Saki tanoshii

From Akio:

A new Saki spin-off manga called Someya Mako's Mahjong Parlor Food has been announced. The author is Mekimeki and it will be published in the Young Gangan magazine (like Saki) starting on the 7th of June. It looks like it could be a food porn manga with some mahjong elements. The serialization of Toki by the same author will also continue. Akio Translations will probably translate the first chapter, but afterwards I'm not sure.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mako will get her first cover. Think about it.

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futaba thread:

Also the 10th year anniversary of the anime is in less than 24 hours (5th April 2009 after midnight in Japan).

well, hamumu thread, hamumu fanbase

I'm about to finish Saki, should I watch the spinoff series first or Nationals? I'm not really sure what the ideal order is

I love it and I don't want it to be over

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>Mako spin-off
Holy freaking shit, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought of something like this happening. I would have preferred it being authored by Saya, but there's not much in the way of relationships for mekimeki to ruin here so it's fine.

please don't be an April Fool's joke

what the fuck

Achiga first, then the Nationals. You may want to watch the Nationals after Achiga's quarterfinals to avoid spoilers, but that would be too autistic in my opinion.

top kek

Toki is a hamster now, but Mako is finally relevant. Mekimeki giveth and Mekimeki taketh away.

>Mako spin-off
>The author is MekiMeki
Poor Mako.

Sounds like I should just watch the nationals first then

You're starting to pissing me off with the Hamumi jokes, you fools.

the Achiga spoilers are just minor things that Kiyosumi passed the QF and which schools they will meet in the Nationals anime, doh.

On the other hand, you will not know the characters from the Achiga side at all and you will be spoiled about the results of the Achiga anime.


Toki is a cute hamster

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Cute megane.

So how does Mekimeki make this yuri?

Delays and also spinoffs for everyone.

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More like the rewaival of tanoshii!

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Mako is now a hamster


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>You're starting to pissing me off with the Hamumi jokes, you fools.
I really hope the letter Toki gave Ryuuka is a mahjong challenge. Toki spinoff needs some good old mahjong playing to wash off the hamster bullshit.

Why the hell would the least popular girl get a spinoff? What's is with this franchise? How does this make any financial sense?

I just hope this doesn't detract Ritz from her schedule.

you know, they say if a girl gets a spinoff, then she lost in the main series.

Sorry Mako, but your ship sank long ago.

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Meh. Achiga started as an spinoff and they're doing just fine in the main series.

I read this ages ago, is it still going?

We did it guys.
The Verdant Order pulled through.
This year's Cinco de Mako will be a celebration for the years.

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>Mako's chapters getting king crimson'd was her purposefully building up screentime for her own spinoff

Who is this lesbian whore?

Remember how I said I wasn't sure if I'd be buying YG since we were getting chinese rips for Saki anyway?
Well you can be certain I'll be buying it to rip as soon as Mako's spinoff starts.
Maybe I'll scanlate it to ease Akio's workload.

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Does this also mean that when there's a volume release she'll get more store bonuses than she's gotten over the manga's entire existence?

Delicious vindication.

Yuri spin-off when?

Yuriproject pls

Basically came here to post this. I literally understand nothing.

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From hamster to emperor in 2 months.
Best comeback ever.

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next spinoff: Himematsu Ping Pong
author: Asano Yagura

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Because it seems that justice exists in this world after all.

I think the posts asking why she has a manga will make up a good chunk of a thread about it until it's out. Such a move out of nowhere that it's hard to blame people though, this still seems like a late April Fools announcement.

Now the Saki manga has 6 official spinoffs: (Achiga, Biyori, Ritz, Shinohayu, Toki, Mako).
Is this a record for a manga franchise?

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Monthly Mekimeki workload = 2 Mako chapters (YG) + 1 Toki chapter (BG) + any bonus art or doujinshi
They may need to clone more Mekis.

