When will it return?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kurapika is the manliest HxH character.


Anyone got that image that depicts how Nen works (Gyo, ren, etc)?

You got that right.

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1 month Inshallah

in something like two months, there will be 4 new chapters and then Togashi will die


this is completely unnecessary

Kurapika's Vagina

He wanted the image

Attached: tonpa.png (784x1145, 315K)

I dubs never

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You were as far off as possible

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idk, maybe summer at the earliest

Not the image I was thinking of, but still good.

HxH comes back tomorrow


If you had a half DC beast brothersister would you send it to Togashi knowing healthy Togashi could just completely close the manga and go spend his restored life on something else?

>7 weeks in
>when will it return?
Oh sweet summer child. If only you knew how bad things really get.

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Togashit should make a damn twitter or something

Pitou is the best girl and is my wife

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Is Aleczandxr the best thing to happen to this series/

I tried watching 1 of his video's about Pouf but nearly everything he was saying should have been self-explanatory to anyone actually watching the show / read the manga

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it's also his birthday today

His video on 99 was him completely misinterpreting the series.

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Kurapika Kurta

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Inshallah a gohya. Only Allah can help Togashi.

Is there any pattern to the hiatus or is it just when Togashi feels like it?
He didn't work a single day in 2015 but he released a bunch of chapters last years.

I honestly would prefer if it was predictable, like 1 or 2 volumes per year.


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>Oh sweet summer child. If only you knew how bad things really get.

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>tfw stannisfag and leoriofag


Happy birthday Kurapika!
Fuck yeah!

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Kurapika is a whore and sold his body to the mafia to get money and power.

Gon Freecss

Attached: Gon Freecss.jpg (1068x1717, 1.06M)

Must be suffering. But remember this, Leorio and Stannis will do their duty.

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Gon is not in the current arc despite being in every other arc because he would solo the Black Whale and the Dark Continent

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My waifu better be in the next chapter.

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Gyrobro reporting in

Attached: gyro.jpg (253x495, 64K)

>arrive at dark continent
>kumara and toguro appears
>post yfw

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Based Gyro final boss

Attached: Emperor Gyro and his new empire.png (633x482, 612K)

>don freecss is actually yusuke

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>Kurama is actually a Kurta

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>final villain is actually just Satan

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High IQ youtuber. He might be guilty of over-describing and repeating the same points in the same video, but that's the nature of the business.

Based. Best character in manga history and Togashi's ultimate brainlet filter

That is Lord Satan for you

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>that feel when you're gay but it's ok because it's just a different personality not the real you

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Will Gon ever fuck and then marry Palm Sibera hard?

What did he mean by this?

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>dark continent is actually just the spirit world from avatar

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Some of his videos are good, others are reddit garbage.


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>The fat fuck will eat himself to death before we see winds of winter (not even the last book) but still make time to make 10 prequels and spin offs inbetween

>Togashi's health will probably get worse and worse to the point where the manga gets a more rushed ending than bleach or will be on hiatus so long that each arc will take about 5 - 10 years

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receive cancer, die slow and painfully and burn in hell forever. Also delete that post.


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Damn hell! Being ASoIaF and HxH fan is suffering. How long we need to wait for fatman and lazy gook to release TWOW and chapters 391+ ? Can't stand it anymore...

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he's worried about his anal virginity

Kurtas are bitches

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Shut up you little edgy goth emo manlet.

Friendly reminder that the man we see during Ging's tape is actually Don Freecss, who is Gon's real father.

Gon will reignite the search for his father at some point.

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Kurapika Paladinknight

I miss Kurama

I want to see Pariston again.

>GRRM updates his blog
This fat fuck knows exactly what he's doing

>manlier than Pitou

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And what the fuck is lazy gook doing? Playing Dragonquest or laying in bed muh back problem?

I'll give Togashi more of a pass because he's genuinely sick and has a good reason to not be working on HxH. GRRM just got rich off the show and has no real reason to finish the book

Kurapika & Kurama

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>I-it's o-okay if togashi is doing it
>muh back pain and playing dragonquest
>hiatus x hiatus
Fuck off Togapleb GRRM is atleast very busy writing twow and doing other stuff. He has good reason too you know, being fat and 70 years old!

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>genuinely sick
Not anymore. He was seen at an idol concert just last year. He looks in much better condition than GRRM.

