Netflix Cowboy Bebop Cast

Is it going to be shit like all other anime adaptations?

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Other urls found in this thread: valentine cosplay&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5zdiihbfhAhXEmuAKHfxxCnQQ_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=576#imgrc=_

Why did they make Jet an actual black guy? I thought he was just a gruff, Japanese guy?

Because his last name is Black

>Netflix thread
>It will be shit like any other Netflix thread
>Mods will be too much of faggots to delete it

This, mods should do their jobs and stop being retarded.

could be worse
I hope they don't try and make them look like the anime counterparts, it's always embarrassing when the japanese adaptions attempt it with such a low budget

why is spike spiegel asian?

bretty good casting actually. Director is still shit tho

>good casting
>makes jet an ugly nigger when he is japanese

>Some white dude is going to be holding a Sephiroth-katana in a church
The memes will be beautiful.

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Did they really imply where Jet came from? I thought his race was left ambiguous.

Hey looks fine, "American audiences" and all. Faye looks alright actually, not totally what I imagined but it works, Spike and Vicious look retarded. I get black Jet will be the meme but Spike doesn't look cool and Vicious doesn't look threatening, and that's the whole point of their designs. We have some Asian twink for our too-cool stereotype and some smiley uncle for our edgy stereotype, that's the real crime. I don't care about race in appearance as much as tone, and they lost.

All anime characters are japanese.

>live action
name 3

>spike spiegel
That name is not Asian. What the fuck?

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This, specially when all the characters look western like FMA, it's embarassing.

Who cares? If you unironically watch netflix live actions you're a faggot

>Full metal alchemist

I'm so tired of the wrong anime getting live-actions. Bebop just won't work. They need to do Black Lagoon or Monster.

Jet is Japanese use your eyes. Not a nigger.

Death Note
Speed Racer

Still will work better than One Piece live action.

>no Keanu Reeves as Spike
It's shit

edge of tomorrow
speed racer
new french city hunter movie
don't assume they'll just adapt every scene 1:1


No they aren't

>implying it will ever come out

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I wish they'd do a western FMA instead

>Netflix anime adaptation
Definitely is going to be shit


John cho is not/does not look charismatic enough to be Spike

Johan is a physically impossible cast

OP is a battle shonen with wacky designs, no fucking shit it would work better, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. Black Lagoon and Monster are literally perfect for a live-action, especially the former if they want diversity points.

>John Cho

Are they having a giggle? Why not get good VAs rather than celebrities. It’s a voice not a face for christ sake.


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Cause Mars is Chinese in Cowboy Bebop.

even the currency is called Woolong.

Vicious was always white.
>Bandit Keith
>Pretty much everyone in Attack on Titan aside from Mikasa
The point was that he could be white, not that he could be black.
Because you will be seeing faces.

Get Del Toro to do Tokyo Ghoul or Paranoia Agent then you got yourself a classic

This trash belongs on Yea Forums. Mods stop being useless niggers and delete this.

Doesn't explain why he's Jewish in the anime. You really think Netflix writers give a fuck about details like that?

Alita Battle Angel
Alita Battle Angel
Alita Battle Angel

>Johan is a physically impossible cast

TG isn't good, wasn't good, never will be good. No matter what.

We don't know anything about Spike's past beyond the fact he was in the Triads.

The name just sounded cool to someone from Japan. He wasn't made with the intent to be anything besides 'cool future city hunter guy'

>The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.

Go look in the mirror and the world around you. You 3D piece of shit

Wait, is it real?
Is it not an edit?

The Akira movie is also in pre-production thi syear apparently based on some financial filing from DiCaprio's studio, he's also producing.

>a live action adaption of an anime can't be discussed on the anime board

stop with the autism

The actor for Spike is way too old, Spike looks like he's in his late twenties

Hong Kong is a place where you can find a lot of Chinese people with western names..

No white washing in anime user

Death note white lead
Ghost in the shell white lead
Alita white lead
Akira white lead
My hero academia white lead

Anime characters are white

Daily reminder Cowboy bebop is SHIT and samurai Champloo was the better boomer anime

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TG is just Evangelion with edge and a better MC

Kekkai sensen?

Carole & Tuesday?

I wouldn't expect the average Japanese interpretation of "cool future city hunter guy" would be a skinny brown dude in a purple suit with a jewfro.

it's real, they announced it like half an hour ago

The first Kenshin movie
The second Kenshin movie
The third Kenshin movie

the only anime worthy of live action at the moment is hunter x hunter or kaguya-sama

>Director is still shit tho
>not liking the pure cheesy awesomeness of Thor: Ragnarok

Which is why Cowboy Bebop is way more popular here than there.

What? It’s shit just like the source material

Never mind I’m retarded, for some reason I didn’t catch ‘live action’ and literally thought they were getting them in to do a new dub

It's just not fair.

Movie>>>>>>>the snoozefest tv show

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Not anime and manga. Gas yourselves.

>every single netflix thread end up being full of crap that has nothing to do with anime
>almost every live action adaption thread end up being full of crap that has nothing to do with anime
>most of them are deleted for that exact same reason
stop with the retardation

Because the names are easy to pronounce and most of the characters are white

The series is not even out. This belongs in the trash.


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Most of this thread has to do with anime or anime adaptions so far

I really would prefer to see keanu reeves act like bruce lee

>it's not against the rules but stop anyway because I don't like it
Are you 15?

I feel sad for him, he seems like a cool dude. Too bad he's probably too old to play Spike.

They just look white, Faye is straight up from Singapore.

the guy actually playing him isnt much younger


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>none of the actors are Japanese
>being mad at the black guy

I don't think spike was korean, viscous was white or faye was mexican either anons

Good shows don't get ruined by Netflix and Hollywood

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Taika's doing this? I thought he's doing Akira instead?

learn to read, you fucking mongoloid. this thread is all about the race of the actor and how it's going to be shit

I do not now why fucking americans need to put niggers everywhere. Come on, make another show about shit eating or cow pussy licking in Africa or something.

Casting is 1 part of it.

Music is so fucking important they better not fuck that up with generic trash you usually hear in prime-time shows

>white people can't come from Singapore
>she claimed to be a gypsy and they didn't call her out for obviously being asian instead
stop talking about viscous white things, this is a blue board.

There is no reason to make Jet an ugly nigger.

>not knowing netflix threads are usually deleted because they're fucking cancer
no, you are

None of them was japanese in the original.

> asian guy to play Spike, black guy to play Jet, latina chick to play Faye.

what did netflix meant by this?

Use your eyes. They are all Japanese.

There is a live action mob psycho 100 tv show on Netflix by Japan

Bebop is perfect for live action adaptation.

They are still going to fuck up though.

Have you been to Singapore? The vast, vast majority is Chinese with Malaysians coming in second.

White, asian or whatever. They are just NOT BLACK.

