What are going to happen to the Ignis?
Yu-gi-Oh Vrains
Can Ai absorb the others and keep them calm?
Regardless of what happens with the Ignis they better make s3 real life focused.
Just what is Dencity like really? In the new ED it looks like a clean and modern city but in scenes like pic related they even bothered on making it look dirty and a little messy.
Go Onizuka is almost normal now. What a strange arc.
Why did you fucks take so long with a new thread?
Link = Borreload Dragon
Synchro = Borreload Savage Dragon
What do you think the xyz will be called?
Borreload Xcharge Dragon
Is lightning right?
What's the song that plays when Revolver Synchro summoned against Windy and in the last episode?
How do I stop lurking these threads when I'm only 24 episodes in and want to avoid spoilers? honestly I find this generation kind of boring, the lack of wackiness, subs and decrease in art quality makes it hard to binge watch
Jin will save Lightning
It's my favorite!
I fucking love it, VRAINS has a good ost
It gets wacky in ten more episodes. Don't know if it's the kind of wackiness you'll want though
VRAINS is boring nothing to talk about
Is vrains ending soon?
Good thing you didnt ask this two weeks ago
Yeah. One more year. 8 months until YGO7 announcement.
I don't know all I remember was that there was an Aoi thread when I passed out.
No, I mean like sooner than that. This ending is pretty weird.
damn, what else there is after AI?
Whatever you can fit into seven symbolism. Come on gambling.
I really like how Lightning discards. It's nice when they add little touches like that.
card games on mecha or salary man yugioh
Duel Terminal anime
We need a Saikyo Card Kodomo anime first.
Random touches are what vrains is good at.
If it were so boring we wouldn't have 24/7 threads. I came to shitpost early but there was no thread so I left. I guess many did the same.
Yeah like in 11 months
The XYZ is already announced for Rising Rampage. It's really fucking bad and nobody'll ever play it. I'd unironically rather play borrelguard
I'd settle for just an collection of animated shorts covering card lores.
Is amazing how VRAINS is close to ending yet i feel like nothing has happened
I wouldn't call it ygo 7 but rather Ygo 6.2 since they are just renaming vrains to stop focusing on the Link Vrains and get full into IRL.
I was actually expecting Revolver to win because of his new XYZ monster but next duel he'll use it and it isn't over yet. Basically, Revolver is fucking dead. I can't believe the writers are actually going to make Yusaku beat both Bohman and Lightning. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WRITING
Is a double elimination off the table?
what did they mean by this
Calm down, spoilers aren't even out yet. I doubt a cover monster will lose its debut duel.
revolver spent 3 months in the flowerfield giving himself some sfx
Do people generally feel like this about Vrains? I felt it pretty eventful to be honest. Maybe it is because I watched about 80 eps it in just two weeks, I don't really know, but I can name many events from early mid and end S1 as well as S2 and I have many things to look forward as well.
borreload lost its debut duel, same could happen here
Revolver vs Bowman would just be boring as fuck and they have no reason to play each other, at least there's actual build up between Playmaker and Lightning because of Jin
¡esto es el fin, relámpago!
>I doubt a cover monster will lose its debut duel.
t has happened before so i wouldn't be surprised
>Esto es el fin, Pequeno Tarado!
revolver defeats lightning
bohman absorbs lightning before anyone else makes a move
revolver fights bohman
bohman defeats revolver
revolver probably say something to yusaku or give him a card
yusaku and bohman, final match
let me guess, you only watch yugioh
Watching it weekly is part of it. You can kinda gloss over the exposition episodes at the beginning of the series and constant flashback episodes throughout if you have the next episode ready, but if that's all you get for a week, you kind of remember that. Plus, it's following Arc-V, which had people on the edge of their seats for about a year and eventually became something fun to shit on with Yea Forums.
Could he have saved Arc V?
I am currently watching only Vrains, yeah. I have a somewhat busy life so I only have time for one anime at a time. I used to play some games as well but I just recently discovered this thread and I like it here, so I don't play much anymore. Though I might stop coming, I haven't watched all of arcV and 5ds yet and people here have already spoiled me some important things.
>I haven't watched all of arcV and 5ds yet
Why would you want to watch them? there's no need to watch every spin-off you know Nat?
Yoshida needs to lay off the dragonball.
I like it a lot! How would I not watch them all? I also like learning about the game but I'm not very good at it yet.
Pro tip watch 5ds ASAP, because the first major story arc is cardgame kino and it has the best OST in the franchise.
Never EVER watch Arc-V.
When does aoi play a card game with miyu?
>revolver lotes to lightning
>bohman loses to playmaker
>lightning unsatisfied With his "perfect" creation losing take over bohman body with all the ignis included and become the ultimate IA
Watch my words.
I mean, if lightning just absorbing everyone to become perfect was always an option then he woudn't really need bowman in the first place
>Never EVER watch Arc-V
Don't pretend Arc-V wasn't great for a good chunk of its run. That's part of the reason people are so pissed about it, it squandered all of that.
He needed a perfect shell to do so, he even say that all the AI's needed to become one inside bohman in the last episode.
Taking over the shell it's the real end game of lightning.
How many times has this show handwaved away something like that? We're at the tail-end of an arc where everybody had to stand and wait for their turn because Lightning turned off the magical cyber wind (the plot demanded it), and it only came back on when they hacked it (the plot demanded it).
>Jin will
I don't think these words go together.