Are Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara and Hiei best friends with one another? Also in the end what happend to Kurama?

>grrm is old s-so its not his fault right!?
He has seven books planned, 5 of which are completed, yet he's managed to increase the number of important characters and storylines in a Dance with Dragons.

>yet he's managed to increase the number of important characters and storylines in a Dance with Dragons.
So does Togashi...

I could imagine CA Gon doing a lot of damage if he didn’t have someone around restraining him. Then again, he isn’t really a complete idiot

Brainlet. Togashi doesn't have a set volume he claims he'll stop at, he just does whatever he wants. GRRM set an actual deadline which has long passed for TWOW's release.

Return? Yeah, eventually. Will it end one day? Most likely not. This series is hopeless and the sooner you drop it, the better.

What happend to Kurama a the end? Anime/manga version

He lives a normal life with his mom

>7 weeks
Are you baiting or just retarded? It's been at least 16 weeks.

Curapikt Wrlccywrlfh

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In the anime right? In the manga is gonna leave him human form behind after he's done working at his father's company,

After the Kurta massacre, where did the 12 years old Kurapika lived and learned?

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This is still my favorite fan theory

It's a stupid retard theory, just like you dummy.

is this your card?
8 of hearts

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Kurapika and Kurapika's mother.

Do not call me a brainlet, shitbrains dummy dum. That still doesn’t change the fact that Togashi includes many characters, subplots and pov. And he releases what? 10 chapters a year and another hiatus of 6+ months.

Ko is literally just Ryu except you're putting 100% of your Nen into something.

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This one

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When it's ready

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I came here to kickass and chew bungeegum

Looks like a fucking Disney character and every Vatican Priest's wet dream.

the manga is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad

I don't quite get this ability, why does he conjure a vessel only visible to one person just for the vessel to conjure snakes. Is it further explained past volume 35?

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that'd be really cool, actually.

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meme ability


2011 was the biggest mistake in this franchise's history

what kind of last name is Lucifer

it's Lucilfer

What kind of first name is Kuroro? Can't Togashi came up with something cooler?

>starting York New City
>anime has been shit up until Hisoka x Gon fight at Heavens Arena
>suddenly it's alright
Am I just drunk or did Hisoka carry the first 35 episodes until it got good?

>York New

If Gyro was so strong as a human why was he eaten like a little bitch by the queen in the first place?

I dropped this show after the long haired guy was killed and the two kids went to train with some boring guys. I've never seen a more boring anime than those episodes.

The chart hasn't been updated for quite a while. You can't seriously think that there have been only 7 issues of *weekly* shounen jump since 2018 started right?



It's Quwrof Wrlccywrlir you fake fan

wtf am i supposed to think when I hear it faggot?

>York New City
Please. Just die.

You should be hearing Yorkshin

you're fine. ignore them

Carry on

>missing the point entirely
You can be angry at him for introducing too many things but that's not the source of his hiatus. GRRM would be close to finished with ASOIAF by now if he had stuck to the deadline he promised, so you can't excuse him for muh old age if its his shit planning that got him in this mess.

I get the feeling I'm speaking to a showfag and nothing more.

By any chance were you introduced into this series by the 2011 version?

But I’m not angry at anyone. I’m not angry at all. And do not call me showfag, you insolent pleb. You are a puppet and nothing more.

Have a nice day.

Not that user but me, first the manga, then the 99 and at last 2011 version.

The final end boss of HxH is lord Satan himself.

Wi Wi Mademoiselle

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kuroro rucilfer?

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It's good from the beginning in both manga and 99 adaptation, Madhouse just didn't care and did a shit job with the hunter exam, started to put some more effort in gradually after that. Hisoka actually sucks big time in Madhouse's exam anyway so your taste is shit regardless

Chimera ants doesn’t deserve mercy.

>its a "99nigger pretends the early parts of HxH were better in his retarded version despite being ful of fillers, the director too stupid to know the gender of one of the MCs, Gon looking retarded, Killua acting like a generic edgy kid and dark filters used everywhere" episode

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Pitou is my only reason for living, my life has no meaning without her.

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2011 also had filler in the first two arcs, as well as removing stuff like the Sushi making and the first chapter.

Alecxander doesn't understand the nihilistic and cynical nature of the series.

Japan is having a re-run of the 2011 version. I wonder why they never did it for the 99 version?

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This is the post of a retard a faggot and a autist.