No they where white with white names. With a few black and a native Indiana and racially ambiguous Edward who was originally going to be a black boy with dreads

Wasn’t Faye chinese?

>Keanu isn't spike.
Fuck this gay ass earth. The nigga has wanted to play Spike for ages now, and he is still in action movie shape.

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Doesn't change the fact they technically aren't against the rules

Speigel is just a German surname. Where are getting Jewish?

Does it really matter in a post-Earth setting where those countries don't exist and no one cares because it's the cyberpunk future?

No she white

Yeah, poor Keanu. He is such a bro.

Assumed genetics

Probably, she was from Singapore, which is mostly Chinese.

Then they are all mixed like 99% of anime characters (even the brown skinned ones)

End of story

I've expected Jet to be played by a black guy since he was voiced by one in the dub.

I'm kinda surprised they didn't cast an asian for the role of Faye though.

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The majority isn't always the answer.

No Keanu Spike no watch.

I'm surprised they're so on the nose by casting the black guy as a man literally named Jet Black

Is that why I'm supposed to like Ragnarok? I thought it was because of the bravery of doing a "comedy" with no jokes.


and that's why americans are retarded and should hang

>trying to determine the ethnicity of people who were born on another planet

isn't Keanu busy making Bill & Ted 3?

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Keanu is old.

Her diastema is distracting

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Too old you fools

So I'm the only one mad at Spike and Faye more than the nignog? Hell, I could even say that the nignog looks better than the actual Jet, but what is that monstrosity that is going to play Faye? Good god.

Hold the fucking phone, he's making a new Bill and Ted?

He looks like he's the same fucking age as he did 20 years ago. Just tell him to shave and he'll be fine.

Instead on focusing on the race how about the fact that the main actor has zero charisma and WILL make an absolutely awful Spike no matter what?

>Keanu Spike
Welcome to last month dude.


you forgot to finish your fragment user

Sulu was one of NuTrek's few bright spots

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why couldn't they just cast a hot asian girl as Faye?

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Because feminism bro. That one is an empowered vegan lesbian

Finally part 8 live-action!

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can Cho pull off playing a decent Spike?

Cowboy Bebop was never good.

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What the shit? Now I need to watch the movies again. It's been decades man.

If they were going to cast an old guy as Spike anyways why didnt they just get Keanu?

>Yo dude, what happened
>They stole my car and killed my dog

Netflix should´ve learned after Nigga Note.

Fuck off lmao. How fucking shit can your taste even be.

he's busy with John Wick and Bill & Ted, and also I think he joked about wanting to play Spike

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Yup, this right here, that's all I wanted from this bullshit adaptation. Not that I would have subscribed to Netflix for this even if Keanu was staring as Spike.

Why is vicious so ugly

Motherfucker is still killing it as John wick. Doing his own stunts and all.

Vicious got the worst

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>Duuude, what happened
>Klaatu Barada Nikto

>adaption looks like utter fucking shit, from the producer to the writer to the director to the cast to the studio
>majority of 4reddit posts say it looks "okay" and are interested in it

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-ping pong
thats about it

>spike korean instead of at least mixed japanese
>jet literally black
>faye not asian
>viscious is fucking british for some reason

I don't get this, Netflix have money and they like to waste it in stupid shit, I doubt it was a money problem. They most likely had the connections so I doubt they couldn't contact Keanu. Keanu still looks as immortal as ever, I doubt it was of his looks. SO WHY NOT? All they had to do was cast Keanu and see the money and fans rain, they could had do ALL the wrong choices and yet nobody would had cared as long Keanu was there, SO WHY NOT? There must be a logic explanation that have nothing to do with the points I already mentioned.

Oh no, a black person, there goes any and all discussion about this. Joking aside
>Is it going to be shit like all other anime adaptations?
C'mon you know the answer, hell even the Japanese can't get it right

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Reddit is hell.

Battle royale was better than the source.
And oldboy is kinda based on manga.
And rurouni kenshin movies have a good rep.

did you wanted a pretty boy as Vicious?

They're not doing it for the fans, silly

That doesn't make them against the rules sperg.

I see more people complaining about Spike's casting. Jet being black was almost a given.

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Why couldn't they get an Asian chick. What is she some mixed race mongrel? That fucking teeth gap is so ugly.

Fuck off from wherever you came from avatarfagging nigger

REKTED cowboybebopfags

WHY isn't Spike Jewish? His last name, his gun... Who's running this shit?

I watched it, the characters were all Japanese and it was pretty accurate and funny.

We're not allowed to like Kenshin anymore.

imagine actually sitting down and actually watching this garbage, especially knowing it's a Netflix adaption!!!


I don't know man, I watched your mom last night.

Right, it’s a shame the mangaka turned out to be a pedo

You know why,

>Rurouni Kenshin Creator Nobuhiro Watsuki Charged With Child Pornography Possession

That's outdated news already.

He's literally came back to draw Kenshin again since last year. No one actually give a fuck about CP porn.

This is your Ed now.

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old as fuck,
and nobody gave a shit.

>No one actually give a fuck about CP porn.
Speak for yourself

Is that the protagonist of Searching as Spike? He's a good actor.

>Spike is 6'2
>cast a manlet

Cause no one really is. Shueisha literally said that themself.

are we supposed to be complaining

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I was gonna say Keanu is too old to play Spike but at least in this pic I think he looks younger than the guy they cast

What irks me more actually is that spike is an asian and not a white or a jew.

Can either John Cho or Keanu ape Steve Blum?

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Casting actually looks fine. It's the director and the script that worry me.

Hell, even court didn't give a fuck and just fine him around 200000 yens and that;s it.

John Cho is the only gook who I would accept as playing Japanese. His career is solid, great actor. Searching was surprisingly entertaining.

>Cause no one really is.
Then why isn’t Viz releasing his sequel series anymore? Clearly they care, speak for yourself.

I always thought he was some kind of Hapa.

>none of the actors are Japanese
None of the characters are either

>Giving a fuck about western release

>some random American licensing company

We're talking about Japan here, the actual important place.

I want this western shit off Yea Forums

No one that matter cares. Fuck the Western market, Viz sucks tranny cocks.

I'm not going to see this, just like I didn't see Death Note, and just as I won't entertain the Eva re-dub.

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>no one cares, except the people who do ignore them
Whatever, this is off topic anyway

It's pretty obvious that Spike and Jet were smart enough not stick their dicks in that useless thot in the series anyway.

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Can any of you read Japanese? I don't think Kenshin is even translated here anymore because of that.

oh nononono


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This. Western trash is not Yea Forums

Little Forest (Japanese version and not Korean remake)
Umimachi Diary
The Great Passage
Chihayafuru (not better than the anime or manga but still good)
Let Me Eat Your Pancreas
and those are just the recent ones off the top of my head

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Except people who do ignore them in this case isn't even relevant to begin with.

