You like sluts don't you Yea Forums?
You like sluts don't you Yea Forums?
yes i do, but shes a pure virgin
My wife is one
What show is this? And is it good? I want to watch it for this slutty waifu
No, but they do satisfy my dick
Of course I do, that's the reason you were born.
Many people like Saten.
It's fucking shit
Don't waste your time watching it, she only appears for like 2 episodes and they are boring as shit since all she does is walk in the city like a retard for no good reason
I fucking love sluts.
nice slut
Not really. Some whores are nice, though.
Sluten, so expected.
Yes I fucking love them. As long as they retain some cuteness and don't actually go full dick riding mode I love some anime slutty girls. Love the extroverted sexually confident sexy vibes.
That girl gives a Kemono Friends penguin feel.
For pump and dump.
Only ones that are JS or JC.
What if they just look like JC?
Yes, yes I do.
Of course
Science sluts are great, but magic sluts need love too.
Not that one. Too dangerous.
Haha it's funny because they aren't sluts! That's some grade-A meme-worthy comedy, user.
Maybe. How do you know?
But that's the best part.
Some slut are alright.
her slut power is infinite
Name a bigger slut.
>the perfect woman doesn't exi-
JAV ruined Japanese sex for me. They always act like they're being raped because only sluts enjoy having sex, but that just makes me kind of appreciate sluts.
Same. Now I've got a big thing for sluts because the only times a JAV girl ever gets to enjoy the sex is when she's playing a huge cock-hungry whore.
I strongly desire sex with a slut
There is nothing worse then when a girl is having consensual sex and screams "NO stop don't make me cum!" It is the stupidest fucking shit and I cannot stand that 99% of hentai does this.
No. The real problem with JAV is that all the hot chicks are all censored, so you either get to fap to a bunch of big, blocky pixels, or some old hags with no boobs at all. It's just no fun like this.
You seriously need to see their fucking bushes to get off? You speak as though they censor the breasts
I would stomach censorship if sex was good but it's terrible. Also gross motherfuckers don't shave their pubes, but that just goes back to the whole shame thing (I won't make my crotch look good because only sluts do that even though I'm literally displaying it to the world in a porn video).
Yea, I'm going to need you to dump everything you got on this little slut
That'd take at least two hours
Got a zip?
My penis is very sad
I'm lazy
you will just be disappointed because the author and readers are both plebs who can't appreciate gold
No, the readers are fine with shit but you kept being hostile about it and spammin your shit, then you got mad that people told you to fuck off.
Yes. I even made one in that waifu maker.
The raildex threads imploded for a plethora of other reasons, the least of which was a single person making 3 posts every other thread.
no the readers are all obsessed with unsexy midgets
waifu doesn't mean an anime girl fuck off back to redit retard
We're not talking about shitposters, we're talking about how people cant "appreciate gold" as he claimed, which is bullshit. The fact is he came in here posting shit like , then got mad when fans of whatever character he was shitting on shit on him in return. Simple matter is, if you cant handle bantz then dont start shit with out people first.
with other* people first.
I want to hit that
Harder than touma did
>JAV having breasts
There's plenty of titty monsters in JAV what the fuck are you on about
>which is bullshit
it's true though. index fans would rather lust after a 6 inch tall fairy than this literal sex goddess. the author must have a midget fetish since he does the same thing in heavt object.
>literal sex goddess
But that's not Kuroko.
I fucked a JAV whore the last time I went to Japan in addition to 8 other girls from places like soaplands and Tobita Shinchi. The JAV girl was by far the biggest slut and was most into it when I had 4 fingers in her asshole. She is a gyaru, so she didn't have that innocent act. Her IRL personality was just like how she was on film.
Every single character there is a turbo slut, what the fuck are you talking about?
2D sluts are good because they usually have fun and laid-back personalities and they'll truly consider sleeping with anyone, especially if they get to know them on a personal level.
3D sluts, on the other hand, are all ultra high-maintenance, completely delusional about their being sluts and only prepared to sleep or associate with Chad.
It's important to distinguish the two.
Galko is so pure that she glows.
Also, 2D sluts can be purified and made monogamous with enough care and love. 3D sluts will forever be sluts no matter how much you pour into them.
ahh, so that's how this works.
2D sluts are sluts because they like sex, they're confident about their beauty and they have really cool, laid-back and friendly personalities.
3D sluts are sluts because being a slut is popular and because they're deeply insecure. They're also usually huge hypocritical bitches about it.
>posting a canon virgin
user, please.
This is a nun
>I've never seen Fairy Tale, but I must have jerked it to this at least twenty times.
A nun of your business? More like a nun of your pleasure.
She's a nice lady
>nice hoes
How long would the MC of the last anime you watched last?
I hate women
>I want to watch it for this slutty waifu
>doesn't know what Index is
Please go back
There should really be more outright fucking slutty sluts in anime.
But outgoing women with self confidence scare me
Sorry but I only watch good shows.
Try all you want but I'll never go back. Have sex and cope and concede incel
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I love sluts. Please respond to this post if you are a slut.
Misaka is more of a slut, though. Saten has never shown any romantic interest towards anyone.
Suisei no Gargantia did that scene a lot better.
Yes. My waifu is a slut who got rod by 100 men, maybe more.
it didn't show bellows dancing though
styl is so cute!
i wonder how long "incel" is going to be a thing. it's a pretty low hanging fruit that's pretty meaningless. Tarant is called an incel, despite having a gf. Lots of people use incel as a shoehorn for misogyny now. It's just stupid.
And you're a faggot for being on an anime board without knowing of index, shitpost or no
No, not really, unless you count girls who are serial monogamous as sluts.
go jack it to western cuckshit then
its a trope based on mistakenly attributing to women a refractory period/ppst orgasm paralysis or desentisization by vigin erofiction authors
disgusting. what if those whore was your mom/sister/daughter?
I prefer to enjoy the suffering of sluts instead. Like I will make the slut watch as I deflower the pure maiden and she will cry full of regret knowing that she lived her life wrong. Basically I love to see evil people experience extreme regret and remorse.
Azusa is not a slut, she's just a little perverted.
JC sluts are great.
Yes, they make good friends.
have sex
Why not make a pure maiden watch as you deflower another pure maiden?