Don't feed the 11 tards, let them rot in their misery

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Will Hisoka kill Machi?

Why is Japan having a re-run anyway? Do the nips have something to celebrate?

Because HxH is really good and Japs love it. Just the announcement of the re-run made HxH trending on Jap twitter. Of course, we are talking about the manga and the 2011 version here, because nobody gives a shit about the 99 version, since its not HxH, just a fanfiction.


>Because HxH is really good and Japs love it. Just the announcement of the re-run made HxH trending on Jap twitter.
That’s correct.
>because nobody gives a shit about the 99 version, since its not HxH, just a fanfiction.
Eat shit, suck bigfoot’s cock and die of cancer please. The 99 version is part of HxH as well, not fanfiction or shit.

I think he's not in it because there really is no place for the "honest type that everybody likes" in this story.

Why do I love Gon Freecss & Edward Elric so much?

The 99 adaptation failed because it didn't capture the spirit of HxH. It was just another generic 90s anime, that's why its forgotten and irrelevant. The 2011 version, with all its flaws, was still able to capture the true essence of what makes HxH great, plus it adapted the greatest arc in the history of battle shounen.

But that is simple way not true! And no it wasn’t just another generic 90s anime, it was a 90s hunter x hunter anime. Its forgotten and irrelevant because they stopped the serie after greed island and because its a old serie from the 90s.

Why the hate and criticism to HxH 99?

Because its not canon

And why is it not canon?

Why don't you go and watch it, so you'll find out?

I already watched it twice and so far pretty accurate of what I saw in the the manga, despite some fillers. How about you?

How are you doing btw?

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Yeah, but it looks SO GOOD!

It's not accurate, there are fillers in every scene. All the MCs act out of character. It looks gloomy and dark for no reason whatsoever. The pacing is shit and the OST is boring. It doesn't help that the director thought he could add some creative shit that nobody wanted, to make it look more original, but it ended up being shit. 99 is a fanfiction and nobody cares about it.

Can someone talk to this 11tard faggot?

It is accurate, those fillers were well done. Not one of the MC acted out of character, wtf are you talking about. The pacing at the times can be slow but most of times the pacing is normal. The OST is very good and in place with HxH. 99 is a masterpiece and there alot of people who cares about. HxH 2011 is made in the first place because of the 99 version. The 11 looks more than fanfiction in the first few arcs.

This, 1999 fags are always trying to cope with this.

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I love both. Got a problem with that?

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>fillers were well done
NO. Go make your own fucking anime, don't use HxH to push your fucking gayass headcanon. Nobody wants fillers, either adapt it faithfull or don't adapt it at all.
>Not one of the MC acted out of character
Hisoka is constantly looking like some loony retard.
Killua is too generic and edgy and he's never seen as someone deeply disturbed by how fucked up his childhood was.
Gon looks like he has Downs Syndrome, most of the time, and he's never shown to be quick witted or mature.
The OST is garbage, it doesn't compare to 2011. All the songs in 1999 are boring shit.
Nobody regards 99 as a masterpiece, everyone's frist approach to HxH is either with the manga or anime. Madhouse decided to adapt HxH from the beginning because the 99 version did a really poor job at capturing what makes HxH great.
2011 might have fucked up in some cases, like Kite and nerfing Leorio, but its still miles better than that abomination that is 1999.

No matter how much you seethe, whoever watches the 1999, will end up dropping it or just disliking HxH. That's why everyone starts with the 2011 version or the manga.

Being this of a angry homo. Keep coping fag.

Coping for what? The 2011 is the one that is having a re-run nation wide in Japan. Everybody ingores the 99 version.

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>It's not accurate, there are fillers in every scene.
It adds valuable content which enriches the original source. It gets more emotion out of the first arcs than 2011 for sure.
>All the MCs act out of character.
They are not as simplified as in 2011 that's for sure. Nevertheless, they are the same characters than in the manga, perhaps more fleshed out and psychologically explored but without doing it more than the manga allows.
>The pacing is shit
You're biased because your first experience was with the rushed trainwreck that is 2011 (why would they put any effort in attempting to improve what was already covered in 99 when they clearly didn't have the talent to do it).
>It looks gloomy and dark for no reason whatsoever
It looks pretty realistic, imo. Ranging from sunlit areas and interiors to almost pitch-black wilderness at night.