I can. I think it should also be a requirement of Yea Forums to learn Japanese, so that we don't give business to companies like Viz.

Of course the one white guy is a bad guy who’ll get taken down by a multiethnic team.

Who will they cast as Ein?

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The Kenshin mangaka literally had 3D CP.

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Haha, no such luck, they cast actual transgender freak

You forget most people are braindead normalfags.

Also Ed is guaranteed to be a fucking tranny.

A pitbull (rapper or dog breed).

His new manga is selling get fucked.

>Giving a fuck about western release
>Fuck the Western market
>some random American licensing company
They say in a thread discussing a Netflix adaptation of an anime



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I think it works, she has an appealing exotic look, and I think actually resembles her character the most out of the four. It's just the teeth thing.

The sub for eva has always been better.

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>Little Forest (Japanese version and not Korean remake)
>Umimachi Diary
>The Great Passage
>Chihayafuru (not better than the anime or manga but still good)
>Let Me Eat Your Pancreas
All made by nips, and these are easy works to adapt.

Honestly i don't give a fuck about Ed, so they can do whatever they want with that character

Imagine riding some mangakas dick this hard.

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And? the comment was discussing about Kenshin not netflix adaptation.

They will cast a black genderfluid boy.

Print this.

And how does that invalidate the claim of Western market is trash? This Netflix adaptation is going up suck just like every netflix adaptation.

Yeah the old dub was at least charmingly horrible that was good for a laugh.
Like old Lupin III dubs.

God, I want to fuck her neck.

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nobody gives a shit about 3DCP in Nipland, get over it.

A thread that shouldn't be here, to begin with, since it's not Yea Forums related. Also, your question wasn't about Netflix Bebop, it was about whether or not I should like Kenshin. Answer: I do, I don't give a shit if he's a pedo. That's his problem.

Is this a joke?
April 1st passed my dudes

Julia's obviously going to be a smoking blond if they got Cho to act in this utter joke of an adaptation.
Julia will be best girl now and forever.

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A robot with a nigger affect.

Well, hopefully it bombs and they learn their lesson

>nobody gives a shit about 3DCP in Nipland
You're seriously trying to speak for an entire country now just so you can defend some shitty cash-grab sequel?

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I hope my boy gets a role in day

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There should be a change in rules that throws those shitty western adaptations into Yea Forums where they belong.

>Jew turned into korean
>Asian turned into Latina
>Tanned man turned into N-word
>White evil man keeps white
What did Netflix mean by this?

This. Western cancer does not belong on Yea Forums and never will.

He was part of the triads, the chinese mafia. Makes sense that he's asian

>into N-word

Its live action user

they really got the the ugliest and uncharismatic motherfucker to play spike. flop incoming.

Spike is fine as an asian, but why the fuck did they cast someone so old and with no charisma?

You can actually propose that to the staff. I did last year but they told me to fuck off because movies/based can be posted if its related to anime/manga

Triad actually have foreigners in their rank though. Not only Chinese.

Julia will also be white to have a AMWF pairing. /r/asianmasculinity is going to love this adaptation

>Only asians can work for the triads
Can't believe hot classist and racist you are, user.

>Fucking Harold as Spike
>Meltyface as Sephiroth

They probably came really cheap

He probably came pretty cheap

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No. Jet is definitely going to be fucking Julia in this adaption if she's cast white.

and r/hapas is big on AM/WF shits on WM/AF.

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>Julia will also be white to have a AMWF pairing. /r/asianmasculinity is going to love this adaptation

At least she's not a niggeresse

>Julia will also be white to have a AMWF pairing
asian and black men really love white women while latinos tend to stick to their own


I'm trying to think of some young, charismatic actor that hasn't already had a famous role elsewhere, but I keep coming up short.

Unless we stray significantly from skin tones.

Like the person at ANN who played her in the last Nostalgia Critic movie? I want them to watch it all.

Live actions... are so interesting.

Asian men with facial hair are ridiculous af

I'm cool with it, Jet always had a cool black uncle vibe. Faye's being anything less than a 11/10 is what worries me.

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Spike's father figure is Chinese too.

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>I'm trying to think of some young, charismatic actor
Steven Yeun?

jealous white boi?

>Is it going to be shit like all other anime adaptations?
Tell me, who's directing this?
Who's producing it?
Where have these actors been previously?
Have they ever worked together?
And considering it's Bebop, who the FUCK is doing the score!?

All access pass to this pussy

wrong af.

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Are they even going to be allowed to smoke?

>Asian women: Flat as boards.
>Black women: Too aggressive.

Can you blame them?

>ugh, anybody can be white on a Chinese-colonized Mars!
>ugh, anybody can be white in the Traids!

>wtf??? blacks in my live action???

But seriously. I don't have a problem with the leads being Asian. But can we not have important side characters be black?

I'm the opposite, I'm cool with a black guy playing Jet, but the casting for Spike is fucking terrible.

I feel like he looks a bit to boyish for spike.

They will vape instead.

But you can't tell by his face.

You can't smoke on Netflix?

Why change his race for no fucking reason? Jet is white as fuck. Why does America like shoving blacks into fucking everything?

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I like his work. I'm not convinced he is right for Spike though.

>But can we not have important side characters be black?
I'm cool with Jet being black. Casting for Faye and Spike is awful though. She isn't attractive enough while he's too old and just doesn't have enough charisma to carry his character.

But the characters in MP100 are canonically white.

I will be truly disgusted if they whitewash Bigshot Bounty

Also, will they adapt Jupiter Jazz, and if so will we get to experience the spectacle of bullshit backlash against not having a real trans play Lin?

It's the hair, right?

They are going to make a huge deal out of hiring a transgender child to play Ed. I would bet money on it.

Lets be honest, Jet was almost certainly always gonna be played by a black guy. Hell, his english VA was a black guy

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eh, squidward?

I wouldn't call him white, but he wasn't black. I don't know what he was supposed to be. Maybe Puerto Rican or something?

Probably more likely they make her autistic or something.

Which I guess wouldn't be that far off. Something is clearly off about Ed

>They are going to make a huge deal out of hiring a transgender child to play Ed. I would bet money on it.
Why? Why the fuck do they keep pushing those things into the media?

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Really? Source?

I'm more concerned they'll use a bunch of CGI and give her a long piece of fake hacker dialogue whenever she does something useful.

Also, any word yet on the casting for Ein?

it could be worse valentine cosplay&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5zdiihbfhAhXEmuAKHfxxCnQQ_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=576#imgrc=_

Japanese Twitter users don’t and aren’t taking this nicely lol

>his english VA was a black guy

His race was never stated because it's irrelevant. But like you said he certainly wasn't black so I'm struggling to understand why they made him that way. I'm not American so I don't understand this obsessive need for diversity.

