levels got change my mind

would have been cool to see how all the other characters after the 1 mil power level fought to make up for the level cap
i can see a character like buu just being pure indestructible

i can see this thread reaching the archive
too many esl and modernfags to not appreciate and discuss the classics

From the Demon King Piccolo arc until the end of the Freeza arc was peak Dragon Ball

>From Red Ribbon Army to the end of Cell was peak Dragon Ball.

The corrected version.

DB should have ended with Namek exploding and Goku and Frieza dead, would have been a perfect ending

Attached: Dragon Ball Z v11-123.jpg (2037x3056, 1.31M)

Toriyama's grasp of panel and page composition makes it a an effortless joy to read.
he really knows how to draw the readers eye and position everything for maximum readability.

>Serious grimdark ending for fun adventure/action series.

or better yet, have goku go on offscreen space adventures and make gohan the new mc for a bit instead of making goku come back immediately.

What about Piccolo's and Vegeta's character arcs?

I have also been rereading (just got to Nappa and Vegeta's arrival), and it's so great. The pacing, the choreography, the humor, it's a fantastic series. My only criticism so far would be that from the Piccolo Daimyou arc (which started on the same day of the 22nd Budokai), the gap between Goku and the earthlings became immeasurable. Goku vs Tenshinhan in the 23rd was fun, yeah, but it already feels like most of the cast can't contribute to the fights anymore. Also, Yajirobe comes out of nowhere, just as strong as Goku, but only serves to bring Goku to Korin to drink the ultra water, that was weird.

i don't think so but the SS shouldn't have became something normal. After goku's fight the SS should have disappeared purely.

Makes every other manga look like vomit mess

Toriyama gets huge hard-ons for the "wow, you're completely random and from nowhere but you're THIS strong?" Trope

Aka Dr slump cameo


When did the original Dragon Ball actually end and Z began? Thematically speaking.

I belive it was during the fight vs Nappa. As Nappa killed pretty much everything who mattered from the original DB and powerlevel jank began to take over.

Look I like the Cell arc, but let's not act like that wasn't what started the trend of 'Why doesn't X do Y?' that plagues the rest of the franchise.

At the start of the king piccolo saga

The 22nd Budokai is when Toriyama finally dumped the half-assed gag manga crap and went full fighting manga.

A sensible post in a sea of nonsense.

Not entirely or else it would have seemed like a copout to beat Freeza. Make it so Cell saga focuses on Vegeta, Gohan, and Cell all trying to unlock Super Saiyan since they know Goku did it but he didn't survive Namek. Make it THE power up that truly is super.