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Valuable content to whom? Nobody gives a shit about what the director wants to add. Togashi is one of the greatest storywriters in the industry, and some irrelevant director will not make it better by adding Hisoka throwing his dish in a lake, the Hunters being friends and moving some boat, some little girl getting in the HE and challenging Killua or Kurapika swimming.

They aren't fleshed out or psychologically explored because the 99 version adapted only 4 arcs, and 3 of them were complete shit.

If the 2011 was a trainwreck, it would have failed the same way 1999 did, but everyone keeps praising it and even 5 years after it ended, people are still watching it now.

No, its not realistic, they added some grey and black filters to make it more edgy, like they did in every 90s anime.

Well then I gonna rewatch 2011 again :)
After that the 1999 version. And the manga in viz translation. Can’t stop me!

>Hunters being friends and moving some boat
They didn't have any choice.
>some little girl getting in the HE and challenging Killua
That scene is there to make you take Killua's background more seriously and think about its connotations.
>Hisoka throwing his dish in a lake or Kurapika swimming
>They aren't fleshed out or psychologically explored because the 99 version adapted only 4 arcs, and 3 of them were complete shit.
So you're switching your point from '99 not being faithful' to 'the arcs 99 covered are shit anyway'.
>If the 2011 was a trainwreck, it would have failed the same way 1999 did, but everyone keeps praising it and even 5 years after it ended, people are still watching it now.
2011 seems more successful because it's still pretty recent and was done in the age of smartphones and the internet being more mainstream, so even turds become popular if they are released nowadays and most people are bored or don't know any better.
tl;dr: popular =/= good.
No, its not realistic, they added some grey and black filters to make it more edgy, like they did in every 90s anime.
So everything should have speedlines and sparkly shit to cater to ADHD autists?

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He's a 3 star hunter and we still don't know his power. How the fuck does he protect himself? not a fan of this much ambiguity.

>bitter gyro hater
>h-he's forgotten he totally isn't coming back even though its explicitly said that he would
seethe more lad

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Based fellow Gyroposter

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>cherrypicking x100

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Your opinions and arguments are worthless and irrelevant just like the 99 version, subhuman 99fag.

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Kys inferior subhuman 11scum trash eater

In 2030 a HxH anime will come out that's so good its better than 99 and 11 combined, and finally unites this fanbase. That, or its the worst adaptation ever which accomplishes the same thing. Screencap this.

Attached: best bros.jpg (633x886, 108K)

Our lord and savior has spoken.
Based user, blessed are the peacemakers.

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he annoys his enemies to death. The word arround town is that he is also a genius shitposter
Based and Welfin-pilled


this scene still sends shivers thru my spine. Fuck it, I need more hxh bros

Yeah, it's one volume per year.
Last year it was two volumes.

It's like Brotherhood. They just rushed the first few arcs.

Based Luini

>Hisoka x Gon fight at Heavens Arena is fucking kino
>music is geniusly gone except for sharp staccato strings emphasizing the stress of the fight
>fight choreography is brilliant
>music rises to a crescendo as Gon lifts up the floor tile
>Hisoka is no longer smiling because he's actually trying concentrate
>Gon manages to get a hit in
all of that and then

Why does Toga do this every time. Does he get off on a subversive, anticlimactic ending?

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Togashi said Hisoka wanted to kill Machi so if Machi survives this arc it's only because Togashi doesn't have the ball to do it.

Attached: togashit-hisoka.jpg (2048x1536, 1.05M)

>Hisoka being a "pervert" was established way back when he first met Gon and was constantly having little orgasms in the Hunter Exam thinking about Gon
>The ref didn't distract Gon, it was Gon who got distracted and stopping focusing on Hisoka because he lacks experience
>Their main goal was to punch Hisoka, give him back his tag and then leave. This was established when they reached the 200 floor
Pay more attention, speedreader brainlet

The ref didn't distract Gon. And I liked that small detail about the ref wanting to end the fight early.

I wonder what Gyro would thought of the battle between Ikalgo, Welfin and Bloster? What would Gyro do? Also what would Gyro do if he was part of the hunter team?

Also Gyro and his soldiers are immigrants to NGL.

Majitani beat Gyro up while their were young.

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Hello hunterchads.

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When is Silver Spoon coming back?

Pitoufag, did you know that Hina and Pitou are sisters?