Cho was pretty good in his last movie. But Keanu would've been best. Seems like he has too much work lined up, though. Cavill was memed into the Witcher, so I thought Keanu could've been the same.


It's the future! Race doesn't exist in the future!

It's ethnically diverse classism all the way down!

Article says her casting is still going on. I assume so is Julia's.
Post proof

>Yea Forums - tv and movies and netflix

>spike Spigel

>turn spike into some washed up asian instead of something like pic related
>turn jet into an ape
>turn faye into some caked up roastie
Can you really blame them?

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What a sexy Ed!

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Does Jet need to still be a big/tall guy even?

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Didn't you know? In the future Jews become Asians.


Speed racer was adapting a manga
EoT was adapting a ln
Alita is the only okay anime movie

whos playing ed? Is it an Indian Transgender?

I don't know who that is but give him the Jet beard and have him put on some muscle and he could literally be Jet.

He could easily play Spike
not only does he look 20 but there is also deaging

Jet wasn't a nigger in the anime wtf

I think we can all agree John Cho is a massive miscast, right?

The argument that netflixcucks are using is that "b-but he was voiced by a black guy in our burger dub so that means he's actually black!!". Pathetic.

Ask your friends on

This is Julia, right?

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>>>Yea Forumsrules/4

This is who they chose for Spike. Think about that for a while.

Attached: John-Cho-in-Harold-Kumar-Go-to-White-Castle-john-cho-15196079-853-480.jpg (853x480, 44K)

well at least he can act, which is more than I can say for the others

This has also the approval of the mangaka, not like with the Jackie Chan one.

>am I fitting in yet?

>that mongrel face
Spike has down syndrome now?


Temuerra Morrison. He played Jango Fett in Star wars and was pretty good in Aquaman as AM's dad. I think he could have pulled off Jet as a former cop and now ignored mentor to Spike and doing maintenance work on the ship.

Attached: 1544583132148.jpg (1463x976, 81K)

That's not bad.

Calm down /r9k/

Temura is a really good actor, watch We Were Warrios, that movie was damm good.

Attached: 71L-pH8Z4UL._SY445_.jpg (314x445, 41K)

This, people focus on Jet being black now for obvious reasons but Vicious is even more miscast. He's supposed to be a 27 year old stoic prettyboy, not some 40 year old looking, gruff smug dude.

Attached: spike2.gif (500x375, 2M)

just pretend this shit doesn't exist, it's just Hollywood trying to cash in on well known IPs again

did American GitS film ruin the original work? Hell no, everyone forgot about it already

Name a single prettyboy in Hollywood that can pull off looking intimating like Vicious and not huffy fuckboy.

I thought all the characters were Mexican

>Not Keanu

Pay is too low for her

Arise did that job before the american version

Disgusting gook

If you're not from NA stfu and worry about your own damn country

Screw Vicious. He's secondary. The got John Who for Spike. That's one of the least charismatics asian guys they could get. Nigga doesn't have any action background either. Frankly they are all terrible. Tooth-gaped flat latina, Jet BLACK, /r/asian masculinity looking fuck and some random scruffy actor.

You'd think the multicultural crew was already enough. There's 2 happas, a middle eastern a dog and a nonbinary east asian. But they had to miscast and flip their races while they are at it.

Not anime or manga

I really need to see the Nip reactions to this cast.

??? Are you stupid asiankek the guy looks ridiculous just like all of you

This is news so is the best place.

They actually went and did it the madmen. This shit is doomed from the start, just look at the actors, all of them are diversity tokens.

Yes, please, let's keep and dilute every single art work on the face of the earth and turn it into flavourless low common denominator shit for the sake of profit, I can never have enough of this shit.

One of the writers posted this and it gives me hope

Attached: yost.png (633x486, 356K)

Hollywood would just cast Zac Effron and miss the whole point of his character.

>korean twink faggot
>not Keanu

How to expose an asian "men"
>makes sense for spike being asian lol
Man they made him even a korean, japs are going to be ultra assblasted

>it's shit
Nobody expected this outcome.
Not surprised they shoved a nigger in there.

Did I trigger the amerifat? Your country is the one bastardizing Japanese works by shoehorning in black people because your culture has some sort of cuck fetish. I'm sorry you get triggered so easily but you're already the laughing stock of the world as it is.

oh cool, they got an asian lead. Is that Harold of Harold and Kumar fame? I figured he'd be too old for this by now.

Do nips even care about bebop ?

Just like all the repetitive moe and isekai animes that Yea Forums watches


>Alexandra is a queer genre and dark dramedy writer with a flare for fierce, female-led storytelling. She began as the Showrunner's assistant on Netflix's Altered Carbon, then CBS' Zoo, before being upped to Script Coordinator/Writer's Assistant on Facebook Watch's highly touted Limetown (based on the hit podcast of the same name). Most recently, her pilot The Meek and The Mild was just featured on The Bitch List, and won the prestigious Writers' Assistant Network competition, allowing her to participate in their 2018 work shop
This is the showrunner. Fucking lol at Americans.

Dumb nigger newfags on Yea Forums don't know shit about the most normie anime out there.

Spike is Japanese, based on a famous Japanese actor
Jet is Japanese
Faye is Singeporian
Ed is South Pacific

They're all Asian, it's not hard to notice

am I the only one OK with a black Jet?

I'm more concerned about Spike and Faye, that casting is fucking terrible.

Attached: Shrugging guy meme_00.jpg (384x313, 83K)

I'm not watching anything.

You're the one literally crying because I'm making fun of burgers and now you're trying to pull the "y-you're seething haha" card. Way to reinforce how thin skinned you are fatass.

Is Faye going to hook up with Julia?


t. Asian retard

She looks like a porn actress who fizzles out after 3-6 months of hype.

Jet doesn't look Japanese at all.

She needs all the pay she could get for the lawyers.

>queer genre
What does that even mean?

>Spike is Japanese, based on a famous Japanese actor
>Jet is Japanese
>Faye is Singeporian
>Ed is South Pacific
This works.

No. Bebop flew under the radar in Japan since they only aired a select number of the episodes out of order due to TV censorship laws around the time, back when late night anime still wasn't yet a thing. It later got re-aired in its entirety in Japan but wasn't promoted well and didn't make headlines. When it became wildly popular in America, it renewed interest in Japan and Watanabe gained a cult following.

CW actress.

>am I the only one OK with a black Jet?
No, everyone who's ok with it should neck themselves.

Nah I'm alright with Jet.

Stop pretending to be retarded.
>The company, who notoriously made some questionable decisions doing an all-white adaptation of Death Note (which was an assault from both a diversity perspective and as an actual adaptation) seems to have learned from its prior mistakes.
TOPKEK my fucking god america is doomed now the problem and controversy with the netflix adaptation was an all white cast, not fucking nigger L

>Real life adaptation of anime done by westerners

Miss me with that gay shit thanks

I loved them and watched them at Netflix

>This was wrote by an asian "male"
Seems right

Why do people can name only few white characters in anime? Most characters in all animes resemble whites the most. Serious question.