>Watch my words.
user, that's not a saying.
first 50 episode is still fine
but keep worsening until 100
after 100 is a part of torturing, shit main plot, useless old characters reusing, and shit duels
Just you wait, user. It's totally going to happen and I'm totally not setting myself up for disappointment! ;-;
Fun fact: Nicktoons skipped episodes 50-99, so after Yuya vs Sora II, they go straight to Xyz.
CLEAR MINDO was good fun as well
Fuck no, Arc-V was trash for the entirety of it's run.
It's the worst Yu-Gi-Oh by far and it was a complete mistake
I watched a little of both. I jumped to Zexal after getting a little bored at the first season of 5ds and skipped arcV after learning that it wasn't really necesary to watch all the previous ygos to understand Vrains.
What’re some of your favorite memes to come from this arc? Because I know the Hanoi arc was nothing but revolver memes
Does this count?
What about Go? Doesn't he still have that Earth thing inside him?
To be fair, Borreload was used against another Cover card
>being this assblasted about Arc-V
You probably suck VRAINS's dick because Yusaku is pretty much the opposite of Yuya except boring and a fail attempt to imitate Yusei cool persona.
Arc-V was good at many points in the latter half and excellent in the first part. Not my fault that you are an edgy idiot that need to express your hatred for Arc-V
You say that's a mistake? I think that title goes to VRAINS and Links. Now kindly fuck off
I suggest you watch all of them and drop them if you really lose interest in everything the season has to offer. Just a warning, Arc-V is one of the most trainwreck season, and ZEXAL can be quite frustrating. 5Ds is probably the best, GX is pretty fun.
>Arc-V was good at many points in the latter half
April Fools is over already
the weird angle shot of bohman
You're full of shit.
>Shun vs Sora
>Yuzu's git gud arc
>Slow unveiling of the plot with hints and throwbacks to previous series
Almost all of which was ruined after Smile World came into the picture, nobody's denying that, but that doesn't mean they weren't fun in the first place. Show me any other series that made Anons cream themselves because they heard a motorcycle revving in a flashback.
Yeah, you can leave now.
>It's the worst Yu-Gi-Oh by far and it was a complete mistake
Like hell it is, the only reason is so hated now is because it was at one point considered th best Yugioh ever. Anyways VRAINS is still worse
i mean, for what purpose
Have to get that episode out at any cost.
VRAINS is just extremely middling. It has a bunch of boring stuff, especially in the beginning where the Link Summon animation took forever and every duel was sandwiched between exposition episodes, but nothing that really pisses people off.
I couldn't give a single fuck about Vrains retard, I guess you're buttblasted because VRAINS is mediocre instead of a total trainwreck that makes Arc V look good in comparison, no matter how trash VRAINS would've been, Arc V will always be remembered as a mistake that should've never happened
Yusei was boring af, he wasn't cool, he was a total stu and it was never really explained why. Yusaku is better among other things because he at least has something that justifies the way he behaves.
Fuck off, even with it's insane nostalgia pandering it was complete garbage, having that retarded absolute decline in the last half makes it unwatchable knowing whatever the show sets up will be worthless since the other part is such trash.
God Arc V apologists are the absolute worst
>I couldn't give a single fuck about Vrains
So you came to a VRAINS thread, don't try to talk about any of the series except to shit on Arc-V, then throw a tantrum when somebody disagrees?
If you are gonna make a series that is boring and nothing interesting at all, why the fuck make it to begin with?
Ah yes, forgiving VRAINS because it isn't a trainwreck, I remember this meme. Fuck off, autistic nigger. As far as I know Arc-V did have a lot of moments that everyone loved, both in card game and anime, before all the trainwreck, and even until today people like to remember those days and they don't consider it a mistake like your retarded asshole.
Fuck out of here. The only two things that should never happened is VRAINS and your smelly ass being here. Useless cunt.
That is what makes it so terrible user.
They build up.something amd completely run it into the ground.
Nothing hurts more than wasted potential.
You might say "But user 5ds turned to shit after 64 episodes as well what gives?" Fuck you it's not the same.
The first 64 episodes is it's own selfcontained thing.
It had it's own begin, middle and end and there are little to no plotpoints left to.adress after those 64 episodes.
You could easily stop watching after those 64 episodes and it would still feel like you watched a complete show.
Arc-v on the otherhand had a stellar begining, a mediocre middle and just a plain terrible ending.
Like the first 50 good episodes are all just build up and setup for the plot. Like it's very good setup and build up for one of the coolest plot concepts in the franchise, but if you stop watching after episode 50 it feels like you have only watched the begining and that shit finally kicked into gear.
But the only thing you get from watch the latter 100 episodes is dissapointnebt that all the great build up and setup go to waste.
Eventhen the latter episodes of 5ds are nowhere near as bad as the latter episodes of Arc-V.
Hell the latter episodes had CLEAR MIND which is one of the hypest moments in the franchise.
All Arc-V gives you is EGAO.
All those characters and cool plotpoints all fucking wasted.
What a fucking shitshow Arc-V was.
Let's roll the dice everyone
>better than Yusei
How the fuck
So Spoilers either tomorrow or monday?
Yeah I get I get it
You now pretend that you never liked it and you are forcing that Arc-V was always a mistake just like Konami forcing Links.
Maybe you should apply to Konami as an employe? They hire assholes like you!
>but nothing that really pisses people off.
No one feels anything form VRAINS because it is THAT boring.
>I couldn't give a single fuck about Vrains retard,
Your that autist who comes here from time to time to shit on ARC-V because it somehow ruined your life right?
While I agree that's what makes the last two thirds sting all that much more, it doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed the earlier episodes. I enjoyed speculating with Yea Forums, watching everybody flip out over a De-Fusion, just having fun with it. At the very least, I am thankful for that.