Who the FUCK thought up those goddamn names for Chrollo, like Qropthulo and that shit you just posted?

How much of a brainlet you have to be to think HxH is a battle shounen? Battle shounen are the lowest of the lowest, OP and Naruto are that, not a well written series like HxH.

Mr and Mrs Lucifer, they are clearly fans of H.P Lovecraft.


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This looks fucking amazing. A job well done Hunterfriends.

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We need to start purging these battletards from HxH threads.

But when?!

What's a battletard? A fightfag?

Hisoka Ahsoka

>required reading for high school
Ah yes. So very "high IQ"

The Force & nen


Kurta fashion

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Based as usual

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Reminder that Kurapika will die this arc.

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Stop answering to the retarded 2011 fag, have some decency for fucks sake, he's always the same brainlet using stupid arguments already countered hundreds of times, he's a two digit IQ who keeps repeating the same shit even tho he's ridiculed on a regular basis, it's literally autism, leave him alone.

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Gon & Gyro
Both left home at the age of 12.
Both name start with the G.
Both have something to do with fathers.

why is hxh so natural?

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either kurapika or based clown will end you
either way, you are dead

You're in the minority, 99fag. You'll always be in the minority and everyone in the HxH fandom agrees that 11 is way better.

I honestly thought he was a girl for a while there.

holy fuck

So did I. And I really hoped that Kurapika would remain that way but alas...

It's safe to say Hisoka will never have any kind of character development or redemption. He's worse than the spiders.

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2022, mark my words

pfft, the Hunter Association will probably make Hisoka a double or triple star hunter if he manages to take out most of the troupe and then Hisoka can finally head over to Gon's house and have brunch with Gon, Mito-san and Grandma

The reason why is because Madhouse currently has the rights to animating HxH, while Nippon Animation doesn't. Same reason why it hasn't gotten a rerelease.
Also, everybody liked 99. Check the archives here, EncoderAnon did a new encode of Yorkshin OVA like 3 years ago. It got reruns back when it was airing, as well as a full English dub. It got 3 OVAs that were high budget and had licensed songs, shit series don't get this.
And since I know you're an 11fag, I know you'll say 99 is filled with filler (which is false, and the few filler it does have is actually good, only bad one is the Episode 2 filler).
Here's what 11 added/cut up.
>removing Kite's introduction as well as making the audience unaware part of the real reason why Gon is so dedicated to being a Hunter
>a 4 minute section was added to Trick Tower, where they're locked in the room. In the manga, this is just a wordless, one page section
>the sushi making section of the Second Exam (AKA the best part of the Exam) is removed
>cut down the opening of the gates in the Zoldyck Family Arc
>2 recap episodes are added in place of all the cut sections because Madhouse can't pay the bills :^)
>Yorkshin is butchered, a lot of small changes made to save money
>many instances of censorship throughout Hunter Exams, Zoldyck Family, Heaven's Arena, Yorkshin and GI
>Gyro's story is cut down
>Chapter 102 is basically gone
This doesn't include things inherently wrong with the 2011 anime's art style and animation, the lighting issues present throughout Yorkshin, and many other issues.
Only problems I have with 99 is Episode 2, the removal of the Kastro fight (it still appears in Flashbacks though) and the fact that it doesn't have a blu-ray release.

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Do anybody got that picture with all the different Hunter Types: Gourmet Hunter/ Beast Hunter ...

This 99 vs 11 thing is retarded.


Double kek XD

I really think you 99fags are mentally ill. I've watched it, why are you trying to lie? Everything in that shitty fanfiction feels like a generic shounen and it doesnt represent HxH one bit. The animation is garbage save for a few episodes here and there and they spam black and dark filters to save money for the animation because they had a shitty budget.
I admit that 11 has its faults, the manga is the superior version, but even with all its faults 11 is miles better than that disgusting stuff that was 99.
Again, nobody gives a shit about it. 99 is forgotten because it was garbage. 11 has been popular since it first aired and its considered one of the greatest shounen anime even by people who didn't read the manga.

You'll have to stop to pretend that 99 is better just because of nostalgia. Face reality and stop living in your little deluded world, you worthless vermin.

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It is. I love both versions and the manga. They have special place in my heart/soul along with FMA & FMAB. It made today who I am.

English dubbing of Yu Yu Hakusho is far superior

Yeah so is HxH & FMA.

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I love Kurama but hate Kurapika.

