This unironically the best souls game, only sheep think otherwise

This unironically the best souls game, only sheep think otherwise

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Correct they need to cry forced difficulty because it's too hard for them, but you're in the wrong board

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Stay in dumb crossposter.



When will they make a Dark Souls anime

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all the normies say berserk is the dark souls anime and every time I hear that I want to rip my own ears off

They already did

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DS1 and DS2 are great for different reasons. Souls fans just got butthurt the game WASN'T EXACTLY LIKE THE 1st only to get butthurt about DS3 which is an attempt to be more like the 1st and play it safe.

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Dark Souls is the Berserk of video games, so why wouldn't the reverse be true? Checkmate, newfag.

It's cause they're fucking idiots that don't know DS takes heavy inspiration from Berserk.

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Post ds2 and not scholar of the first sin...fucking casual

Dark Souls is heavily inspired by Berserk iirc.

Soulsbourne is shit

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Opinions on Sekiro? It is worth it?

dark souls is tailored to casual shitters who want to feel like theyre hardcore players

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It’s amazing imo. Highly recommended.

Bloodborne is the best Souls game.


This, they perfected the formula with Bloodborne

Needs an easy mode
But yeah it's great, but it doesn't really have as much replay value once you get the endings since it doesn't really have builds and no multiplayers either.

Demon's Souls was the best for atmosphere and generally how fun it was.