>why the fuck make it to begin with?
To advertise cards.
>You probably suck VRAINS's dick because Yusaku
Don't put words into my mouth you ass, you fucking faggot.
Vrains is just the franchise bleeding out after Arc-V butchered it.
It might not be as offensivelt bad as Arc-V, but it's boring and safe as shit.
It might had some mildly fun moments like revolver and lightning, but ultimately nothing is memorable about it outside of mirrorforce memes.
The only thimg I can give it credit for is that it promised nothing so I can't be really mad about something.
I just watch it once a week, maybe post in a thread a few times before being done with it untill the next episode drops.
I still preffer that over Arc-V though.
>n-no u, you're just pretending
Yusei > every other ygo mc
I already watched everything but 5ds and arcV and really enjoyed all of them all. I know 5ds gets better on later seasons but I was literally falling asleep with it's slow S1. Vrains got me hooked really quickly and I like it a lot. I would find it hard to choose which one I like the most. I guess I'll just say I love Ygo as a whole and I'm really looking forward new series, games and literally just anything related to it.
>. I enjoyed speculating with Yea Forums, watching everybody flip out over a De-Fusion, just having fun with it.
I enjoyed that too, but I hate that I am like many other anons still fucking seething about this garbage 2 years later.
That might just be my problem, but still it pains to me to see that a show I enjoyed so much went IN TO ZA DRAINS.
This is prove that only nostagicfags can say that about Yusei.
>I know 5ds gets better on later seasons
Oh boy.
>I know 5ds gets better on later seasons but I was literally falling asleep with it's slow S1
How far did you get in, because the first 64 episodes are the best.
Did you not like Yusei vs Jack or Yusei in prison?
So, every ygo>5ds. Absolutly based, and this coming from a total newcomer really proves that 5dsfags are just nostalgiafags on steroids.
>generation wars AGAIN
What's the source of lightning's defect?
It's probably Jin's fault.
>/dng/ likes 5ds
>but Yea Forums hates it
Who is in the wrong here
Not Yea Forums just a contrarian.
Shit happens. It's like birth defects, you just got a bad result on the genetic lottery.
>Lightning's whole character is that he is an it's always sunny in philly-tier scumbag that can't see his own flaws and just takes everyone down with him, because he can't possibly believe he is the problem.
I am just wondering what his defect is.
What is it about him that makes him shituo everything for everyone.
Well, for starters, he's the kinda guy who will feed his entire race to his creation because he, personally, is flawed.
I think it's the opposite. He saw his own glaringly huge flaw, and decided to change the world to fit him where everyone else are the flawed ones.
I remember giving up at the Rua vs Yusei ep. I guess nothing really got me hooked by that time and I was just getting bored.
Find the free will Yea Forums.
What do I win?
Here's your free will
>not using the superior damare
So S3 will be about reviving the Ignis?
Faggots I watch VRAINS because I like Yu-Gi-Oh, I just don't feel anything about it, it's mediocre and it really doesn't offend in any way, Arc V is absolute trash because it promised EVERYTHING, they had all this shit riding on it and they wasted it all, made the absolute worst fucking show possible, and it completely destroyed anything the show could've delivered on, I'd rather watch a dog taking a shit on my lawn instead of watching Arc V, at least I know to expect dogshit all the way with that.
They do that on their own I think.
Yeah the episode about Luna vs that teacher guy was such a good episode it really hooked me up, or the knight fighting against Akiza that was sure a hype duel man, or Leo getting destroyed and anally raped by bomber was also so memorable, bros 5Ds first season is such a good show. Or how can I forget based naked Jack Atlas vs Trudge bitten by a spider? or the guy that rips out hair from his nose that was epic.
I miss her...
>ai is generic cyberse
>flame runs big cyber animals on fire because muh soul
>aqua runs generic waifus because shes a girl
>earth runs protect the heart.dek because muh aqua
>lightning runs romans because hes pretending to be 51773938171 iq
>windy runs birds and whales because???
Whats windy's problem
He's a sky pirate
Water princesses.
Stormriders are sky ships, and Windy has a pirate getup now.
Princesses are generic waifus so there's no difference anyway
this thread is so slow, I miss the insanity of ARC-V threads
That's the only thing I miss since the show itself was fucking shit
What do you mean by generic? What kind of girl monsters do you want?
Fuck you, all ygos are great.
They're just girls in costumes.
That's it, there's nothing really unique about them.
>when you get replaced by a monster that rarely gets summoned
Sasuga firewall dragon
The link 4 has predator hands. They are gross to a certain point.
BEWD deserved to be first. Screw Dork magician.
Not every Arc-V threads were as fast as you think it was and a lot of posts kinda just amounted to either complaining, bumping dead threads and homo pic spamming. Or at very least, it became that when it was heading to the endgame.
But thats just from what I remembered so whatever.
It fits their theme, nothing wrong with that. You might as well reduce Trickstars, Sky strikers, Witchcraft etc to "girls in costumes" too.
I don't think they're supposed to be unique.
>implying it's not
OG > 5Ds = GX > Zexal > Vrains >>>>> Arc V
That's just jobber heart and it not looking like anything else in that archetype
Well, Trickstars, Sky Strikers, and Witchcrafts are girls in costumes, so I'm not sure what you're argument is
Then getting annoyed that Marincess are being called generic seems silly to me if that's the case.
Yep, Arc-V will always remain as a scar for the fanbase because it had managed to build up so much hype by the end of the standard dimension only for it to deflate and burst into flames.