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So how hard did Mekimeki trib Ritz?

spinoffs for everyone!

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Took me a minute to recognize she had Fujita there too.

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Also the title implies we're going with the manga continuity of Mako's place being a mahjong parlor rather than the cafe it was in the anime.

+/- for Mako manga
Positives: (1) Comeback potential for favorite Nagano characters (Koromo, Hajime, Maho, Kana, BuCap, Fujita, etc.) (2) More food, less mahjong = tanoshii? (3) Fills publishing gap when Ritz (Saki) goes on long hiatus. (4) Maybe gives Ritz time to consult on future anime projects.
Negatives: (1) Is Saki franchise overextended with 4 running series? (2) Mekimeki gets overextended, maybe causing Toki to be cancelled. (3) Is Mako popular enough to carry a series? (4) Maybe gives Ritz an excuse to be more lazy.

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Don't forget to eat your vegetables.

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Interestingly enough it's listing Ritz as the author like in Shinohayu/Toki rather than just character designer like in Biyori, which might mean we'll get more than just SoL fluff in it.

endless possibilities

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Good idea; reveal the dark side of mahjong gambling and tie-in to the Miyanaga fire / evil Niemann subplots.

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yummy food manga

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I'm confused. Is the series really popular enough to sustain this? Going by threads and the overall community it's pretty damn niche, not exactly 6 spinoff material.

Depends on what threads you mean. Ours? On life support, certainly.
Futaba? They have threads essentially 24/7.

only time will tell

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>Makofags getting their retribution for years of ridicule
This feels like a fever dream.

So do any of you actually play mahjong or are you just in it for the kawaii uguu girls?

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definitely a small but hardcore fan base on futaba

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I play but I'm fucking awful.
I haven't even gotten a yakuman in my life.

I used to play but it only pisses me off now.

Feels like it has an oddly small presence on Twitter though, or maybe I'm just not following enough artists.

I got my first one a few days ago, but I'm not sure if it really counts because a DC'd player dealt into two of those pons

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reminder: live action Mako = best girl

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Old meme lady from the live action mahjong cafe should become a character in the Mako manga.

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Thank God for 2D.

Fuck yeah more Mako. Does this mean she won't get the big green in the finals like we once thought?

I'm really upset that the tiles aren't in any order whatsoever. Probably more upset than i reasonably should be.

Will the cafe serve tacos?

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They have a constant Saki thread and an at least weekly Nodotits thread.

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Ritz will advise Mekimeki on character design upgrades.

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Are we still in the semis

this, it's some convoluted alternative of poker. if we're not having tanoshii with our friends and having to play online there's not much point.
>kawaii uguu girls
fuck the other poster desu

Finals started a year ago (ch190)
Currently up to ch 201

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mahjong is suffering

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Ritz has really picked up the pace

Is the pinfu and tanyao bit about how going for closed hands and stacking 1 han yaku and dora is secretly the way to go?
I used to just start calling everything as soon as I had a yakuhai triplet or whatever but as I played more I started to just stay concealed more often and stack han on simple cheap hands and dora

Something like riichi menzen tsumo tanyao plus a dora or two is so easy to get and racks up a lot of score

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So, Mako only likes Hisa because she reminds her of udon bowl she wanted to eat but never got the chance to?
Seriously, is this a late April Fools joke?

Should we really be blaming Mekimeki for the hamsters if Ritz is the one writing?

I'm pretty sure Ritz's the one to blame. She must hate Toki for being more popular than Monkey.

>Original idea: Ritz
>Manga: MekiMeki
Fuck them both. Ritz only pushes it to make Achiga less shitty anyway.

>that Trude in back
Saki san, watch out!

>Mekimeki gets overextended, maybe causing Toki to be cancelled

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So is my man Kyoutarou finally getting a harem?

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Kyou-chan already has a waifu, he doesn't need no harem.