I love both Kurama & Kurapika but I hate you.

Underage b8

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Is King Bradley a relative of Yusuke?

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>Zero arguments
It's not even about 99 vs 11, it's just that this user is retarded, all his brain can master is repeat "muh fillers, it sucks, nobody likes it", a child's level of articulation and thought process, every time his arguments are debunked he ignores the points made and just proceeds to vomit the same void script. It's useless trying to discuss something with such a brainlet, every valid argument you'll make will be disregarded or met with shitposting, that's why I keep telling you all to just ignore him, you're wasting time and effort, plus you give him a chance to write another cancerous post in response. Pitou posters are fine intellectuals in comparison. Just pick your battles, the topic can be discussed but at least make sure the counterpart has a somewhat functioning brain

this one?

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bad quality but kurama has them keks in him

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and I forgot to link it

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I like how 99niggers are literally scared to link my posts like some little bitches. Keep watching your nostalgia filler fanfiction while 99% of the mentally healthy part of the fandom watches the 2011 version or reads the manga

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>None of the humans did anything wrong in the CA arc
You obviously didn't pay any attention.
>Decided immediately to nuke the ants without trying to find a peaceful solution
>Let 500k East Gorteau citizen die just so the Ants wouldn't notice that the Hunters were approaching their castle
>Used Dragon Dive on the castle knowing that the Hunters would be in the Palace, showing that they didn't care about collateral damage
>Threatened and used a blind, wonded, little girl as hostage
>Used a poisonous nuke that accidentally ended up killing 40k civilians
>Covered up the incident as just some plot by a dictator, hiding the truth from the people and taking control of the new lands for their own benefit

No, the one I was thinking of has all the stages and an explanation of Nen in general

that's his charm you dumbo

has the fanbase become such a tumblr tier cancer that it now fights amongst itself?

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>why yes, Kurapika is my favorite HxH character. What gave it away?

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This kills the 2011fag

99fags have never been and will never be part of the fandom. They are alien bodies that try to infect our threads with their fanfiction garbage like some kind of bacteria.

But the nips think that best Hisoka is Greed Island's Hisoka because he acts like Gon's big brother.

99 filler was canonized by Togashi when he referenced Pokkle and Ponzu being a couple.

wandering hunter or beast hunter. Tough choice

Pic saved

All the other options would have resulted in way more casualties, go suck ant dick, faget

Hisoka is so fucking dull whenever he's with Illumi. No wonder some Hisokafags hate Illumi.

I like Illumi. They are best bros, their friendship reminds me of Gon and Killua.

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This is actually an incredible feat by the 99 team, fillers blend in magically with the source material and Togashi himself acknowledged it. Not only that, he endorsed the 99 adaptation even more as he actually dubbed the guy who tries to climb down the trick tower in the hunter exam, an anecdote that tells the great respect and chemistry between fellow artists. On the other hand, Madhouse raped HxH from the get go with the atrocious first episode, I'm sure Togashi hates the 2011 anime with all his soul

This. I like the relationship between Hisoka & Illumi. One a clown magician and one assassin. I hope to see Gittarackur again.

Hisoka & Illumi will die of old age.

>I'm sure Togashi hates the 2011 anime with all his soul
This is from Togashi's office/studio, 99fag. Now cope.

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>>Used a poisonous nuke that accidentally ended up killing 40k civilians
Ah yes, you are probably referring to the 46.613 civilians that died of bodily failure after waking from pouf’s hypnosis.
Pic related.

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Why does Ging's face look so terrible? He looks like a baby-faced uguu with ugly stubble.

Not everyone can be handsome like Hisoka.

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user, they're the same fucking show. God dammit what is this thread??

Guess there's literally nothing else for them to do at this point.

Togashi doesn't want to steal spotlight from Kishimito's new manga. He won't come back anytime soon.

Let me warn you that you must not treat 99fags as human beings. They are not the same as me and you. They are subhumans and you should never let your empathy cloud your judgement when you are dealing with one of those inferior beings.

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Because we, huntercahds, already destroyed all our enemies (One Piecefags, MHAfags etc.) and now in order to satisfy our needs we fight among ourselfs. There's no such concept as peace.

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Based user
Based Chrollo
There’s no peace, there’s only passion.

>He literally worked with the 99 team and canonized their filler
>B-but two thots sent him a pic so that means he loves the 2011 adaptation
Kek, 11 tard keeps outdoing himself, remarkable.