I don't know if something not being unique is equivalent it to being generic.
The point is of course they seem generic if you reduce them to the bare essentials. The themes are what makes archetypes different.
>Sky Strikers is generic
delete this raye is a based QT terrorist who is saving people from salamngreats in the ocg/tcg
We all can agree that Ygo girls are the hottest thing ever.
Em... where is anzu?
Don't answer getting blacked you fucking cucks
nah she deserves to stay ded
Only pure girls in that pic. No blacked girls allowed.
nah she should wake up
Anyone have that pic of blob windy
So what is that weird red glow to the right of Ai?
Not like Xyz arc was any good. Even Synchro was better
Let's say Hydrives are printed as real cards, how the fuck do you fix them to make them good without relying on dice shit?
Anyone who think this duel isn't a 3 parter is delusional. And if it isn't, I'm going to draw the prettiest ShinjiI can.
Post mistranslations by Crunchyroll
Destroyed cyberse I think.
S3 villain
miss me Yea Forums?
a three parter would make me drop the series, unless revolver uses some more old school cards
May as well just list every show cr subbed
Pretty sure /dng/ also hates ARC-V less, so the answer is obvious.
focus on the direct attack Link ones and maybe finding a way to summon this clusterfuck as fast as possible
Will this ever be summoned again?
When are we getting more Link 4s.
maybe, I can see Bohman pulling an Extra Link in his final duel with PM
screw that, when are we going to get Links beyond 4
He's basically Dennis from sunny but as an AI
What you should really be asking is how can any of Lightning's factions' decks bar Windy's could function without Judgment Arrows
We're never getting Link 5 or higher monsters in this anime
i can't see this series end without the final boss pulling a link 9 card out of his ass
Reminder that Windy is a good guy now
That song fills me with nostalgia. 2017 was such a good time for me. I'm almost sure it will make me cry everytime I hear it just 5 years from now.
I don't think that's what vrains was implying.
>That time they subbed Yusaku as Yusei.
Last number of this post is the highest link rating that'll appear in this show
Windy dindu noffin, its all Lightning's fault
>its all Lightning's fault
>give them a link 2 with down arrows
>focus more on direct attacks/attribute manipulation
>let them hit light and dark somehow
>give them a way to turbo out tesseract
I often play like this with my blonde hair, too!
Hell no. We're nowhere near the end. We have VRAINS product listings as far into the year as August. We still have SOL arc for the anime. We have about a year left if the next series starts in April, but it could start in May instead like VRAINS did.
Goddamn, this is going by so quickly. I could have sworn Links were revealed yesterday. Time goes by so fast.
Problem with Arc-V is that it was too ambitious. It tried to be a compilation/celebratory series of everything before it instead of being its own story. It had a shit ton of plots, a shit ton of characters (both original and legacy), a shit ton of complexity. But it was only meant to last 3 years, so we had stupid shit like Sora and Edo's unexpected defection, Yuya absorbing Yuto right away instead of fleshing out his character, the Parasite subplot, no Yuya vs. Yugo like was promised at start of Fortune Cup, among other things.
Avatars can have special abilities inside VRAINS. Soulburner for instance conjured flames. This is just Revolver's ability.
4K Media subs this stupid shit, no CR.
>but it could start in May instead like VRAINS did.
that's only if production problems continue
Sora's deflection was good and realistic. Most importantly unlike Edo's, there was no egao involved.
He just spied on Leo and found out he plans to kidnap Yuzu, who was his very first friend. A duel to redeem him would be cliche.
>4K Media subs this stupid shit, no CR.
It's konami cross media NY now.
I want to fuck Blue Angel in her anus
Sora was an antagonist at the end of the first tournament arc looking for Yuzu and Serena. He fought Yuya and had some doubts about his objectives, but he was still clearly working for Leo and was more a villain than a good guy. Then the next arc he scraps all of that off-screen and becomes a full-fledged hero. All of the damage he has caused and all of the grudges everyone had towards him were completely abolished. I wasn't opposed to a Sora defection, but the way it was rushed instead of being a slow, gradual process was bullshit. Sora was one of the worst handled characters in Arc-V. He had so much potential too.
It's so obvious this ending came out prematurely. Why didn't they just wait
Licensing the song? I'm not really sure.
>Scraps all of that off-screen
He still wanted to kidnapp Serena and use her as as a bargain bin to save Yuzu.
For me, Sora was one of best handled characters, there were WAY worse redemption cases in Arc-V (Edo, Gloria Sisters, Leo himself) Go rewatch the moment, his discussion with Yuya, Yuzu and then Tsukikage was legit good.
As I said, not every redemption needs a "I'm evil but I lose, now I'm good!" duel.
Does it count?
>After MC defeated our ass, we're suddenly good guys now
Exactly what I'm talking about above. People who can't accept Sora's redemption are those who got too used to standard Yugioh practices.
Your shitty delusion won't come true anyway. Why bother?
If I had a quarter for every time you say something that involves IRL interactions or AoixYuusaku, I would be able to build an IRL deck.
Nah, there was a new thread yesterday made by an Aoitard with that trash in the OP and it was pretty dead since no one bother to post except a few other Aoitards. Then it got deleted for good because that OP is a dumb fuck.
It's like you didn't read the OP. It was a repost of "holy shit how stupid is Aqua" with backlinks. Of course you're biased anyway.
Rate their hairstyles
>copy and paste the posts with an OP pic that represents something else
Only a true Aoitard could manage to be so mentally retarded. Remember, he shit on Aqua, not your slut.
Yeah there won't be any non VR focus. They'd rather develop all the characters through their avatars.