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>decide to drop the saki franchise years ago due to the shitty pacing and no anime in sight
>Toki spinoff gets announced the very next day
>decide to drop the Hamster after the latest trash chapter and finally let go of Saki in general
>another spinoff out of nowhere

>>decide to drop the saki franchise years ago due to the shitty pacing and no anime in sight
>>Toki spinoff gets announced the very next day
Are you me?
Just how many fans did the 5th place match kill?

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>11 chapters in 1 year

Kyoutaro's delusions etc. etc.

I think it went so:
Editor: We need a new spinoff manga to cover up the unreliable Saki schedule. Pitch me some ideas.

>Hisa's love affairs?
Too lewd!
>Mahou shoujo kamen Tacos?
This is Saki's backcover story! Something new!
>How about Saki and Teru?
This is Ritz's part of the story, leave it to her.
>Learning mahjong with Nodoka?
Done already.
>My capybara and me?
Not another rodent!
>This is getting nowhere. How about some food?

You do realize that this spin-off means the sergeant match will get skipped, right?

>not believing in ALL GREEN


>Mako spinoff

Will Kumami hijack this one too?

You can be a great player without having a single yakuman in your life. Mahjong is the mangan game

Looking forward to the release, Toki is my favorite spin off, hamster et al.

Please try to be more subtle when endorsing your own manga on the vietnamese chicken scratch board, Mekimeki.

If only.
the first thread in a long time that reached 900 posts.

Meanwhile just look at us.

What the fuck?
Congrats makofags you have just BTFO all of us who bullied you for all this time

So it will turn that Mako friendship with Hisa happened cause Hisa saw her as her past cat or dog right?

I wanted the BDSM yuri couple to get their own manga how they met.

They broke up because of Subara so what's the point.


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Reminder that Ritz thought Mekimeki would do Shindouji instead of Senriyama.

>a cooking spin-off of a sports manga about half-naked big-tittied magical lesbians playing chinese dominoes with no panties on, starring the blandest girl
Literally who is the target audience for this thing?


Also strictly speaking it's probably more of a gourmet manga than a cooking one.


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Mekimeki should go back to drawing Nanoha doujins.

Have an autotable and ~6 friends that all play.

I want a Hajime spinoff.


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I'm sorry for anyone who hates this or does not care in the slightest but holy shit I always wanted this! My Mako is gonna get some love finally unbelievable!

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Whatcha gonna do about it?

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How do you do today sir makofag?
Can I interest you in some cool drinks or snacks? Thank you gracing us with your presence on this wonderful day.
Lets just forget about all that other stuff in the past okay?

this is just the beginning, she's gonna do it, the ryuuiisou is coming, we will finally be free!

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y-yes certainly sir! As someone who was a makofriend all along I certainly agree
Praise the age of green!

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Did Nanoha and Fate adopt a kid together because she reminds them of their dead hamsters?

You know, I've never actually bothered with the Toki spinoff, but thanks to this, Mekimeki you're a way fucking cool.

I'll buy the Toki tanks you crazy little bastard. All for Mako.


Hey Saki thread, is the anime a particularly good adaptation that's worth watching over the manga, or if I want to get into this should I just go with the manga from the start

Saki is a case where the anime is vast improvement over the manga
manga is still good but anime is a much better experience for your first time

Anime is much better than the manga. Nice soundtrack, voice acting and visuals, expanded character interactions and far better pacing. Also the yuri scenes are mostly anime additions, if you're into that.

I don't think anyone except a particularly loud guy who complains about loli is going to argue against the Saki anime being a significantly better experience than the manga.

Strictly speaking it's going to be a good month after Cinco de Mako but I feel your zeal, brother.

In all my years, I think that he is the only person I've seen say otherwise.