None of those were good.

Don't be retard there are a lot, literally almost the whole cast of snk and more than half of the jojo cast we can go on


... okay, that would be solid and interesting.

These people need to die.
It's like they enjoy trashing and making a mockery of works.

You just don't understand japanese filmmaking.

As much as the DN movie was shit I don't understand what's the problem with casting whites since they changed the setting to America.

Read the text, it was wrote by a mad ching chong since america now has asian people there and they are even able to say their cuck opinions.

>marvel capeshit writer

>These people need to die.

Is that a death threat?

An Asian guy as Spike is fine, but John Cho is the complete opposite of cool.





How fucking dare you faggoty 2010s newfaggot, underage pieces of shit come to our board and start telling us what to do. You stupid, underage newfags. Fuck you. Fuck you. FUCK YOU.

It's a cry for help.
I need a hero.

>Spike is japanese
>Cast a korean
This is even worse for Japan than making Spike black

I hate this retarded misuse of terms. Do you even know what "boomer" is??
It does not mean "old" VS an incorrect "zoomer is young".

Attached: Myzk.jpg (533x800, 85K)

spike spiegel was cast 50 years ago

Attached: based rip off.jpg (620x947, 94K)

Is still April's fools?

t. jealous white incel

Attached: 3pxwbyhh26d21.jpg (497x700, 37K)

Damn not even one person will be ok with this adaption aside of ultra leftards and they don't even see anime, anime fans will be assblasted for this absurd cast, japaneses are going to be mad at literally everything with this shit, they in their foolish mind would think that the cast would be completely white or just jet as black but they underestimate american kek power, then we get A FUCKING KOREAN SPIKE

Any day now.

Attached: ed.jpg (895x196, 45K)

where is this from?

>Asian dude using the word incel
Yikes, it took you all this time to found in google and asian who looked god with hair in his face

you couldn't be more wrong.

>The white guy is the evil one

Attached: 1554210770131.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>All anime characters are japanese.

Attached: [Doki] Kiniro Mosaic - 02.jpg (295x481, 33K)

Robert Altman's The Long Goodbye. That's Elliott Gould playing Phillip Marlowe. It was a good film, kinda overrated by the people tho, yet good.
In other news the same film got NIPPON'D recently

Attached: the_long_goodbye-888170426-large.jpg (640x870, 75K)

>Attack on Titan

literally wasn't
had a decent start but even less of an idea of where it was going

>Harold from Harold and Kumar Go to Town
>fucking Spike Spiegel

>airliner hijacked
it's obviously the original dark knight rises

He is right? Or by asian men you mean 2 or 3 models?

Attached: Who gives a shit.gif (175x144, 879K)

he could do this shit in two weeks. 3 tops

>AoT already getting a Hollywood remake with the director of "It".
Can't wait to see Boyega as Eren as he wanted



>nu-Yea Forums suddenly cares about Cowboy Bebob

>Faye is an ugly, gap toothed chestlet

Attached: 1552314210302.jpg (188x282, 21K)

This. White people shouldn't have antagonist roles except for women.

Where this meme come from? The only people with good facial hair are arabs and whites and not all whites.
>hur dur white faggot
Im latin american with mongoloid ascendence, my beard grows like a shit


Attached: showGraphic.php?table=blog&keyid=399.jpg (426x597, 26K)

Umimachi diary is a great manga and a great movie, but the great passage was a novel first. Then the novel got adapted into a movie and an anime.

t. ugly white beardlet

reading comments about anons being mad spike was asian is the funniest thing ever kek.

how can people be dumb enough to think anime characters are white? did they forget anime is made in japan or something?

Attached: true white anime.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

>no Keanu
>nigger Jet
>Flat as fuck Faye

I bet Ed wont even have a dick. Absolute trasah.


Attached: A-common-issue-for-men-growing-a-beard.jpg (1500x2000, 260K)

Reminder: these western live-action adaptations happen because the japanese rights holders let them.
They will continue to do so because japan does not give a single fuck, only the west gets pissed off about this kind of shit.

oh please fuck off nigger

it's the stereotypical netjew cast, meaning they're paying $1M for the licencing to just fuck up and put their own morals into someone else's really good work



No, you have to be dumb or actually japanese to think that anime characters look japanese or even asian if you ask to normal people around the world the vastly majority would say that they look white

I'm mad they got an old and uncharismatic asian to play Spike.

nice bait.


One of Us was an anti-orthodox jewish documentary tho, and pretty good.

>watching 3DPDshit

Nor does Spike.

This is a 8/10 in america.

literally using it for the meme...

>imagine being this butt hurt
making spike asian is not inserting morals into a work you dumb fuck.

the world doesn't revolve around white people the show and most of anime is made by Asians of course he is going to be Asian.

Attached: white.png (588x310, 477K)

>an all-white adaptation of Death Note
??? Kira was Jewish and L was Black. Stupid SJWs.

I was always under the impression that Spike was white because of his hair but I guess his black eyes do say Asian.

Attached: 92096766-BFD9-4588-9A0E-027F27F19DAD.jpg (1080x1209, 118K)

Oh no no no no no no

Asians know they are fucking ugly so they make anime characters with so little detail that they end looking like white people, if they really wanted to make them look asian we wouldn't have this problem for sure since you can recongnize an asian easily in anime and manga.
>your pic
>pic related is full asian

Attached: giphy.gif (400x225, 773K)

your impression was wrong, most anime characters are Asian and can be assumed to be Asian unless stated otherwise in the canon.

stop white self inserting so hard

>Faye is not a nigger
Thank God.

>mfw this is par for the course for every famous Anime

Attached: 1530155452540.jpg (456x628, 140K)

>seems to have learned from its prior mistakes.

the casting is completely fucking awful, anybody who thinks otherwise is retarded

>actually caring about the real world
2D goddess>3D white "people"

Attached: Doubto.png (1366x768, 830K)

Ok asian incel, he is totally not white and asians totally not look like this

Attached: images.jpg (279x181, 12K)

I thought the hair and 'Spiegal' made it pretty clear he was jewish?

>an ayasefag

The casting isn't as terrible as it could've been, but it'll really depend on how well the characters they play act like the originals, and how well the story and setting are adapted. I tend to be optimistic though, so I get disappointed a lot.

He would be a terrible Spike. I don't understand why everyone is obsessed with his stifled acting.

>no keanu
who cares

i thought the last guy was ed?????

Netflix are really good at getting people with nearly no talent to act in there big budget shows.

Only issue really is the other shit kid from Jurassic World getting a shot, they were both awful in that and somehow kept getting roles.

jews are the true whites

All of the girls were good except childhood friend.