Pretty sure he's referring to them creating the It is rather than the KoH shit
Good chance they were mocking the blue maiden avatar given the edit.
Meant Ignis, I'll be fucking off now
I'm disappointed.
It's not rotating on his dick you fujoshis.
Thanks, user!
>anti nuke western bullshit
It sure is stupid.
>It's not rotating on his dick
Prove it.
His legs are completely out of frame by the end. Obviously.
>How do I stop l-
You can't. Just marathon the show quicker.
Yeah because they need to move up to focus on his face since he is talking. But Revolver's revolver wasn't out of frame during the whole rotating process.
Get rid of the one that's sort of normal.
By definition it wasn't revolving around it as the focus then.
So what did you focus on in that shot? Cause 9 out of 10 claimed they only stare at his dick.
The character it was showing me. This question will only say more about you than the answer will say about me.
Who do you think is the better student?
>The character it was showing me.
His face wasn't even in the frame till the last moment. You just sound more like a faggot for trying to avoid the obvious.
Sorry I meant George Gore.
Good thing I didn't post his face then. Jesus what is wrong with your perception?
My perception is fine. But there's something is wrong with your brain.
Stop, user. I want to live enough to see who wins this duel at least.
My brain is fine. My eyes just aren't affixed on crotches all the time, unlike some people.
Is blood shepherd died?
Kind of.
rock you
The one with his head in a book all the time.
I wonder if that user who usually makes movie poster memes is still around?
Yeah, but no one really acknowledged the last one they made that much.
Describe this character
Is tetsu in vrains too?
He was in the group shot showing Soulburner's edgy past
>Male Aqua
absolutely based
her design potential is being wasted on being a girl, doing girly poses and NoFunAllowed attitude.
>her design potential is being wasted on being a girl, doing girly poses and NoFunAllowed attitude.
No. That art looks like a shitty rendition of a pokemon.
Wit this artwork you can tell all my points are correct.
Also who thought giving her hips like that was a good choice.
Why are you pretending arc-v didn't fart around uselessly for a huge portion of its run. Just because an entire episode isn't explicitly filler doesn't mean the writers weren't doing everything they can to pad screentime with useless characters or stretching out events.
Remember Sam? What even was that shit
The council sucked ass but I liked Reiji's speech at the end of his 40-episode stand.
No. Her design potential is only constricted by how the ignis don't have that much to begin with. Her no fun attitude isn't dependent on her sex. Girly poses aren't really that much different the dumb poses the boys do. Her hips are supposed to be a skirt. I think a ring would work better but the ignis don't wear actual clothes I guess.
Don't mind me, just posting best Yu.
chad ziodynecock
>Her no fun attitude isn't dependent on her sex.
But it actually is. They gave her the typical "Mommy" behaviour, because she is a female.
It is even more visible as all other Ignis have actual character and like to play around.
you make it sound more interesting on paper than it actually is
Don't mind me, posting the actual best Yu.
Look like a trannie.
Probably because of how her avatar has always looked like a clown itself.
I miss Aqua.
Reminder that the blue lie detector got deceived by Lightning.
Lightning might not be able to co-exist with humans but he has proven that all other Ignises are dumber than him.
lmao anyone associated with those two are destined to be jobbers
>Ai's future at one point just stops
>Missing a literal who character.
Her face looks really disgusting...
user, can you tell the difference between a good and bad art?
So he will have to merge to Yusaku after all and maybe then Yusaku will act like a faggot.
It got its own brand of wackyness
That's a very ugly Revolver's art.
I see, you're posting arts from that guy who draws Arc V chibi manga or something, right? He really sucks at drawing and it surprises me how he didn't improve at all, he gets worse.
This faggot must be lazy as fuck. Artist with lots of practice, especially mangakas get good in no time yet this pleb is the opposite.
I don't get the joke from that pic either.
i think he's a case of someone without the highest iq but enough of a work ethic to get somewhere mediocre. Even though artists are stereotyped as not being the best students, artists who have a ton of potential and improve at a good pace require intelligence because of the complexity of learning new skills/techniques
Artists who draw well have been proved to read high IQ manga like Hunter x Hunter
>But it actually is. They gave her the typical "Mommy" behaviour, because she is a female.
No. She just cares about the other ignis
>It is even more visible as all other Ignis have actual character and like to play around.
Lightning doesn't play around. He just fakes shit.
Was this peak Jack Atlas?
>He really sucks at drawing and it surprises me how he didn't improve at all, he gets worse.
Probably just busy drawing chibi stuff.
god damn it fuck the retarded writers for abandoning the carlyxjack plotline after the whole cult bullshit
Level 8 DARK Machine Effect Monster
2450 ATK / 2450 DEF
-You can only use each of this card name's (1) and (2) effects once per turn.
(1) If this card is in your hand or GY (Quick Effect): You can banish 8 cards from the top of your Deck, face-down; Special Summon this card.
(2) You can banish 3 cards from your Extra Deck, face-down, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; destroy it.
I need pictures of Aqua's huge ass
I'm responding to an 8 hour post where some fucking idiot called Metal Gear Solid "western". You guys need to get out more.
I'm still around but these recent episodes do not give me any good ideas
Glad to see you around.
I'm not a movie expert, but I'm sure there must be something with a seemingly-calculative character that was just pretending all along.
There surely is, but keep in mind that I ain't no movie expert myself. I probably should watch recent episodes to get the feel. I kinda fell off since Windy got fucked by Screamburner and only read these threads.