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>is Saki franchise overextended with 4 running series?
No? What does that even mean? I'm happy they feel stable enough to do this kind of thing
>Mekimeki gets overextended, maybe causing Toki to be cancelled
I wish
>Is Mako popular enough to carry a series?
I'm not sure but I guess they had some kind of basis to make her the MC? Probably she won't even be the main focus most of the time with so many characters that may appear
>Maybe gives Ritz an excuse to be more lazy
As if she needs one

I think Nanoha adopted Vivio because she reminded her of Fate and her almost becoming a dead hamster.

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食べる is a -ru verb user

Yeah, Riichi Pinfu Tanyao +dora is a really nice hand. If you really think you have the starting hand to build something expensive you should probably aim for that though. It really depends on your score. Winning 1-han hands like yakuhai only isn't very effective unless you want to end the round as soon as possible. An open hand with 3-han or more might be fast and good sometimes too.

What the heck

More like make it good

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So in my joy, I decided to dig up my old hard drive and access my old Saki folder from the golden days of t/a/noshii to celebrate with some Mako pictures. And I found this translated HisaMako doujin (Non-H). I looked around and doesn't seem to be on the panda or any other doujin upload sites. I don't see raws of it anywhere too. And upon attempting to track the artist, her (his?) pixiv seems to have already been nuked and their circle's site's last upate was way back in 2015.

The scan/typesetting quality is not quite the best, and I honestly don't quite know who worked on this, but since it was on my t/a/noshii folder, I'm going to assume it was someone from here. But either way, without further ado, here it is:

Someone please upload it to the panda for archiving's sake. And fuck yes, Makotime is finally here.

Think about it this way.

By the time we reach the sergeant match, there probably would've already be at least two tanks worth of material of this Mako spinoff. That would already provide plenty of material for Mako's flashback powerup for the Sergeant Match.

It seems to be one of those comfy gourmet manga, but at the very least, the questions I'm looking to be answered are:
a.) What were the circumstances of Hisa and Mako's past to the point that they ended up being close confidants to each other?
b.) Is Grandpa Someya still alive? He seemed like a pretty cool guy. It'd be sad if he's already chilling with Akagi in space.

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Oh, Mekimeki actually remembered that Mako is canonically one of the best cooks in the series. It was brought up in one of those Ritz blogposts.

Based, thank you.

Thank you, uploaded it here.

She wants to impress Ritz but she's too busy with Igarashi and Saya to notice

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It's probably going to be one of those manga with 8-12 pages per chapter, but fuck it, I sure as hell ain't complaining about an official spinoff with Mako's name in the goddamn spotlight.

>Mako doesn't even have the presence to be the main focus of her own spinoff
checks out

>I wish
All this hate on Toki is getting all.

Hamster OUT
Seaweed IN

REMOVE HAMSTER remove hamster

*getting old
I guess I need some sleep.

I agree.
Yes, the hamster backstory is stupid.
No, it doesn't deserve shitposting about it for months on end.

Hamster Namek got old soon too but Mekimeki didn't care, did she?

>it doesn't deserve shitposting
but it does



You've gotta be a massive faggot to hate on a cute mahjong-playing future-seeing hamster girl. You should kill yourself to avoid spreading your defective dna.

Oh hey, Kasuga actually crawled out of the im@s rabbit hole to draw Mako again as congratulations for her spinoff.

Saki is what introduced me to climb into the im@s rabbit hole after Zencoke ended. Five years later, I'm stuck in it. God damn you tanoshii.

I don't think anyone's ever hated on Toki herself. Mostly on Ryuuka.

No one hates Toki. Only Hamumu and Ryuuka.

I don't have any cute chibis to post, so just pretend they're included. That ED was so damn catchy.


I don't wanna hear about Toki anymore, she had an entire spinoff anime to herself that she easily conquered and then an overly boring, drawn out spinoff manga that currently rotates aimlessly. I'm very much ready to move on.

Sorry, kid, it's NodoToki era in Japan now. There is no escape.

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You fags need to calm down and eat a nice hot meal. Sprinkle some dried seaweed on top of it too. It's going to be tasty and it's gonna warm you up.