Attached: disniggaforreal.png (1366x768, 806K)

Why are castings a poltical tool for idiot American identity politics nowadays? Why cant the American cinema elite not an hero and relieve us of their shite.

Jet is not black and Spike looks quite tanned so I dont know if he is an asian (def also not a white guy).

Thanks for proving his point.

>thinks Asians are ugly
>watches anime and is on a anime board
the fucking level of ungratefulness and has risen to a new level.

you absolute dumb fuck hahaha Asians aren't ugly no race is you plebian there are good looking people and ugly people in every race.

>they look like white people
yeah it's called stylization did you think anime was some art gallery realism shit or something? they look more racially ambiguous and not like what real asians look like because anime is just another form of cartooning so logic gets thrown out in favour of variety in designs but most anime characters are so supposed to be asian in the canon of their worlds unless stated otherwise.

Attached: a-mur-icah.jpg (258x195, 9K)

God have mercy.

The worst part is this adaptation is going to be terrible for reasons that have nothing to do with the way the cast looks but people are going to shitpost like it is.

They could replace the OST with top 40 hits and rewrite the story into a GotG spinoff, but at the end of the day what people are going to be bawling about is that Spike wasn't played by Keanu Reeves and Faye wasn't played by a vietnamese hooker.

Perfect post to end on when the mods should nuke this thread.

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>am I the only one OK with a black Jet?
No, because there was nothing intrinsically racial about any of the characters besides Faye, and even that's marginal.

But hey, who cares about an actual understanding of the characters or the work when you can feign incredulity on the internet?

of course the adaptation itself could still be good, but it wont change the fact that the actors dont look like what'd you expect the characters to look like
maybe we were just spoiled with the concept of keanu reeves playing spike. guess i can withold judgement a little and see what they look like with costumes and makeup

>Diverse case of characters
>a jewish man, a big european looking dude, an asian chick from Singapore, and a... russian? Chinese dude? I can't nail down his race but you get what I'm saying.
>Show already heavily diverse, easily one of the most diverse ones in all of anime.
>The director lovingly put in all sorts of different people cause he likes foreign movies

>This nobody making this adaptation comes in
>how about we make the handsome jewish guy asian that looks like he never saw pussy in his life
>how about we make the wise, mature looking european guy black, and bring an actor that's a literal twig that doesn't look like he can take an ounce of responsibility
> how about we make the asian girl that pretty much relies on being sexy, a really, really, ugly looking white chick with fucked up teeth
>How about we take the most cuck looking dude from the suburbs we can find and put him in the shoes of one of the most iconicly evil villians in all anime

The thing is, I don't care about the races, I think cowboy bebop in the hood is one of the most faithful adaptations of an anime I've seen to film, I think the fact is that they went out of their way to mix things up to fit a quota, and not only that they chose actors that look like they couldn't fit the characters in a million years.

I don't get it... why would you make a film if you aren't gonna try to give it effort? why make an adaptation if you don't care for the source? How do you manage to find such bottom of the barral looking actors, when there are cosplayers that look and could fit the role a million times better than these.

I really don't get it. Is this some sort of monetary exploit where they can cash in on fans by making really cheap live action?

asians do look like that, and we look awesome
stop getting so ass blasted and self inserting so hard into the media we make.

we don't go around claiming dc and marvel characters are asian and self inserting as hard as you guys do. fuck off.

>but it wont change the fact that the actors dont look like what'd you expect the characters to look like
Literally every novel adaptation ever.

oh snap

I don’t hate that he is Asian I hate that he is a nerdy looking reddit going beta male comedic relief looking Asian.

Spike is seen as one if not the coolest most smoove anime characters off all time, I just can’t see a guy who is known for only playing nerds to fill the roll. They should’ve got the Asian from Into the badlands or something. I don’t even think Johnny Cho’s accent is American enough for him to sound confident.

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>I think the fact is that they went out of their way to mix things up to fit a quota,

Mate haven't you heard? Authenticity and meritocracy are old news.

You gotta be oppressed to win.

Something tells me they only casted an Asian actor because Spike knows Jeet Kune Do. Alright casting, though, since Faye is actually attractive instead of an ugly nigger like recent Hollywood casting trends.

George Soros backed Netflix since the beginning and Obama is in the Board.

>I hate that he is a nerdy looking reddit going beta male comedic relief looking Asian.
Many asians look like this desu. Not racist, love my asian bros, but they either looks sleazy, nerdy or feminine. Rarly you get an east asian to look like a proper man.

I probably won't watch it, or I'll pirate it and deprive them of views on their platform. Another thing is the soundtrack, that being good and true to original is a requirement. Essentially, the casting is a small part that they've relatively mildly fucked up on out of all the parts they can still fuck up majorly.

Honestly, I think Cho will nail it. I think he's a little too old, but I still think he can pull it off.

shut the fuck up the casted spike as Asian because he is Asian. it's best this way instead of him being some ugly white dude like most hollywood films do for the lead role.

It's going to be weird to have Jet be younger than spike though.

>shut the fuck up the casted spike as Asian because he is Asian.
Yeah you keep believing that.

Also Spike looks fucking latino or North African

unless stated otherwise you should assume that characters are japanese
even in full metal alchemist i'd say its not unreasonable to view Ed as being some sort of fantasy Japanese that lives in a german inspired country
i mean the world isn't really. there are clearly asian looking people in FMA's world like Mustang and i would even say Hughes could be considered Japanese if we're going by faces

Ed doesn't look exaggeratedly white like someone like Armstrong

>Faye is actually attractive
Yeah maybe by amerigoblin standards

Yeah, that's true. Their dynamic wasn't really rookie/veteran though and age won't clash for anyone who is seeing this with fresh eyes.

Better than a niggress, still.

>North African
>6'1" spic

Attached: rtr2ibnj.jpg (753x507, 122K)

>imagine being this deep in denial about spike being asian

even blacks don't self insert as hard into our media as much as whites do.

let me guess this is what anime looks like to you because you self insert to hard:

I'm aware of what' trendy, but still it baffles me why they make these? does anyone actually watch it? did anyone watch the garbage tier deathnote live action? Do they take the monetary fall just to seem more diverse?

>Faye is actually attractive

Attached: A56D8C28-5F38-40D3-A0FE-B4C555290F37.jpg (480x318, 17K)

he just looks to old to be spike honestly.

>Expecting to get hard to 3D people
Get a load of this guy.

Attached: btfo.png (1366x768, 968K)

Fact: Anime characters dont look fucking asian at all and are an escape mode for the collectivist mundanity of their own generic looks.

Maybe it's a fictive-kinship sake-ceremony kind of thing?

>seven deadly sins

He has da poo poo skin user

Does Faye's actress have the curves for her character?

Attached: 1535941661377.webm (678x1080, 2.65M)

Every western anime adaption is trash.

fact: characters are drawn to not be drawn with to many features so anyone can emulate themselves on them

an F to our poor comrade and his shit tier taste in women. One day he might stop liking ones and go for twos. oh well.