Nah I prefer wacky Jack "Women would just get in the way" Atlas
>everything that's made in the east is inherently eastern
I think the point flew over your head.
I love him
>jin is so shit his AI is literally the root of all evil
Jintards btfo into oblivion
>mfw Revolver will lose next week by the power of underhanded tactics
I don't think it's really that huge.
I don't think borreload dragon needed this animation.
It totally didn't. I was totally pissed by it having new summoning animations yet poor Cyberse Witch got hers recycled 2 times.
That's what happens when your not a CG boss monster
The only particularly good looking cg boss monster is firewall dragon.
I wish there was a version of this theme with the full instruments
Why'd they change this for another one? This one sounds pretty good.
No idea, it's far better than the second version and this version you just heard it's botchered since most of the instruments aren't fully playing, rewatch Yusei summoning Junk Warrior in the first episode and compare, the real version is so superior it's not even close.
What's the consensus on Kengo's mother?
She didn't deserve that, neither did Kengo.
Both were pure and good people.
And honestly, that flashback actually moved me.
Oh it "moved" me. Not sure if it was in the way they wanted it to though It was weird as fuck for a card game anime.
Yes! Duel Terminal and World Chalice lore, The Animation. I would watch the fuck out of that.
Let's make a new meme for vrains any ideas?
just edit his analysis screens with that picture of GX. Or whatever you think fits.
That picture of Yusaku having a nightmare but it's Lightning having nightmares about other Ignis' and some books about inferiority complex
>yusaku cards
>high value
not even his best card (firewall) was above 10 bucks
Lightning has another "n".
i havent watch yugioh since it first aired on wb11 around duel city. i am sort of getting back by playing the phone game and wanted to know if vrains was an okay way to get back into the game/show while skipping the other generations. i asked somewhere else about sub(up to dat)and dub(kinda okay) and think that maybe it is up to personal taste.
Vrains will never have silly fun time.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
dub after DM has literally no worthwhile soundtrack and that's one of Yu-Gi-Oh's best watching points
Look at these cute autistic manchildren!
watch 5d/zexal and some arc v to catch up on how mechanics/new modern rules work then start vrains also if you really want to get to the game then you shouldn't spend much time on duel links (phone game) and start playing the actual game online
How seriously do you take card game anime? If your answer is not at all I want these people dubbing it to be as ironic as possible then the GX dub is for you. 4Kids became self aware and stopped giving a fuck and just had fun with it because the show was batshit insane anyway.
That doesn't sound correct.
When does Windy's origin get to be important? Or is he like Miyu?
Pretty useless, is my guess.
5D's cult drama? Psh, that's old news.
Meanwhile, there is a much bigger thing we have to mourn..
When are we expecting news?
Doesn't look like it will be today, late sunday, early monday is a safe bet.
>wanting to know the result of the ONE duel in this arc that could go either way
why do you do this to yourselves
Who? Is that just another one off character to add to the hundreds of others?
GODvolver has it in the bag.
As I revolver fag, I would like that. But I'm also expecting him to lose, even though I really don't want that to happen.
He won't lose, he'll win but Bohman steals his kill and absorbs Lightning. At WORST he'll draw so they can incapacitate him so PM can have his solo duel against Bohman, and I'm only considering this because VRAINS is goddamm adamant at not giving tag duels.
I assume it's mostly because choreographing links would be a chore.
Who is Aoi Yuku again
Ew, aoifag
He is god
he is here to save humanity
like a knight in shining armour
without compromises
shiny shiny 8')
All the major characters are based off gods. Revolver is like the second lowest of all them.
Unironically very. Yu-Gi-Oh is one of the reasons I am who I am.. but it's a long story. And it's not related to the TCG at all, but to anime.
Legendary ultra-recognizable, cutest-in-existence and very valuable (expensive) seiyuu! She voiced Mieru in Arc-V, but is known for Tatsumaki from OPM and many other roles!
Was there some kind of symbolism with lightning facing away?
I forgot to add that the reason Mieru never spoke post-Standard was because the staff must've been in shambles to cast her again. Mieru is very talkative, so she should've got a role in the last 5 episodes. I will NEVER forgive!
She's got gigantic creepy eyes and funny eyebrows. Who designed her?
Someone who knows EXACTLY what I like!
Character designers are quite an interesting topic to takk about though. I never cared before but now I feel interested.
It was Akemi Yokota I guess.
Do we know who designed all the Ignis?
The character designer for VRAINS is Kenichi Hara. So probably him.
I wanted Mieru to be part of the main cast, but i guess that would have cost too much.
Playmaker has friends now?
They should change Soulburner's archetype so he can get more duels in the arc.
are you still seething about how he got 8 duels?
Would you guys be okay with the next MC summoning his signature monster in nearly every duel or not?
That gets boring real fast, so no.
Not his fault that your hatred for Arc-V is so retarded, you need to vent that hatred onto everyone
VRAINlet, I suggest you to fuck off.
For several characters Yokota only refined the sketches of the zexal/arc-v manga artist who I forgot the name of, to convert his ideas to anime character models. And Yokota didn't even touch the designs of a lot of side characters herself iirc, because of needing to work on DSOD as well. Hara might have done the same since that's what he did with Kaz's concept for 5D's. There's no clear behind the scenes info on exactly who came up with what first past Zexal.
No we should just maximize the time he's on screen because every moment has been so worth it.
I meant GX. 5D's was some other guy
>zexal/arc-v manga artist who I forgot the name of
Naohito Miyoshi
I can't believe the crown jewel for Yugioh spin off anime (for the animators) is going to remain as Zexal. Like they never want to even attempt those production values ever again for the remainder of Yugioh's lifespan
Comments aren't worth anything. Only screentime.
they're worth enough that you are still seething over him and keep replying
No way. Those aren't anime.
