When does it get good?
When does it get good?
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Wait for Kira
after RHCP
Episode 1
This. The first 16 or so episodes are shitters
When Rohan shows up.
Next season.
you can skip the first like 16 episodes it all feels like pointless filler. Start on 17 thats when the real plot starts.
episode 1
>uses hermit purple to find barrel of coal tar in part 3
>doesn't use hermit purple to find serial killer on the loose.
Both acceptable answer.
Hermit purple isnt specific. It just shows him something. In that case he just went for the location his stand pointed at and then he figured it out himself
I liked the part 4 manga but the anime didn't really do anything for me.
I didn't like the part 5 manga but the anime is probably my favorite one.
Part 4's anime is just, eh.
It's meh unless it involves Kira.
Overrated lackluster part overall.
Part 4 is the best original universe stand part because the enemies aren't just mindless goons and actually stick around thanks to the confined setting and it has the best main villain
>joseph tries to take a spirit photo of josuke
>picture of angelo comes out
seriously, stop this meme.
4 parts later
felt like another shounen series oh it is
That's wrong, every episode with Kira in it is good, that's true, but everything else is just as bad as pre-Kira part 4
Should I remove Ghiaccio and replace him with Doppio?
whats happening here?
Risotto using Metallica's invisibility to sneak up behind Ghiaccio. No idea just drew what came into my head
pretty cool keep going, you should give ghiaccio a more exaggerated expresion it would suit him.
I just recently read part 1-6 in the span of 4 weeks. Part 1 and 2 were re-reads.
I honestly prefer the first three parts. The stand concept becomes kinda stale when you read it in one go.
I read parts 1-3 in in a couple of weeks and it burned me the fuck out
I might just be burned out as well desu. Gonna put the re-read of SBR on hold.
of animated
only kira yoshiKINO saves the part
>replace him with Doppio?
Part 4 is my favourite part but I got a bit disillusioned with the series after it. Araki is great at designing characters and their personalities but he cant tie a plot or character arc together to save his fucking life.
my biggest grievance with Part 4 is the whole build up with the girl having died to save Rohan, but this goes nowhere in terms of his character arc and he does fuck all in the fight against Kira. Kira getting anti-climactically finished is a very nice touch but I don't think Jotaro and Koichi should have been the ones to beat him.
Steel Ball Run > Diamond Is Unbreakable > Vento Aureo > Battle Tendency > JoJolion > Stone Ocean > Stardust Crusaders > Phantom Blood
Joseph > Josuke > Johnny > Gappy > Jolyene >Jotaro > Jonathan > Gio
Funny Valentine > Yoshikage Kira > Enrico Pucci > Diavolo > Dio > Kars
Crazy Diamond > Star Platinum > Tusk > Soft & Wet > Gold Experience > Stone Free
Killer Queen > D4C > King Crimson > The World > White Snake
5>2>4>1>3 animewise
4>2>5>3>1 overall
Stone Free is the best MC stand, simple but strong and isnt prone to retarded asspulls.
I take my time reading the Parts because of this, I don't want to get burnt out.
Unfortunately it doesn't really get any better than what you have already seen.
Phantom Blood>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Not Phantom Blood
JoJo>>>>Not JoJo
JJL = SBR > DiU > BT > SO > PB > VA > SC
It doesn't. Enjoy your not quite so covert homoeroticism.
Jojo is shit!
>What is becoming old and losing you physical and mental capacities?
when it ends
Steel Ball Run > JoJolion > Vento Aureo > Diamond is Unbreakable > Stone Ocean > Battle Tendency > Stardust Crusaders > Phantom Blood
Johnny > Gappy > Jolyne > Joseph > Jotaro > Josuke > Giorno > Jonathan
Enrico Pucci > Yoshikage Kira > Diavolo > Funny Valentine > Dio > Kars
Stone Free > Crazy Diamond > Tusk > Soft and Wet > Gold Experience > Star Platinum > Hermit Purple
D4C > King Crimson > Killer Queen > The World > Whitesnake
>my biggest grievance with Part 4 is the whole build up with the girl having died to save Rohan, but this goes nowhere in terms of his character arc and he does fuck all in the fight against Kira.
This holy fuck, what a blue ball
>i dont feel so good boss
i wish araki would just go balls to the walls with stand abilities one day and give every character a broken stand like the hand, the world, king crimson etc
would be pretty interesting to see how two broken, reality warping powers interact with each other at least