She looks perfectly fine.

No, but there aren't any good actresses who would.

Attached: daniella-pineda-teen-vogue-s-2019-young-hollywood-party-8.jpg (1280x1715, 341K)

Netflix is a laundery money scheme which works like a pyramid scheme fraud

what race are the sneedsons?

>not a hint of irony or self reflection especially when white people invented the mirror
I want Yea Forums and Yea Forums to leave.

Attached: 1392238909669.jpg;filename_=UTF-8''1392238909669.jpg (800x490, 61K)

>We should really make sure we don't fuck up the ethnicity of the main character
>let's hire the most generic asian-american korean, it's all the same really

they really netflix'd it up. hilarious.

they're usually bad because they never give a shit
alita is good because she's literally cameron's waifu

muh GOD

Attached: KEfjP1e.png (2480x1748, 2.98M)

some anime characters dont look asian at all though
cho barely works as spike but it can be salvaged. they shouldve gotten someone more tan and maybe has done some martial arts.

t. asian-american and not a disgusting hapa either.

>being this delusional you start rationalizing your cognitive dissonance away


like every hollywood cast nowdays, terrible fail cast as usual.....

Attached: Daniella-Pineda_-In-a-Relationship-Premiere--05.jpg (1470x2205, 363K)

>don't look asian at all
most of it is stylization and cartooning dumb fuck
>are an escape mode
congratulations you summed up all of media
>generic looks
you take that back before i got all akira on your ass

Attached: akira-image-4-600x324.png (600x324, 282K)

They should’ve just got Kuenu Reeves to play Spike, nobody would’ve complained.

I don’t even know what race Kuenu is

No user gave a shit about that, don't act like some nigger from leddit.


Attached: leaked still from the set of cowboy bebop.jpg (480x304, 24K)

was this s1 of the originals or recent?

Eh, both are valid criticisms, as is your first one. At the end of the day for real, it's going to suck for all those reasons and more.

lol dumbest i have ever read in /a

>how can we force as much racial politics into our casting without even fucking remotely being faithful to the source

Attached: 1522968736120.jpg (600x325, 24K)

Should've just kept Keanu, instead of getting fucking White Castle loving ass Harold.


>an all-white adaptation
But L was black?

>Spike (((Spiegel)))


>best fetish
based thick thighs lover

Cartoon characters don't look like any race unless you add racial signifiers on them. That's why every white person in anime has blonde hair and a huge nose.

Good article on this phenomenon:

Attached: 4b110eb93335e09fe574b5fa806e043d1351059285_full.png (316x238, 87K)

people who think with this mindset are the type to think black characters need to be drawn like a racist caricature or they are not black and are just a white person with black skin.

Attached: 13884499560076.jpg (1280x720, 387K)

>ignoring race is forcing race

But I see two crackers. It's not like you were gonna watch it anyway

Did Johnny Depp finally fuck over her?

This girl isn't 100% my taste, but I find it really cute how she lifts up her jacket for the camera a little to show that she's actually wearing pants. The wave is cute too.
But yeah the faye actresses is probably gonna look like trash. also her teeth look nasty. there are girls with tooth gap that look cute, but that girl ain't one of em.

>knowing shit from reddit
As expected from a netflix thread.

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Huh, that's so weird. Wonder why every character got their ethnicity changed except for the evil white man?

Chinese/Hawaiian/some type of white

Spotted the onions drinker

I think he states he WOULD have gladly done spike If he was younger. Its a damn shame but it may have been his personal choice


Attached: ER2.jpg (640x360, 54K)

>you take that back before i got all akira on your ass
Lel mate, most east Asians look like each other within their own ethnicity. Japanese even take pride in this by bullying out any individuality or discriminating hafus /Ainu and Okinawans

And yet somehow they're still doing a Your Name adaptation that's neither set in Japan nor starring Asian actors (a movie where the Japanese-ness actually does matter to the plot). And a space drama, Cowboy Bebop, has one fucking Asian actor playing a character who isn't Asian. Yeah okay.

Attached: 1479414263611.jpg (471x500, 89K)

Care to elaborate? How do they make money fucking over their underlings if they pay their staff and get no money in return from the show?
If it was true how calm they aren't hiring people who have favors to pay them and instead hiring the cheapest nobodies around? seems like they just want to pump out content without realizing how much it stains their name.

Imagine getting your head crushed by those, haha.

Attached: 1549433140633.webm (578x1080, 1.15M)

a lot of characters in anime who live in the future are typically mixed
like amuro ray is supposed to be half japanese half canadian

Attached: yo adrian.jpg (1280x622, 82K)

>>Tanned man turned into N-word
a narwal?

You mean like this?
also who is she?

I need to see Cho in costume before deciding if this is worth it. Who knows, maybe the makeup department can make a miracle happen.


design wise anime uses a lot of racial ambiguity to get more variety in designs even going as far as to break real world logic a lot of the time e.g anime hair.
the only time you should assume an anime character is not asian if they have some obvious signifier that they are not or the creator has stated they are not.

Attached: tsugumomo.jpg (568x416, 66K)

>white man turned into cuck
I think that's what they tried saying.

Too manly, wouldn't convincingly pass as a woman

I think expecting anyone to look even remotely close to the original characters is asking too much. I do hope he can do the martial arts stuff well at least. Doubt he can be as charismatic as Spike though.

Who would play Koko?

Attached: 7DC72C76-3817-45BB-A58C-71ADB51C300D.png (1280x720, 739K)

Eunha from GFriend, a K-Pop group. But they make J-Pop too. This song is basically a mahou shoujo OP:

Attached: 1542543519676.webm (500x888, 2.82M)

Yea and I'd be fine with someone half white half asian as long as they're attractive and fit enough for the role. John "plays a nerd in every movie" Cho is not a good fit and isn't mixed at all.

i'm asian and it's not something any other Asians take any particular pride in that i know. we cherish our culture and tradition more than our looks

As a white guy who just visited Korea, why do those girls from red velvet always look eternally bitchy and why do people like them?

Those twice girls look much more endearing. Not a kpop fan though, just wondering

Fucking garbage casting.

John Cho is 46 years old

Keaneu Reeves is 54 years old.

No excuse that Reeves is too old. His body physique is hundreds times stronger and younger than a scrawny Korean like John Cho.

Regardless of what you think about anime characters in general, It's a well known fact that shinichiro watanabe goes out of his way to have different races, ethnicity, and walks of life in his anime.
In this specific example it would be senseless to default to asianbecause watanabe doesn't.

I think it's been well established for a long time that Mr. Spiegel, is heb.

Yes, but there is a massive difference between Asians in Asia and immigrant asians. I lived in Japan for a while and goddamn they take pride in their ethnicity. They are basically ethnic nationalists, but that is only a no no when white people do it.