Can't believe it took the Blood Shepherd duel for Heatleo to get a CG model.
Wasn't a need before they geared up for putting him in commercials.
Armatos Legio should win because they're cooler than gun dragons.
>they're cooler than gun dragons.
Yes the elephant is cooler than the devil gun dragon with a bad white paint job.
>bad white paint job.
Yeah it's really fucking dull on that thing. It's almost gray.
Too bad, kids loves dwagins and not elephants, you're going to see this card win because dwagis
>you're going to see this card win because dwagis
Episode 97: イグニス統合計画 – Igunisu Tōgō Keikaku
(The Plan to Unify the Ignises)
Revolver talks about a simulation that predicts how Lightning’s actions will result in the destruction of both the Ignises and humanity in the future. Revolver has also gained the upper hand in the Duel and summoned a new Borreload monster. However, Lightning then uses an underhanded tactic.
Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Lightning: Maeda Issei
Kusanagi Jin: Suzuki Ryota
Frog/Pigeon: Seki Tomokazu
Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: 布施康之 || Fuse Yasuyuki
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk
Just like the rest of the cast.
But did Revolver drive Lightning into a corner?
this duel screams three-parter
I wish Baira dueled again
>blue angel with lipstick and blush
That's an interesting choice.
If it's one thing I love about YGO, it's that this image edit always inevitably turns up. Last time when I followed along watching Zexal someone did one then too.
Do you have the edit itself?
Is there any substantial differences between "upper hand" and "driven into a corner"
Hard to say. The battle positions haven't changed at all since the start because no attacks have been actually shown.
Nah it's been a while and I don't think I have it saved any more.
that's too bad but I guess I could just imagine Yuma's or Shark's face instead.
Whaddya know, I dug around online and found it.
And another one.
lol nice.
Bottom left > everyone
I haven't watched these series but judging by that screenshot the guy with red and green hair looks way cooler than the rest.
Just because you add a ton of shit and sparkles on top of your characters it doesn't make them better designed.
based blindbro
there's still newfags in 2019 who think art and character designs = all of the production value or the animation quality? You do realize the character designer and storyboarding + animation team are different roles, right?
also, the main arc-v cast were overall less ugly but a huge portion of the side characters were ugly as sin, and not in the goofier or cartoony way zexal side characters were.
They really should just bite the bullet and make a Duel Terminal spinoff already. Their main series have gone to shit anyways.
well I have to admit it seems like the one silver lining to the decline is that there's no longer anything to lose. Might as well go all out in one way at least
Episode 98: 一線を越えたAI – Issen o Koeta Ēai
(An AI That Has Crosses the Line)
Lightning uses Jin as a hostage to rattle Revolver. However, Bowman, who is very disappointed in Lightning’s actions, decides to step in. Now that his hostage-taking tactic has failed, Lightning reveals a shocking truth about Dr. Kogami to Revolver!
Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 荏原裕子 || Kawamura Yuya, Ebara Yuko
Episode 99: 新世界の扉 – Shinsekai no Tobira
(The Door to the New World)
Bearing the hopes and wishes of his allies, Playmaker faces off against Bowman. Meanwhile, something abnormal happens to the people who were trapped in LINK VRAINS, and they start to fall unconscious. Bowman then creates a powerful Data Storm and summons forth a terrifying monster.
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 栗井重紀 || Kurii Shigenori
Animation Director(s): 片岡恵美子, 本田松希 || Kataoka Emiko, Honda Matsuki
Episode 100: ねじれた理想郷 – Nejireta Risōkyō
(A Twisted Utopia)
Bowman uses the consciousness of the people trapped in LINK VRAINS to create a Data Storm, and summons forth a powerful Hydradrive monster. Playmaker is completely helpless before Bowman. Seeing this, the three Knights of Hanoi decide to take action.
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: 須永 司 || Sunaga Tsukasa
Direction: Park Sang-ho
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk
Episode 101: 迷いなき本能 – Mayoinaki Honnō
(Faith in One’s Instinct)
Bowman set up something called a Neuron Link to use the consciousness of humans to create his Data Storm. The three Knights, Akira, and Ghost Girl put their lives on the line in an effort to destroy this Neuron Link. They succeeded, but Bowman then started repairing the Neuron Link right afterward, leaving Playmaker in despair...
Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
Storyboard: ルーチェー・ヤギ || Ruche Yagi
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei
>revolver lost
>Based oniichan is in
>booster pack card that loses
>leaving Playmaker in despair...
finally some ZETSUBO!
>3+ episodes of PM vs Bowman
>Bohman going on til May
we got our wish bros, GET FUCKED CVCKVULVA NIGGAS
>can't even defeat the most retarded ignis
>weaker than go
>weaker than blue maiden
>weaker than soulburner
>put in the trio poster
>given another cover card
>given a structure deck
omega y*kes, worse than blue jobber
Based Lightning and his billions of backup plans.
white jobber
This is now an Arc-V thread.
>an entire week of revolverhateposting ahead of us
dumb cuck you are forever BTFO, cover card? structure deck? "power trio"? hah, i'll fucking spit on you
bro you revolverfags are honestly just embarrassing yourselves being here, just quit while you're ahead, you and your character will forever be mocked
wait so revulva is out but playmaker's not facing off against lightning? will bowman just absorb him or will it be ANOTHER draw?
>using Jin instead of Spectre
Hmm weird, but okay.