>He literally worked with the 99 team
No, he didn't. Togashi has said in many interviews that he's not interested in working with anime teams because he thinks anime and manga are two different things. Dubbing some character for 2 lines in 1999 because he was asked to is not "working with the 99 team", you filthy subhuman scum.
Also, keep being a little weasel and act like a cuck by not linking my posts when you're talking to me, you'll just show everyone how much of a cowards you 99fags are.

Autism, seething and living rent free in your head. Those poor 11fag, literally cancer of HxH threads.

Post yfw you realize that when the HxH 2XXX anime comes out and adapts the entirety of the manga Togashi completed before his death, HxH 2011 will forever be seen as the red-headed step-child.

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There are 71 posters here and 68 of them are 11fags. You are in the minority. All the manga readers, like myself, are also 11fags. The reason is simple, 11 is more faithful to the source material and it has adapted more arcs.
You will ALWAYS be in the minority. Irrelevant, worthless and forgotten, just like the 99 adaptation.

Well I like both but unlike you I don’t hate any of them nor do I choose a side. Keep seething and remain hateful for nothing, you poor pathetic pleb.

spineless centrist

Butthurt seething 11scum

>11fags are this delusional

I'm amazed at Hogashi
-he can complicate stuff with a good system at will
-he doesn't give a fuck about lore consistency
I love how flexible hxh is

I wonder what happend to Tonpa.

fml, slip of the key

Dubbers work with the anime team, he dubbed, he worked with the 99 anime team, even a subhuman brainlet like you should be able to grasp it. Plus keep ignoring facts as usual, he officially recognized the 99 anime as the true HxH animated experience by using 99 original material for the manga. 2011 tards BTFO by Togashi himself. Also stay butthurt because you're not getting (You)s, underage faggot

Making shit up and using MAL apologist arguments, we've reached the bottom. HxH 2011 is at the top of MAL, this alone ends any discussion, I'd be ashamed but to be a 11 tard you must know no shame to begin with, so...

Did Majitani trained hard or did he take steroids?

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How good is Greedo Islando Arc? Better than the phantom troupe arc which left me dissapointed (how come only uvo and paku died damit I wanted more blood)

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Will any one of you shut the fuck up about 99 vs 11 bullshit?!

>Professional hunter and assassin, who can use Nen got his arm broken by a child

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Illumi is just delicate.

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>Third world scans
You deserve pain

What did any of you think when Gittarackur wanted to fight number 99 aka Killua?

Somebody please respond

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What else does he deserve?

To be honest, does anyone think that the 11 version captures hxh?
HxH specially at the beginning was an edgy gorefest and Togashi's art is distinctively kind of realistic and raw. I think the 99 visually captures the manga way more, which is not strange considering that they are from the same era.
Also, you have non canon stuff made the early stages better and more believable and got it's way into the canon to some degree later on, while the non canon stuff that we got from madhouse were 2 shit movies that were nauseating, you can tell that they never understood hxh in any capacity.

>have the weeb world in your hands after mindblowing masterpiece chimera ants arc

>destroy the hype with shitty boat arc

miura a hack

Succession war will end in volume 38, followed by a mini arc centered around Pariston, Ging, and the Zodiacs

I think you should stop.

So Gons not a normal human, right? I’ve been rereading this series, and it’s mentioned quite a few times Gon has abnormal qualities(regenerate ability, Nen skills, etc).

Yes Gon is a Gary Stu, he's the son of one of the best nen users in the world and has inherited his bullshit OP genes and had a 1 in a million nen potential.

No, gon Freecss is a normal human with great deal of potential and gifted in general.

Illumi is kinda cute

If he was a woman he would win the Hisokabowl

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99 is not canon

No unfortunately :(

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Why did the hype die bros

why would he need to be a woman for Hisokabowl

>1999 fan here
I just want to say I have a brain disease that prevents me from thinking straight and that is why I think the 2011 version is worse. All of us 1999 fans are actually from the same mental hospital and we just like to act retarded to get attention online.

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1999 nigger here. can confirm. How else would we be able to say with a straight face something that defies all logic and reason?

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When is the next arc coming out for 1999 HxH? Oh wait

When is the next arc coming out for 2011 HxH?
Oh wait
When is the next arc coming out for HxH manga?
Oh wa.. uh oh

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