What went right?

What went right?

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Literally nothing. Extremely average and forgettable CGDCT.

i want to lick olivia's smelly armpits

good director

It had a good first episode but that was about it.

Over the top Hanako

Hanako madness

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I thought the first episode was the worst. After that you slowly get used to the shittiness and it gets funnier


Sound design. A lot went right, but the sound design especially is great. And the VAs. Also Olivia. Especially Olivia.

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Butt lazer beam.

Best comedy in years. I wish Kaguya's adaptation had half the Asobi's comedic timing .

>Want to waifu Olivia
>She is only a couple of years older than my baby cousin


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What's your point?

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This. Such an armpit queen

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VA work.

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This shit still gives me keks.

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Too much screaming and meme faces.

Hanakos lovely voice

Exactly. Her VA is doing god's work, I'm actually impressed.

>VA so intense uploader codec gone haywire

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Oh wait, one of my displays is just this shitty.

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right > left > middle

does anyone remember the other funny shows that aired that season

Chio-chan, Grand Blue, and High Score Girl, I guess.

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I can't believe Maeda saved every episode.

I remember Lesbian Kabaddi Rapist's show.

I wanna play this nonsense.

voice acting

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Can't believe Chio got fucking axed

Wait I thought it was completed. Anyway 9 volumes is enough for comedy manga.

Fucking this holy shit

You're right. I didn't notice it before but the sound was very good.
All the sieyuus were on point, the special effects added to the comedy and it achieved a good busy school atmosphere with its background noise, the music was good at setting the mood, it was overall great.

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I heard the sound in my head.
My fucking sides during this part.

I lover her so much, she's so well written she feels real despite being an idealized cute anime girl.
She's kind of an airhead but she knows it and plays along with it, she does have a mature serious side to her and despite not being kawaii uguu innocent she's pretty pure herself.

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Lurk for two years before posting

One of my favorite images ever

This is better.

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