Looks like both Lightning and Revolver are dead. I wonder who absorbed Revolver. Also mildly hyped to see Akira, GG, and zetsubou PM.
But nothing points at Revolver losing? I don't get why anons jumped onto that.
He may as well just faint after Lightning duel
>summaries don't mention revolver at all
He lost, it's time to accept the truth
im not even a revolverfag you dumb fucks. it jsut gets tiring seeing the same posts over and over again that have no substance. same with aoihateposting its just annoying but hey you idiotic haters will just jump at me and tell to shut up because im a "revulvacuck" fucking cancer threads whenever aoi or revolver appear always the same annoying fucks spergs spamming their garbage. i'd rather have the threads die than being bump by this garbage
Revolver calls Savage Dragon a "heroic dragon". Whats Xcharge going to be called?
Jobber dragon
Denial, stay seething
Next arc better start with whole Den City population making a fuss around SOL Technologies
Link VRAINS security is so shit that all the players have been killed/put in coma like 3+ times now.
There must be consequences
It's tiring but on the bright side you know it's the same anons because of the shitty writing style. Just filter their posts.
>all previews of playmkaer vs bohman literally say the same thing aout bohman creating the data storm
Uhh what the fuck? Is there really a reason to repeat the same thing three times?
They probably have the government/police in their pockets since shit like the lost incident was covered up.
It probably takes a while to charge up or something.
But it says he summons a terrifying hydradrive monster in the first episode? And as far as we know, storm access is once per duel
Its basically the part of Dragonball where Goku spends several episodes screaming to go to SSJ3.
Data Storm in episode 99-100 is different from the 101 one.
Bohman is going full ham after absorbing Windy's cheating ass, making 3 fucking tornadoes.
gonna be mental illness general
Based general
What do these reveals have to do with Aoi?
nothing m8
a heroic dragon.
Nothing yet. Wait till S3 for her to come back.
We deserve to get a IRL fight in S3 and I know we will get it and it'll be Takeru who will win.
I thing this is the perfect time for they to trash link vrains ans move into the IRL setting. SOL has LV ended due to the continous problems and hacking.
Meant for this
I miss Soulburner already. They could have easily had him tie or something. Deleting him was going too far.
Fuck Aoi, we ned to see Miyu again on he cast list.
Is anyone going to be left except Ai, Playmaker, and Brave Max?
>Wake up
>Lots of spoilers out
See you in May guys.
I would be hype for a Playmaker + Brave MAX vs Bohman 1000%
Everyone unrelated. Queen, Go, Hayami, Kiku, Roboppy. I'd say Frog and Pigeon, but they're probably next on the chopping block.
I don't think there's gonna be a single cast list with miyu on it that doesn't have Aoi.
Just how long will we have to endure this torture, Aoibros? I wish Akira and Emma went to check Aoi's body at her home at least.
>Just how long
Until this awful series end or it gets cancelled. Abandon all hope, VRAINS is shit and the fact that a lot of people (including me) has to endure this shitty anime and its forced mechanic is annoying as fuck
She'll be back in june at the latest.
Time will prove you wrong.
Vrains is pretty fun and interesting, you sound like you aren´t following this series at all!
>He doesn´t love vrains will all his heart and soul
All the upcoming episodes sound hype with revelations one after another
May God hear your words.
Miyu being and winning a triangle love situation with Aoi and Yusaku is my biggest dream. I hope they somehow force the romance in while focusing on their interactions in real life, we really deserve some after having gone through this much plot.
Aoi is my definition of hype. I only want to see her more and more often.
I don't see how. She doesn't seem like akira or emma.
Not that user but come on, she's a fucking lost children. We can already assume she'll be great at dueling and more mature than Aoi, why would you compare them to Emma or Akira? She will be a mature and strong girl with a dark past, much like Yusaku but cuter.
VRAINbros... looks like this thread is ending..
see you next wednesday, I suppose
>She will be a mature and strong girl with a dark past,
Jin, Specter, and Soulburner beg to differ.
Were have you been the last 2 years? We have a 24/7 format.
>Pregnancy never ever again
Why live?
>revolver loses
>Playmaker v Bowman round 4
Gee I couldn’t never predicted that. This arc needs to fucking end already they dragged it out for too long and it’s boring now.
I'm still waiting for the day YUSAKU gets to duel.
True that they have dragged it for too long. I don´t find it boring at all but I get anxious to think we might be losing episodes in the IRL season because of this. At this point I want to believe there really is a Vrains II announced in December.
Remember when the tree gave birth to specter?
He was abandoned there, the tree only protected and somehow feed him.
Oh what to do after Bowman especially if defeating him restores all of the igni,u\y7
It didn't feed him, he just went three days without food.
Oh. Did they ever specify the ammount of time he was there? I don´t remember that.
I think he said he remembered somehow.
Man, I need to rewatch Vrains as soon as this season ends.
Let's just have rushed developments instead, vrains doesn't have that kind of gas.
God no that would be the worst development. I’d rather have a new series.
He did in flashbacks, at age 6.
>Episode 98
Lightning loses. Good game cunt.
>Episodes 99-101
Playmaker's dueling always wins. This is just fake despair.
The final Playmaker vs. Revolver last season was 6 episodes (4 if it is just the master duel). Of course this shit would be 3+ episodes.
Of course. April already started and we're not even halfway done with Lightning VS Revolver.
>Watching a children's card game that airs at 6 in the morning in Japan
>It's boring now
>6 in the morning in Japan
Actually it airs at 6:25pm JST.
>6 in the morning in japan
How do you make this mistake?