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Toki in Achiga and main manga is great, but her spin off is putrid. This is how you react to your girlfriend telling you you're literally a hamster to her?

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I see you are men of taste too

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Me, if it will have scenes of Hisa NTRing Mako with Captain.

>There is no escape.
and that's where you're wrong
the future is bright again

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I don't give a damn what you want. I still want to see Ryuka playing seriously for a change, and the introduction of all the other players from Osaka.

Toki has more important things to be upset about.

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>I still want to see Ryuka playing
good luck with that, write me a postcard once we get there.

Your brain is putrid. The hamster backstory is retarded but Toki not giving a damn makes total sense.

It should happen soon if Toki's letter is a challenge notice.

I suppose you guys don't know about the Teru VN either?

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The one where you can NTR Ryuuka as Teru?

Also, I found Scans of Scam Saki and the few pilot episodes of Scam Saki Anime. My god, we used to know how to have stupid fun.

Oh right, that was a thing. Good god, where did the time go.

She also released a massive imagedump on Pixiv which also contains the original Japanese version of Kissa Roof-Top (which was only ever scanned in Chinese).

This is truly a great day for us Green Knights.

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Of course it does, since Toki cares more about mahjong than Ryuuka in this continutity. It's not a good thing though.

Or get raped by Saki, or get drugged by Awai and rape her as revenge, yes.

Holy shit, that Ako doujin got translated.

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Just you wait until Toki starts working part-time in her cafe and Mako gets forgotten. Well, more forgotten than usual.

I'll probably translate roof-top over the weekend. Possibly.

work requires you to not fall over all the time. And Toki can't even sit without falling over.

Panda user, at least credit the translation to [Trueend] in either the gallery title or description, you should have gallery editing privileges.

I don't even know if the guy is still alive or even still into Saki, but at the very least, doing this is just common etiquette in regards to these things.

>few pilot episodes of Scam Saki Anime
Can you upload them or at the very least the sub files? I never got to experience the anime.

Just did, sorry about that. I didn't notice any credits in the archive itself so I assumed it was an Anonymous release.

Clean and typeset too? If not, I can do that.

I suspect there's no Ping Pong Girls fags that isn't also a Sakifag

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That depends. Was Toki mad just because she found out she was shit at mahjong or because Ryuka was holding back all this time? I think what stings more for Toki is that Ryuka was holding back, meaning she never really showed her true self.

In any case, I think all this is gonna be more clear when they play each other. Should happen pretty soon.

Asano being the first one. Probably.

I can typeset but if you could clean it I'd much appreciate it.

How much time until Ritz uses her influence in the yuri sports area to let Asano continue his manga? I'm sure she would've already helped him if she was a cute girl

Scam user only did up to episode 6. And I think he briefly came back to do the Shinohayu pilot chapter. But like many others, he too eventually Toki'd.

Anyway, here are the sub files:

>Boot up a random episode
>See this
>Sides get sent into space in the first second
This was so fucking stupid goddamn. I miss t/a/noshii.

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I really think bing bong will eventually come back

In all honesty, with the recent revelations, the actual plot of Saki isn't any less fucking insane than Scam Saki. It really was a prophetic product of it's time.

which one

Are you saying the person who did Scam Saki was killed for knowing too much? Does Ritz run some kind of wetworks team?

she's with the yakuza and it goes all the way up, we should all be very afraid.

Ritz's team is probably pretty wet when she works on them.


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someone (not me) should do one for the Mako spinoff.

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Chihayafuru S3 soon...

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If you want the manga experience, it would be something like
Zenkoku (the camp arc)
Achiga (up to the quarterfilal)
Zenkoku (Kiyosumi vs Eisui vs Himematsy vs Miyamori)
Achiga (Achiga vs Shiraitidai vs Shindouji vs Senrillama)


user, check the date. You were readin the April 1st news.

Based and greenpilled.