Ah I see, I see. Thanks

is this a passion project for any 1 human being involved with the project? Please at least lie to me and say yes

Why is she so perfekt?

sasuga 3DPD thread

If it was a passion project they would have gotten Keanu.

If anyone working on this actually liked the source material they wouldn't be remaking it

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john cho is shit and a scrawny fucker miscast for an action star role.

Spike is literally 6 foot tall and strong as fuck.

Because Red Velvet actually has good music and don't do the fake cute innocent idol act like everyone else, which explains why they have a majority female fanbase. The show I went to in Japan was easily 90% JCs and JKs. And because Irene is considered the prettiest woman in K-Pop. If you were in Korea recently, you probably saw Irene's face everywhere you went.

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Also Keanu does 90% of his own stunts and knows gun fu

>Does Jet need to still be a big/tall guy

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Netflix is fucking up anime on purpose.

Uhhh you don't get to bring whites

Keanu is Lebanese.

you make a fair point in this specific case,
though it is still kind of fun to watch white people get so reeeeeeeee over it.

also one last thing can i have a source to spike being heb?

Prime Jackie Chan would have been a better Spike you fucking faggot

Jcs and jks?

Yes I saw them goddamn everywhere. And I escape the west partly because of "strong independent women who need no man hmmhmm' and then I get to look at the eternal bitch face once again in the east too. Also I heard two of their songs I think who were both about men ironically (something about bad guys or something)

The description for the Netflix casting already changed weapons for Spike.

Spike now has a Black Hole Gun, I kid you gun.

They are not giving Spike a regular gun but the Black Hole Gun you saw in Outlaw Star.

Middle and high school girls. And the girls are actually pretty fun.

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never been to japan so i never knew it was like that, but it's never good one any person is an ethnic nationalists, it's good to have culture,and a ethnic background but to hold onto it like it means the world when we will all be dead one day is stupid.

if we one day woke up and everyone was the same ethnic background i don't think the kids of the future would care that there once were distinct ethnic backgrounds.

>They are not giving Spike a regular gun but the Black Hole Gun you saw in Outlaw Star.
this is getting worse and worse, what's next? Turning the dog into a cat?


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Ed is a different race from the white people in the series, from a place that's a fusion of ancient Greece and ancient Persia. Explains why he's darker than most other white people.

cringe and bluepilled, yikes

>space opera
I´m more worried about the budget

lmao at the average Japanese person being ultra nationalists. The average young Japanese person is pretty uninformed about news and politics. Look at the young girls and boys there, and they're all into K-pop and dramas and don't give a shit about the history.

Wall Street Journal published how Netflix is run everyday and its exactly like you pictured.

Netflix San Francisco gets in fights with Netflix Hollywood everyday.

San Francisco : Algorithms is God

Hollywood: I want to hire my friends to get these acting roles so I can get favors in return.

Also, the rule about not looking at someone's eye for more than 10 seconds is actually real.

why are ethnic state people so dumb?

you won't care about muh ethnic state when all of humanity is wiped out because we wasted to much time hating other ethnic groups instead of working togther on space travel or advancing our technology for space travel.

because any day now an asteroid could wipe us all out and we would be helpless and eventually the sun is going to burn out

He's going to look pretty stupid when the japs start importing Vietnamese in mass.

The only people who are ever going to accomplish interstellar travel are whites and asians. Fuck off nigger.

There's an everlasting debate on it but the general points are
>jewish/yiddish family name
>Jewfro curls and everything, you could say some of his features are fitting too.
>carries a Jericho 941, an Israeli made gun
>If you really want to get picky you could say his complexion is somewhat middle eastern and he's got a fine nose but that can always be a convo in circles.
>shinichiro watanabe was asked if spike is jewish and he said sure why not, according to some guy on the internet, take that with a grain of salt but then again sounds like something watanabe could have said.

Netflix is actually corrupt.

The voice actor for Seiya in the Netflix Seiya anime got his role because his older brother or was it uncle was in charge of Netflix Mexico or was it Netflix Latin America.

He's a shitty voice actor and because the original Latin voice actor for Seiya passed away so there had to be a replacement.

it's gonna look just as bad as you imagine, and if there's gonna eb any CG in it, it will look really aweful and out of place.

we all know it'd be trahs, might as well just skip out on watching it.

i'm asian you dumb fuck.
and no we won't because the whites will be thinking muh ethnic state and won't work with the asians and then the asians will be thinking muh ethnic state and won't work with the whites and will try to out do and sabotage the other.

>this became reality
damm you America
damm you

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Why does Netflix ruin everything

those are some good points
i can see why people see him as jewish

kek i remember this
they hand to go over the spike drawing in black to course correct because of the outrage

This thread hit the bump limit and not a single positive comment about the upcoming show.
Netflix should commit seppuku.


don't forget about the evangelion re dub

they should just stick to funding new anime series

>and no we won't because the whites will be thinking muh ethnic state and won't work with the asians
you're a moron. this never happens. whites hate niggers and spics because they act like literal chimps and fuck up our country. asians don't.

Guess we can't say the fucking n word on this website anymore

Almost all of Netflix's new anime are CGI. It's fucking shit.

dude i have been bullied for my asian eyes by white people for all my life but not a single black person has ever done the same to me because blacks know the pain of how shit whites can be to other ethnic races a lot of the time.

*I hate niggers and spics

Fixed that for you. I'm not the Asian dude you were talking to, but most people in America tend to not think like you, subhuman burger munching faggot. Most people just go about their day, not being obsessed with whatever things the other races are doing, like you.

b-b-but they are doing Baki 2nd season

Racism has actually been a bannable offense for years, read the rules.

Netflix hates hand drawn anime.

All the Netflix anime have been forgettable crap with zero discussion.

Enjoy CGI Kengan Ashura please.

That girl on 00:10 on the right looks like a literal Ayy Lmao hahaha

Mate all the progress was made in ethnic white states with regards to space travel (or when whites were still in charge like 60's US)

devilman was pretty good

Mate I am European and get the fuck out of my ethnic white country, we never colonized anyone yet you fuckers keep coming with your subhuman cultures and bs islam or black nationalism. Fuck off

>Alexandra is a queer genre and dark dramedy writer with a flare for fierce, female-led storytelling. She began as the Showrunner's assistant on Netflix's Altered Carbon, then CBS' Zoo, before being upped to Script Coordinator/Writer's Assistant on Facebook Watch's highly touted Limetown (based on the hit podcast of the same name). Most recently, her pilot The Meek and The Mild was just featured on The Bitch List, and won the prestigious Writers' Assistant Network competition, allowing her to participate in their 2018 work shop.


A newbie scriptwriter in charge of writing the script for Cowboy Bebop

Fuck this shit.

I rather have the director of Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle, Stephen Chow, direct and write the script

>Kengan Ashura is CGI
oh well dammit