
say something nice about him

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He's better than part 3 jotaro

he had one of the best deaths of the series, i guess.

A JoJo who definitely deserved a longer life. RIP

I wish I could

Best JoJo

Underrated when compered to other Jojos but honestly better than most Shounen MCs

best jojo. best op too.

The most underrated gentleman in the entire universe.

Very good boy

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Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The leather club's two blocks down.

say something BAD about him

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He isn't straight.

he is in worst part.


>namesake: Jonathan's Family Restaurant


i wish, part 1 would have been better

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He's a bit naive.

But he's not in 6

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araki really dropped the ball with part 6, bohemian rhapsody, dio's sons, green baby, that feng shui dragon.I feel like this part just becomes incoherent, maybe araki was just rushed for time.

Manliest JoJo (because he's just Kenshiro)


I hate his stupid fucking hat. His old clothes were much better

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An upstanding gentleman that I would happily give directions to.

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he got diddled by Giorno

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down.

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Any drawfag here? Requesting something with Jonathan and Mista in this special day.

It's hard to say anything bad about it. Brainlets rip on him for being ''boring'' (not having a quirky edgy personality), but he's great. He was at ground zero when weird shut just started happening against the most dangerous villain in the franchise and despite his tragic end, he performed spectacularly. No one gives him credit for being the Jojo in the worst situation and still pulling through.

Jonathan is the most easy to root for Jojo. I unironically like him better than Joseph.

He is a bit of an airhead

Be more specific

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if only he didnt had the most stupid father of the fucking series...

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Just a friendly reminder that Jotaro is OBJECTIVELY the worst
>gary stu in part 3
>saves the day in part 4 even tho he isnt the main JoJo
>worthless jobber in part 6
>is in 4 parts but gets zero character development
>personality is the embodiment of toxic masculinity
>stand constantly asspulls
>uninspired character design
>never uses strategy and just beats everyone by brute force
>shitty father
The only good thing about him is that he gave birth to the INFINITELY better Jolyne

>personality is the embodiment of toxic masculinity
That's kind of the point. He's the kindest jojo but pushes people away.

>>worthless jobber in part 6
Nothing wrong with that. Not every character must be overpowered machine.
>in 4 parts but gets zero character development
U FUCKING WOT M8? He was boring as fuck in 3, but in 4 he actually felt like a human being.
>personality is the embodiment of toxic masculinity
Ohhh, you are one of those "people". Nah, not going to give you (you)

>toxic masculinity
>never uses strategy

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can you have sex with your own stand?


If you dick your stand, would you feel it in your ass?

>He's the kindest jojo
Jonathan is the kindest

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Thats perfect

Part 5 Jotaro>Part 4 Jotaro>Part 2 Jotaro>Part 3 Jotaro>Part 6 Jotaro

Throughout the series, Jotaro has done more selfless things than Jonathon.

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

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Thats only because Jotaro is in it way longer

How many times do you think Dio masturbated inside the coffin?
To what?
Not out of lust but out of boredom more than anything else.

Not sure why yall get so mad when i mention Jotaros toxic personality. The way he treats women is disgusting especially in part 3.

Yeah but with Jonathon its kinda forced. He wants to be a gentlemen. Jotaro quietly suffers, and its compounded by the fact that everyone thinks he's a massive dick even though he isn't.

Born with the gift of the ripple
Stand user
Stand user
Asspull master stand user
Mary Sue
Asspull act 10
He just makes me happy

Every Jojo already have some kind of power to fight the enemies.

When Jonathan Joestar fought for the first time with the supernatural overpowered vampire Dio Brando he was just a rugby player.

Legitimatly the strongest Jojo ever

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>touching jonathan's dick not out of lust

Jotaro lives to be twice as old as Jonathan.

>that everyone thinks he's a massive dick even though he isn't.
Well maybe he shouldnt call his mom a bitch

>Joline - Mary Sue
>Johnny - Asspull

I wonder if Hazamada ever tried to make his stand look like the Stacy's at his school and fuck it.

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>haha dude, like, imagine if there were a bunch of arrows made out of a meteorite that gave you spiritual superpowers called stands. What if there was one that made invisible zombies out of bones? And what if then someone used that to create a green baby that fused with some priest after repeating a series of words to create a superstand that then evolves one more time to make the moon spin and reset the universe? That would be weird lmao

And that's how DIO got the idea for SO's plot

Don't talk to him. I think he is retarded.

This upsets me

His stand was literally designed for it

>you can actually have sex with your stand
>all of a sudden Surface is good for something
No no no no, I do not like this anons

You are right, but his Mum knows its just an act. Which it is. That's why she loves him, she sees right through him.

It'd make Moody Blues useful too.

Stop it. KC is pure

Well I at least like Moody Blues so I've got no problem with that.

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>Stardust Crusaders
>an orangutan tries to rape a girl

>Diamond is Unbreakable
>Angelo rapes boys and kills them

>Golden Wind
>Babyface is a stand that rapes people

>Steel Ball Run
>Valentine rapes a 14 year old

What the fuck is it with araki and rape?

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I, for one, welcome Araki's degenerate fetishes

>that scene in part 6 when Emporio tries to rape Ermes

What the fuck

wait what
Are you memeing or serious? I don't remember this

KC is not for lewd

I don't blame you. Many translations decided to skip that scene because of how disturbing it was

I forgot him mentioning that. Guess he just sticks to playing pocket pool in class.

>hurrr araki forgot!
People are taking this meme too far. Araki can be inconsistent sometimes, but 80% of the "Araki forgot" shit is not Araki forgetting, but other people forgetting. Anime-onlys are saying "hurr remember that time Bruno just decided not to die LOL!", Bruno is being forced to stay alive by Rolling Stones which guaranteed him a slow harrowing death. Its like they don't even enough faith in Araki to wait and see what happens, people have just started chalking everything a bit weird down to Araki being incompetent.

superstitious people are dumb

What if he's more depressed about the fact that there's no strawberry cake

Why is Squalo in Araki's Top 10 favorite Jojo characters?

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3 days

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I want to punch every dipshit who says "hurr araki forgot about Kakyoin's possession ability"

How old is that list?

Three days until Trish
's feet

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The Top 3 hasn't changed.

That's dio

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19 years

The episode airs tomorrow.

Only if my stand is Moody Blues

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I love Jonathan too, but I don’t think it gets any worse than Ultimate Kars.

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He is the best character in the worst part
...Wait you said bad? Fuck
I got nothing

He's a big boy.

Too good for this world.

reminder that a rock in the middle of the road caused the whole fucking universe to reset.

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It wasn't a coincidence. Universe predicted its own end from the beginning and shall do so again.

>British subhumans indirectly caused the reset of the universe

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I'll hit you, user.
He deserved better

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