What is going on. These last couple of episodes have actually been good

What is going on. These last couple of episodes have actually been good

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 24 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.25_[2019.04.04_11.31.40].jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

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reading the manga the little shit had the memories of jin guess the anime is going to skip this?

Yeah some of Jin's memories got transferred while he was hooked up in the car. It's also why he suddenly became competent with puppets during the first arc after he manned up, he was tapping into those skills Jin had.

God the anime is a fucking mess

Has it? I stopped following since it butchers a lot of stuff. Good news is that translation is back and more chapters have been coming in for the rest of the stuff.

Jin did nothing wrong.

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i really hope the ending is him dying by being mega cucked once again.

I love this anime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 24 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.01_[2019.04.04_12.11.43].png (1280x720, 1.12M)

why is she still alive? bring back the sexy muslim instead

She's alive to lose the Narumibowl to Eleonore.

The episodes have been entertaining but the story is still a rushed, near incomprehensible mess.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 23 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.18_[2019.03.28_11.22.09].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Don't hate on her, she's cute. And she got a cute butt.
I'm just glad Pantalone is still alive like I thought he'd be, but Narumi saving him was great, too. Pantalone turning into a reformed bad guy with the design and seiyuu he has could've made him one of my most beloved characters if this hadn't been so rushed. I guess I'll have to go back and read the manga one day once it's done being translated.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 22 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.28_[2019.03.21_15.46.48].png (1280x720, 547K)

This scene was too funny. Ashihana in general after he got on the train seemed like he was completely out of it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 24 [720p].webm (1280x720, 546K)

This was fucking great

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He's already the alpha and the omega of cuckoldry, nobody loves him and even all his plans get derailed by folk with balls bigger than his SO MUCH PLANNING WITH SO LITTLE RESULT GODDAMN

I stopped right around the kidnappings of Masaru. I couldn't take it being rushed and making it bad.

This last episode was a kino

the funniest part is that if what some anons said before is true, it's the mangaka himself making the call on all the cuts.

I don't see why he would make these cuts. It just makes the storytelling all fucked up. I can get cutting in Ushio to tora but not this series that relies heavily on background and many story elements explaining things.

Who knows, i'm just floored that the money has yet to run out on this production, like how is THIS show getting so much dedication but fucking Berserk can't get no satisfaction

Are they really gonna do another OP/ED switch?

I wouldn't say its getting that much with all the cutting and fuck ups. Berserk I don't know why it had to suffer. The crazy part was how intentionally the director used old 3d software and programs just to make the anime and push it out.

He probably didn't decide on the episode count. You really can make this manga work with such a low episode count, even the mangaka can't make a miracle out of this.

It pretty much needed more episodes. All this cutting just makes the story make less sense. The worst of the cutting would have to be around the flashback episodes.

Absolutely based

nobody can fit 41 volumes into 36 episodes. it was a fools errand

>i'm just floored that the money has yet to run out on this production
that's not how anime works. the staff is paid upfront

Seems they are: animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-03-29/karakuri-circus-anime-latest-promo-video-previews-new-opening/.145144
Or just listen to the preview here: youtube.com/watch?v=b_kexC_CDYE
I've actually really grown to like the second OP, so it'll be sad to see it switched soon. I'm not really into what's previewed here, at least at the beginning, but maybe I'll grow to like it. Wonder what the ED will be.


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I’ve almost caught up to where to translation left off. Glad it started up again right as I discovered the series.

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The anime has already surpassed chapter 262?

To make the things better, the original history is a clusterfuck , the anime is shorter and less nonsensical.

well, it's certainly shorter

>cutting in Ushio to tora
Ushio to tora had a lot of fillers but a linear and solid story. Karakuri is a mess, I think with the anime they will make it better.

>the original history is a clusterfuck
how? every fucking plot point is explained and all the characters did something in the end.

The anime hasn't made anything better to the story. The manga at least explained things. This anime just skips stuff that gave context to the story. Even simple thongs that explained what the fuck characters were doing.

The name has not made things better at all.

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So where is the dog now anyway?

In the manga he is with Faceless in the new midnight circus but in the anime i don't know.

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